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Chapter 262: Fighting the Dogs

Artem is a hard-working driver.

——When this white bear Shad received an urgent mission from the Curse Blade, he punched a sandbag that Mihayla had never exploded before. At the same time, he had a little doubt about his due reward.

Wearing sunglasses and a white beard, it seems that every man with a white beard looks like this.

His face was still expressionless, but the constant singing of Shad's local ditty from his throat showed that he was very satisfied.

On the passenger seat, the unique gold color of military bullets, oiled and shiny, showed a message of wealth under the moonlight at night.

"You spent a lot?"

Tu Xi put down the newspaper in his hand. His curiosity about a serialized story in the novel column of the newspaper was finally over. He raised his chin and looked directly at the equipment box with one foot, like the captain's cursed blade to observe the situation.

"I made a lot of money."

Cursed Blade said.

One advantage she has is that she will never be lenient when it comes to remuneration. This young woman is by no means stingy in her attitude towards wealth. If she can spend money to hire a team that can handle a commander-level monster, she will not hesitate.

Don’t hesitate to take out the accumulated wealth.

Mihaila is slightly inferior to Gwen, Gwen is slightly inferior to Dragon Flame, plus Rabbit is slightly inferior to Cat Lantern, rounding up, this is a Dragon Flame! (1+1+1=1, there is a certain negative number)

If you can call a Long Yan to help, this business is beyond words.

"What type of trouble are they in?"

Gwen asked carefully.

——There are a lot of troubles, caused by the immortals? Caused by the source of power? Even caused by the witch.

It's easier to do things if you know your opponent.

"I met a big dog, and five people were already inside it."

"I guess it's a bit fancy?"

"Have you ever heard of Boca Lotna, the Immortal?"

"Is it coming in person?"

"Suka thing, although I appreciate you calling it a dog, you at least insulted the dog. And if it comes in person, do you think we still have a chance to save people? With its characteristics, we can even give Cassin

Mu and the others don't even have a chance to collect the body."

Cannibal pie.

Gwen felt that her knowledge was affected a little, and some of the knowledge and records of the Witch Lord were shining in the Lord's sharing pool.

Is this too much of a coincidence?

As soon as the name was spoken, the name was recorded in the Lord's mind.

You can also inquire for yourself.

——Gwen has doubts, but since he established contact with the Witch Lord, except for the fact that the dragon horns on his head and the dragon tail behind him are changing his physical abilities every day, the thick database is true.

Not moving, as if the Lord has no time to care about these things.

Doubts are doubts, and information still needs to be obtained.

"You don't seem to be unfamiliar with it?"

Curseblade is quite interested in Gwen.

Especially for the Witch Lord behind him, and Luna Sisko, who is always paying attention to him and has sent a bright spy.

This information was either given by Luna Sisko or given by the Lord.

Curse Blade felt like he saw a net, and two vague creatures were patiently weaving the net.

Was this event anticipated?

She began to think about her resistance to Long Yan, and began to think about whether there was something affecting their journey to Yinwensi Castle. In short, she was even sure that the information Gwen obtained must have been 'placed there a long time ago'

, looks like a complete coincidence.

"The Eternal One is called the Great Eater, the Holy Grail of Flesh and Blood, and the Cancer of Eternal Life..."

——Boca Lotna was promoted through the immortality ritual, but it is said that the incompleteness of the ritual has completely changed it. The red moonlight that occasionally appears at night is proof of its incompleteness.

Curse Blade nodded, recognizing everything Gwen said.

"This big dog is the part it lost. It can be said to be the crystallization of all its sins and dark sides. It is not the incarnation of Boca Lotna, but its mortal enemy, known as the eternal enemy and bloodline

The Hound of Kirkpolas.”

The curse blade didn't know where it learned this knowledge: "A huge three-headed dog gained crazy fire-breathing power after devouring a huge fire demon. Legend has it that it hunted Boca Lotna's minions everywhere, but

It also hunts down mortals, because mortals are just snacks to it."

"That sounds terrible."

The rabbit trembled.

A fleshy girl like her must be delicious... Gwen thought abruptly and rudely.

"Why is it targeting Kasim?"

"Maybe I'm hungry, and I happened to meet some delicious Yuanlishi."

"Cockasim is awesome!"

"Kirkbolas is a commander-level existence. Do you think that no matter how powerful Kasim is, she can defeat a commander who is more powerful than the average commander? Let's stop talking nonsense."

"Well - she still has a team..."

"Have you ever seen that Long Yan has to rely on his personal guards to be considered a vehicle commander? Don't blame me, your mission is not to fight, but to pretend to be dead after saving Kasim and his group...


"How could I blame you! Of course I want to be as powerful as you and fight to the death with that evil!" Rabbit said sternly, "But unfortunately, if no one takes care of the Cassim sisters, they will definitely die, so they are pretending to be dead like this

I will accept this shameful mission!"

Then she folded her hands and said proudly:

"Those who do great things endure the humiliation that others cannot bear!"

Cursed Blade glanced at her and smiled:

"Okay, I'll trouble you. Alas, sister, you are the only person I know who has such a good sister who doesn't stick to trivial matters and doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. When the time comes, Kasim will leave it to you."

Gwen looked at the excitement and patted Mihayla's thigh. The beautiful boy in blue clothes smiled sweetly and said curiously:

"Then the mission you gave us shouldn't be to fight that big dog, right?"

"My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and Misha is the one who knows me." (Mihayla's nickname)

Gwen couldn't help but say:

"According to your statement, the Immortal's commander level is stronger than the average. Rounding off the numbers, we have to fight a commander who is stronger than the average commander. At the same time, we are also required to at least be able to repel it?"

"My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and Zuo Yin is the one who knows me."

Gwen and Mihaila exchanged glances, and took a look in the rearview mirror of the car to see White Bear Shad's piercing eyes behind his sunglasses. He complained quietly: "Sokka, you know this squirrel boy doesn't have enough money.

Very profitable.”

Kasim hid behind a stone.

The windbreaker on this usually sassy and beautiful woman has become a cloth outfit, and the battle leather jacket also has several bloody scars.

——She lit the cigarette gracefully and held it in her mouth with a calm expression. She leaned against the bare stone, breathing in the air that smelled of moss and grass, and listened to her heartbeat.


This is what everyone has said about Kashim since childhood.

In this kind of adulation, Kashim discovered his true talent, which was that while possessing a near-photographic memory and understanding, he also possessed a habitually humble and cautious heart.

And this characteristic that the more critical it is, the more calm it becomes.

"Ho! Yao Yao..."

The voice of the three-headed dog came.

Kasim tilted her head. After discovering that the other party's target was her, she immediately learned a skill. Through this skill, she successfully attracted the three-headed dog to her side in a real sense, giving herself the remaining five

Team members win the chance to call for help.

Will she come?

——Kasim had no time to think, she smiled and made a wolf-like howl at the sky:


Through the special tone and vibrato of pronunciation, Kasim learned this foreign language, which is also called "dog language", in just one minute. Through the frequency of dog language, she successfully discovered the three-headed dog's pain points and grasped them.

I took the opportunity to deeply explore its inner world and developed new routines and new playing methods, which greatly enhanced the user perception of the three-headed dog.

It changes from 'the dog is just playing' to 'the three-headed dog wants to hunt your whole family'.


The rocks behind made a mournful cry that could not bear the weight of fate.

Dozens of cracks appeared on it.

Kasim knew that he was wrong again.

That is:

"You're not the only dog ​​left in your family, right? Woohoo."

While he was thinking, a fishy wind blew in his face, and Kasim heard a voice shouting:

"The phantom of the morning light!"

A petite cub shot stood in front of Kasim, and the three-headed dog bumped into it. The huge body collided with the petite Shad, but was stopped.

Kasim seized the opportunity and used his power:

"Knowledge of all things."

Yuanli rummaged and found a cannonball that hit the giant dog's left head. The explosion caused the three-headed dog to become confused for a short time.

"A phantom in the night," said the voice.

A white-haired Utopian Shad who was at least seventy years old and had changed from 'Grizzly Shad' to 'White Bear Shad' appeared right above the three-headed dog. This old man Shad had a bigger skin than Kashin.

Mu's arms, which were even thicker than his waist, punched the dog hard on the middle of his head.

Shota Bear and Old Man Bear become transparent and then disappear.

Kasim rubbed her wrist and closed her left eye to relieve the fatigue from forcibly using the 'All Knowledge' many times. At the same time, a Xiong Shad, rubbing his chest and gasping for air, appeared next to her.

"Grey Tower, run."

Kasim had to lament that he was lucky enough to meet this Shad named Gray Tower, and coincidentally, this Shad had the contact information of Curse Blade, and although his strength was not strong, his power was very convenient.

After a short period of 'gently waking up the dog's dream', the two broke out.

"How many more times do I want Sukka's!"

Huita didn't even have time to cry. He was just pushing a fucking cart to check. Unexpectedly, the unscrupulous person dug a hole and slid down all the way. Finally, he landed in an empty world in the car.

Sukka encountered this unfortunate incident.

If he hadn't sent a distress signal to Curse Blade, he would definitely not be able to hold on now!

Only with hope can Yuanli give enough feedback.

"Hold on until the Curse Blade comes."

From the corner of his eye, Kasim caught a glimpse of the three-headed dog shaking its head, returning to its normal state, and almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

They have blocked it four times in this way, but they have not broken through the defense four times, or in other words, they have broken through the defense but the opponent recovered too quickly.

"How many more times can you use your source power?"

Kasim then sprinkled the source water, which can be made by soaking the talisman with the mind flayer's source power in the water. It is equivalent to the mind flayer's holy water. This water has strong heart spasm toxicity, although

It can't fight against the three-headed dog, but it is quite effective. At least it can make the three-headed dog afraid of one or two people, so as not to turn the two people into meat cakes when the source of power is lacking.

"About six times."

"Bless me in March, rescue will arrive within ten times of you."

"Suka, I say six times!"

"Suka, you can persist at least four more times in the face of the threat of death."

Sokka boy.

Kasim cursed secretly. She knew these people very well, and from time to time she would say, "I really can't handle it." But if you squeeze in, you can still survive, right?

Just like the Curse Blade.

Sukka's is just like the squirrel cub Curse Blade. Sister cub, if you don't come, I will have to report to the mind flayer in advance. I don't know if I can get an advantage by holding his amulet.

At this point, maybe I can buy a house first, and then wait for that Suka kid to come down with a smile...

Kasim was mentally prepared.

In the long time that followed - in terms of senses, every second was like a minute for Sukka - they fought off the three-headed dog at least three times. As for how much energy Gray Tower used up, she was almost there anyway.

Squeezing every ounce of energy out of the body.

Despair is spreading.

But the next second everything took a turn for the worse.

"Get down!"

The sound of the cursed blade and the two cursed gun shots came at the same time, just like the sounds of nature.

Kasim quickly dragged the gray tower bear to the ground. From the corner of his eye, he saw a white bear Shad using the petite Mind Flayer and Mihira as weapons to throw at the three-headed dog, and the rabbit swish.

Come up.

——The rabbit pounced on Kasim's body like a professional bodyguard, and a large amount of soil surged up, as if it was going to become a protective umbrella. But at the same time, the crackling sound of the bones on Kasim's body and the painful expression on his face were


The Mud Cat Fortress was activated and all three of them were dragged underground for protection.

Cursed Blade cursed: "Sokka!"

She also wanted to hide in, and it would be easy if she could.

However, the rabbit retreated too quickly, and it looked like Lara Croft. Lara Croft should not have been allowed to play with the rabbit in the first place!

There is nothing we can do about it now.

Curse Blade drew out two lightsabers, one long and one short, and jumped into the hand of White Bear Shad with a light jump.

The silent Artyom also threw the cursed blade.

At this time, Mihayla in front had doubled his strange power and used his weird incense burner to give the three-headed dog a heavy blow, smashing the head of the three-headed dog on the left side with blood and bone fragments.

Gwen used the lightsaber to make up for the piercing damage. With the cooperation of the two of them, and the flaw in the three-headed dog caused by the source power of the Gray Tower and Cassim, one of the three-headed dog's heads was almost destroyed in one go.

But anything related to the Eternal One is really disgusting, if nothing else.

The severely injured left head was instantly wrapped in a huge amount of squirming flesh and seemed to be repairing, while the momentum of the other two heads was slightly weaker.

The cursed blade grabbed the dog's chin, turned it back, and shouted loudly:

"It's healing, attack, hurry up!"

In the sky above Utopia, in the cosmic carriage.

The five women who were playing cards all looked surprised.

Alice with violet eyes looked at this scene and said softly:

"There are cheaters among us."

"How could it be?" "How could it be!"

The five people looked at each other, all showing fake smiles.

Hela with emerald green eyes cooed:

"It came in time, but the overall value of 308CL still has the upper hand."

This chapter has been completed!
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