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Chapter 278: Quota Trading

"Excuse me, Captain Gwen."

"You don't have to be so polite. This is just business. If there's anything special, it's that I believe in myself, so I chose to see you off, Commander Lin."

What's her name?

Lindsay, or Linda?

Gwen's sunny smile made the unknown Commander Lin a little greedy.

Sunny, handsome and young.

But imagine the identity behind this pretty face:

The mind flayer's resurrected body.

Commander Lin immediately woke up. This was not the beauty she should chase. This was not the person she could chase.

"If you are free, we can also discuss the trade agreement. The Tea Festival is a big festival, and special food supply has become a very difficult thing, but we can do it."

Captain Gwen also has several very powerful ruthless characters. If we can get his promise, we can semi-rent some 'cargomen' or 'grain truck bodyguards', which will also be a good thing for the Moulin... The Moulin is Lin

The commander's car produces the flour that is not much on the Fellowship, as well as the rare cattle, sheep and pigs raised underground, and a group of even rarer war horses.

A high-quality source war horse can take more damage than the main defense source, and it is more convenient to restore life than passive armor.

But it cannot be concealed that the Yuanli War Horse is a consumable item, just like a higher-level military bullet.

However, Captain Lin mainly deals in grain. In Utopia, it is more profitable to deal in grain than to make bullets. Military ammunition is inherently currency, so the business of exchanging barley for bullets occurs all the time.

Rice, pork, mutton and beef, oh, and Ace Flour.

This is what Captain Lin thinks can impress Gwen.

Unsurprisingly, Commander Gwen's face showed a look of longing, and the beautiful thick dragon tail swayed unconsciously.

"We can provide you with affordable meat and food during the Tea Festival, and supply it with priority."

Captain Lin thought to himself: This dragon's tail must feel particularly good to the touch.

Then she got the words she cared about most from Gwen:

"I'll ask my financial controller later to bring a team over to sign the contract. Mideliya, you know her, right?"


This is Natalie Xiong's train. She has been jumping up and down recently and obtained a lot of black information about Long Yan. She even forced Long Yan to open up an extremely important position in his ruling system as a compromise. Of course, this position is not Na's.

Tali's, she doesn't have this qualification. But the person behind her is, well, a very generous young lady from Shad. Legend has it that she is the last royal family of the Gray Kingdom. Of course, under the leadership of enlightened authorities, what happened in the past?

It’s not easy for the royal family!

There is only one reason why this lady is so influential, and that is that she is very rich and has raised an entire theater of Kiritsugu dancers.

The rich lady wanted to do a business with Gwen, which is why she asked Natalie to come and talk to Gwen.

"Middlelia works for you now?"

Natalie chatted: "I heard that he is one of the heirs of Long Yan."

"One of the heirs?"

Natalie said: "Putting aside illegitimate children, a powerful commander should have several heirs, private secretaries, who are the heirs of half of his political legacy; several disciples, who are the heirs of the other half of his political legacy. Then

Money and other things are divided. All in all, Long Yan is a very mature lord, which is why the authorities are very confident about him now... He follows the rules... Those behaviors that do not follow the rules, he is so powerful.

, if we don’t let him be a little more presumptuous, everyone will be more worried.”

"I really didn't expect this."

Gwen didn't have any heirs, and he wouldn't go for it. Annalie had already given him the best example.

Annalee lives in the power of strange stories.

Even if Gwen dies unfortunately, there is a high probability that his source power will continue to keep him active and give him enough time to use the source ability of the Flame Eye Bride to create a 'single VIP reincarnation room', where he can

It specifies a lot of excessive and outrageous conditions, such as 'Reincarnation VIPs can enjoy dual accounts of Utopia OL', etc... Of course, this will definitely cause some conflicts with the immortals who manage death and the witch who manages souls.

But everyone died...

You have to do something, right? If you can do it, he is not that free and easy.

"Well, you are a resurrected creature after all, this is normal."

Natalie joked: "If I were the resurrected body of Kaidan, I should now persuade Long Yan to fully open the authority of Kaidan and let myself become the intermediary of Kaidan. In this way, in the future, I might be able to rely on Kaidan to assume the identity of an immortal... Oh, yes.

Yeah, Long Yan hates the Eternal Ones, right?"



Is this a joke?

It's also an uncomfortable joke.

"Gwen, your clerical sect seems to be doing well?"


——Gwen knew this would be the case. When a new cult was established, many people were not very optimistic about them. Especially the more pragmatic people. Setting up a cult does not just require mind flayers, just like

If you want to establish a country, you don't just have to have a descendant of the Red Kingdom, it's the same thing.

A religious order.

Although everyone calls this a society, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a religious group.

There is a pope, regular gatherings, sharing of mythological eating rituals, and a complete propaganda system, etc. All of this shows that this is a religious group.

Oh, yes, it even has its own secret book.

And by following the secret code, you can cultivate universal source power and become a 'user of the secret code of the order'.

All this shows that this is not just a show, but a group that actually exercises the rights of the religious order.

This also means it's great for investing.

Investing in a religious order never loses money.

Although the authorities only admit that there are only two legal religious groups in the world, March and the Sea of ​​Illusion, in essence this behavior is just to set up the two major religious groups of March and the Sea of ​​Illusion as a target. We are not stupid.

On the surface, they agreed with the authorities' "classification", and the two major religious groups only accepted the authorities' "good intentions" on the surface.

That's all.

Many, many vehicle commanders, in order to obtain sufficient economic prosperity and military support, will promulgate some favorable policies in disguise to religious groups.

Even Longyan is not exempt from vulgarity.

Long Yan gave the Clerical Order some tax exemption agreements and private soldier expansion agreements.

In Utopia, it is actually difficult to explain how many private soldiers a person has.

On the metropolitan level, it may be ten people, on the fellow train, it may be thirty people, and on some rural trains it can spread to a hundred people. This is also an important reason why the authorities need to integrate political resources and establish a traffic policy.

But it's very difficult. The captains are not willing to share the rights they are born with.

The general restriction on private soldiers generally lies in ‘armed force’.

Private soldiers cannot own tanks, cannot possess heavy firepower, and cannot be practitioners of the Secret Code of Source Power.

The sect usually allows practitioners of the Secret Code of Source Power to become private soldiers. This is also the so-called 'expanded agreement'. Long Yan is very cautious about this aspect and will not issue it frequently, nor will he agree to some small trains.

The enlargement agreement issued - no way, Utopia still has more elements of local autonomy, and some places will even refuse passports issued by the authorities...

But Long Yan’s proof would not.

The passport issued by Long Yan will not be rejected. Everyone knows that he is reliable. Everyone knows that he is reliable.

If we don't give any face, we will only give the residents of Laoxianrenhao a reply of "Sorry, the car is closed today and will not be open. Please come back another day."

The financial backer behind Natalie is eyeing the number of private soldiers in Gwen's hands who can own the secret code of source power.

"We need more manpower. Damn it, you don't know how much we lost last time. The batch of students you taught were all dead. The situation in the Fellowship is getting more and more unstable. Two more died yesterday.

, serial killer... We need the ability to fight back, we need a team with the ability to fight back."

It's said in a high-sounding way.

It's hard to say what this group of people will do after they come in. Natalie is lawful anyway, and her sponsor should be lawful as well.

The most special thing about Utopia is that if you are not in the same camp, even if you have a good relationship, you will only be friends, because the source of power is the power of the heart. If the heart does not recognize it, the source of power will become weaker. Gwen So far

I have only seen one contradictory source force example, and that is Mihayla. Mihayla's behavior is undoubtedly a bit chaotic, but judging from the source force color system, there is no doubt that Mihayla is a lawful buddy.

Maybe he deceived Yuanli.

Gwen thought.

Now, he answered Natalie: "I do have some quotas."

If it had been in the past, Gwen would not have done this business.

But now he will do it.

The safety of a fucking fellow countryman is nothing compared to the flames of an ambitious man.

Long Yan is wrong and right.

What he was wrong about was that he thought that as an extremely capable unit, he could perfectly cover the entire train. Facts have proved that he was wrong. With him around, the Eternals would still do bad things for their own purposes and attack the train captain? Hardly.

Di slapped Long Yan on the face. Oh, and there was also the underground bomb-casting factory.

And the correct thing is that many problems in the world can be solved as long as the fighting force is strong enough.

In the past world, some basketball stars liked to start with a dazzling dribble, perform a dazzling set of moves, and finally trick others (usually ending by setting off other people's defense) with an elegant 14-foot kick

Pull out a jump shot. But some people are much simpler, one step past, two steps up, three steps to dunk the fucking blue, turning the defensive player in front of them into a backdrop.

If Natalie had more source of force, the security of the Fellowship would definitely improve.

Because the Shad people are the race that likes to use brute force the most.

Although Natalie's original intention may not be to maintain order, her propaganda of iron-bloodedness, zero-tolerance and double-zero-tolerance strategies will make her subordinates carry out strict security management in order to please her.

Although the Laoxiangren is very big, it is a train after all.

On a train, isolated incidents rarely occur.

If Natalie takes more force, the security in some places on this train will be better.

"What price are you going to pay?"

Natalie asked.

"Ten military coins per person per week."

"too expensive."

Natalie didn't like this kind of sustainable expenditure. She frowned and said angrily: "Even if there are people willing to pay the bill, the bill is very expensive!"

Gwen took this opportunity to inquire: "Huh? Don't you keep in touch with your sponsor?"

Natalie said: "Of course not!"

Her pair of cute bear ears twitched: "Power is something that the more you share it with others, the more fragile it becomes. She is a good person, but... if you have to contact the other party once a week, you have to talk to her.

The other party takes money once, which is too..."

Natalie looked a little awkward.

Gwen probably knows this feeling, it's a bit like a college student asking his parents for money every month.

——Of course, this is limited to some people with a relatively positive outlook on life. Some people will conversely think, "The money given by the old man is less this month" and so on.

Having a correct outlook on life can sometimes be said to be more afraid of being embarrassed.

Fear of embarrassment is not a derogatory term, on the contrary, it is an important evidence of human beings.

If people had no sense of shame, Adam would not have picked off the damn leaves and made himself an apron.

Gwen got some information and began to make concessions with satisfaction, lowering the price.

It dropped to about twice the bottom line price he had negotiated with Curse Blade.

After a fierce battle, the transaction was completed at a price that was about 60% higher than the bottom price.

Gwen also became less cute in Natalie's eyes.

This can be considered a severe beating.

But there was no other way. Natalie really needed the resources in Gwen's hands. At the same time, she also paid something else, a piece of information from her sponsor.

"The Wonderful Pharmacopoeia of the Gray Kingdom".

This book is called the Pharmacopoeia. It is the academic notes of a noble physician with a good reputation in the Gray Kingdom. In the Gray Kingdom at that time, only nobles could be doctors - because although it was similar to the Middle Ages, overall,

It is said that there are still nobles on the train. Ordinary doctors go to collect medicines, but they are gone when they encounter monsters. The nobles must bring a large number of people to collect medicines vigorously, or plant them in their own gardens.

In short, this aristocratic doctor has a good reputation. Although he has killed many people, he has saved more people in general.

It was during a certain visit that he went to treat a little girl.

The doctor was going to kill her, but the little girl was born with a powerful source of energy. She awakened as soon as she was stimulated by the drug, and the disease automatically healed.

According to rumors, everyone at that time shouted, "My master is a good doctor," but the little girl immediately ordered the guards to take this guy down.

I searched out my notes and took a look, and it turned out something was wrong.

This noble gentleman's notes record an inhumane secret ritual.

By constantly using drugs to prepare people who are born with strong power, and killing them, they will have a trace of immortality.

Therefore, he has been visiting doctors for many years, just to cure dead people...

Gwen asked for this book because she was considering important immortality rituals.

He doesn't care so much about the immortality brought about by the immortality ritual.

But he was very interested in the ‘three-level jump in source power’ brought about by the immortality ceremony.

No matter how hard others try and how they want him to understand Yuanli, damn Gerxiansen is an honest person and doesn’t really like idealism!

Since you can't get it, why don't you think about it?

It can't be done!

So Gwen decided on the immortality ceremony.

(End of chapter)

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