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Chapter 985 I am here

"Holy shit! Is Chu An crazy? Damn it! What the hell is he doing!"

After grabbing the letter, Xiong Hanzi's eyes were as wide as bells, and he wanted to get into the paper.

In his eyes, those two short lines of words were filled with the words "Go and die soon."

At this moment, if Chu An were in front of him, he would probably get beaten up.

Are you kidding? Let Mo Ling go in!?

Isn’t this asking the little girl to die?

Baring his teeth and grinning, Zhang Tie instinctively grabbed little Mo Ling, fearing that Mo Ling would follow Chu An's advice and plunge into the Shura field.

Not to mention Mo Ling's fragile body of flesh and blood.

As the battle heats up, even a robot made of steel will be reduced to slag the moment it is thrown into it.

With this attitude, whoever goes will die!

The power of each invisible shock wave is comparable to that of a third-level full-strength attack.

Grabbing the pen, Zhang Tie quickly wrote a few large characters on the letter paper like a primary school student:

"Pervert Chu! What the hell are you trying to solve!"

"If Mo Ling goes in...then he's looking for death, isn't he?"

Finished writing angrily.

The force used was so strong that it almost broke the letter paper.

If the stationery hadn't been a system prop, it would have been turned into pieces under Xiong Hanzi's rough treatment.

Don't wait for a reply from the other side.

While Mo Ling looked straight at Lin An, who was fighting fiercely in the distance, he gently pushed Zhang Tie away with his small hands, indicating that the other party should not worry about him.

It's like I thought of something.

Her eyes moved slightly.

Different from Zhang Tie's anger, she vaguely seemed to understand what Chu An meant.

Pressing her lower lip tightly, a look of determination flashed across her bloodless face:

"No need to look for Chu An anymore!"

"I go!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tie suddenly raised his head and looked at Mo Ling, his giant bell-like eyes full of surprise:

"Mo Ling, are you crazy!?"

"No matter how anxious you are, you can't die! If Captain Lin comes out on his own and sees you dead, he won't be angry to death!"

"No, I fucking have to let Chu An explain it clearly!"

"Damn it, this old Yinbi always plays this trick. Isn't this just playing tricks on people?"

After a while, a neat line of text appeared on the letter paper again.

As if he had anticipated Zhang Tie's reaction, on the other side of the amoeba copy, Chu An just shook his head slightly, and after finishing writing, he threw the letter aside and stopped looking at it.

Just like the memes Lin An encountered, it was no big deal.

"Don't worry about that idiot."

"Just go in by yourself."

As always, it fits Chu An's style, and is more concise than Lin An's.

In just a few words, Xiao Mo Ling seemed to be able to see that Chu An was confident but too lazy to talk nonsense.

A wry smile appeared on her small face.

Mo Ling looked at Zhang Tie who looked nervous, but pushed him away with more determination with both hands, and spoke softly:

"If we don't listen to Chu An, what else can we do?"

A flash of determination flashed across his face, and Xiao Mo Ling pretended to smile casually, signaling Zhang Tie not to worry about him:

"Okay, you don't have to worry."

"Believe Chu An, although that guy is not normal, he has never harmed us."


Little Mo Ling raised her head and looked at Lin An again:

"I don't believe he would let me die."

"Lin An is so important to him. After rescuing Lin An, if Lin An knows that I am dead, he must not be killed!"

He smiled easily and said so.

But Mo Ling couldn't help but think of the scene where Zhang Tie died in battle.

Yes, Lin An is very important to Colonel Chu, but they... may not be.

Does Chu An want to die himself and then use the Necromancer to solve this problem?

Vague guess.

Not daring to tell Zhang Tie, Mo Ling felt a touch of sadness and a touch of desolation in his heart.

Don't know...don't understand.

Somehow, the girl's intuition told her that Chu An was like a pair of invisible hands, slowly promoting the development of everything.

And on this road, except Lin An, no one is inexcusable.

Death is indeed terrible.

But Lin An's death is even more terrible.


As if sensing something, Zhang Tie looked at the little Mo Ling who pushed him away. Even though he couldn't think of a deeper level, he vaguely sensed the emotions revealed in Mo Ling's subconscious.

This feeling was all too familiar to him.

Subconsciously I wanted to open my mouth to dissuade him.

But after a while, Xiong Hanzi opened his mouth with some difficulty, not knowing what to say.

It seemed that he didn't believe Chu An and insisted on that guy making it clear.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he trusted Chu An, but he just did it because he didn't want to be confused.

Although that pervert usually makes everyone want to hide away, when they really encounter problems, Chu An is like the almighty Tinkerbell, who can solve any problem.

The solution has been given.

Chu An's brief words made him couldn't help but think of what that guy said to him before he entered the amoeba.

Exactly the same, almost exactly the same.

My heart suddenly sank.

Before he could say anything else, Mo Ling passed directly over him, climbed out of the window without hesitation, and in his eyes, the small silhouette rushed directly to the center of the battlefield.

"Mo Ling!?"

"do not go!"


In the center of the battlefield, spiritual powers that were as physical as each other violently collided together.

The most intense part of the fight was the two-headed aberration Lin An.

Mountains of corpses were piled on the ground, and blood flowed into rivers.

Under the pressure, even the air began to shake.

In a high-speed fist fight, the sharp swords condensed by bone spurs slashed at each other's bodies.

Both are deformed bodies, and the strength of the two white-bone monsters is almost the same.

With each fight, a large number of crushed bone spurs were like shotguns, smashing the melee around Lin An into a sieve.

The core of the two-headed aberration, a vague phantom-like image at one end, is slowly condensing.

Looking closely, it seemed to be an even weirder and terrifying white monster.




In the fierce battle, huge decibel sounds that exceeded the limit of human endurance were constantly heard in the ears.

Across ruins, through burning buildings.

Trying his best to maintain his balance, Mo Ling ran towards the core battlefield with some difficulty.

As the distance got closer and closer, even though she was still half a kilometer away from the main battlefield, every shock wave that spread would knock her back a lot.

Qi and blood surged, like a giant hammer hitting his body.

Lin An...

Looking up at Lin An from various periods, a trace of bitterness flashed in her eyes.

From this distance, she could already see clearly how many Lin Ans were dead.

Among the corpses piled up on the ground, the decorations of many of them looked particularly familiar to her.

At the bottom of the corpse mountain was Lin An, whom he met for the first time.

She still remembered the first time she met Lin An on the rooftop.

Thinking about it now, Lin An was really rough at that time...

I obviously fainted from hunger, but I was woken up by that guy's mental magnetic stab...

Eyes reveal memories.

Xiao Moling thought about the past, and a bitter smile subconsciously appeared on her face.

Lin An, the bad guy, used the antidote machine to force himself to go with her...

If the zombies can't be eliminated, let her take action.

During that time, I was really exhausted...

Pieces of memory fragments appeared in his mind. I wonder if he was infected. For a moment, the scene on the rainy day seemed to appear in front of Mo Ling's eyes.

When did I... think that idiot was good...

Was it the time when he was chased by Starscream?

Is it that figure that appears at the last moment on a rainy day?

Or is he the one who stays in the base and would rather lose the base than let anything happen to him, sitting on the core fortress?

In his wild thoughts, Mo Ling felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier.

"call out!"

The next second, a piece of iron shattered by the explosion instantly crossed her face, leaving a drop of blood behind.

Stinging slightly.

The last 100 meters.

Under the astonishing overflowing pressure, Mo Ling seemed to have come back to his senses, forced himself up, and clenched his fists tightly.

She looked blankly at Lin An in the sky, her head held up somewhat stubbornly.

I'm here to rescue you.

Lin An.

This chapter has been completed!
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