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Chapter 244: Legal Issues

"... Area 2 needs five professional embalmers! What? There aren't any. Then go find a few forensic doctors, give them some money to clean up, and then go there!"

"...There is a resurrection of the dead in area 5, and Pope Gwen is needed... No, no, no, the Pope's schedule is already full, so you can arrange for the two loli demons to pull the shade cloth, be ruthless, and use some military power

Just purify it and remember to clean up the bullet casings!"

"…The Shad believer was pushed down the steps by Cat Deng because he was playing with him. Now he has a sensitive butt and wants to take sick leave? Throw two more Cat Dang in there and let him think about asking for leave."

The cursed blade handles various matters with proficiency and amazing speed. For her, this is just part of the most ordinary daily life.

"I doubt she has fifteen brains." Laura conspired loudly with Gwen.

"Otherwise, how could this guy handle things all at once, sort out the plan, and still have his hands free to pet the cat at the same time?"

On the coffee table next to the cursed blade, there is a Slime Cat lamp parked. It completely feels like a Slime Cat dumpling, but the liquid on it has condensed into fluffy cat hair, which is warm when rubbed.

, it also has the smooth feel of warm water, and also has a buff [petting the cat for you], which will give the source of power the ability to think clearly for about one minute.

Theoretically, putting one in the office and everyone taking turns to masturbate can increase the efficiency by nearly 50%, but no one except Curse Blade has the ability to maintain this buff.

No one has as much energy as this squirrel to pet a cat!

"That's it, you can ask Jackal about the oxygen flowers, he will grow them! See you later!"

Cursed Blade covered the phone and walked over in high spirits.

I have to say that this woman has a frightening energy, and she said hello without any trace of fatigue:

"Dear Pope, do you want to come over and dance for us humble ministers of the Order?"

Gwen pursed her lips and stared at her silently.

"Okay, okay, what's the emergency?"

Gwen looked at Laura and asked Laura to speak first.

"Two things, one about Gwen, we need a danger assessment for the Mind Flayer Pope."

She raised her right index finger.

"Secondly, the other side needs a risk assessment of the Mind Flayer Clerical Order."

Her middle finger was raised, and Laura showed that sweet smile, like a little princess: "These two things, the first thing comes from the Special Investigation Bureau, and the second thing comes from the Mind Flayer Blackstone Society.


"Sokka!" Gwen cursed, "Aren't these all our competitors? Are you a spy?"

"Sukka, who do you think is working in the Clerical Order now?"

Cursed Blade makes up for it:

"Among the members who sincerely want to join us, 35% have diplomas in prenatal education, and 65% have prenatal education but failed to graduate. If you don't count spies from all walks of life, Gwen, we are now even

We can’t even gather together an embalming division team. So…”

"...The backbone of our team is actually spies and spies. And then, we all train the scum to be low-level members. Simply put, they are cannon fodder. If they can be used up reasonably in the mission, it will save us from liquidation when the time comes.

By the way, if we can really stand out from the cannon fodder career, it means that they have paid back enough, because our missions are very dangerous and other organizations are not willing to take them."

This is a rather pertinent sentence.

The Clerical Order was founded, and the Cursed Blade followed the path of a legal association, so the only way to get money was through those "tasks that no dog would accept".

Cleaning out monster lairs that are hard to return, repairing trade routes, purifying the undead, and collecting corpses for disposal... Except for the last one, the other tasks are not easy. Basically, about five to ten scum can die each time, and occasionally

There will be spies casualties, but overall it's acceptable.

But the problem is, not everyone on the fellow scum wants to join the clerical cult!

"In fact, there are not enough manpower, and some people have begun to spread the fallacy that the Cleric Order is not the authentic Mind Flayer."

Curse Blade has fully entered the character.

After wiping the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes, she said to Laura without changing her expression: "I have the Pope's evaluation report on my desk, as well as the research values ​​of the mind flayer's power by a non-existent scientific research team.

There are also reports on the organization of the religious sect that were rushed out by Gray Tower, and six reports of core members of different religious sects that Tuxi worked intensively. All in all, what we are playing is an ambition to conduct a comprehensive socialization and sectarian experiment.

Vigorous organization..."

Gwen listened with great interest.

"Are we?"

Cursed Blade glanced at him and grunted: "I knew that the improvement of dragons did not include IQ..."

"It is now."

She pointed to the information on the table.

Laura ran over with a smile and picked up the materials, "Hey, it's still a printed copy? Is it made by a cat lamp?"

"It's all about the show, the devil is in the details."

After Laura packed up a copy of the information, she read it and asked: “By the way, how many people have seen this thing?”

"There are about ten agents. Of course, Tu Xi and I made up more than one set, and we didn't give them all. What you have in your hand is all."

“Oh!” Laura touched her chin, “Then I have to charge some extra fees.”

"Only two companies come to you to buy information?"

"In fact, there is a third one, the Mind Flayer Order."

"You didn't agree?"

"Of course not!"

Gwen felt a little comforted by Laura's righteous expression.

There are still people who stand on the side of justice.

Then Laura said grandly:

"Because the military coupons of the Mind Flayer Order cannot be redeemed every time, my credit has long been bankrupt. Even a Wilgi will not make a second transaction with the Mind Flayer Order."


Cursed Blade looked at her deeply:

"Not even a Wilki would trade with them twice."

The two looked at each other for half a second, laughed loudly, and even the cat lights laughed together.

In Utopia, racial jokes never go out of style.

"Okay, Gwen, why did you come to see me?"

After Curse Blade dealt with Laura's affairs, he was ready to deal with Gwen's.

"It's something."

When Gwen went out recently, she encountered other mind flayers many times.

Not to mention that most mind flayers' attitudes towards themselves have not changed at all, but there is no change at all. As Long Yan said:

"Although they are all your subordinates in name, they really don't take you seriously."

If it was the past, it would be of no consequence, but now, nothing can be said about it.

Gwen decided to exercise her power as the mind flayer's resurrected body and end the current situation where the mind flayers were exploited by evil illegal associations.

But unfortunately, these mind flayers all said that although he is orthodox, he is not orthodox enough. Everyone did not see you when they had a meeting and dinner in the world of ghost stories. Why are you suddenly parachuted in and become the leader? This is not appropriate, I seize

The inner demon community has its own public opinion.

"...You see, when I went out at night, I happened to encounter a mind flayer trying to steal hearts. I followed him and found that this mind flayer was a phantom summoned by an evil association but with the power of strange stories.

The person whose heart was taken away was an innocent person. I wanted to persuade it not to take the heart and go back, but I didn't expect that it wouldn't listen to me and had to take action... I don't have much restraint on them.

, it has already spread throughout the world of ghost stories!”

Curse Blade and Laura listened with great interest.

Laura asked: "Does news spread so quickly in the world of ghost stories?"

Gwen glared at Cat Lantern, who was sleeping soundly: "It's from Cat Lantern!"

"That's not surprising." Curse Blade crossed his hands, "So, you are going to take action to increase your prestige among the mind flayers? At the same time, increase your legitimacy?"

"That's right!"

Gwen patted her thigh and said, "I went to have a chat with Annalee and have a friendly exchange of opinions."

It was actually Gwen who gave Annalee a good beating.

In other words, two meals!

The mind flayer Annalie reluctantly handed over a piece of information.

"She said..."

Gwen picked up the tea and took a sip.

"...Didn't the Mind Flayer have a big fight with the authorities back then? Did it end at the cost of a true warrior?"

"And the battlefield back then, for various reasons, has been silent somewhere in the complicated underground world of the Lao Xiangren, and no one has discovered it so far."


There are a large number of ghost story nests on the bottom floor of the Fellowship.

It is an area that even the two major religious groups do not want to develop. The development cost is high and the development time is long. The final income is only one or two pieces of land that can grow plants. It is really impossible to recover the cost.

But at the same time, due to its complexity and characteristics closely related to the world of ghost stories, it is also the best place to arrange rituals about ghost stories.

The place where the attempt was made to seal the Mind Flayer was in the underworld.

Gwen asked Annalee for the coordinates:

"It's in a place underground called Vince Castle."

Laura first clapped her hands with interest:

"Oh? An ancient battlefield? Hiss, there must be many treasures in it..."

Curse Blade pondered: "Can you mark it out? Let's compare the map and see the cost of excavation and exploration... If it can improve your legitimacy, we can directly eat several elite mind flayer associations. This way

It can greatly make up for our lack of talents and non-espionage talents."


Gwen quickly took out the map and laid it on the table. She kicked off her shoes and knelt on it. She took out a pencil and slowly marked the features and locations that Annalie mentioned.

After all, it's been a while since then.

And all cities in Utopia, unless they are really small, are made up of moving trains.

Therefore, it is necessary to start marking the lines from well-known scenic spots.

Fortunately, Gwen has a good memory and can remember the mind flayer Annalie's mind flayer words.

For example: "Hey, hey, I killed someone on the mountain. In the afternoon, facing the sun, hey... went down again XX..."

Through these Mohu's words, Gwen had to carefully think and compare every clue on the big map to find Yinwensi Castle.

However, in a sense.

Annalie did give the coordinates.

While he was drawing the map, Cursed Blade controlled his gaze and said to Sister Laura, whose eyes were wide open:

"Sister Laura, are you free to say hello to the upper management recently?"

"With whom?" Laura thought hard and looked away, facing the cursed blade with a serious face.

"Dragon Flame."

Now even Gwen was completely focused on listening to what Squirrel Girl was going to say.

"Based on reliable intelligence, the special task force sent a person to find the secret agent and asked the secret agent to send a team to thoroughly investigate the death of the special agent. Since the money given was relatively large, a small group of people originally decided not to participate in any

It is possible that the secret agents of political speculation decided to investigate and even frame it."

Curse Blade coughed lightly:

"Of course, I don't want to reveal this matter to Long Yan. I just want to say that you may say hello to Long Yan recently? The fellow number belongs to fellow fellows. I have always liked this rule."

Laura touched her chin: “Who in the special team asked to inquire?”

Cursed Blade looked at the map, stretched out his fingers and tickled the soles of Gwen's feet to tell him not to be lazy.

"I have no intention of revealing the name of the lady who always likes to criticize Long Yan's practices."

Laura and Curse Blade looked at each other and smiled, reaching a tacit understanding.

After that the topic became a little more relaxed, for example:

"The Gray Tower was recently besieged by several members of the Mind Flayer Cult. We almost had to hold a funeral ceremony for him. Did you know?"

"What?" Gwen couldn't help asking.

Curse Blade spread his hands:

"But it's a blessing in disguise. His source of power is finally fully revealed and has actual uses."

"Strengthening type?"

I have to admit that sometimes Laura’s words are quite discriminatory.


Cursed Blades generally don't inquire about other people's source of power.

In Utopia, unless someone has a proven ability, everyone will usually hide it so that no one knows what the specific situation is.

"Then you say we should put him in the team? That is, if we go to explore Evans Castle?" Gwen asked.

"He shouldn't be free. He has something to do recently. He has to prepare the Giant Rat Car for the Clerical Order."

Hometown, Old Street, Milan Assembly Plant.

Gray Tower is discussing business with his fellow Shads, and is finalizing the details, which has a strong Shad feel.

——Gulu gulu gulu.

Miria, a Shad native, blew into a bottle of Shad liquor in one breath and let out a big breath of alcohol. This two-meter-and-one-meter-tall female Shad engineer usually likes to drink. Apart from drinking, she only has

I got drunk and started working on the project.

She said:

"Brothers Huita, it's not that we don't want to discount, it's that business is not going well. The train situation is not very good recently, and there was a long night before the Tea Festival. Now, everyone is reducing spending, and business is not going well.

Do it. Every time we sell a car, we have to make a loss. Many owners would rather close their shops than do business anymore.”

Huita drank a bottle without saying anything.

Now we have something to talk about.

"Well, it's not impossible, but..."

This chapter has been completed!
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