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Chapter 87 Tiger father has no dog son

The roar spread directly throughout the entire Old Monkey Mountain, and a coercion unique to the beast king level was also mixed in the roar. It was with the appearance of this roar that the old dragon stopped attacking Jin Da Mao.

With cold eyes, he turned around and looked at the mountain road leading to the top of Laohou Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, a golden evil monkey whose whole body was wrapped in flames stepped forward. After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, the old Jiao couldn't believe his eyes, "Jin Sanmao? How could it be you? It's so foggy.

There is no one in the forest who doesn’t know that you, Jin Sanmao, are a waste, and a waste who only knows how to carry on the family line."

Tonight's Jin Sanmao is different except that his whole body is burning with flames and his eyes are emitting red light. At a glance, you will know that the person standing in front of you is a powerful beast king.

Glancing at the broken arm of his elder brother Jin Damao, Jin Sanmao waved his hand towards Jin Damao's position, and the frost confinement that trapped Jin Damao collapsed. Looking at the old Jiao again coldly, Jin Sanmao said

, "Old Jiao, cut off my eldest brother's arm, and I will pay for this grudge with two lives of your tribe!"

Immediately afterwards, Jin Sanmao raised his palm. When a pink flame appeared in Jin Sanmao's palm, Jin Sanmao said in a deep voice, "Burn desire."

And as Jin Sanmao said the word "burning desire", the two frost-crazed dragons closest to Jin Sanmao instantly turned red and hot. In just two breaths, the two frost-crazed dragons melted in place.

Fly into ashes.

Is it so scary?

Wu Shu, Jin Xiaopi, Jin Damao and others were completely shocked after seeing Jin Sanmao take action. Jin Sanmao's killing method was simply terrifying.

It's just killing people invisible.

Looking at Old Jiao again, Jin Sanmao threatened, "Old Jiao, I think I am no match for you, but if you really think that the Golden Evil Monkey Clan can be slaughtered by you now, I don't mind fighting with you."

It's a matter of life and death."

At the same time, Jin Sanmao pointed at the foot of the mountain and made a strong and powerful voice, "From now on, if the beast king level powerhouse does not interfere in the affairs of the younger generation, the Golden Evil Monkey Clan will never interfere in the disputes of the younger generation."

After saying these words, no matter what decision Lao Jiao would make, he walked to his eldest brother Jin Damao and directly sealed the blood on his right arm. Jin Sanmao felt guilty and said, "Brother, it is the third brother who is here.

It’s too late.”

If Jin Sanmao's words were said in the past, Jin Damao would probably spit out a mouthful of blood and kill Jin Sanmao. All along, Jin Sanmao's romantic affairs have been known to everyone in the clan, and so have other ferocious beast clans.

I've heard about it for a long time.

But tonight, Jin Sanmao’s appearance was so majestic! So much so that, at this moment, holding Jin Sanmao’s hand, Jin Damao could only say, “Third brother!”

And Jin Sanmao didn't seem to take Lao Jiao seriously. From what Jin Sanmao had just done, Lao Jiao couldn't tell what the soul skill that Jin Sanmao had awakened was.

He also knew that if he continued to fight, it would be difficult to get any good results. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Lao Jiao asked, "Tell me how you wiped out my people, so that my people who will never die in peace will know."


Even Jin Damao was curious about the question raised by Lao Jiao. Jin Sanmao's previous action was so shocking.

Sighing, Jin Sanmao said seriously, "Soul skill, burning desire. Wherever the fire of desire goes, it can burn everything in the world."

Are you horny?

It's okay that Jin Sanmao didn't explain. This explanation made Lao Jiao speechless.

If Jin Sanmao's soul skills are related to the fire of desire, then wouldn't it be that Jin Sanmao's romantic affairs in daily life are precisely because Jin Sanmao is using the fire of desire in his body to cultivate the fire of his soul skills?

At this moment, the old dragon really wanted to curse, but he could only remain silent and let a hundred thousand divine beasts fly past his heart.


Following the old dragon's command, several frantic frost dragons followed the old dragon and quickly retreated along the mountain of Lao Monkey Mountain. And because of the old dragon's exit, the bronze killer was also missing. This time the old monkey

Shanyin Jin Sanmao's strong methods can be regarded as directly resolving the crisis.

The Demonic Tiger Clan, which was holding down the army of golden evil monkeys at the foot of the mountain, was not willing to fight. When he saw the Frost Mad Jiao Clan appearing, the leader of the Demonic Tiger Clan who was hiding in the dark also ordered the Demonic Tiger Clan to retreat.

In this way, Laohou Mountain slowly returned to its former peace.

After cleaning up the battlefields at the foot of the mountain and on the mountain, when he came to the middle courtyard and saw that his eldest brother Jin Damao had his arm cut off, Jin Ermao was heartbroken! "The damn Frost Crazy Clan, how dare you cut off my eldest brother's arm?"


Although one arm was cut off tonight, he was able to bring out Lao San, who had been hiding his own strength. Knowing well the natural law of natural selection and strength being respected, Jin Damao said in a deep voice, "Lao San, it doesn't matter.

If Lao San hadn’t taken action tonight, our Lao Hou Mountain would have been in danger!”

When Jin Damao talked about his third brother, Jin Ermao couldn't help but frown. Jin Ermao had not seen Jin Sanmao take action before, but Jin Sanmao, who was standing aside, returned to his usual appearance. Jin Ermao did not dare to attack him.

The senior who previously let out a beast-king-level roar on Laohou Mountain leaned against his third brother.

Even if someone said that the senior who just took action was his father, Old Monkey, Jin Ermao would believe it.

At this time, Wu Shu on the side said happily, "It's true that the tiger father has no dog son, Jin Xiaopi, what is the name of the soul skill you awakened?"

Regarding the question of martial arts, Jin Xiaopi obeyed, "Master Weapon Refiner, Xiaopi's soul skill is called Fire in the Stone. The body is transformed into fierce fire, which is shocking!"

Fire in stone?

This fire in the stone seems to be an incredible fire of righteousness, much higher than Jin Sanmao's burning desire.

Coupled with the fiery fire, it is earth-shattering! With these horoscopes, Jin Xiaopi's future achievements seem to be limitless.

Once he learned that Jin Xiaopi had soul skills, Jin Ermao felt that he was dreaming. What was happening in front of him could only be considered normal if it happened in a dream.

At this time, Jin Sanmao yawned again, then raised his hands to Wu Shu and said, "Master Refiner, if there is nothing else, Jin Sanmao will resign."

For Jin Sanmao, who has a free and easy temperament, it may not matter what matters in the clan. He will respect Wu Shu more, especially because Wu Shu is willing to help his old father.

Speaking of the matter of the old monkey, now that the old monkey has entered the body of the little hammer, it is only a matter of time before it merges with the little hammer. Wu Shu said calmly, "At this time, I really have something to tell you."

After a pause, Wu Shu just said again, "Old Monkey's soul has been integrated into Little Hammer. Next, Old Monkey only needs to use his soul body temperature to nourish Little Hammer. Given time, I believe the old patriarch will be able to completely integrate with Little Hammer."


Of all the things that happened tonight, what made Jin Damao and others the happiest was the successful fusion of Old Monkey and Little Hammer.

Jin Damao, Jin Ermao, Jin Sanmao, and Jin Xiaopi immediately thanked Wu Shu and said, "Master Refiner, the Golden Evil Monkey Clan will definitely remember your kindness."

Regarding Jin Damao and others' thanks, Wu Shu shook his head and said with a smile, "Old monkey can become Xiao Chui's weapon spirit. From now on, we will be a family."

When Wu Shu said this, Jin Sanmao said without any politeness, "Wu Shu is right, we are all a family from now on, so stop doing those vain things."

In this way, Jin Xiaopi and others all left after laughing together.

In the dead of night, after eating the Thunder Fruit, Wu Shu began to operate the Heavenly Thunder Technique, constantly guiding the spiritual energy transformed from the thunder fruit into the Dantian. However, while practicing the Heavenly Thunder Technique, Wu Shu was practicing the Heavenly Thunder Technique.

Thinking about it. The memory given by the Flame Hammer also recorded in detail the benefits of acupoint warming and nourishing spiritual weapons, but Wu Shu did not dare to follow those methods. The reason why he could not follow those methods was precisely because

Each of the acupoints opened up in Wu Shu's body contains a large amount of curse power.

If the spiritual weapon is casually warmed and maintained in the martial arts acupoint, I am afraid that it is not warming the spiritual weapon, but corroding the spiritual weapon with the power of the curse.

However, at this time, Wu Shu thought of the Flame Tower again. Speaking of the Flame Tower, Wu Shu couldn't help but said, "The Tower Spirit has placed the Flame Tower on my right hand. Its actual location is in Hegu on my right hand."

Inside the cave.”

But when he thought about it, Wu Shu felt something was wrong. The Hegu point on Wu Shu's right hand was not opened by Wu Shu, but why could the Flame Tower exist in it.

Thinking of this problem, Wu Shu immediately communicated with Ta Ling, "Ta Ling, why can the Flame Tower enter the Hegu point on my right hand, but the Hegu point on my right hand has not been opened by me."

When talking about this issue, the tower spirit said happily, "Young Master, as far as the tower spirit knows, the flame tower itself is not an extraordinary object, and it is an existence beyond the category of spiritual weapons, just like the star stone where Wu Zuo and Wu You are.

The stele stones of Master Stele Spirit are all beyond the worldly existence, so they can reside in the young master's spiritual consciousness or acupoints. In addition, the opening of acupoints mentioned by the young master refers to a kind of cultivation within the young master.

This kind of power is used to expand the space of the acupoints owned by the young master, so as to help the young master store more cultivation power. And all the acupoints in the young master's body exist by themselves, and they are originally interconnected."

After hearing these words, Wu Shu felt a sudden realization.

What Ta Ling said is absolutely true. The acupoints of the human body already exist when a person is born. The reason why practitioners open up the acupoints in the process of cultivation is precisely to make the original acupoint space more spacious.

Large, thereby storing more power for the practitioner.

Not to mention, in terms of practice, Ta Ling's understanding seemed to be different from that of the stele. So, Wu Shu asked again, "Ta Ling, how much do you know about the acupoint warming and nourishing spiritual weapons."

When it comes to using acupoints to warm and nourish spiritual weapons, Ta Ling really knows very little about it.

After thinking about it, the tower spirit combined the situation of the flame tower and said, "Young master, use the temperature of the acupoints to nourish the spiritual weapon, because the spiritual weapon still belongs to the category of high-level mortal weapons, and it is difficult to place it directly in an unexplored place like the flame tower.

The acupoints are warmed and nourished. As for the term "warming and nourishing the spiritual weapon", in the view of Ta Ling, it is better to say that while the cultivator is warming the spiritual weapon, he further uses his own power to warm the acupoints, thereby further improving the cultivator's strength.


Warm and nourish the acupoints?

Ta Ling's statement is quite thoughtful.

Thinking of the mysterious power in the acupoints and the power of the curse, Wu Shu suddenly had an idea and said to himself, "These acupoints can be warmed and nourished, so can the power of the curse in the acupoints be warmed and nourished?"

After thinking about it again, Wu Shu said happily, "That's good! I'll give it a try right now."

This chapter has been completed!
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