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Chapter 22: The Copycat

"It's a good harvest. I can feel that everyone on the train wants to catch the idea of ​​​​this strange rumor..."

The rabbit opened the book.

Gwen didn't look at the information he and the other party were working on today. During this period, including the two weeks before he traveled through time, eighty-two mind flayer murder cases occurred, and

Sixteen cases of suspected mind flayer murders.

This is an astonishing number.

Even in such a world, it seems particularly terrifying. The eighty-two people killed were all train residents, not people living in designated station settlements in the Utopian wilderness. It is normal for those people to die.

The appearance of monsters, unhygienic diet and living conditions worse than those in the workhouse, death is the norm.

But it's not normal in the car.

Even in relatively crazy death incidents and fights between societies, the death toll will be limited to less than twenty people, and many societies even don't even have twenty people.

This is irrefutable evidence that the ghost story is still at work and out of control.

Although killing is highly addictive, it has the so-called sage time... Gwen has more say. The memory of 'Mind Flayer Gwen' shows the original killing frequency of the Mind Flayer, almost once a week.

This is already an extremely dangerous and strange story.

Gwen tore through the experiment notes of that old scumbag, and concluded that the power of the out-of-control mind flayer would probably be amplified to about 130% of its original value, but at the same time, it would become more hungry and dangerous. In other words, murder

The probability will accelerate.

"There are also many Yuanli messengers who imitate and commit crimes."

Gray Tower said in a very disdainful and angry tone: "The idiots of the indulgence faction took this opportunity to continue killing people. Maybe there is nothing in their heads except killing, and maybe they are not even doing it to satisfy their source of power."

He killed just to satisfy his own appetite..."

Gwen already felt a little numb inside.

He asked in the tone of "an office worker who is really tired from work but there are still people at home waiting for him to get his salary and go home to eat":

"Can you identify those who are copycats?"

"Of course." Gray Tower said decisively, "With so many years of experience in working in carriages, I can tell at a glance what is a copycat crime and what is a real Mind Flayer case..."

"Mark it for me," Gwen said.

Hui Ta opened his eyes wide in shock at first, then frowned: "Do you want... to seek justice for the victims? This is very difficult. The source of power is very capable of destroying corpses and destroying evidence...


"I'm not a judge." Gwen smiled, "I just want to vent violence."


Huita bit the corner of his mouth: "... From a rational point of view, you are hitting an egg with a stone."

"It's just a stone."

Huita looked around, as if to confirm whether he had been overheard, and then said: "Do you know how many people do this? Of course our society does not do this, but even in the two major religious groups, there are

Departments that do similar things. The source of power takes too long. When you live in the first year, you will be angry..."

Tu Xiu answered: "...I started to understand a little in the fifth year. Twenty years later, looking at the lost youth and the source of energy that has not been used for a long time, it seems that I can do anything... Fifty years later, you will grow old.

But you haven't lived enough yet. At this time, you only need to eat one, a source of power, to extend your life. Everyone has relatives, and when their relatives do this kind of thing, they will argue that it is 'the greatest sacrifice'...

…something like that.”


The rabbit pulled his turtleneck sweater and squinted his eyes:

"Therefore, if you kill a source force messenger who does things for such a purpose, you may provoke a large group of people, and if you provoke a large group of people, the entire train society will... Don't say anything about not being discovered, specifically for

The ability to explore and exploit the source of power is there and exists. Even so, do you still hope to carry out the 'oath' in your heart?"

Gwen only asked one question: "If I go to kill, will it cause a lot of trouble to you in the club?"

If so, then he would tolerate this anger for the time being and not commit his own killings until he learned it seriously.

He had a good impression of the Secret Detective Club. The source power messengers here were all people with "human nature". They did not aim at "endless improvement of source power", nor would they resort to any means to improve their source power.

Treat human beings as material'.

He can't cause trouble to anyone.

This is also because Gwen thinks that he is unjust and aboveboard. He is the type of person who will consider the harm it will bring to the people around him if he is exposed when he is a masked vigilante. He is also the so-called mother-in-law, not enough

Simply put, there is no such thing as the idea of ​​a martyr who sacrifices himself and everyone around him for his ideals.

If it doesn't cause trouble, it won't cause trouble.

"There must be some trouble."

A voice came out.

The door to the activity room was opened, and Cursed Blade wearing a military coat walked in from the door. He said with a smile on his face: "But Gwen, do you know how to frame someone?"


"Here we go again, Cursed Blade, you guy..." Gray Tower covered his face and said in an almost roaring voice, "...I knew there was something fishy about those incidents!"

"If it's not discovered, it's not something strange. It can only be regarded as a fantasy in your mind."

Curse Blade took off his black leather gloves, threw them on the table in front of him, and shouted to Sparks who was pacing cautiously behind him: "Sparks, help me fill two bottles of ruby ​​wheat beer. I know you can get them."

She turned her head and smiled: "Our lovely Mind Flayer, the frame-up is the only major crime type in the history of Utopian crimes that has not been included in the textbooks. Maybe some sensitive people are involved, such as the authorities.

A high priest who had been framed for three months had an unusual relationship with several young men in the choir who had just bet on the first-year carriage..."

"Curse Blade!" Huita covered the bear's ears with both hands, looking horrified.

"But it's a pity that this time the sure frame-up failed. The wheel of Utopia, a good old priest who kept his integrity and never even put his hand on the small of a young child's back! This is the second strangest thing in thousands of years.


Cursed Blade laughed, and his expression gradually became serious: "As you just said, we are not judges, and there is no need to act in accordance with the carriage security laws promulgated by the authorities. Many methods can be used to expand your ideas.

, the people we want to kill are themselves scum. Even the high priests in this world are mostly unclean. It’s easy for us to just accuse these scum of them."

...so careless.

Gwen had not thought of this. It should be said that his moral bottom line was neither as high nor as low as that of Curse Blade.

It's high because Curse Blade is a temperate one in terms of source power.

Low, Curse Blade is a complete indulgence in other aspects!

This chapter has been completed!
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