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Chapter 139: The hunter is here, today is all about burning, killing and looting

He is like a love demon, astonishingly beautiful. He is more lovely than a succubus, and his ability is weirder than Lilitu... Mihira couldn't help but think.

His eyes moved from the vampire that had turned to ashes on the ground to Gwen.

That pale little face was now covered with a trace of blood.

Mihayla looked at this beautiful young man from the hidden Utopian race. He liked his appearance, his delicate and clean face, and his recently grown black hair. His upper body looked a little thin, but his hips and thighs looked thick.

There is a sense of fullness. There is meat on the face but it does not overflow. Judging from the bridge of his nose, he must be from Shade. Those bears were so cute when they were young.

"How did you provoke these vampires?" Gwen asked, "They seem to be fighting to the death with you."

Laura shouted: "It's not that serious!"

That must be serious.

She said: "I just burned the hunting car of this group of vampires and burned all their food rations. The guilt is enough for them to become evil vampires."

It's too serious.

She took out a beautiful fiery red gem from her pocket: "The Vampire Essence Stone, I studied it over and over again for a long time, and then I realized that this thing can almost give people a second life. It is so valuable that the person who loses it will not be lost."

Not only will he be punished as a vampire, but he may also be made into a human vamp and put under the toilet..."

I am them and I will fight for my life with you.

"...Mihayla, is this the archaeologist you are looking for?"

He looked at himself, with a helpless expression in his big blue eyes.

"It's the scholar I'm looking for."

"It's the cat lantern you're looking for too." Laura pointed to the stacked cats on top of her helmet. The cats reacted slowly for a moment, then meowed loudly and pouted with their tails. This rebellious person actually dared to point out cats.

The woman who took the wrong light looked at herself with dangerous cat eyes.

Although Rat Dragon is Rat Root, it is also Dragon Root.

Mihaila and Mao Lan looked at each other and snorted, making Mao Mao turn his head away in surprise. This was considered a victory.

"What are you arguing with Mao Lan?" Gwen glanced at him with an incomprehensible expression.

Only then did he realize that his childish behavior was seen again, so he blushed, turned his head, and dealt with the remains of the vampire hunter on the ground.

--clam down.

he thinks.

He frowned at the same time.

There is no trace of blood on this wreckage at all. Although it has been burned by flames, it is not like this. It is more like encountering a higher-level vampire. All the blood has been drained.

Could it be that?

He looked at Gwen quietly.

The beautiful young man with black hair, delicate face, and blue eyes sensed the gaze and turned his head, his expression once again showing a hint of helplessness.

No matter how angry Laura gets, Gwen is determined not to be soft on her.

"I don't blame you for playing around with Cat Lantern."

He said.

"But in order to avoid further accidents, you and the cat lights must be quiet and control your paws——"

The expressions of the cat lights were triumphant.

"…and the tail."

The cat lanterns finally gave up their heads, and Gwen sealed the way for them to continue their pranks and hammered in nails.

This creature that looks like a big glowing fur ball has short but very flexible claws. At the same time, to make up for the shortcomings of short claws, their tails are more flexible and their IQ is also very high.

"Why do I have to play with the cat lights? I'm an archaeologist..."


Cat Lantern understood Utopia and gave Laura a hard poke with his tail to make the guy stop humiliating the cat.

"Have you collected all the loot?"

He looked at Mihayla.

"There are a lot of good things, vampire fangs - there are actually one or two natural source power users in there, they are rare but not powerful."

Source force is the power of the heart, but there are also natural source force users. Most of them come from the source force user family and the source force monster group.

There are very few.

But being rare does not mean being strong. There has never been a Yuanli user who was born with the ability to achieve the level of deputy commander. Because Yuanli is the power of the heart, the Yuanli inherited from the parents will become what a person wants.

The biggest obstacle when trying to improve your own power.

"This tooth..."

He exclaimed, the vampire fang handed from Mihaila's hand into his palm was undoubtedly the murder weapon.

Laura came closer and took a breath.

"Vampire fangs, these can be used to make necklaces. If there is a suitable craftsman to polish them, they may be able to add vampire power to your attacks, turning the opponent's blood into elixir to heal you...

Very precious, very precious!”

"You two divide it up."

This was Gwen's first reaction.

"I am the one who was forced to follow. Although I provided some combat help, it is obviously not appropriate to share such a valuable trophy."

"Brother, you talk like a cursed blade." Laura sniffed and chose the second longest and toughest one from those fangs and stuffed it into him.

"But brothers are brothers. If you don't hold it, I will worry about killing people and seizing treasures on the way back. Don't use wealth to test a brother's patience. Once you test it, it means you don't regard the other person as a brother, and

Although the other party is confident that he will pass the test, it is only confidence."

Great, this guy is so good at talking.

Gwen accepted it.

I lifted it up and took a good look at the tooth, which is suitable for making a necklace.

very long.

There is his index finger, which is usually hidden in the upper jaw of the source vampire. When used, it slowly pops out, and finally changes into a shape similar to a saber-toothed tiger.

He is born with source power, so many organs will mutate accordingly.

The fangs of ordinary vampires are used to pierce blood vessels, and they also have built-in bleeding grooves to allow blood to spurt out along the wound, so that the vampire can directly taste the food.

The fangs of the Source Vampire are much more terrifying. Inside, there are terrifying blood-sucking blood vessels. They are real fangs born for the purpose of "sucking blood." The blood-sucking speed exceeds 550 ml per second, which can suck an adult dry.

It only takes 6 to 7 seconds, and the dark and twisted source power of the vampire that comes with it makes it possible for even a natural vampire who does not want to hurt anyone to heal with a blood bag.

Because I can't control the ability to drain people's blood vessels in one breath.

This unexpected trophy boosted morale.

The subsequent acquisition of some cinnamon silver made the scene the most lively. Vampires cannot wear silver jewelry, so they wear gold called cinnamon silver, which looks like silver, which reminds Gwen of platinum. Guinness silver is a precious metal, and is used

The nib crafting material for all magic pens.

A total of six or seven small pieces of cinnamon silver jewelry were obtained.

Gwen got one and a half pieces, and Laura and Mihira split the rest equally.

Pack up the loot.

Head all the way to the vampire's rotten castle.

On the way, I saw Laura turning the cinnamon silver she obtained into small cinnamon silver bars using a scholar's processor, then cut into one third and placed it on the tail of the cat lantern with black fur and a light like a campfire.

The cat lantern meowed lazily and retracted its tail.

Noticed Gwen saw it.

Laura smiled: "Being friends with cat lanterns requires a price, and the rewards are also very high. The secrets that witches despise and the secrets of various worlds collected by cat lanterns are already comparable in value.

Everything is comparable to these cinnamon silvers."

It was as if she was trying to convince herself that she didn't care too much about the loss, but it was obvious that she cared about all of this and the loss.

Gwen laughed.

Explosions, flames, and the induction between vampires let them know.

The Utopians are on board again.

These Utopians will turn them into materials, into all precious materials, and even extract enough marrow from their bones to create 'vampire relics'.

The hunters are coming.

It is no longer the ordinary people you encounter on the abandoned ghost train railways who still think that there will be warm hospitality on this train late at night.

The hunters are coming, the vampires are fully armed.

fully armed--


A well-dressed vampire private flew upside down into the dilapidated concrete room and hit the wall with a click, almost merging with the wall and causing a large dent in his chest.

Being heavily armed doesn't seem to be of much use.

The beautiful young rat dragon walked in, looked at the tragedy he had caused, and snorted proudly: "It doesn't look very strong. It seems that even a well-equipped vampire can't stop the wrath of my real dragon."

"Okay, okay."

Gwen, who followed him in, tried to comfort him as much as possible, while Laura and the cat lanterns followed closely - for some reason, Laura ran faster than the cat lanterns when encountering a battle. By the way, Mihira

Both he and Gwen believed that if they encountered danger in the future, it would definitely be okay to escape behind Laura.

To know.

This is a person whose escape skills and thinking have been approved by Mao Lan.

"They're trying to hunt us, this is just the beginning -"

Laura was a little nervous: "These vampires, their numbers, their elites..."

"You can't just call soldiers who wear leather armor and a leather helmet with an iron plate on the leather helmet an elite, right?"

He said: "Even if there are a hundred vampires like this, we can kill them all, right?"

"That's right." Mihayla was full of murderous intent, her expression filled with a sinister and charming smile, "I'm going to drain the few blood out of the limbs of these stinky bats, just for what they said.

?What’s the point of giving birth?”


Gwen added in her mind that he didn't mind others making fun of his appearance, but the vampires obviously took it a bit too far. You can't make that kind of joke, because if you make it, someone will get hurt.

This vampire private on the wall is one.

casually taking off this guy's ring necklace, Mihayla threw it into her pocket and reported at the same time: "Brass, brass, it seems that the exploitation of the vampire world is quite serious. Knights can have cinnamon silver,

But a soldier can be considered a treasure even if he has brass."

"What's even worse is that you have to lick a drop of blood on the ground." Laura said.

"Really?" Gwen didn't believe it. This was a treatment that even a ghoul wouldn't receive.

Looking at his eyes, she explained: "Bad vampires are often composed of old people, not-so-pretty women, and disabled vampires. Vampires will ruthlessly exploit these same people and use them as spare food."

Mihayla joked: "I feel like those teenagers and girls who worship vampires will be sad."

"The day people are in there!"

Mixed with some ancient witch accents, the weird-sounding vampire accent of Utopia came from outside. There were also torches and poisonous fog bombs aimed at humans.

The three of them all used the Silver Spirit Potion. They are immune to these poisonous mist bombs, while Cat Lantern is a creature that cannot be poisoned at all, at least not by this kind of poison.

Gwen drew her lightsaber and broke through the wall.

The cold energy touched his ankle.

Turn sideways.

Whoosh! Boom——

An arrow more than 1 meter long was nailed to the wall panel behind him. The tail feathers of the arrow were gorgeous red feathers.

Then there's the bottle of fire.

Looking at the fire, Mihaila shrugged: "Okay? At least it saves us the time of setting fire to the corpse, right?"

The beautiful boy with the dragon and rat showed a big smile, pulled out his source sword, drew a V shape on the wall, and then kicked the already weak wall with a heavy kick.


"..." Gwen turned over and followed out, "Ula!"

The vampires outside have begun to form a formation. There are about six privates and eight hunters. They are commanded by two knights. There are more than 20 ghouls and more than 30 corpses around.

The number of ghouls and corpse demons is an estimate. There are probably so many at a glance, and the country road is almost blocked.

"A dragon born in the water."

A massive wave rose in the puddle in front of Mihayla, and at the same time, he rushed into the ghouls along the wave. The ice-blue lightsaber buzzed, the sword light was cold, and the missing limbs

Hengfei. The beautiful boy with the rat dragon first cut a private's spear into two pieces, and then pierced the corpse behind the private with his lightsaber, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Before the vampire private could react, he raised his foot and stabbed him.

He kicked away, pulled the lightsaber along his neck, and then swung it back hard to chop open the two ghouls.

"Hurrah!" the rat dragon shouted, killing the knight who was commanding the soldiers and hunters to open fire. It was a knight wearing a unique full-body armor. The Spanish-style ship's helmet had gorgeous red top feathers. It held a hand in its hand.

That big bow.

Gwen observed the situation, then brandished her lightsaber to kill another knight. It was an ordinary knight, wearing armor. The faceless helmet structure showed his handsome vampire-like face and scattered blond hair.

Armed with a dangerous sword flower.

The moment Gwen started, three ghouls immediately fell to the ground with their heads next to them.

Private tried to stop him, but he easily smashed his sternum and heart with his shoulder.

He used the corpse as a cover and pushed forward like a tank, using his lightsaber to perform various sword skills.

"For the vampires——"


Gwen adjusted the angle of the body and slammed it into the arms of the young vampire knight, who immediately knocked him over.


He stepped on the corpse's back, held the lightsaber upside down with both hands, and stabbed it hard with a roar of anger, piercing the corpse and its heart together.

Gwen thought: Do you know why the slogans shouted on the battlefield must be short and powerful?


The vampire knight next door raised his long sword to slash, but Mihai pulled him down and bent down to avoid it. The ice blue light sword touched the opponent's Achilles tendon.


The knight screamed and knelt down on one knee. Mihira stood up, holding the sword in both hands, and slashed. The vampire's ferocious head rolled once and rolled twice on the ground.

Eyes met.

The gray-haired rat dragon boy blinked his left eye vigorously at him and smiled playfully.

He moved his lips and tried to smile back.

There was a strong wind blowing behind my head.

He turned around suddenly and unsheathed his lightsaber.


A vampire servant was cut in half.

When he turned around, he saw Mihira's back, killing more vampires.

Maybe smiling doesn't suit her very well? Gwen thought to herself and rushed toward more monsters.

This chapter has been completed!
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