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Chapter 770 Last Words

The negotiation lasted 17 seconds, and Zhang Yong and Zhuang Yan were mainly responsible.

Of course, it can only be done by them.

After all, it seemed that Lin An only said one word to the "reckless" Zhang Tie and then disappeared quietly.

After the negotiation began, humans seemed to have returned to a rational state, and a new distribution ratio was determined in a high-speed conversation.

There was no quarrel, just a naked show of force.

It's like sharing stolen goods with a gun.

All disputes and time-wasting farce are always before you can take it all to yourself.

They are willing to waste precious time to earn points, waste an hour, or even half a day, in order to kill others and monopolize it.

But I am never willing to waste points that are clearly "obtained".

When everyone realizes that they can only abide by the allocation, they start to care about how much they can take.

"35%, the first batch of entrants, people from Lin An's team will go in first, and then enter in the second round to get 70% for one round, and then enter in order!"

The Awakened Ones from the Nordic Theater who were elected as representatives stared at the solemnity with their eyes.

This is their biggest concession.

They have been very kind and generous.

These points should all be theirs.

So what if Lin An solved the monster?

The end of the world is not like a school class. Whoever gets the answer right will get the high score.

The end of the world is a jungle without morals and rules. Hunters who kill their prey will also be killed by others, and then the dead deer on the ground will be snatched away.

Morality? Conscience? Gratitude?

This thing is really too luxurious.

For the survivors who have survived until now, they will only move out these things if it is beneficial to them.

From Lin An leading away the monster, to the outbreak of the battle, and then to the negotiation.

The whole process takes about 1 minute and 01 seconds.

In one minute, so many things happened, which is unimaginable before the end of the world.

But after the end of the world, the physical fitness of the awakened people is like a fast-forwarding machine, allowing everyone to adapt to the dense rain of events in a unit of time.

One second he was walking on the road, the next second he was killed by a mutant.

Everyone is used to entering and ending combat at any time.

"Promise them, Zhang Yong"

With a low voice and a solemn nod, Zhang Yong agreed.

If we delay any longer, no one knows what will happen.

Lin An did not reply to the message. Zhang Tie, who was originally the focus of everyone's attention, was just like an old man, squatting silently on the edge of the crowd, constantly tossing the mace in his hand.

Look up.

Zhang Yong felt a senseless rage in his heart, and Fiona on the side also bit her lips tightly, feeling that the human being in front of her was so strange.

One of them has been staying in the military area and has never survived a real apocalypse.

One is that he gained strength after the doomsday broke out and gathered a large number of like-minded awakened people with his charisma.

They know what humans will do after the end of the world, but it’s better to see than to know.

Zhang Yong clenched his fists tightly, and the crowd of people was reflected in his pupils.

These people looked impatient, and many even looked at them with hostility.

A minute ago, these people were still in panic, fearing that the monster would rush out and kill them all.

The timid ones even gave up their qualifications for the trial early and ran away.

but now.

They seemed to have incomparable courage and high fighting spirit.

the reason is simple.

This time, their enemies are humans.

They were sure that Lin An did not dare to leave the monster behind, and that Lin An could only agree to the plan.


Closing his eyes, Zhang Yong agreed with a heavy heart and no longer hesitated.

He has no right to hesitate.

The commander of the Chinese detachment seemed to be on his side, but in fact he was not firm.

In the eyes of the military, he is actually no longer one of their own.

"Then do it this way!"

Zhuang Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and quickly arranged everyone to get ready to score points.

There were no objections among the war zones, but many people began to communicate privately about whether they could replicate Lin An's methods.

The first batch of awakened people from Lin An's team entered the secret room as agreed.

Zhang Yong and Fiona chose to enter in the second batch because they were worried about something unexpected happening to Lin An.

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Tie got angry and took action at the beginning, he seemed to be a different person afterwards. He followed the first group of teams in without saying anything.

Originally, the two of them thought they wanted to persuade this fool.

It seems that Zhang Tie was not just out of anger when he acted recklessly?

Thinking of the strange wounds Xiong Hanzi suffered during the battle, Zhang Yong couldn't help but think a lot.

Stand there and wait.

He silently looked at the people who were anxiously waiting to brush up their points, with dark eyes.

No one knows.

He seemed to understand Lin An somewhat.

Before today, he privately didn't understand Lin An's treatment of the military.

His following, or wanting to do his best, was purely because he saw the possibility of hope in Lin An.

Fundamentally, he is still loyal to the capital.

but now.

An inexplicable feeling grew deep in my heart.

What is righteousness?

"Captain Lin, we're coming in."

Internal channel.


Zhang Tie, who followed the team into the secret room, put away the expression on his face and sneered instead.

He did not tell Zhang Yong and the others that Lin An had predicted the current scene before leading the monster away.

Everything has been arranged long ago.

Provoking is real, killing is also real.

However, regardless of whether Zhuang Yan comes forward to act as a peacemaker, he will eventually stop.

Every survivor in the maze is a moving points jar in Lin An's eyes.

He and Lin An both knew very well that no matter how many points were taken away, this group of people would object.

It is better to expect everyone to be Fiona than to expect them to have conscience.

Therefore, there was no hope for everyone from the beginning.

(It’s okay, just take note of what they look like.)

(To the death, we will get it back)

(First kill a few happy ones, then stop negotiating.)

(I just need a reason)

Seeing the message that Lin An had given him a long time ago, Zhang Tie curled his lips and then walked around carrying the bloody torture instrument.

I have been with Lin An for so long and have experienced so many difficult tasks.

If he is still the same reckless fool as before, then he is really being underestimated.

Team Lin’s meaning is very simple.

Don't allow too many people to die, otherwise it will be troublesome if the maze mechanism is triggered again.

He, Zhang Tie, could indeed grind these guys to death slowly with all his strength.

However, their lives are still useful.

According to speculation, staying in the secret room for a long time to gain points will inevitably deepen the image of the Weeping Angels.

I can't stay here for long.

Contrary to Zhang Yong's imagination, there are secretly strict restrictions on the rounds for each person to earn points.

Relying on the extra reaction that came with his talent, Lin An put a hundred meters away from the Weeping Angel behind him.

The destination is locked in secret room 1875.

If you want to completely destroy the Weeping Angels, you must find a normal version of the monster.

Running wildly all the way.

He unexpectedly saw a "living person" in front of him.

It was an officer from the Chinese War Zone, slumped on the ground.

The officer with half his body glued to the ground had a gloomy look in his eyes. If it weren't for the faint rise and fall of his chest, he would have looked like a corpse.

He heard the sound and looked at Lin An with cloudy eyes.

It seems that I have been waiting.

This chapter has been completed!
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