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Chapter 11: I saw it

Gwen settled down and had a good time for three days.

By virtue of his identity as a 'folklorist', he successfully gained the trust of the train crew, including the conductor. In the utopian social structure, the top ones are naturally the 'conductor' and 'senior engineer' who control the situation.

People who have strength, production means and resources. The middle-level structure is naturally people with "mathematical skills" and knowledge.

Folklorists are just such knowledgeable members.

Rare and rare to see.

In the past three days, Gwen has used several excuses to fend off the recruitment of two women who claimed to be members of the "Secret Detective Society".

Admittedly, at first he wanted to sneak in and gain some knowledge.

But when he found out that this association only had two or three kittens and puppies (really, there was only one Lute person besides these two), it was naturally impossible for him to agree to join. Especially the secret book in the other party's hand was not available.

When it suits his preferences and style, she avoids contact like a scumbag hanging up the phone.


[With your knowledge, combined with A's force, my intelligence, and C's connections, the four of us will definitely be able to accomplish something great and embark on the path of exploring eternal life!]

In Gwen's mind, she was still recalling the words that the red dog woman said when she was trying to seduce him. At that time, the dark cat was still nodding beside her.

Since their real names each reached an astonishing length of more than twenty words, he decided to use the words "red dog" and "dark cat" to describe these two women.

[No, I refuse, I have no plans to join any clubs at the moment...I'm sorry to disappoint you.]

"Actually... it's also for their own good. After all, I'm still doing such dangerous things."

Gwen moved her fingers, which were wrapped in a black jumpsuit, and flicked them, and the hanging blood beads were shaken away.

This is an alley with red brick walls on both sides covered with posters of faceless men in military uniforms.

The only illumination in the dark alley was the bright moonlight in the sky and the reflection of the brass horns illuminated by the moonlight.

The somewhat old steel water pipes on the wall are wrapped with rags.

A drop of dirty water dripped from the rag.

Tick ​​tock…

The sewage and blood mixed together, as if kissing Gwen's boots.

The source of the blood was naturally not from him.

In front of him was a strong werewolf lying on his back on the ground. The hair on his chest was eroded by blood and a big hole was dug out.

"No wonder you are not allowed to get off the train at night."

Gwen turned her head to look at the slightly green March in the sky, and looked down at the werewolf body that did not belong to reality... No, it should be said that even if she collected the information in her memory, she just heard that there would be weird things at night.

This clue about the appearance of a creature, a real sighting of a werewolf? No one in Wufen's memory has ever had a similar experience.

"...It is indeed a creature in fantasy. Even after its heart was ripped out, it still maintains a certain degree of activity."

Gwen looked at the wolf heart in her right palm, and there were already some blood-colored crystals on it.

Three days ago, on the night when he had just settled in Wu Yuanren Apartment on the train, after returning to his room and drinking mushroom tea, he had the urge to "go out at night and see something." However, since it was his first day, he did not dare to run away

It was too far, so I just walked on the Laolu Street train, but it didn't kill any creatures.

The next day, I returned to the Fellowship and lured a few pornographic scumbags on the street to an alley and killed them. Although before they died, they said something like, 'Aren't you fishing for law enforcement?

', but he didn't hear it clearly. Maybe it was because there was no need to listen to what the scum said.

On the third day, that is, today. After confirming that he could catch up with the train as long as he 'worked hard', he boldly got off the fellow train and arrived at a building complex fixed in the wilderness of Utopia, called '

I got off the bus at the station'.

According to memory, although there are destitute people living on the train, and some poor people who have not eaten enough, but even so, they are higher-class and have a higher social class than the people living in the 'station'. In Utopia

There are countless terrifying monsters in the wilderness, and it is said that there are many creatures that escaped from the "ancient witch ruins".

Not to mention that lack of water and food is also common.

Even if you live in a house larger than the luxury room on the train, you will be invaded and killed by endless monsters that appear suddenly. This is where undocumented people without IDs live, which is the huge train country of Utopia.

The residence is on the level of the sewer ditch on the lowest floor.

"Roar ah ah ah!"

The werewolf stretched out its claws and roared, trying to take back his heart.

"Shut up."

Gwen used faster speed, turned sideways and used the power of turning to kick the werewolf on the head.

With the blessing of source power, he kicked the creature that was already eating humans to death when he found it.

"Anti-strike ability...strong."

Although Gwen was not injured at all, there was no denying the danger of this battle.

He is only 153cm tall and weighs only 43kg, making him a super featherweight fighter. The height of this werewolf is about 2.4 meters, which is the standard height of a werewolf human being with a hunched waist. The weight is 421kg. Even speaking

, Gwen's weight is only a fraction of that.

I'm afraid this weight and height can only be compared to the brown bears I faced in my previous life.

But the werewolf has a more terrifying figure, muscles, and source power... yes, source power!

Source power is neither good nor bad. Rather, simple guys like werewolves who only want to eat people are more likely to awaken the source power, and after awakening, although they cannot use the source power in a systematic and qualified manner,

But the unconscious use of it is almost 'just ability'.

The werewolf Gwen killed had the ability of ‘double speed’.

To put it simply, the speed is doubled, almost able to catch up with simple gunpowder weapons.

Strength, size, speed... the destructive power of the three combined into one.

If it accidentally rubs against the edge, it may be sucked in just like clothes accidentally being caught in an airplane engine.

If you are accidentally hit, your remaining limbs may only be a layer of bloody skin attached to the opponent's claws.


Just avoid it.

"It's time to go back. The time for the night tour is over." If he stayed any longer, he might not be able to catch up with the fellow countryman.

Gwen put the wolf heart into the special pocket to prevent the spread of the smell of blood.

Suddenly, his inspiration struck.

It was as if his warm body was touched by cold hands. If he had dog ears or cat ears, he would definitely be upright and alert at this time.

He looked toward the alley entrance.

A pair of purple eyes flashed past.

was seen.

Gwen sensed the range of action on the other side and seemed unhappy. If he wanted to go up and kill someone, it would naturally be an easy task.

Even if the other party's "daring to go out at night" factor is taken into account, assuming that the other party has a firearm, it is not difficult.

Source force.

It's not difficult either.

But after all, Gwen was not some perverted murderer. She just let him go.

If you are discovered, just escape openly and change your identity.

This is the confidence of being a mind flayer.

Gwen did not continue to delve deeper, but rushed to the railway track using a technique called Shuchi, where one step equals ten steps. He wanted to catch up with the train, so letting the train run for more than an hour was the limit.

This chapter has been completed!
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