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Chapter 991

("Lin An! Stop thinking about it!")

High in the sky, sudden changes occurred.

Among the two twin gods of death, the undead monarch on the left seemed to be stuck in memories, with brief emotions appearing in his eyes.

At the same time, a slime-like line of death energy instantly appeared between the two undead monarchs.

Just like transmitting power, wisps of death energy are rapidly transferring to the other side of the huge body of the undead monarch who is trapped in memories.

Fleeing like crazy.

When the twin gods of death transformed by Mo Ling suddenly stopped, under the control of the second will, Lin An carefully concealed his figure and flew close to the ground.

Activate your brain quickly.

The Second Will kept alternating its gaze back and forth between the two undead monarchs.

("Whether you want to rescue Mo Ling or whatever, now you have to find the source of the meme and find the key to the mission!")

("Go and ask Chu An, Mo Ling will come in, it's definitely that guy who did it!")

A sharp shout.

Although Lin An fell into chaos for only a few seconds, for a battle of this level, any mood swings would be tantamount to suicide.

Listening to the voice of the second will, Lin An suddenly came back to his senses.

That's right.

Mo Ling's death did bring a huge shock to him, especially when he realized that little Mo Ling probably broke in to save himself, he also thought of this possibility.

Chu An!

Taking advantage of Zhang Tie’s experience, this method of forcing his teammates to die is very much in line with Chu An’s style!

Although it is obviously impossible for Chu An to make any layout in the space city far away in Dongshan.

But since he and the Second Will had no clue for the time being, he had no choice but to look for Chu An.

Suppressing the mixed emotions, taking a deep breath, Lin An quickly took out the letter paper from the ring.

However, just when he wanted to contact Chu An, a line of text and a shout of surprise in the distance suddenly came.

"Team Lin!?"

"You can live if you eat Mo Ling."

The former comes from Xiong Hanzi, and the latter comes from Chu'an.

Zhang Tie, who had been watching the situation here, waved his hands from a distance, with eagerness written on his face.

Just as the Second Will guessed, Zhang Tie, who was about to go crazy, realized that Lin An might have regained consciousness after he noticed that Lin An was no longer splitting.

Therefore, when he saw Lin An running away, he was shocked.

The split body will not run away! The one who can run must be Team Lin!

"Captain Lin! It was Colonel Chu who asked Mo Ling to come in!"

"He said only Mo Ling can save you!"

"I...I really don't know what to do!!"

"Hurry up and save Mo Ling!!"

There was a hint of crying in his rough voice. One moment something happened to Captain Lin, another moment something happened to Mo Ling. He couldn't get involved at all. He wished he could turn into a monster after he died and take the place of the two of them.

At the same time, after reading Chu An's prophetic words and Zhang Tie's description, Lin An was suddenly shocked.

Sure enough, it's that guy again!

However, he couldn't figure out what Chu An, who was far away in Amoeba, wanted to do!?

Could it be that this guy already knew that there was such a meme in Space City?!

There was no time to doubt Chu An, Lin An tried his best to think about the last message from Chu An.

After the last two words were sent, no matter what he asked, Chu An seemed to have lost contact and did not reply to a single word.

Can you live!? Eat...

What to eat!?

Eat the meme!?

Or let yourself eat Mo Ling!?

The seemingly incomprehensible words instantly made Lin An frown.

However, the fact that Chu An could speak the word "live" made him feel relieved.

As soon as the thought came up, the second will saw that he had recovered, and immediately returned control of the body to Lin An.

("Lin An, start with the task name!")

("As we thought before, the effect of this meme should be to inspire the deepest desires in the heart, and then transform people into monsters with corresponding characteristics!")

("Like a falcon and a worm.")

("As you can see from the fact that you will escape the infection, the power of this meme is limited, and the meme will be given priority to individuals who can absorb it more!")

Speaking quickly, the Second Will looked at the other undead monarch, which was smaller in the sky, and spoke again:

(“Look at the sky!”)

("Did you notice the Necromancer on the right!?")

("Twin undead...I suspect that the situation of the Mo Ling is the same as ours.")

("The ghost baby in her body is equivalent to me, and the undead monarch in her body is equivalent to your deformed body.")

("With the strengthening of the "dream" deep in the heart, the two thoughts are divided into two, and different effects appear.")

Listen and observe.

Under the eyes of reality, Lin An also saw at a glance the stagnant undead monarch on his right, which was obviously the same as the "practice" of the second will.

This undead king wants to eat another version of himself?

So, according to the logic of the second will, the one on the right who was eaten and fell into deeper memories was Mo Ling, and the one on the left was the ghost baby?

Eyes flashing.

After a while, Lin An confirmed his judgment.

That should be the case.

The undead monarch on the right, who is suspected of being a black spirit, is having her power extracted. Apparently, the meme requires her to continue to sink into the depths of her mind, causing her power to be temporarily unavailable.

The one on the left was not affected at all, presumably it was created by a ghost baby with no memory.


The meaning of eating is to let Mo Ling eat the ghost baby!?

Mo Ling eats Mo Ling?


Amoeba copy.

Deep underground.

Holding a headless baby in his hands, Chu An gently placed the baby on the smooth operating table.

Behind him, a somewhat bored Klein looked curiously at the strange scene in front of him, with nothing unusual in his expression.

As a qualified [Wizard], it is normal to dissect and create various creatures.

Sometimes, it is normal for them to destroy a civilization just to facilitate the capture of individuals for dissection.

Just looking at the headless baby still crawling around, Klein couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked aloud:

"Is this your supplementary plan?"

"Okay ah..."

"We're two worlds apart, and you're not afraid of killing that girl?"

"If I remember correctly, Lin An values ​​that little girl very much, right?"

Pushing the frame gently, Chu An didn't care about the doubt in Klein's tone. He just placed his hands firmly on the operating table and looked at the prepared medicine.

"If you die, you will die."

"After failing so many times, I have to take a gamble after all."

"If you don't bet..."

"Maybe it's too late..."

This chapter has been completed!
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