Turn off the lights
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Chapter 170: Can't wait to go back to the wilderness

"A new group of rangers are joining? What organization is they from?"

"The new cult of mind flayers? That's not..."

Gwen rubbed her temples and listened to Curse Blade's report.

Not everyone in this world can obtain sufficient processing methods based on their own experience. Even after a certain period of training, it is difficult for ordinary people to learn how to be a decision-maker and how to be a leader.

Even if the steps have been simplified to a certain extent, there are still many people who cannot do this kind of thing.

Among them is Gwen.

You can’t even understand Wang O Fengyun 2, and you still want to really deal with everything?

Therefore, the help of Curse Blade is needed.

"The Mind Flayer Order is divided into more than ninety kinds of orders. I think there is quite a lot of complicated information in it. Of course, if you need all the information, I can transfer the information to you immediately..."

Wearing only a white shirt, Squirrel Girl showed off her perfect breasts and sat upright on the table next to Gwen. Her thighs wrapped in black trousers were a little highlighted and slightly fleshy.

The two of them have the same seats, and even the size of the table is the same.

It illustrates the state of being on an equal footing.

Gwen is not keen on power, but Cat Varro cares about this very much. After hearing that Gwen wanted to "open up the power of acting commander to Cursed Blade", he immediately hurriedly meowed and meowed with his paws.

and the tail split the table in half.

To be on an equal footing is the bottom line for cat lights.

So now, the commander is Gwen, the deputy commander is Curse Blade, and the division chief is Curse Blade, and the deputy commander is Gwen.

The two of them were each other's superiors and subordinates, and they were very happy to do so. Although Ms. Slim, the secret agent, and the little devils all suddenly couldn't accept the fact that they had an extra "deputy department" and "deputy commander" on their heads, there was nothing they could do about it.

That's life.

"I will also check the train's protective film and the train's automatic cannon in the afternoon, and eat ice cream with the rabbit..."

When the rabbit came over, he used his clone to carry two large boxes of ice cream. One of the boxes was exchanged with Cat Varo for a specially enhanced magic shield that would make a low greeting sound when hit, which could make people subconsciously think

Keep beating it.

——By the way, after Cat Varo got the ice cream, she ate most of the box in one bite, and then gave the rest to her little cat lantern with satisfaction. It is said that cat lantern can hide the ice cream in this way.

In the second stomach with taste buds, I slowly enjoyed the ice-sweet taste, so I stayed at the door after eating.

The remaining box is ready to be shared with Gwen.

Huita also asked: "Can I eat it?"

The rabbit handed him a cone: "Here."

Huita blinked: "That's it?"

"Smelly man roll some polka dots, some will be good to eat!"

"Damn it, isn't it Gwen too?"

"Gwen smells good, do you smell good?"

Curseblade understands Gwen's difficulty.

Understand that this mind flayer cannot make qualified decisions even after a period of training.

"There is another way, that is, I will handle all the paperwork. In the same way, I will handle this complicated information. You only need to review the more important documents."


Cat Varro slipped out from nowhere and lay down next to Gwen's table openly.

At the same time, stare at the curse blade with cat eyes.

This cat lantern's loyalty to friendship is reassuring.

Curse Blade wanted to see what kind of cat lantern it was.

"Okay. Just tell me the key information from now on."

Gwen doesn't like this kind of thing. Moreover, the rights system of Utopia is still relatively rough. As long as the train is in one's own hands and the power is in one's own hands, it is difficult to be isolated. If it can be achieved through politics alone,

If it were a powerful creature, the Dragon Flame would have been eliminated long ago.

After just one morning and one noon of training, Gwen had already deeply realized, like a student who had made money in a mobile game, that the emotion rising in his heart was a kind of extravagant regret. If you have money and money,

These two emotions come up when you have money: why should you spend money on it?

A little bit in the midst of blessings, I don’t know how to be blessed.

Therefore, he ignored the cat Varro who poked his ankle with its tail, and said sincerely: "I believe in you just like I believe in my sister. From now on, please only introduce me the information that I need to know."

Gwen thought to herself: And I will also randomly check and entrust the cat lamp to watch carefully. I will not completely trust you unconditionally.

And this is something that the Curse Blade can also understand.

Both sides know it well.

"The New Mind Flayer Association is a new group of people who interpret the mind flayer's ghost stories in an alternative way. They seem to have been inspired by the changes in the mind flayers and are determined to develop the 'other side' of the ghost stories, that is,

'Legend', they hope that in this way, all the power of strange stories can be peacefully transformed."


Gwen blinked and tapped the table with his finger: "Isn't their leader called Long Yan?"


Cursed Blade laughed twice, "Although they are similar, they are not. Their combat effectiveness is not high, but they have very skilled clothing-making experience and trade routes."

"Aren't they rangers?"

"They are rangers. They usually think that they are rangers and do the same things that rangers do, but obviously they don't realize..." Curse Blade suppressed a smile, "...their business ability that they disdain is the reason why they are still alive today.

There is no reason why it was annexed by other mind flayer associations. You have to know that before you completely affected the aesthetics of the mind flayers, their style of behavior was still similar to what it is now."

If it weren't for their ability to do business that allowed them to survive, their moral standards would probably be a bit high even for the fellows.

"Then I'd be happy to meet them."

The Sniper Cat circled along the slow mountain line, waiting for the distance between the Fellow and itself to reach the shortest and most convenient position for boarding before accelerating down.

Usually there aren't many monsters in this kind of mountains and wilderness.

And today?

Gwen felt like it was like a dump truck in Raccoon City. The monsters were densely packed, and running over it gave him a heavy, primitive fear and pleasure. This made him feel a little distracted as he was tasked with 'opening the way to meet the enemy'.

A beam of light exploded among the monsters, which was the promised signal.

"Gwen, clear a road about twenty meters long." said the observer.

The cat now acts as an observer.

Kenny and Xenise were on the other side frantically hunting monsters. These two snipers took this opportunity to 'make money' crazily. From their actions, it can be seen that the ADC is indeed a position that is greedy for soldiers.


Without these two professionals, Rabbit's unprofessional "about twenty meters" made Huita, who was eating ice cream next to him, laugh out loud: "About twenty meters? Are you serious?"

"What!" The rabbit's eyes widened, and its cat ears stood up briefly. This is a cat-ear movement that is difficult for rabbit-type cats to do.

But this seems like a guilty conscience move.

Gwen skillfully used the magical version of the 'Princess with One Eye of Fire' to summon mixed fire bombs to explode into the dense crowd of zombies, clearing a path of scorched flesh and blood. After mixing in the magical properties, Gwen already knew

How does the flame caused by my own source of power take effect and spread, instead of 'getting stronger with my mind'.

"Sukka! Why do you feel that your power is stronger than before?"

The rabbit was shocked.

When she and her friends were bragging in private, she also made some guesses, guessing that Gwen's source power should be some kind of powerful auxiliary source ability.

It's a human problem if it's very lethal.

But now this devastating scene made her a little unsure.

Gwen showed a satisfied smile, quite proud of her own strength.

This flame is an ability that can be improved through exercise.

Rather than 'the strength of the heart is the strength of the source'.

The rules of Elise Scuddernox in the Laws of Magic fit perfectly with his flames.

What is the purpose of mixing magic into the flames?

Energy is mixed into the flame to increase its power.

And how should the power of fire, a spell or energy, be increased?

It seems that there has never been a utopian source force messenger who has studied this kind of problem and has not solved the problem from the root. Their brilliant research does include a lot, but in essence it is 'increase the output of a large amount of source force' and then, 'source force output'.

Power knows how to do it'.

But the witch's spells are different.

Witch's magic is a very logical science.

The most important point of Irene's rules is that if energy wants to increase its power, it must exert an impact similar to a solid. The physical damage caused by gravity and speed can defeat the opponent's surface spell defense, and then let the magic power spread over a short distance.

break out.

'Distance' is directly proportional to the physical breakthrough the spell should cause.

'Distance' is inversely proportional to the burst spell damage the spell should deal.

That is to say, the farther the caster's range, the stronger the physical breakthrough ability of elemental spells; and the closer the spell bursts, the stronger the spell damage.

This is a law. Although it is said in the Witch's Book that "a law can only become a law based on many premises," Gwen has not yet reached the level of "DIY" and follows the book.

The power has indeed been significantly improved!

The source of expenditure is not as much as in the past, but the power is stronger. The unique magical design of the explosive compartment allows the power to burst out layer by layer, used to baptize the entire battlefield.

And the range and distance of the powerful burst can be guaranteed according to the shape of the air barrier.


This is what Gwen pays most attention to, these are the strengths that can be obtained through exercise, not the strength of the mind.

Gwen firmly believes that her mind is very powerful, but she will not blindly believe that her mind is very powerful.

After clearing a road, the rangers broke through the zombie group that was too loose to organize a second wave of defense like a high-level river breaking through a beaver's dam. The zombies here are not as contagious as the Resident Evil.

Sex is just about biting and attacking.

The Order of the Mind Flayers…

Gwen watched with mixed emotions as these ranger soldiers wearing black robes and blackened chainmail were killing everyone with short-barreled shotguns.

Because this TM doesn’t look attractive at all, Sukka’s seems to be the standard equipment in the fantasy world line.

"Meow!" The six knight cat lanterns, wearing chubby cat lantern armor and Spanish-style helmets, jumped down while holding meteor hammers in their hands.

These cat lanterns are much larger than ordinary cat lanterns. On average, they are almost 1 to 1.2 meters tall as a cat. They look almost as tall as a small dwarf!

This is a combat-type cat lantern recruited by Cat Varro. It needs to gain experience from combat, but even so, it is very cunning and cunning.

The cat formation they formed was mainly focused on high-speed defense and small pocket formations.

From above, you can see that their formation changes very quickly.

And Gwen finally understood why these cat lanterns were wearing vests. With their chubby bodies and strong weight and strength of the same size, they pushed the monsters outwards, arched their backs, and then moved inward. The six cats simultaneously activated the ones held up by the small pockets.

Elite monster.

At first, Gwen wanted to laugh when she saw this tactic of being beaten on the back by the cat lights.

Just like Curse Blade thought Gwen's idea was ridiculous, but after a second or two, he looked a little serious again.

Cat light…

He is just a cat dumpling! Is it fatal for a cat lantern to expose his back to the enemy? Not fatal.

Because the body shape of cat lanterns is completely different from humans.

Their backs are not considered a fatal weakness. They have no necks (actually they do), and it is difficult to hit their well-protected heads from behind (they can even be retracted). The Knight Cat Lanterns' ability to withstand blows is indeed excellent.

You can see the slightly astonished expressions of the rangers who came over.

He seemed to be asking "Why is it that a group of cat lanterns came to meet us?", and in the next second he was shocked by the fighting power of this group of cat lanterns.

Gwen also wanted to say, "The cats and lights just took advantage of someone to protect their pockets and took the time to go and pat their paws."

Cat Lanterns know very well that Gwen, who has a good relationship with Cat Varo, will immediately take action when Cat Lantern is in danger. In Cat Lantern's heart, Gwen undoubtedly has a pretty good image!

As soon as the leader of the Xinzhen sect ranger boarded the car, he couldn't help shaking the wolf ears on his head. The ears were very heavy and well protected by the black chain armor and the hood shaped like animal ears.

He has a beautiful but clearly masculine face, and the expression of a depressed and handsome boy.

It's very similar to the kind of look that says, "So Huang Mao's target is not my girlfriend but me?"

He is slightly taller than Gwen.

"All the people who are capable of fighting in the Xinzheng faction are already here." He said, "To show our sincerity. Candidates who are not suitable for fighting are waiting in the fellows. Mr. Gwen, please deploy us directly on the front line.


The character of Utopians seems to be like this: they don't like to talk or complain.

They know what they came for.

Therefore, Gwen no longer had any doubts about what Curse Blade said, "As soon as they come up, arrange them as a mobile force to rush to the train carriage." Utopians understand Utopians, they don't like to delay, and they really can't give their full performance as soon as they come on the field.

One hundred and two passion and strength.

He glanced at the rest of the new rangers and found out that the race of these rangers was Ron En, the wolf pack.

This also answered his previous question of ‘How could such a sect have not been annexed or destroyed?’

Ron the wolf pack is one of the very few naturally elite utopian races. Their characteristics are their tails and ears with extremely thick wolf fur, and their fangs that cannot be controlled to be exposed like vampires.

This chapter has been completed!
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