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Chapter 227: Expert Talent

It is not easy for Gwen to argue with Long Yan on legal issues.

Although he believes that as long as it is an Angora rabbit with no major mental problems (some kind of stuffed rabbit as fat as a cat lamp), its judgment on whether the law can be passed and whether the law is normal will be far better than

Long Yan. Alcohol prohibition, smoking ban, industrial copyright law and train cost reduction method, these are the things Long Yan wants in his dream, but unfortunately Long Yan was not born in a world with long-term peace and political stability.

It was difficult for him to mock the lord who was covered in armor and looked like the final boss in the game.

There is light in the other person's eyes.

Even through the armor, Gwen could still feel that ray of light, just like the eyes of a person seeking peace and development. Full of hope and determination, it seemed that no one could stop him.

Gwen sighed quietly.

Suddenly asked: "Do you know the story of Don Quixote the Fool?"

Long Yan put his hands on the table and shook his head:

"I've never heard of it. But I've heard similar names from Mao Deng. Some of them said she was a knight, some said she was still alive, and some even said she was an author, etc..."

This is normal.

Because not all cat lanterns come from the same world, it is normal for the stories of Don Quixote that we know to be different.

Gwen’s cosmological understanding of the multi-faceted universe and the cat lantern is.

This is a huge online online game, but the servers in each region exist independently, and there are many servers in them, such as the first and second regions, such as the Dark Portal, Azeroth, Graveyard Hub, etc.

An entire planet or a very small-scale galaxy is a privately operated server field. Leaving the planet to go to the multi-faceted universe is equivalent to leaving the local parallel world planning area, that is, leaving the server area and entering the global network area. Cat Light

It is equivalent to one of the players in each server, and they come from different servers.

So it's normal to have dozens of different ways of hearing the same story.

Gwen told Long Yan the story she had heard.

Suddenly I realized that my behavior was actually quite similar to that of a cat lantern...

In fact, a good story does not require exquisite literary talent like poetry. Gwen is confident that the story of Don Quixote she dictated is definitely a hundred times inferior to the original version, but the core of the story remains unchanged. Virtue is only outdated.

It will drive people crazy, but realism has a future.

Even though Gwen kept the story in outline, it still lasted about ten minutes.

After listening to the whole story, Long Yan was thoughtful.

"I am different from the knight you are talking about."

He said, "I have the power to destroy heaven and earth in your opinion. If Don Quixote had the power of a dragon in his opinion, no one would dare to fool him like this. This is the essential thing.


Gwen smiled and nodded.

But I feel a little boring inside. It's not that I'm disappointed with Long Yan...well, just a little disappointed. Long Yan is like a pure powerist, a supporter of the dark jungle fallacy, and a violent totalitarian.

Rule cannot be without violence or only violence.

If Long Yan only stops, he is just a dreaming child, dreaming of changing everything with his own power to the sky, but he has not surpassed the commanders of the five great cities and the power of the immortal.

But what Long Yan said made Gwen quickly change her mind.

He said in a somewhat extravagant voice:

"With this kind of power, even if I fail, I can still prove that I have been here. As long as I have existed, as long as traces remain here, even if I am laughed at by countless people.' Ah, this is the failure left by the whimsical Long Yan.

Road', that also proves that this road existed. With one me, there will be thousands of 'me's. Finally, one day, I mean one day, there will be someone who can inherit me and other people.

He took the mantle and learned from all the experiences of failure, and he succeeded."

He calmed down and asked in a curious tone:

"Isn't this different?"

This is indeed different.

Gwen had a changed view on him. She originally thought he was just a person who was addicted to his own dreams and didn't want to wake up, but he didn't expect that he was a person who had dreams but used dreams to think.

There will be an instinctive feeling of discomfort with this kind of person.

It’s hard to say why it was born.

But in short, when you see this kind of person's happiness, you can't help but be aroused by some emotions.

Afterwards, Gwen asked Long Yan about who was going to hand over the cultivation cabin.

"What suggestions do you have about the restricted bachelors on the entire fellow account?" Long Yan asked.

Car captains on trains are roughly divided into three categories.

The first and most common category is the lord category, which means they have a claim to the entire train. No matter who gives them the lordship rights, they have a claim to their own train. They can freely drive the train to any place.

The local area, that is, a group of train captains with the greatest power, must abide by the laws and regulations of the big train captain (big lord), otherwise they will leave the big train and let their own trains earn a living.

The second category is the so-called wealthy family. Like the previous category of lords, they are granted the position of hereditary conductor and have almost all the privileges and rights of lord conductor. However, their hereditary territory is within the train and on the train line.

Therefore, these rich captains must rely on the command of the chief conductor. Depending on the master conductor's control of the train, the conductor's maintenance team will inspect the train territory every quarter or year.

The last category is the Fonggong type. The Fenggong type commander is directly controlled and controlled by the big lord, and has almost one-third of the rights of the first two. It can be said that the degree of freedom is very limited. However, because he is also the commander, he can enjoy various benefits.

There are various benefits, so in Utopia, if you are a civil servant, your ultimate goal in adulthood should be to become a public-service driver, and your ultimate goal in your prime and old age is to become a wealthy man through meritorious service.

Or hereditary commander.

What Long Yan said is to choose a bachelor.

This means that one of the idle bachelors can be selected to become a bus captain.

Gwen has the say in making suggestions.

This is a bit unbelievable in the eyes of the entire fellow villagers. After all, Long Yan's attitude towards ghost talk is like this. In his opinion, a ghost talk resuscitation body like Gwen is not a trustworthy person.

But only the Explorers' Association knows what's going on.

Because this carriage, the cultivation area carriage, was brought back through Gwen!

Recently, when Long Yan and Long Yan went out to deal with an incident involving brutal growth of thorn vines that injured people, Long Yan and Gwen met a special creature called 'Coldem'. It had a translucent jellyfish-like skirt and

Hat and veil. This creature with the power of nature was one of the witch prisoners who was exiled to Utopia. During the long period of imprisonment, this creature went crazy, which triggered the entire incident.

Gwen happens to be familiar with Cat Varo, Cat Varo can speak well in front of several giant cats (he even dares to butt the giant cat with his belly!), and the giant cat is deeply trusted by the witch.

When Long Yan and Gwen teamed up and were about to be beaten by this natural spirit called Coldum, who didn't even recognize him, Cat Varo pulled the giant cat over on time, and then changed it to the giant cat.

The giant cat that Coldham's natural spirit beat didn't even recognize it anymore. But what can I say? The giant cat is well-known in the multi-faceted universe for resisting beatings. It took him several hours to be beaten before he could no longer withstand it.

Gwen and Longyan.

Just like that, Dragon Flame and Gwen output.

The giant cat was beaten (Cat Varro found a strange kitten lamp, which can satirize the giant cat and make the giant cat unwilling to escape in front of the witch prisoner).

After spending more than ten hours, the spirit of nature was finally put into a cage and brought to the witch by the giant cat.

Even - the giant cat has to thank them! Even the cat Varo will probably be starved as punishment when he goes back. (Bluffing the giant cat into getting beaten)

Under Gwen's special power, the loot was promoted, and a 20-meter-long carriage appeared in front of them.

This carriage is essentially a relic (prison) left by the spirit of nature. It has magical power. It can make crops grow at the same speed as oil soil without using oil soil, but it is limited to the cultivation in this carriage.

On the soil. At the same time, due to some seeds left by the witch, this carriage can produce many common fruits in the witch world, such as... improved watermelon!

So from a macro perspective, this carriage was built by Gwen.

Everyone within the association knows that, so Long Yan must also abide by the rules of the game and give Gwen some decision-making power.

But this is not what Gwen wants, but what Curse Blade wants.

By affecting Gwen, it affects Long Yan, thereby achieving the goal.

This is the logic of the cursed blade. Although from a certain perspective, the fact that Gwen was instructed by the cursed blade seems very outrageous to many people, Gwen believes in the cursed blade.

It’s not just because of the other person’s character and quality, etc.

The most important thing is that Curse Blade almost never suffered a loss in the duel with Long Yan - it may be a bit scary to say that when Long Yan was at his most arrogant, Curse Blade dared to mess with him, and even dared to run away this year

When we were on the way, we set our target on the fellow's number. This was a sure sign that Long Yan's character would not kill her by force.

"As for the selection of the bachelor... I don't know much about it, you know." Gwen said, imitating the tone of the Curse Blade Cult.

Long Yan sat back a little surprised, probably not expecting that Gwen actually had a candidate: "Indeed, I didn't expect you to have a candidate at all. How did you learn about it?"


Gwen answered an answer that made Long Yan dumbfounded.


Cursed Blade taught: "Based on your image, if you said that you knew it from the newspaper, Long Yan would have no choice but to believe it."

Gwen frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Cursed Blade thought for a while and replied: "Probably, it means that your credibility is like those fat cats, full of persuasion, very powerful persuasion."


"What newspaper gives you access to this information?"

Gwen said: "The Fellowship Newspaper is a very good newspaper..."

"That's a, well, a newspaper that focuses on non-professional fields, or rather, a non-professional newspaper that only specializes in professional fields. You shouldn't believe what I said... Forget it, you

It is indeed possible to believe it.”

Long Yan seemed to exhale.

Looking at his attitude, Gwen understood something: "The Fellowship Newspaper" is a so-called civilian newspaper!

No wonder Curse Blade almost laughed out loud when he saw his doubtful expression yesterday!

I thought that the experts and scholars above were really as awesome as they boasted!… No, it was, it was half or a quarter of the cowhide! I didn’t fully believe it… Gwen was very upset in her heart, but even if it was only a quarter as powerful,

That's probably the top player at the level of 'hand-made particle collider' that only exists in Ah San's universe. That's not right, let's be a mid-level player. After all, the third brother is very scary when he blows it, which also leads to the fact that

Except for Moon believers, very few people brag about the myth of Third Brother.

He named two names: "Sir Maxey, and what about Maester Philip?"

The former is the bachelor who is 'close to the hand-made particle collider', and the latter is an 'Herbal Medicine Association Research Institute expert'. By the way, to establish a 'Herbal Medicine Association Research Institute' you only need to hand a note with this name to the club.

Event attendants will do. Don't even need an office.

Long Yan's tone was a little impatient:

"Maxi is a total bad guy, a man who even suggested that people be removed from intensive care in the medical carriage for herbal treatments and bloodletting!"

"And Philip is a complete idiot, you know? He never has a new idea or any opinion. As a public scholar, he will only be a puppet of his superiors and care about how much he can get every day.

You deserve to be rewarded, and then you can use the shiny medal to bluff people to get a sense of satisfaction..."

As Long Yan spoke, his voice changed.

It became a feeling of...'Oh, why didn't I think of this person?'

He suddenly stopped talking and glanced at Gwen: "...Well, I think, he seems to be just the person we need. The cultivation area carriage needs such a person... By the way, isn't he a member of the Herbal Medicine Association?

Are you a member? That’s right, just right, we just need some herbs.”

It seems a bit unreasonable not to appoint a Fenggong conductor for such a precious carriage.

After all, there are too many and too big carriages under the direct control of Long Yan.

But at the same time, hehe, this Mr. Philip seems to be the talent Long Yan is looking for.

Gwen stabbed: "Didn't you say that he never had his own opinion?"

"This shows that he is very stable and will not risk changing government orders easily. The most important thing on this prosperous train is stability."

Gwen thought for a while: "But isn't he a person who just does what he is told stupidly?"

"That shows that the world misunderstands his dedication to his duties. We Utopians often belittle people who are meticulous in their work, probably because of our own shortcomings."

"What about him being a complete idiot?"

Long Yan patted the table and put on the shameless face a car commander should have:

"Who said that? I can't believe someone said that about him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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