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Chapter 708 Appearance

"Commander, won't we cooperate with the Chinese Theater?"

Sitting on the table in the nun school, the awakened person, who was as hairy as a beast, asked a gentle man with a loud voice.

In the Soviet theater of war, men like the commander-in-chief were rare.

He rubbed the cannon-shaped commander in his right hand, shook his head gently, and looked at his right-hand man with some helplessness.

Beast Monks.

"Keep your voice down, don't attract the monsters outside the school."

As a warning, he frowned and sighed:

"There is no need to continue to cooperate."

"Other war zones are not fools. They suffered heavy losses in the siege of the Chinese war zone, but we were not affected."

"Every fool knows that we must have betrayed the information."

"If we continue to cooperate, I'm afraid we will be the first to be besieged."

Explain patiently.

Every one of the power-awakened ones brought to the Soviet-Russian theater this time cannot be lost easily.

As a harsh and cold place, their situation in the real world is not easy.

Many war zones don't know that Soviet Russia has used tactical nuclear bombs several times to kill mutants.

Fortunately, the land is vast and sparsely populated, so the pollution caused by nuclear radiation does not need to be considered for the time being.

It appears to be one of the world's three most powerful countries, but in fact its armaments are worrisome and it relies entirely on nuclear weapons.

Beast Monks was puzzled.

He took a swig of strong wine and looked at his commander:

"Then Commander, why don't we hunt the awakened ones alone?"

"Everyone has points now. If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to kill these people when they can't get out, if they escape..."

He has a strong desire to fight. As an awakened person in the Soviet theater, warlikeness is engraved in his bones.

Could it be that the commander is worried about retaliation from other war zones after leaving?

How long has this been happening? Just survive.

Let alone the endless tide of zombies in the real world, it is impossible to start a war between war zones.

Even if they can, since the test requires everyone to kill each other, they are just "self-protecting."

"It's not because of this."

The commander-in-chief shook his head, with some hesitation in his eyes.

He clicked on his private chat interface and showed it to everyone.

The information comes from Fiona, Captain of the Latin American Theater.

Slightly startled.

Everyone looked curiously.

Fiona's name is still somewhat famous among many survivors.

Especially when I heard that this woman and her commander had studied together in Europe before the apocalypse broke out.

Although the commander said it had nothing to do with it, they were quite concerned.

"Awakened people can no longer hunt each other, otherwise they will encounter extremely horrific events?"

"The first mission is a trap?"

Looking at the warning sent by Fiona, an awakened person wrapped in chains frowned with a strange expression.

"Is this woman overflowing with the Holy Mother's heart again?"

After saying that, he glanced at the commander's expression awkwardly and found that he was not angry.

The commander-in-chief gave a wry smile and sighed.

That's right.

Fiona's reputation is all because of her style.

But he actually admires him very much.

As one of the few awakened people who is willing to publish various information in the chat channel, and even his experience in fighting against mutants.

He asked himself that he couldn't do it.

In particular, the other party can even let his subordinates physically cross the boundaries of the war zone just to convey the message to other war zones.

This alone really saved many survivors.

"Fiona, you won't talk nonsense."

The man whispered to himself, he knew Fiona's character very well.

Maybe it seems a bit ridiculous to the outside world, even the Holy Mother.

But he knew that the other party really had the most sincere good intentions.

That's why.

When he received the message, he also took the initiative to stop hunting the awakened ones.

Although, it seems a bit late?

While hesitating, he decided to click on Fiona's private message, preparing to contact her and ask about the situation.

Fortunately, after entering the trial area, there is a separate chat channel.

But the other party needs to take the initiative to accept it.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?"

"Did you find something?"

"Fiona, you know."

"Stop hunting now will actually cause us a lot of losses. We in the war zone really need the third level..."

Information transfer.


Inside the orphanage.

The girl who froze in place and kept the same posture stared at the sky in despair.

In the darkness, it was like a sealed cover, trapping them here.

Looking at the private message that was the only reply to her, she laughed miserably.

"That's too late..."

"They're coming out..."


After receiving the information, the commander of the Soviet-Russian theater was slightly startled, and the hair on his body stood up.

In just a few words, he seemed to be able to feel the other party's deep despair.

"What's wrong..."

The message has not been sent yet.

A cold mechanical sound sounded instantly.

"Trial Announcement:"

"Current death toll, 49%!"

"Progress in the inner world: 2/9!"

"Note: Trial personnel who have not killed the Judge will no longer gain points!"


He looked up suddenly.

The man looked at the blood-red count above his head in shock.

No death data was viewed in just ten seconds.

Only then did he realize that almost half of the testers who entered the power were dead.

In the end what happened!?

The icy chill is like falling into an ice cave.

The rapidly beating numbers seemed to be mocking them.

"Commander! There is a black tide outside the school!"


The awakened people who were responsible for guarding the outside looked at the sudden black tide in disbelief.

It was a spider holding a human head.

The man called the leader subconsciously raised his head and looked out the window.

The head held in the spider's claws was clearly a dead awakened person.

The eyes are malicious.

They came for revenge.


"Death toll: 51%..."

"Death toll: 52%..."


Outside the trial tower.

The more than 10,000 awakened people who were still chatting looked blankly at the soaring numbers.

Everyone looked horrified.

There seemed to be waves of wailing coming from the scarlet whirlpool.

"How could so many people die in an instant!?"

Several spiritually awakened people who were always paying attention to the numbers opened their mouths.

Obviously, except at the beginning, the numbers dropped rapidly.

There is a regular decline after that.

But the sudden increase in data really shocked them.

How long has it been?

As of now, no survivors have come out of the trial.

Death at this speed, everyone doubts...

Is there anyone who has come out alive?

"Can't contact the people inside..."

"What exactly did they encounter?"

On tenterhooks.

A small number of awakened people looked happy, glad that they were not of the power type.


In panic, many people even thought of withdrawing from the trial.

This chapter has been completed!
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