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Chapter 897 The underlying logic 1

Going hundreds of meters underground, the spiritual power spreads out like a ball, scanning the underground facilities layer by layer.

A large number of broken and melted wires were exposed.

Through the drilled section, Lin An could vaguely see some strange columnar devices, which were like the life-support systems of soaked organisms.

"Lin An, what is that?"

With his eyes flashing, Mo Ling pointed at the broken rectangular glass jar at the fault about seventy meters underground.

Broken green nutrient solution dripped, and a body with only half a body hung in the ruins.

From the outside, he looks like a skinned frog, with abnormally enlarged leg muscles in his lower body.

"Some kind of..."

"Biological experiments?"

Thoughtfully, Lin An looked at the picture returned by the mental scan.

This huge complex of buildings is 170 meters deep underground, and most of the area is filled with corpses of various creatures.

At a rough glance, you can see all species in the ecosystem, from mammals to primates.

The entire experimental center is like a specimen exhibition hall.

Tens of thousands of dissected limbs and malformed and sutured creatures filled a hall-like building.

The purpose here seems to be to study the differences between different organisms.

It's like, looking for something...

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Lin An didn't pay too much attention to the horrific scenes in the underground place.

However, as it dropped rapidly, he also discovered something unusual.

In the entire underground building complex, except for the corpses in the core laboratory in the fragmentary scene, there are no traces of humans in other areas.

It stands to reason that the crystal skull first appeared here and then spread to the ground.

As a huge research institution, how could there be so few people?

He had originally planned that there were still infected people here and was ready to take action at any time.

But Lin An never expected that the experimental center with the biggest logical problem would be "peaceful".

It's as quiet as a cemetery.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Lin An gave his own inference uncertainly.

The humans here have evacuated early? So the remaining buildings on the ground still have this part of the staff stationed there.

But if the problem was discovered in advance, why didn't the core personnel in the laboratory escape?

Mysteries abound.

Deep in the dark underground, everything is full of unknowns.




Controlling the remaining high-frequency weapons, Lin An carefully drilled the last ten meters.

Under deliberate control, and worried about blowing up the laboratory, he only used ground-penetrating bombs to break open the space above the core laboratory.

The blade rotates like a shield machine, quickly drilling through the hard underground structure.

Within 2 seconds, a dark underground space with red warning lights suddenly appeared.

"Let's go in!"

Without hesitation, after confirming that there were no infected people inside, Lin An held up his mental shield and rushed in with Mo Ling.

The first thing you see is a dark hall. In the center is a silver metal pillar that serves as a support and penetrates into the underground energy supply equipment.

The current flashed, obviously the original power supply system had stopped and switched to backup power.

Scan it at a glance.

There are several metal doors around the hall, which seem to lead to different areas.

In vivo comparison, biological data, genetic comparison, spiritual research...

Quickly scanning the sign on the alloy door, Lin An quickly locked onto where he wanted to go.

Core control room!

It was a black metal sliding door, with a flashing red dot shining on the door lock, which seemed to have been locked.

The body is inside.

On the wall next to it, a large number of devices for verifying identity are embedded.

The 120mm thick alloy door is strong enough to withstand high explosives.

Looking at the locked door in front of him, Lin An had an inexplicable smile on his face.

Is it a locked door again?

Although there is no password, the iris fingerprint cannot be obtained.

But for him who is proficient in high-end lock-picking skills, there is no door in the world that he cannot open.

Cut it out with one sword.


The burst of psychic energy was like a knife cutting through butter, and the thick metal plate was easily torn open.

After violently cutting open the alloy door and cutting out a round shape as tall as a person, Lin An turned his head slightly and led Mo Ling straight in.

For a moment, Mo Ling couldn't help but look up at Lin An's profile, his face full of weirdness.

So violent...

But she likes it so much.


In the laboratory, three corpses were lying in different postures in a small room.

The electronic screen hanging on the wall had long been extinguished, and a dazzling red light filled the entire laboratory.

The layout and structure are similar to the weapons testing facility I have been to before.

Looking at the corpse at his feet, Lin An's eyes flashed, comparing the appearance of the deceased.

Almost all of the dead at the scene looked frightened. The man lying at the door had a huge bullet hole in the back of his head.

The splattered brains and pulp were splashed on the door. It was obvious that he had been shot from behind.

Before he died, he wanted to escape from here.

The other two corpses were sitting on chairs. One of them, a researcher with a pistol on his finger, caught Lin An's attention.

The appearance...is the same as what I saw in the fragments.

Of the two people who died on the chair, one committed suicide, that is, the researcher with the gun.

The other person's eyes widened in horror. There were no wounds on the body. It looked like he was scared to death.

What...did they see?

Observing the small laboratory carefully, Lin An found no other abnormalities.

Even the metal box containing the crystal skull in the fragmented screen has disappeared.

After opening the screen, it is difficult to see the information above.

Evolutionary path, ancient human simulation, biological information comparison, summary of fear psychology research...

At a glance, it is almost all literature and research data.

Lin An clicked on a few files with some confusion and quickly flipped through them, then frowned slightly.

He didn't find what he wanted to see.

For example, a research report on memes or skulls.

The former seems to have not been studied in this regional world, while the latter may not be stored in the computer.

No more wasting time.

Thinking back to the incomprehensible scene in the picture and the repeated whispers.

Lin An took a deep breath and suddenly activated the resurrection of the dead.

Standing aside, Mo Ling looked at the corpse nervously.

It was the researcher holding the pistol who revived Lin An.

Ripples flashed by, as if injected with life.

I saw the dead researcher lying on his back on the chair. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at them numbly.

Dialogue between the living and the dead.


"What are you studying?"

Lin An asked softly, standing in the shadows with the red warning light shining.

This chapter has been completed!
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