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Chapter 885 Double Memes

"The fourth round..."

The illusion disappears.

Standing in a quiet broadcast room, Chu An looked a little pale and raised the frame of his glasses.

His expression remained calm, and even the illusion in the final stage did not cause any disturbance to him.

However, it has to be said that the scene in the final stage is enough to turn any awakened person who cannot maintain absolute sanity into a complete madman.

Piece together the information.

"The radio station had a problem at the beginning..."

After whispering to himself, he pressed the tape without hesitation.

The tape rotates and the recording representing the last segment plays slowly.


"all fake..."

"I killed them...I killed them with my own hands.."

"Hahahahaha..!! It's all fake!!"

A creepy laugh mixed with a loop of crazy whispers.

A few seconds later, a heavy object fell and the soldiers roared:

"Stop him!"

"What are you going to do!?"



Recording stops.

Unlike the first round of recording, in the last round of recording, except for a few whispers full of despair and hatred, nothing else appeared.

Frowning slightly, Chu An stood there silently, as if thinking about something.


"Chu An has been in for half an hour!"

A large number of Awakened Legions were on guard outside, and everyone looked at the white mist restlessly.

The fog was spreading, forcing them to retreat during this period.

37 minutes have passed since Chu An entered the white mist.

This time is already the limit of the second level peak.

Even if he comes out, I'm afraid he's still a lunatic and will commit suicide within a few hours.

His fists were clenched tightly, An Jingtian's face was filled with regret.

He regretted why he didn't stop Colonel Chu and why he let him go in alone.

The White Mist Incident was too difficult, and the meme difficulty was obviously far beyond the dolls he and Lin An had encountered.

How can a meme that covers the entire military region be so easy to solve?

None of the awakened people sent out survived.

Thinking of the consequences if something happened to Chu An, An Jingtian felt his scalp numb.

Chu An is too important to Long An...

The construction of the entire base, as well as the reluctant integration of other military regions into Long An's team, all depended on Chu An's coordination and management.

A series of things including weapons and equipment research and psychic equipment are all done by Chu An.

Extremely anxious.

Just when An Jingtian was about to forcefully send someone in, a figure slowly walked out of the white mist.

In the white mist, the 14th round of broadcasts sounded again. Ignoring the interference of the broadcasts, Chu An looked up at the anxious people and smiled relaxedly.

"I know...how to solve it..."


On the armored vehicle, the senior leaders of the team, including An Jingtian, looked at the innocent Chu An in surprise, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Are you okay!?"

"Not affected by memes!?"

You know, even if they can come out of the white mist, those second-level awakeners will just run out of the white mist with crazy faces, and then commit suicide in front of them.

"Just don't believe it."

After explaining casually, Chu An chuckled and spread out a piece of white paper with a somewhat stiff body.

"Do not believe?"

With big eyes staring at small eyes, everyone could not understand what Chu An meant by disbelief. They had no choice but to suppress the doubts in their hearts and hurriedly asked again:

"Then Chu An, what do you mean when you say you found a solution!?"

"What exactly is this meme?"

The white mist was spreading faster and faster, and they could only hope that Chu An had found the problem as he said.

Nodding slightly, Chu An didn't talk nonsense and explained directly:

"Let's talk about memes first."

"The white fog meme is not actually generated spontaneously without knowing the reason as we originally thought."

"It is actually a double meme. In other words, the effect of the first meme gave birth to the second meme."


An Jingtian was stunned after hearing this, obviously overwhelmed by the news.

He didn't quite understand.

Seeing everyone's confusion, Chu An showed a mechanical smile:

"simply put."

"The white mist meme has two effects."

"First, it will continue to broadcast broadcasts within the range, hypnotize the humans who enter, and create the illusion of death."

"These phantom attacks are extremely suggestive. If you believe them, you will die."

"Not only that, as long as one person in a team believes it, even if the others don't believe it, they will be shocked to their senses when they see the believer really dead."

"In this case, you will fall into a vicious cycle. This is why no matter how many awakened people enter, you will not be able to find any useful information about the white mist meme."

"Under the impact of real death again and again, no matter how strong-minded the person is, it will be like being coerced by a defeated army, unable to stay awake."

They seemed to understand, but everyone listened to Chu An's words and barely understood.

Illusion attack, you will die if you believe it.

I don’t believe it myself, but my belief is firm.

But after your companions believe it, they will see their companions die. In this way, you will also be shaken.

After giving a few seconds to understand, Chu An continued to speak unhurriedly:

"Supposedly, this meme was easy to resolve, but now it has changed."

"The attack ability of broadcasting to affect thinking should come from a radio station that has been alienated by memes in the white fog area."

"If my reasoning is correct, this radio station belongs to the first meme carrier, it is like the doll of the meme doll."

"The meme itself should be a human who died in the radio station."

"It keeps playing the images he saw before his death, such as zombie attacks, artillery bombings, and..."

“Keep repeating safety warnings (Don’t go out!).”

"This is obsession."

Don't go out?!

An Jingtian and several awakened people looked at each other. According to the information they had, the awakened people who entered did not mention this sentence before going crazy.

Most people died under the first few rounds of phantom attacks.

Seeing An Jingtian's doubts, Chu An lifted the frame slightly, took out a piece of chocolate, and said while eating:

"It's normal not to hear."

"This sentence will not appear during a phantom attack, but will appear after a long-term phantom attack fails."

"It comes from, the second memetic effect."

"Despair, fear, deception..."

"For the meme, this effect will only be triggered once it discovers that the entering human being will ignore the phantom attack."

"Just like when we can't kill mutants with a knife, we will naturally use more powerful weapons."

"Two memetic attacks?"

"So perverted?"

After understanding what Chu An meant, an awakened person couldn't help but feel the horror in his heart and spoke subconsciously.

"But how can the two memes be superimposed?"

"One kind of solution is enough!"

According to what Chu An said, if the white mist meme is just what was said at the beginning, then they are probably destroying all the radio stations in the white mist, or just find the "memetic body" trapped in the radio station. There is no looping broadcast.

, naturally there will be no phantom attacks.

But according to Chu An, there is no way to solve it like this now.

Memes, changed?

After swallowing a mouthful of chocolate, Chu An paused for a moment and explained in detail:

"Actually, the second meme should have been born by coincidence..."

"It comes from a family of three killed by the first meme..."

"Or rather, the man who committed suicide by swallowing a gun."

This chapter has been completed!
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