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Chapter 725 Distortion

Lin An didn't believe it.

A girl who has obtained the power of the evil god will "cry" and show her tragic experience just to gain sympathy.

You can’t help those who have never watched Silent Hill “appreciate” the plot, right?

This kind of superfluous thing is definitely not the style of the system.

What is the true meaning of the phantom? What does it want to express?

The essence of power...

Judging from Lin An's thinking, he is more inclined to another statement.

It is also a theory of third-order self-summary of past lives.

The three major attributes of strength, constitution, and agility represent a direct impact on the real world.

And power is the basis for human beings to change matter.

In layman's terms.

You want to change a person's destiny, which involves many factors.

The easiest way is to kill him with a knife.


How do I unlock my genetic lock?

While thinking, the second phase announcement sounded:

"The second phase begins."

"Current number of monsters: 150!"

An additional half of the quantity was added.

Lin An also put away his thoughts and took out the Blade of Cain without hesitation.

Kill it.

Maybe in the end, all the puzzles will be revealed!

Blood shadows flashed.

One person and one bear, once again rush into the reappearing nightmare.

Under the stake.

In the illusory projection, the priest holding a parchment in his hand was reading out the charges indifferently.



Hospital ruins.

The awakened person, wrapped in two lumps of deformed flesh, dissolved like a candle.

Even with the shortcut provided by Chen Yangtian, about half of the awakened people are still unable to open the gene lock.

On the battlefield, a large number of new monsters began to appear.

It was a monster with a split chest like a bloody banshee.

the difference is.

These monsters are not very fast, but their charcoal-like arms stretched out like a prison.

Pull the awakened ones who can't escape into your arms.

The cracked ribs turned into huge white mouths, and the human being pulled into his arms was quickly pierced by the sharp ribs and cut into pieces of flesh.

The lower body was pulled into the monster's chest, and an awakened person let out a piercing scream in extreme fear.

He frantically held up his upper body with his hands to prevent himself from being swallowed.

The entire lower body has been bitten to pieces.

No one can save him.

Everyone was fighting bloody battles, exhausted by the attacks of a large number of monsters.

"help me!!"

There was a cry in the voice.

He looked desperately at the nearest awakened person, only to find that the other person couldn't bear to turn his head to the side, hastily avoiding the attack of the human-headed spider.

Someone is always going to die.

Maybe if you hold on for a second longer, you will be the next one to unlock the genetic lock.

If they don't have to face monsters, no one wants to fight head-on.

It felt like my body was being thrown into a meat grinder.

The voices of the trapped awakened ones became smaller and smaller.

No one can ignore the fear of being chewed alive.

In the last faint scream.

A bloody severed hand fell to the ground, its fingers twisted and deformed, like leftover chicken feet.

"Accelerated Self-Hypnosis!"

"Imagine yourself as a monster!"

Where the battle is most intense.

Chen Yangtian broke the claws of the human-headed spider with one hand and shouted loudly at the same time.

There were so many monsters that even he couldn't bear them.

This body is as fragile as an insect!

He cursed secretly.

He ordered the others almost in a coercive tone.

Soviet theater of war.

Dressed like a gentleman, he violently wielded his fists.

Listening to Chen Yangtian's order, his eyes were full of doubts.

Unlike other war zones where they felt like they had found a treasure, they believed Chen Yangtian's words about unlocking the gene lock.

As a rare person who can unlock the gene lock alone in the trial, he always feels that this shouldn't be the case.

Hypnotize yourself to become a monster? Use this to unlock the corresponding genetic fragments?


It shouldn't be like this...

He remembered very clearly that when he unlocked the genetic lock, he vaguely sensed his deepest desires at the critical moment of life and death.

That is the desire to lead everyone to live.

But in his opinion, the genetic lock that can be unlocked under life and death is most likely the most persistent thing in the human heart.

Rather than imitating monsters.

Although both seem to be trying to survive, they are very different.

The difference between living as a human being or as a monster is huge.


"Quick! Hold him down!"

The edge of the battlefield.

Several awakened people who had activated the gene lock did not participate in the battle, but looked nervously at a man who was surrounded.

Among them, the man who fell into a coma obviously relied on self-hypnosis to unlock the genetic lock.

But under the gaze of several people, his body began to mutate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole person was like a piece of squirming meat, with a large amount of blood shooting out from the squeezed and deformed limbs.

In a very short period of time, the limbs swell and become larger, and then transform into strange shapes.

As if the human form cannot be maintained, the body is deformed in incomprehensible ways under the impact of a large number of genetic fragments.

"it `s just normal!"

"Let him choose a creature, or monster!"

"Even mutants can do it!"

"If that doesn't work, let him eat the seeds I gave him directly!"

After taking care of the monsters around him, Chen Yangtian looked solemn and reminded him kindly.

This is not the first example of distortion occurring under hypnosis.

The progress of unlocking has been slowed down, largely due to lack of time and fear among many people.

The success rate is 80%, but the result of failure is to become an unknown piece of meat.

There are not many people who are not afraid of this kind of tragic death.

After all, no matter how low the probability of failure is, if it falls on you, it will be 100%!

Damn bugs...

How dare you doubt me!

Chen Yangtian's heart sank. He could clearly feel that everyone was beginning to doubt his method.

Many people even secretly hid the seeds he gave them and refused to eat them.

The awakened people guarding the surroundings paused when they heard the sound, hesitating a little.

Maybe there is really no other way, maybe their combat support is needed here.

from the same war zone.

Several people struggled, but still stuffed the biological seeds into the mouth of the meat ball that could no longer be seen as human.


The next second.

The seeds that were supposed to be effective did not protect the unconscious person's body. Instead, after rapidly expanding, they exploded like a balloon.

Blood was sprayed all over him.

The awakened ones guarding the side looked blankly at the pieces of meat all over the ground.


"To gain power, you always have to pay a price."

"Isn't it?"

Rush to the side of the exploding Awakened One.

Chen Yangtian squeezed out a look of regret and comforted him in a deep voice.

He didn't want to give everyone time to think, so he quickly changed the topic.

With his finger in the air, a shadow gradually appeared, with a solemn expression:

"Don't hesitate."

"At least with my method, many people have unlocked the genetic lock, right?"

"The evil spirit is coming!"

The arm points.

A rickety priest holding a parchment in his hand has a woman's head growing out of his shoulders.

On the two heads, malicious and crazy eyes were looking down at them blankly.

Evil spirit carrier.

The cursed nun and the priest, two in one.

This chapter has been completed!
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