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Chapter 909 The missing person

"Current time flow rate: 1 to 13"

In the lower right corner of the field of view, blood-red numbers are beating, representing the time flow rate in different areas.

Two touches of the same red did not dilute the gloomy feeling.

On the contrary, placed in this deserted scene, it looks like the ashes of gray-white paper money burned out in a brazier.

That's... smoldering.

No rash actions were taken.

Even if time was tight, Lin An just stood there, quickly collecting scene information, and gradually building a map in his mind.

The time flow rate between each area is different, and the highest speed in Worm Valley even reaches 23 times.

At a time flow rate of 13:1...

The distance between the pursuer and the pursuer has been increased by at least 3 kilometers, including the time when the opponent stopped for no reason.

He had at least about 40 minutes and 32 seconds of safe time in this area.

After a moment, Lin An frowned slightly and slowly withdrew most of his suppressed mental power.

In addition to the fact that this room is as undetectable as a dark room, there are many other living people in the building, but even after scanning with mental energy, nothing unusual was found.

It was afternoon outside the building, and during the day, the street was very lively.

Looking at the current situation, he most likely entered this area when the supernatural event first appeared.

Looking at the pair of shoes behind the door, Lin An did not choose to walk in directly.

A pair of embroidered shoes?

Most supernatural events have their origins in reality. Although there were several incidents in the black realm, he could not find the origin of the ghost legends.

But this time, he had a vague impression.

It seems that I heard someone say it when I was very young.

The dead woman by the Yellow River? Revenge? The open coffin?

There is always a pair of embroidered shoes from the Republic of China period under the bed of the deceased...

Unsure, unfamiliar.

For him, this story had been gradually forgotten by people when he heard it, and in his sporadic memories, there was only the faint sense of fear he had when he was a child.

Lin An calmly asked the second will:

("Do you have an impression?")

In this current situation, he hoped that the Second Will would be "familiar".

After a moment, the Second Will's eyes flashed, and he replied with the same uncertainty:

("It happened in the simulation.")

("Similar to a story about a ghost's revenge, accompanied by illusions and dream attacks.")

("However, the scene I experienced at that time was during the Republic of China, and it was in a courtyard house.")

Nodding slightly, Lin An's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Although the Second Will did not say much, it had obviously told himself that in the simulation he had experienced, the man-made supernatural event and the current scene were most likely not the same thing.

Take a breath.

Since we can't tell, it's better to do a quick check to see what's going on in this area.

Taking out the mechanical compass, Lin An's right hand continued to condense the torrent of arcane magic and walked decisively towards the covered door.

There are all attribute damage bonuses, and various events in the black area are not as scary as reality.

Even if he was attacked by a supernatural being, he would be confident enough to escape.

Any event will not be too difficult in the initial stage.

It's just a pity.

In his original idea, he hoped that the events in this area would be similar to Worm Valley or Meme.

These two events are relatively controllable and easy for him to take advantage of.

For meme-type events, as long as he finds the location of the event, he can trigger it at will, and then directly throw the meme-related existence at the entrance of the area.

That way you can easily interfere with your pursuers.

Or even be cruel and directly accelerate the power of memes...

Just like in the previous area, if he knew there was a pursuer behind him, he might directly infect a large number of humans, then lure them to block the entrance, and then throw the crystal skull there.

Don't tell me that the third level of advanced is coming.

Even if a fourth-level person suddenly steps into this area without precautions, his mind will collapse on the spot under the impact of the meme.



Lin An's footsteps stepped on the wooden floor, making a slight squeaking sound. The decoration time of this room did not seem to be short.

The compass rotates and floats in front of him, representing the luster of exploration skills, spreading into the room like running water.

Field of view is limited.

The curtains in the room were drawn, and in the dark bedroom, only the corner of the window sill and a pair of bright red embroidery threads could be seen.

Concentrating on it, Lin An slowly stretched out his left hand and slowly and calmly pushed the door open.


The rusty copper ring connection made a dying sound.

The thin white door was easily pushed open, revealing everything in the bedroom. After entering the house, Lin An suddenly felt a cold and damp feeling, like the breath of the lake surrounding him.

The inside and outside of the house are like two worlds.

A faint musty smell filled the air, and a faint light struggled to squeeze in from the lower edge of the curtains.

Be alert and ready to take action at any time.

But after he calmed down and took a clear look inside the room, the torrent of arcane magic condensed in Lin An's right hand paused slightly.

It is different from the scene in the preview where there may be "people" on the bed.

There was indeed someone in the room, but it was a young man standing with his back to the curtain.

After hearing the noise, the young man looked at the door in a panic.

His face was full of surprise, his eyes were alert, and he was obviously startled by Lin An's sudden appearance.

"Who are you!?"

After the man screamed subconsciously, and when he saw the compass floating in front of Lin An and the purple light, he instinctively stepped back as if he had seen a ghost.

His face turned pale, and the silence was broken.

Lin An did not answer the young man's words at the first time. Under his mental perception, the other person was just an ordinary person.

It wasn't detected by me. I guess it was the effect inside and outside the house?

At a glance.

There was nothing in the small house except an old wooden bed and a bedside table.

The room was empty, as if it was just used for sleeping. Not even the wardrobe that should have been there was seen.

It can be seen from the layout of the bedroom that the owner here does not seem to be wealthy.

Never let down our guard.

In silence, Lin An glanced around and noticed that the floor of the bedroom was covered with dust.

The evenly falling dust looks like a light layer of snow floating on the surface.

Except for a line of faint footprints under the young man's feet, the rest of the place was covered with dust.

Even the back of those shoes is the same.

At the end of the bed, a neatly folded quilt seemed to indicate that, except that this young man seemed to have just arrived here.

No one has been to this room for a long time.

In other words, the owner of these shoes has been away for a long time, so that the dust that has not been cleaned for a long time covers everything.

"who are you!?"

The uneasy cry came again, and the young man in the jacket couldn't help but touch the key on his waist, as if he wanted to use the nail clipper on the key as a weapon to protect himself.

Too lazy to talk nonsense.

Lin An had no expression on his face, and directly used arcane energy to pull the opponent over, and the aura from the Awakened One was slightly released:

"I'll ask you an answer."

"What are you doing here? What did you find?"

If he didn't want to save psychic energy, Lin An wouldn't mind killing the opponent directly first and letting the corpse speak back.

He is pressed for time and resorts to extraordinary measures at all times.

Hearing the cold tone and Lin An's incredible, shining right hand, the young man couldn't stop trembling all over.

Damn, what the hell is this!?

He could feel that this mysterious man who suddenly appeared would kill him if he disagreed with him.

Moreover, the aura on that man actually made him feel like he was facing a wild beast in the wild.

This chapter has been completed!
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