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Chapter 573 Pituitary Abnormalities

War Fortress No. 7.

Compared to Fortress No. 9, which is slightly further back, this war fortress is obviously mostly stationed by troops.

Dense defense equipment can be seen everywhere.

Especially the mountain-like city wall, which is full of entrances and exits.

A large number of ascetics were carrying huge stones and constantly repairing them.

On the second day after arriving at Fortress No. 7, Lin An devoted himself to studying the secrets of the blood corpse.

In the huge allocated yard.

In the dim room, he was dissecting the corpse of an ascetic with an expressionless face.

This ascetic was a new ascetic and was assigned to him immediately when he arrived at Fortress No. 7.

Very unfortunate.

Just like the ascetic he met in the temple, the other party showed his jealousy unabashedly.

Simply, Lin An told him to shut up.

After removing the internal organs from the corpse's abdominal cavity, Lin An began to examine what was so special about these ascetics.

He never figured it out.

Why are humans in this world generally able to endure pain beyond their limits?

According to daily observation, these people do not usually show tough characteristics.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters!

Thinking of the young man who would rather kill himself than look back, the ascetic who set his arms on fire, the middle-aged man who cut off his tongue with splinters...

Lin An felt full of problems.

On the table.

The bright red organs are elastic and fresh.

Two kidneys, one heart, two lungs...

There is nothing special about it.


Lin An habitually performs tasks.

The two major tasks must be related.

[Initial Battle]: Solve the mystery of Shesha and eliminate all the ascetics.

This can only be started from the nature of the ascetic's power.

Otherwise, Lin An seriously doubted that he would be able to kill all the ascetics even if he died of exhaustion by relying on force alone.

Not to mention anything else, whether he can kill the top ten ascetics is a question.

If the task can be completed.

All the clues point to one point.

There must be something wrong with the source of the ascetic's power!

Two ideas are roughly formed.

The first one is to deal with the ascetics from the "inside".

Based on the information I have obtained during this period:

There was an irreconcilable contradiction between the ascetics of the old age and the ascetics of the new era, the Daxia Dynasty.

The former occupies too many resources (initial land), the middle is dissatisfied with the performance of the ascetics, and the latter wants to replace the former.

If you add fuel to the flames and cause all ascetics to transform their practice methods into those of the new era, it will greatly weaken the strength of the ascetics.

This is like cutting flesh with a soft knife.

Each new generation of ascetics becomes weaker and weaker.

Even spreading wrong ideas, just planting wrong information in their beliefs, may be like detonating a thought bomb in one breath.

Destroy the ascetics of the New Age.

It's like a cultural invasion and propaganda war before the real world ends.

For example: increasing one's influence and spreading extreme self-mutilation methods can help you gain strength faster.

Compared with the ascetics who don't care much about things, it is not difficult for him to shape himself into a glorious image in the hearts of the new generation of ascetics if he is intentional.

When all the ascetics of the new era flocked to "follow" him, he suddenly announced that extreme self-mutilation was wrong, destroying their beliefs and causing all the beliefs of the ascetics of the new era to collapse.

Together with the blood corpse, the ascetics can be completely eliminated.

However, this method is too slow to increase efficiency.

But after repeated thinking, Lin An has roughly determined that this is the correct route to complete the task.

And the second point...

The scalpel removed from the ring cuts open the top of the skull.

Do two things at once.

Lin An was observing the brain tissue structure of the ascetic while thinking about the feasibility of the second method.

The second way to complete it may be to start with [End Battle].

[Endgame] has very little mission information, but there is one clue that is crucial.

(Preventing the birth of the first blood corpse...)

Considering that all blood corpses were the same, he had a bold guess in his mind.

Blood corpse...

Thousands of bloody corpses may all be one.

Like an amoeba, it keeps replicating itself.

And [prevent the birth of the first blood corpse].

This requirement is obviously contradictory.

The blood corpse has already appeared, and this is only possible unless he reverses time and returns to the time point when the blood corpse appeared.

But if you think about it with your toes, this is obviously impossible.

The causal sequence can reverse time, but it only treats individuals.

Reversing oneself, it is impossible to reverse back to the state when entering the deserted village.

Wanting to travel through time is tantamount to wishful thinking.

That is, in a strange place like a deserted village, one can reverse individuals and replay time.

In fact, it doesn’t count, it can only be said to be in a cycle.

After all, he actually died many times...

In this regard, he had already asked Xiong Hanzi to test it once.

In the secret world, at least within the scope of the Great Xia Dynasty, they cannot repeat history.

Combined with the ability of ascetics to borrow the future, combined with the suspected existence cycle of this secret world.

Then the answer is ready to come out.

Changing the present can also change the past.

After taking out the brain tissue, Lin An looked at it carefully.

After connecting all the clues together, he made a bold guess:

The resurrected blood corpse, the baby, the statue holding the baby, the beginning, the end, the cycle...

The mission requires preventing the first blood corpse from appearing, but he cannot go back to the past.

So, does all this mean...

"Team Lin!?"

"Did you find anything special?"

"Damn it, when I was walking around the city, I saw many people acting like lunatics, playing themselves to death..."

"Damn, these people are laughing so hard at me while they are insulting me."

"This is such a secret place that normal people will become insane if they enter it!"

"You can still laugh in pain!?"

I couldn't help but click my tongue.

Zhang Tie shook his body and pushed open the door of the house.

In the dim room, Lin An was holding a ball of red and white tissue structure in his hand, and kept observing it with the tip of a knife.

a long time.

The tip of the knife opened up the lower area of ​​the structure, revealing an anomaly.

In the cold.

Lin An raised the corners of his mouth and ignored Xiong Hanzi's question.

I saw that in the brain tissue structure of the ascetic in my hand, the part representing the pituitary gland was abnormally enlarged.

A gland that hangs upside down and looks like tonsils is pinched on the fingertips.

When Zhang Tie entered the door, he saw Lin An, who looked very perverted, and couldn't help but shrink his head for a moment.

What the hell is Captain Lin doing again...

I just had pig brains for lunch...


Not paying attention to Xiong Hanzi's reaction, Lin An raised the severed part of the pituitary gland in front of his eyes as if he had obtained a treasure.


Human beings in this world have been "transformed"...

It coincides with my own guess.

Turning back, he chuckled at Zhang Tie, who was a little chilly, and replied gently:

"They are not afraid of pain."

"But it won't hurt."

"Or... it's great."


Looking at Lin An's gentle smile, Zhang Tie couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Team Lin, what are you talking about!?

This chapter has been completed!
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