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Chapter 117: Dangerous Game [4D]

Warm tea.

A bloody land.

And suddenly someone got happy and played the accordion.

This is the scene of the trade.

By the way, two more ogres who were hiding their identities died. One was Wilge and the other was Shad. These two ogres had no source of power, but their crazy appearance attracted the curse even though they were not Root.

Blade's attention.

Cursed Blade asked Gwen to use her source power to check.

Come on, Wilgie on the left ate eight, and Shad on the right ate two.

It can be killed.

The reason why these two people didn't run away was very simple.

These were the last words of Wilgie before he was stabbed to death by Gwen: "Isn't this interesting~"

The Shad man's last words were a little more logical: "People can die, but they can't help but watch the excitement."

Not a trace of regret.

Not even a little scared.

Gwen looked at the two corpses on the ground, which were still smiling for the time being, and at the thick white teeth. He suddenly looked at Cursed Blade, who was warmly inviting people to drink tea.


"What's wrong?"

Curseblade asked.


Gwen suppressed the word that blurted out again, closed her eyes slightly, turned around, walked to the back slope next to her, and slid down.

"Utopia is really boring."

He leaned against the slope and sat down, holding his knees with his hands and looking calm.

contempt for death.

The pursuit of madness.

Is there even one normal person in Utopia?

The world is crazy.

Or he's sick.

"Relax your mind...calm your mind..."

He recalled the world he lived in, the lush forest.

Arid desert.

Walking in the wilderness again and again, I almost exile my soul. The feeling of having nothing but having everything.

It's like someone who got up three hours early and stared at the golden color outside the window at that moment.

Even if I didn't do my homework last night.

I didn't finish my work at work yesterday.

I also had the world for a moment.


There were footsteps coming from behind the slope, and the smiling voice of Cursed Blade: "Please enjoy the tea, I'll go check on my companions..."

A second or two passed.


There was a slight noise from the side.


The sound of falling footsteps was heard at the same time as the sound of the cursed blade.

"Are you okay?"

"I just don't like watching you make tea and I don't have any to drink, so I came down alone."

Gwen patted her calf with an indifferent expression, then stood up. Turning around, she almost ran into the other person's arms.

He took half a step back, stepped back and said, "It's just a matter of personality."

"I see."

Curse Blade sat down, very unladylike, with one leg straightened, the other foot on the ground, and one hand on his knee: "Some people really don't like this environment, don't like this situation

- I can totally understand that you would have a bad feeling about this wilderness, this wilderness where there is no law.”

"I don't."

"Perhaps you have never left your own little castle in your life, right? You are eager to fight, but you also have some characteristics of a civilized person. You want to punish evil and promote good, but you are not sure whether you can really represent goodwill.

Feeling hesitant, aren’t you?”


Gwen felt that Curse Blade didn't understand him. The woman with a gentle smile in front of him didn't understand him at all.

"It seems that our leader, the leader of our group... I should call you branch director now? It seems that you don't just want to be the dream lover of all women." He had a weird smile.

, "...Including men? You do have complete arrogance, Cursed Blade, just like a person who sees cute pictures of cats and imagines that he can raise cats."

Curse Blade is extremely patient and thick-skinned at times like this.

She said softly:

"You are just like the rabbit. If you accidentally touch your heart, you will use sharp enough words to attack others."


"Be honest, Gwen. Admit that you are not as good as you thought..."

He didn't wait for Curse Blade to continue speaking.

Gwen triggered her source power and disappeared into the shadows.

He poked his head out of the shadows on the ground.

He made a slightly muffled voice: "...the body of the Ankylosaurus is still up there, don't let anyone steal it."

"Okay, okay."

There was a smile on Cursed Blade's face that made Gwen extremely annoying.

The woman stood up, clapped her hands, and easily climbed up the rock.

Gwen shook her head and disappeared into the shadows.

In the shadows, this quiet and silent space was not peaceful. There were many shadow creatures moving forward, lurking in various places in the space. But it made Gwen feel a little at ease.

Such quietness.

Very comfortable.

There is no annoying sound of the curse blade.

But maybe Curse Blade is right?...Gwen felt as if her heart was talking like this.

But the next second, this idea was rejected by himself.

The curseblade can't be right.

I am not that fragile. I am not the kind of girl living in an ivory tower as the other party imagined. I have done bad things and killed people.

“Punish evil and promote good?”

He muttered.

"Who would do those things that only naive children do? Be a hero? There are no such heroes in the real world."


Stabilize his mind and step out of the shadows. He can feel the touch of the shadows.

[Is this area the shadow of flames? That’s why it’s so unstable and smells like fire.]

[Well, the feeling of laziness is the shadow of a Wilgi or a cat lamp. 】

[A very fragrant lilac smell and... bah, squirrel smell, it's a cursed blade! 】


Gwen controlled her body and entered a small shadow.

His figure was stretched, elongated, and shrunk into a small hole.


I saw a big cat eye.


With the frightened cat meowing, Gwen found that the cat's eyes began to shrink, and at the same time, the huge face also became smaller, and a complete cat face appeared in sight. Then it continued to shrink...

Gwen suddenly realized that it was not the other person who was getting smaller, but herself who was getting bigger!

The sense of space returns instantly.

He immediately sensed the air and position around him, and adjusted his landing posture.


He landed on the flat bottom, and the position in front of him was the position of his armored squirrel.

The shadow that appeared from him just now was the shadow of a snack bag.

And why was the snack bag taken out...

Gwen put her hands on her hips and stared at the frightened trading cat lamp in front of her. Then she looked down at the snack bag on the ground, which had her name on it, [Gwen].

This kind of cat light is a thief cat!

Gwen took a breath and opened her mouth...

But the cat lamp suddenly screamed!

"Meow ow!"

Gwen trembled in fright, blinked, and then stared at the cat lantern with squinted eyes.

The trading cat lantern flicked its tail, puffed out its belly, and widened its eyes: "Gwen, meow, you scared the cat!"


"Why are you so mysterious all of a sudden? Although cats have many lives, don't scare them like this. Cats will be scared!"


"Meow! Just say yes when you know it. Don't murmur without saying a word or scare the cat again!"


After Gwen finished answering, she realized: "No! Why should I answer to you, a thief cat? You guy stole my snacks!"

"The cat didn't steal it!"

Cat Lantern raised his chin and proudly poked Gwen's boots with his tail: "This bag of snacks is a cat's place..."


Gwen raised her voice, causing the backpackers surrounding the Ankylosaurus corpse to raise their heads and look over.

Curse Blade also looked over and made a 'what's wrong?' gesture to Gwen.

Gwen naturally replied with a "nothing" gesture.

Then he lowered his head and lowered his voice and asked the trading cat lamp: "What is the residence you mentioned?"

"You'll find out when you open this snack bag, meow!"

Cat Lamp touched the snack bag with his chubby paws.

In order to prevent the snack bag from floating away, she stepped on it with her paws.

Then something embarrassing happened

Because Cat Lanterns are too fat, they cannot bend down to pick up things that their paws step on.

She bent down very hard.

But Gwen only felt that it was as funny as a ball getting ready to bend.

The soft fur kept trembling.


She tried hard.


Cat Lantern gave up after half a try, raised its cat face, and meowed: "Gwen, help the cat!"

Every time when I'm in a bad mood, I feel better when I look at this furry trickster. A smile appeared on Gwen's face that she didn't even notice. She squatted down and reached out to pick up the snack bag.

"Open it and take a look, meow!"

Gwen gently opened the snack bag.

The things inside suddenly made Gwen feel a little dizzy. This was not because the things inside made people's blood pressure high, but because of a visual error.

Looking down from the mouth of the snack bag, you can see that it is indeed a large bright wood...cat village?

In a small valley, there are five apartments with cat lanterns on each side of the cliff!

And in the very shallow 'valley bottom', which is probably less than five meters deep, lies quietly a batch of Utopia snacks stored by Gwen, such as baked cheese bread, a large amount of crispy bacon, and sausages,

There is also a lot of bread.

"This is…"

"Cats can't just live in your... meow, meow, meow..."

Cat Lantern dug out a pamphlet from his thick fur, which read in Chinese "How to communicate with Utopia travelers and Utopia locals with 1,000 terms that cats know how to use!".

Trade Cat Lamp rummaged around.

"...Live in your spiritual landscape. That place is only suitable for cats as a transit station. You really need to live comfortably. This kind of Cat Lantern Canyon is a better place to live. Use cat craftsmanship to create a good Feng Shui site.

Then extract the power from the witch's magic net in the witch world, meow, you can roughly understand that cats need oxygen supply cabins to go from the earth to aliens!"

It is a livable place.

Gwen handed the snack bag to Cat Lantern and thought that her behavior of "saving food was like feeding a cat", and she felt a little depressed.

I took a deep breath, but I still doubted whether the cat light really needed this kind of environment?

Or are you just pranking yourself and finding an excuse to defraud yourself of snacks?

he asks:

"So do you need it?"

"Meow? Of course not! How can cats need oxygen? Look at cats' fur. The reason why cats' fur feels better than other small animals is because cats' fur

There are fully automatic oxygen-generating leylines on it. Theoretically, as long as you bury your head in the cat's fur, you can even dive for several hours! Meow!"

Gwen fell into a deep silence.

I began to wonder if I was going too far with reasoning and logic with Maodeng?

after all.

This is a cat light.

"I mean do you really need a suitable residence? Can't my spiritual space also accommodate you?"

Cat Lantern patted his belly, raised his head, and stared at Gwen. The cat's whiskers trembled twice:

"Theoretically, you humans only need a place where you can avoid freezing to death. So do you really need a high-end apartment and a soft big bed? A quilt under the overpass can also give you a place to stay.


Gwen seems to know why Ge Ge and Mao Lan never win when they quarrel.

"Okay, okay, but at least you have to say something about using my snack bag as a shelter, right?"

"That's not a residence, it's an entrance. Cats are similar to witches. Cats' residences only need an arbitrary door and a key to enter. In fact, cats only need a key to create an arbitrary door that lasts for several days.


"Can a witch even do this?"

Cat Lantern licked his paws and looked thoughtful.

To be honest, seeing such a human expression on a cat's face is a bit scary.

"Meow, to be honest, this belongs to the witch's civilian technology. The space connection technology, as long as it is a short-distance connection, can basically make it possible to close the door and enter the castle, open the door and enter Miraj, and then close the door to enter the desert.

, the effect of opening the door and breaking into the cattle customers."

This cat also plays csgo, but I don’t know if csgo is called this name in the witch world...

Gwen scratched her head.

Mao Deng misunderstood that he didn't understand, and even trembled his beard, asking with a strange expression: "You don't play CS? Are you really a time traveler? Not a child raised by a time traveler... This kind of thing also happens


“How short does short distance mean?”

Gwen wanted to know the location of the cat lanterns' lair.

People on the train have been guessing that the cat lanterns must have a fixed gathering place, but because these little things are so elusive and occasionally possess strange powers, it is difficult to catch them.

The location of Cat Lantern's lair has become a secret that many adventurers are eager to know.

"Meow, let the cat imagine."

Cat Lantern used his tail to grab a handful of candy from his fur, stuffed it with the wrapping paper into his mouth, and chewed it.

Two seconds?

Or three seconds?

Gwen's thoughts had just finished thinking about the connecting doors between suites in luxury hotels. From the official purpose of this connecting door, it is through a series of complex price changes that the two suites can be merged into one luxurious hotel.

Suite. But in fact, one deluxe suite is far cheaper and larger than two such suites.

Is there any idiot who would book two rooms like this?


Quite a few.

It’s not that I feel like I’m making a lot of money by sharing two ordinary apartments together, but for another reason that’s inconvenient to elaborate on. For example, a boss is on a business trip, and he happens to be accompanied by a beautiful secretary who just got married... “Oh, I

You live in a different room from your boss, husband, don’t worry."

Life is full of surprises.

If you knock on the connecting door at night, you can ask if there is toilet paper, instant noodles, and alcohol.


Then, Gwen's thoughts flew to more magical places, such as the distance from the coffee shop on the corner to home. This distance can be called magical, right? If it is only a room apart, wouldn't it mean that the cat light

Is their nest inside their own thousand-layer box?

A neighborhood?

Two blocks?

Or maybe just across a small town?

Gwen guessed aimlessly.

Mao Deng finally finished thinking and chewed his cat's tail to refresh himself, "Meow, cats don't like thinking! Thinking can easily overload the cat's brain! Overloading the cat's brain can easily lead to weight loss!"

“…Isn’t losing weight a good thing?”

"You can think of your cats' fat as your male stamens. Losing weight means shortening your body."

"...Does that mean you're shorter now?"

Gwen's malicious ridicule had no effect, and Maodeng yawned lazily: "Cats are single-sex creatures, unlike you, inferior humans who still divide genders, meow. But cats are finally

I thought of a metaphor, Gwen, you are indeed a time traveler, right?"

"Yes, I am a time traveler. There is no doubt about it, just like Neo in The Matrix."

"Don't talk about Neo. In a certain world line, Neo, as an actor, actually started talking about politics and actively participated in various weird activities."

"...God? You mean Constantine?"

"Meow, yes, in that world line, John Wick did something really stupid."


Gwen was silent for a moment.

Someone once said something to the general effect that the most important thing an actor should do after winning an award is to go on stage to thank some people, thank some people more, applaud, and leave the stage with the trophy. Don't participate in some stupid political activities, and

Express some of your own stupid political opinions and suggestions.

No one will care.

People who seem to care only use this kind of stupidity as a weapon. No one will walk into a movie theater instead of walking out of a movie theater because of a person's political leanings. Oh, there is a creature that might, a kind of frog, which is relatively large.

The bastards will offer high rewards to any piece of garbage as long as it expresses stupid opinions that fit their ideas.

"...Not to mention the unlucky Johnny Silverhand."

"In one world line, Johnny Silverhand succeeded. He destroyed the company and destroyed that sick world."

Gwen reminded herself countless times:

Cat lights are very illogical and disorganized in their speech, so don't pay attention to what they say to avoid being tricked.

But this sentence made him still couldn't help but ask: "Really?"

"It's true, there was a witch who created a cyberworld. Unfortunately, within a few days of experiencing it, a group of giant cats stole electricity and caused a power outage, allowing the real-life version of Silver Hand to succeed. The witch was really angry."

Make up a world.

All right.

The witch is more powerful than I thought.

Gwen shook her head: "Why do you confirm that I am a time traveler?"

"Make sure you understand the cat metaphor."

Mao Lan rolled his eyes humanely and licked his paws: "It's about the distance from the Earth to Mars."


"Meow, this is a close range. Do you know how desolate the solar system is in the multifaceted universe? It's the kind of freedom to turn on the microphone on the channel and play all the Chinese raps since ancient times.

It’s so desolate that no one is looking for trouble! Meow!”

"Isn't it too desolate?"

Gwen's memory flashed back to a carefree young man from his school days, who looked like a naughty boy all day long. His favorite thing to do was to talk with a child's voice, and then play new era rap, while walking and shaking his head.


This kind of behavior is naturally an opponent that good children cannot afford to offend.


This person was so impatient that he went to the door of the senior class to show off like this, and was beaten for a while.

Although Gwen had ten thousand principles of justice and morality in her heart saying to herself, "It's wrong and immoral to beat someone up because they blow the horn in public," but she couldn't restrain herself the next day.

When I was gossiping with my seatmate, I had the beaming expression of 'What a beautiful fight!'

If you think about it, the solar system would not be attacked even if it behaved like this, it shows that it is indeed quite desolate.

"Cats have to take a long-distance teleportation gate to go to the abyss. One teleportation costs five golden cat paw prints!"

Golden cat paw prints appear to be the currency of cat lanterns.

Gwen became curious about the abyss: "Abyss?"

"The abyss of the multifaceted universe, meow, the devils and demons you see here are all from the nine hells and the abyss, but 231 levels of the abyss have been occupied by witches, and purgatory has recognized the witches

As the suzerain state, and actively seeking autonomy, wow, it succeeded!"

Gwen is no longer surprised by what happens in the witch world.

"Then why do devils and demons still have such deep hatred? Don't they have a common enemy?"

Cat Lantern shook his beard:

"Probably the reason, meow, is that the devil is seeking autonomy. Is it because he wants to speed up the colonization of the abyss next door? And become a glorious honorary witch resident?"

What kind of plot between a domineering Indian and a wild comprador?

The devil is worthy of being a newborn with a name in the entire universe.

Gwen felt that if she were the devil, she would probably have to beat the devil to death.

After all, if a usually arrogant student is beaten by a strong student, it is very likely that he will become friends with the strong student, and call it "no acquaintance without beating", and then find an onlooker to watch him being beaten.

The classmates who laughed out loud were often picked to beat the weakest and most well-behaved ones.

Bully the weak and fear the strong.

and the usual class conflicts.

Including the hatred of oneself getting a score of 39 and the other party getting a score of 93, it will explode in an instant.

It's human nature, baby.

Ugly, interesting and full of unexpected surprises that are rare in life, such as that the strong brother is actually the brother of a top student... Hehe.

But after I figured out how close the cat lamp was to "close range".

Gwen, who had once measured the shortest diameter of the Desert of Death with his legs, had no intention of challenging the shortest distance between Mars and Earth.

The search for the cat's nest was over before it even began.

On the other side, Curse Blade also concluded the business deal and waved to Gwen to come back.

Holding two armored squirrels, Gwen walked down.


A heavy weight on the head.

Gwen felt an extremely warm feeling, as if she was wearing a dog-skin hat in winter, and even her scalp was emitting heat.

This tactile sensation is obviously brought about by the body temperature of the cat lamp, which is like a small stove, as well as the thick, fluffy cat hair.

A voice came from above:

"Meow, are you really willing to follow that woman?"

Mao Deng licked his paws, then took out Utopia's dried meat sausage from somewhere in the cat's hair, tore it open and ate it.

The aroma of the sausage made Gwen's stomach rumble to a certain extent.

"What do you mean by following?"

"Like now, Meow, help her and advance her ambitions. Cats rarely see time travelers like you."

"Have you seen many time-travelers?"

"Meow, I have indeed seen the cat." When the cat lamp spoke, Gwen could feel the 'cat fur hat' shaking slightly. The vocal system of these chubby creatures seemed to be the resonance of the entire body fat? In short, through

This way you can let others hear your voice.

"Say two?"

"There are more than two. There are many time-travelers in Utopia. From the ancient times to the current train era, more than half of the time-travelers died as soon as they came over. They are not qualified to be 'heroes'. There are still some who are qualified to be heroes, but

But inexplicably, he suddenly proclaimed himself emperor and died in a joint hunt by many commanders."

proclaim oneself emperor.

Gwen couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, "Sounds like a time traveler."

"Right? There are some time-travelers who clearly have the same rights as the Prime Minister of the current government, but they insist on proclaiming themselves emperor, practicing formalism, and then die in the rebellion. This is a very interesting thing. Just like what they often claim

Saying 'I only love one', but because of force majeure - often by convincing yourself - to accept more women. And explain yourself, this is the responsibility of God."

Gwen said, "Maybe, they're just covering it up?"

The tail of the cat lantern swept the back of his neck, and at the same time he felt the cat fur hat on his head vibrating again: "What are you hiding?"

"...to cover up that he is just an ordinary person with ordinary people's desires."

"That's very profound. Are you sure you don't want to be a leader?"

"The curse blade is pretty good."

"That's good, but with the help of cats, you can do better than her, right?"

Gwen took off her cat fur hat with both hands and looked at the cunning cat lantern.

After half a second, Gwen threw it out.


"Meow, don't talk about cats like that..."

Gwen chatted with Mao Lan for another half minute, and then when she was about to approach Curse Blade and the others, she stopped to chat, and finally gave her a warning: "You'd better not talk in front of others. Cat Lantern is amazing at understanding human nature."

, plus if you can speak Utopian, who knows what these people will do, whether they will think you are a special cat..."

"Cats are special, the brightest cat lights!"

Mao Deng's character is a typical arrogant character, one that makes her gasp for breath if she is told she is fat.

Being friends with Mao Deng is like being friends with some top academics with high IQ and low EQ. You have to tolerate their feline personalities occasionally.

"You are the most special. Please keep your cat mouth shut to prevent some Utopia people from mistaking you for an extremely rare cat lantern and spending a lot of effort to capture you. Although you definitely have a way to escape back to the cat's nest.

, but the loss of that method is definitely not small, right?”

"Meow, how did you know..."

Cat Lantern was startled at first, and its whiskers trembled wildly. Then when it saw the oncoming curse blade, it hurriedly meowed a few words, pretending not to speak human words, and floated to the armored squirrel's back.

Gwen's thousand-layer box was used as a foothold and she collapsed on it, transforming into a puddle of fluffy cat slime.

There is a saying that although the cat lanterns are arrogant and proud, their cat skins can make a loud noise.

But he gives in very quickly.

They have a completely different personality from the delicate and savage white slayers painted by the famous painter Kouno.

Presumably, if the demon hunters had the ability to detect danger as keenly as a cat's lantern, they wouldn't become everyone's side dishes!

Gwen blushed a little when she thought about the past.

After all, when chatting online, when someone asks, 'How do you know the Hyakki of Japan?', some people will say 'Inuyasha', some will say 'Hyakumonogatari', but when it's his turn, he can only say 'Kono Kazuto'.


Thinking this way, I smiled unconsciously.

This smile was seen by Curse Blade, and Squirrel Girl raised her chin: "I'm glad to see you have regained your vitality, brother."

"I've never lost anything."

Gwen said slowly, while looking over Curblade's shoulder and looking behind him: "Is the deal done?"

"Okay, 45 for military use, and more than a hundred pieces for private use. It's really a profit."

One day's harvest is greater than the previous two days combined.

It’s not considered an ‘air force’ anymore.

Gwen asked: "Continue hunting?"

“Strike while the iron is hot.”

Today is really their lucky day.

After spending more than an hour heading to a lake, I met a group of Deinonychus that were also hunting by the lake. If the claws of this kind of dinosaur were the material of source erosion, they could be worth a lot of money.


This time Gwen and the Curse Blade took action together.

On the one hand, this is because Deinonychus is smarter than Ankylosaurus.

On the other hand, for the Source Messengers with high attack agility, high armor, thin blood and low health, the swarming Deinonychus is more powerful than the Ankylosaurus.

Although in theory, the Ankylosaurus can use its tail strike with damage up to 3d6+12 and additional shock to hit a Terrorclaw with a health value of 48, "Where is this? Who is that?"

What kind of dragon am I?' situation, but unfortunately, if you miss it, you will get 0 damage.

The damage of Deinonychus is not high, but their defense-breaking ability and "hit on target" characteristics make their close combat capabilities slightly inferior to Gwen's Curse Blade, which wails continuously as soon as it gets close to combat.

"My super, my thigh socks!"

"I'm super, my clothes!"

"Don't scratch your face!"

To describe the current state of Curse Blade in one sentence:

"It turns out to be an agile dragon with four sharp claws. At this moment, Cursed Blade feels more terrifying than facing a billion ankylosaurs... more terrifying!"

After Gwen took a look and made sure that nothing happened to the cursed blade, but that he was just a little embarrassed, he rubbed his hands and rushed forward.

In his mind, Gezi shouted excitedly, ‘Dig!’.

It made Gwen start to reflect a little bit, is she usually not very good to Gezi?

Such a ferocious monster actually showed excitement when he dug out the heart of a Deinonychus.

It really makes people feel a little pity.

While he was thinking, a sound broke through the air, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth appeared in front of Gwen, and the fishy smell hit his face.

Gwen frowned slightly, tilted her head, and lowered her body in preparation.

Sure enough, when the Deinonychus saw him tilting his head, it bit down, trying to bite his shoulder. But the bite was in vain, and the snap sound was like the sound of a bear trap being triggered, and it was full of fangs.

Like a bird's beak closed tightly.

Gwen glanced at the Deinonychus behind her with her peripheral vision, and at the same time she slid forward and exerted force on her shoulders.

All kinds of martial arts, this is the way to reach the top with a heavy shoulder!

If it happened on an NBA court, it could even destroy the opponent's ribs or sternum!

Gwen's shoulder-sinking movement was extremely neat, and she hit the Deinonychus' mouth hard.

With a snap, the Deinonychus' beak suddenly changed from the shape of a bird's beak to the shape of a duck's beak.

Blood dripped down his throat.

After the collision, Gwen moved back, put her hands on the ground and did a backflip, avoiding the painful claws of the Deinonychus. At the same time, she kicked the Deinonychus in the chest and stood on one foot.

The dinosaur that exposed its flaw was kicked away. Then he drew his lightsaber and chopped off the claws of the second Deinonychus.

Of course, the swarming Deinonychus can threaten Gwen in terms of attributes.

But it's the same thing as Ankylosaurus is theoretically three times stronger than Deinonychus.

Gwen is completely overwhelmed in terms of technique.

He raised the knife and dropped it.

Like the sunlight driving away the darkness and the heated frying pan melting the butter, he killed four Deinonychus that were cooperating with each other with overwhelming force. When making sure that the curse blade couldn't see his movements, he used the red leaf dance to chase after her.

Catch the other two Deinonychus that escaped and chop them off.

After Gwen finished killing a circle, he turned around and saw that the Cursed Blade had just killed the first one.

She is a little embarrassed.

It's really not very good at dealing with this kind of dinosaur.

Gwen had no intention of going up to help, but just did her own thing.

He dragged the dragon's corpse and piled it in front of the armored squirrel.

When the pile reached the last one, which was the sixth one, Mao Deng couldn't hold it any longer and whispered: "Meow! What a wonderful fight!"

Then his short paws kept patting his belly instead of clapping.

It's really tiring to clap the claws of this furball-shaped creature.

"You are a very experienced cat lamp. You should be used to seeing witches. Can even my mortal level martial arts be worthy of an exciting fight?"

"Do you prefer to watch high-level martial arts' confrontations with waves and energy levels, or do you prefer to watch low-level martial arts' passionate fights with each move?"


Gwen had to admit that a chubby animal like Cat Lantern had accumulated a lot of experience and a lot of sarcastic quotes among cats who only eat, sleep and play. What is scary is not the fun person, but the fun person.

People have always been fun-loving people, not 'fake fun-loving people' who claim to be fun-loving people with a smile and scold others for having fun.

When making a joke, the cat light is turned on with the cat.

When the defense is broken, he meows, then hugs his belly and starts thinking about how to get the fun back.

To a certain extent, it is quite difficult to defeat Mao Lan through verbal attacks.


Gwen began to try to defeat Mao Deng in the field of rhetoric, trying to give examples of works like "Dragon Ball". However, Mao Deng then gave an example of a work called "Black Mary", which seemed to be from a certain plane of witches.

Work... So Mao Deng gave up using this work as an example, and instead used a more vivid example:

"Dragon Ball is good, but cats prefer watching Cowboy Bebop! Meow!"


Gwen scratched her head, "Cowboy Bebop is top notch, but..."

Before he could continue his argument,

The Curse Blade, which was being attacked by Deinonychus, was in a panic.


"Brother, although you like cat lanterns very much, please look at me. Look... Ouch! Come here and help me!"

The last time Curse Blade was beaten up by an Ankylosaurus, Gwen didn't take care of him.

According to the PUA law, it is indeed okay to be a little a little naughty the first time.

For the second time, it is best not to do so and show a more docile nature.

...In this society, who is not puaing whom? After all, it still depends on their own methods!

Gwen decided to help.

But you have to be particular about how you help.

Gwen used the princess with one eye of fire to disperse her power on the Deinonychus, increasing the physical burden on these dinosaurs. The most feared thing for such an agile dinosaur is that its speed will slow down.

Slower, basically, according to the formula of its impact force (speed + weight), the claw is not so fast and scary!

The cursed blade can also be faced calmly.

"Meow, why don't you draw your sword and go up and chop up these dinosaurs? It's not difficult to do, right? Meow!"

Trade Cat Lamp asked, twitching his whiskers.

Gwen looked at the cat lantern with a little arrogance.

Although these cat lanterns know a lot of things, there is at least one thing they don’t understand at all, or do not need to understand - if I were a large furry that could light up, I wouldn’t care about this - cat lanterns

I don’t understand the origin of the bond between people.

The character of the cat lantern is that when other cat lanterns break their defenses, they will increase their intensity without considering the matter of "excessiveness".

The cat lantern is also a creature that "even if the other person's joke goes too far, the cat will look for ways to retaliate against the other person" and will not really end a friendship because of a joke that goes too far.

The relationship between people is completely different.

Gwen realized the arrogance that the source power messengers in Utopia usually have.

It can be understood that these people are all excellent academics!

If you understand it this way, you can immediately understand the habits of these creatures.

For example, why is Mihayla so hot... No, why is Mihayla so fun-loving and why is Curseblade so riddle-like.

This is the arrogance and pride that uniquely belongs to genius.

Gwen approached the Curse Blade in a supportive manner, only providing support to the opponent, and letting the Curse Blade do the specific output.

As expected, for the first time, I got a very cute and real smile from Curse Blade.

This interaction is destined to continue.

Until the end of the world.

Until the sea withers away.

But at the same time, in this dangerous tango, not only are you thinking about hunting the other party, will your changes... also the other party be hunting you?

"What a dangerous prey."

Gwen thought to herself.

Mao Deng yawned and meowed. He felt that human beings are really too dishonest creatures. Two people who clearly wanted to be friends were holding back, thinking that 'the other party must be testing', something that would get in the way.


But the cat doesn't care.

A cat’s life should only be about eating, drinking and having fun!


This chapter has been completed!
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