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No longer stopped to "watch" the performance of the ascetic monks on the stage.

According to the officer, these ascetics are all crooked.

Correct, the ancient means of asceticism should be the pilgrims Lin An saw.

Gain strength through a lot of time and hard work.

Instead of relying on self-mutilation to express your determination.

Just like I am not afraid of death, it means that even death cannot destroy my faith.

The power of belief seems to be the source of strength for ascetics.


Along the way.

Lin An used his mental energy to observe the interior of the fortress while constantly asking the officers for information.

Thanks to the system's cover-up.

The officer seemed to have become a fool.

Whatever Lin An asked, he would answer.

During the questions and answers, Lin An also sketched a general picture of the entire secret world in his mind:

The Daxia Dynasty was established thousands of years ago.

Before that, the entire Christian world was divided into several empires, which were at war with each other.


The specific time is unknown.

On an unknown day, a bloody corpse suddenly appeared, causing a catastrophe.

Just like the end of the real world.

The initial dynasty was shattered, and human beings were massacred by bloody corpses, leaving them in danger.

Facing the blood corpses whose individual strength has reached the first level and possesses strange technological weapons, humans have no power to resist.

The imperial cavalry trembled under the cannons, and the most brave and skilled general died tragically under the corpse.

When the former emperor became one of the zombies, the original empire collapsed.

When mankind was about to perish, the ascetics appeared.

Under the leadership of the ascetics, humans began to continuously counterattack the blood corpses.

This is a brutal battle for survival.


After thousands of years of confrontation, humans finally restricted the war against the blood corpses beyond the borders.

But being able to do this is already the limit of humankind.

Faced with endless blood corpses that seemed impossible to kill, humans naturally began to encourage everyone to become ascetics.

Becoming an ascetic can not only fight against blood corpses.

In the human concept of the secret realm, this is also the supreme glory and the mystery of "eternal life".

Becoming an ascetic is not only respected by others, but can even meet the emperor without worshiping him, and his status is extremely aloof.

Of course, this is also determined by the characteristics of ascetics.

The strength of ascetics comes from "firmness" and the power of eternal belief.

They cannot lie or do anything that goes against their true intentions.

Otherwise, you will lose your strength and die instantly.

So-called worldly rights, enjoyment.

To them, it is no less than poison.

Under the threat of foreign enemies, the entire Daxia Dynasty relaxed its control over ascetics.

Even now, ascetics have become half of the leaders of the dynasty.

Under the influence of this special restriction, the situation that Lin An saw was created.

An ascetic does not enjoy pleasure, does not borrow external things, and does not care about anything.

They have only one pursuit, which is to strengthen their faith and strengthen their eternal faith to the extreme.

They will only seek the highest liberation mentioned by the original ascetics.

In addition, ascetics are not immortal.

After their rebirth reaches a certain number of times, they will die completely.

But considering the "weak" physical quality of ascetics, death is too simple.

Taking the previous encounter as an example, in just a few minutes, the ascetic had died no less than forty or fifty times.

If he can't go further, he may die completely in the next battle.

But there is no way.

Heavily armed soldiers and elite cavalry can only fight against zombies, and even fighting against zombies is extremely difficult.

Their only way to fight against the blood corpses is to use the flesh and blood of ascetics to build a "city wall".

After listening to the officer's heavy narration, Lin An seemed to see a historical picture, on which the establishment of the dynasty was smeared with the blood of ascetics.

How similar to the real world.

In previous lives, when humans fought against zombies, why didn't they use the lives of awakened people to fill the gap?

After sighing secretly, Lin An turned to ask his most puzzling question:

"Why is there a human baby among the bloody corpses?"

"Don't you think that's human?"

"To fight the blood zombies, shouldn't we study them?"

Lin An remembered clearly that after the bloody corpse was killed by him, the soldiers didn't even look at the corpse, they just left it there.

Although before leaving, he noticed that the structure of the bloody corpse was dissolving.

This is somewhat similar to the zombies in the amoeba world.

But obviously, the blood corpse does not have the ability to absorb spiritual energy.

The officer leading the way hesitated. He turned his head and thought for a moment, feeling a little confused:


"A baby like ours?"

"Why do you think so?"

"That's a monster!"

"Every blood corpse is exactly the same monster, and the blood species inside are also the same!"

Lin An's expression froze after hearing this, but then quickly returned to normal.

Well, it was my own preconceptions and lack of consideration.

Yes, the fact that a vampire is a baby controlling a flesh-and-blood exoskeleton armor seems extremely ridiculous, and that's also to him.

People here have no idea what flesh and blood exoskeleton armor means.

Just like when primitive people saw a musket, they only thought it was magic.

As for the baby...

That's the monster.

Just like when he saw zombies.

Even if this zombie was a cute school beauty one second ago, after turning into a zombie, he becomes a monster.

Nothing prevents him from cutting off the opponent's head.

In the eyes of humans in this secret world, a blood race is a blood race, not a human baby.

Laughing dumbly.

After the cavalry commander finished speaking, he turned back and pointed at a temple-like building in front of him.

"Sir, the ascetic camp has arrived."

"You can receive the number and then choose a fortress to garrison."

As he spoke, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Can you choose Fortress No. 7?"

"That's the fortress where we are, you can join us...ah no, are you willing to lead our team?"

"I'm sorry, I seemed to have been confused before."

"I actually doubted you..."

Having seen Lin An's fighting ability that was different from other ascetics, the cavalry commander obviously hoped that Lin An could join them.

I have been diligent and respectful all the way, and this is what I want.

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers who were leading the way all turned their heads, many of them with pleading expressions on their faces.

They don't want to die.

Although fighting against blood corpses, death is inevitable.

But if Lin An is willing to join, their mortality rate will definitely be greatly reduced.

Looking at several young faces, no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, Zhang Tie's eyes were a little complicated.

Regardless of the fact that this group of people are humans in a secret realm, in fact, they are also living people.

During the narration along the way, many young men couldn't help but tell Xiong Hanzi many stories about their hometown.

Compared to Lin An's status as an ascetic, they did not dare to talk.

And Xiong Hanzi looks like a warrior in the army. Those who are brave enough will come over and chat for a few words.

in speech.

Many people are eager to return to their hometown with the money they have saved after retiring from the army, marry a wife and have children.

If you die, the pension will be sent back to your elderly parents.

When they want to come.

Like other ascetics, most of them serve as human shields to delay the work of blood corpses.

Facing the aftermath of the battle caused by the "flame" of the blood corpse, the ascetics simply could not withstand it.

A small number of powerful ones would not join a second-rate army like theirs that was a mixture of foot and cavalry.

Although Lin An's sword looked strange, it had to be said that it really shocked them.

Especially when Lin An later revealed that he actually had the ability to predict the outcome of battles (mechanical compass).

A "wild" powerful ascetic they are naturally eager to follow.

Looking at the expectant eyes, Lin An nodded noncommittally.

His thoughts were more focused on the temple in front of him:

"I will think about it..."

Everyone was ecstatic when they heard the sound and couldn't help but look at each other.

"Sir, then we will wait outside for you to come out!"

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone.

Without anyone noticing, Lin An sighed slightly.

Join me, or let me "lead" you...

Feel sorry.

my task...

You are destined...

They will all die by my hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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