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Chapter 286: Everyone recognizes Mr. Hu's bad luck

By the time Gwen went to visit the jackal, the jackal had already taken off the bandage.

Huita is in the ward, quietly changing Mr. Hu's clothes.

Gwen took a look and saw that it was very good. There were no missing arms or legs. There was no need to install prosthetic limbs or eyes. It would be better for Yuanli to keep its original form. Maybe her idea was more utilitarian, but it was also based on

The other party considers utilitarianism. Jackal is a very powerful source of power. If he loses part of his source of power, he will easily become depressed. After all, what is more painful than never is having, right?

Booth Swain?"

"I brought you some fruit."

Handsome Mr. Hu danced excitedly: "Excuse me, what is it?"

This appearance made Gwen laugh involuntarily, but she thought it might not be good to smile at the patient, so she covered her mouth with her left hand.

"Oranges, apples and some watermelon."

He replied that it is not easy to get these things in Utopia. Especially the non-purified ones, which are obtained from Mao Varo’s fields and the [Kaka Love Vegetable Department Store]. Mao Varo has a large area where Cat Lamp’s favorite fruits are grown.

fields, and Kaka Love Vegetable Department Store belongs to the monopoly level trade of the authorities in Utopia, and fruits are very expensive. But the wonderful thing is that, just like on the earth plane, giving a fruit basket is almost always a sign of courtesy.

"Great!" Mr. Hu said happily, and his pair of jackal ears twitched involuntarily with pleasure.

Speaking of which, jackals are considered omnivores, right? I’ve heard a saying that the meat dishes eaten by jackals only account for about 55% of the diet, and the remaining 45% are vegetarian. In a sense, they are better than the human diet.

Much healthier.

Huita patted Mr. Hu's jackal ears, with a complaining look on his round bear face:

"Don't eat too much during the recovery period, you guy."

"What does it matter?" Mr. Hu said, "We are working hard to make everything we want come true."

"The body will hurt after being shot. Even if you don't die, the pain is self-inflicted." Huita said.

Although what Xiong said was reasonable, he would still die if he was shot.

The human body is much more fragile than imagined. For example, even if you are shot in the stomach, you will most likely die. It is not like some people imagine that "the body will not be injured."

Gwen sat down on the hospital bed and handed the fruit basket to Hui Ta. Xiong Xiong rolled his eyes and went to peel it: "Only this time."

He emphasized it unnecessarily, as if he was telling Curse Blade, 'This is the last time you're going to trick me.

Gwen thanked her and looked at Jackal: "You know what I want to ask."

"Yes." Jackal calmed down, "You should want to ask me about the attack, who the attacker is, how many people helped, and the information related to the source of power. Finally, you should also ask me.

Opinion, right?"

all hit.

Gwen's face was expressionless, no, it should be said that she was expressionless, with a fake smile, and she unhappily changed the order of the questions: "Let me tell you your opinion first."

Jackal was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

Gwen also paused, then covered her mouth with her left hand and snickered: "I want to hear your opinion first."

Made a sophistry.

"After all, your opinion is important, and I probably have some idea of ​​the attacker's abilities, that's all."

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Hu gently rubbed his face with both hands. Gwen found that almost all Rongen people liked this action of rubbing their faces. It seemed to give them some courage and some comfort.

He said: "My opinion is that although this strange guy attacked us, its target was not on us or you. It did this to create chaos. What it wanted was not Long Yan or me, but something more.

Something serious and important. I think clustering source power would be a very good direction. It would cause chaos on the entire train... For the Eternals, it would be more meaningful to destroy the Fellowship."

"It's indeed a good direction."

Gwen recognized this. He had not thought of this feasibility before, because he accepted

Whether they are cannibals or non-cannibals, the immortals who touch are a disguised form of 'controlling' and 'behind-the-scenes' factions. For them, it is more important to control the fellows. The products produced through the fellows are more important.

Profit from various resources.

For the Eternals, many things must be imported from Utopia. Their weapon crafts may be ahead of the Utopians, but to feed a kingdom, weapons alone cannot do it. Utopia has a complete set of craftsmanship, and

The area of ​​Utopia far exceeds the land area owned by all immortals. According to some documents, it seems to be related to the witch. The witch seems to have prescribed a strict class of immortals, and the territory can only be expanded if certain conditions are met.

At the same time, we also attach great importance to the legal issues of immortals.

Luna Sisko sneakily attacked his colleagues and killed several of them in a row because he had calculated the position and order of heirs. He killed his direct superiors first and then at the same time to ensure that he was the only heir to the political and legal legacy.

Then he went to kill his immediate superior's boss. He followed a perfect murder chain and completed the legal rebellion based on batch number and status, rather than a leapfrog rebellion.

If it's a fight between immortals, it's possible to tear down what you can't get.

"As for the number of people who attacked." Jackal frowned, "Many, very many. I can't believe that this is not something done by some organization lurking in the Lao Xiangren. With so many people and so many weapons, they must have one

The stronghold on the Fellowship. Otherwise, it would be impossible to support them in making reserves similar to this war."

A lot of people.

Gwen nodded: "The last time they attacked me, there were a lot of people, but they seemed to be elite at that time. The people who attacked me had miniguns."

"Machine gun? Hiss, this is... Anyway, the people who attacked me are not equipped."

In fact, it's not a big deal if you equip it. The minigun is more like changing the bullet's striking surface from one place to a large area through rotation, which means that there are gaps in the bullet. For those with a little knowledge of martial arts.

As long as you hold a lightsaber, you can easily escape unscathed from the machine gun fire.

But the jackal may not be able to do it.

"The bureau is looking for the identity of the attacker. They are comparing it with the information on the Utopians from the fellow villagers. There is no result yet. But I believe that with so many reference materials, there should be real results soon.

Jackal was quite dissatisfied, "With so much funding and so much money, our bureau has to wait for most of the day to find out the origins of so many attackers. The bureau has really fallen."

Huita sneered: "The Special Investigation Bureau is such an organization. If you ask them who is responsible for this matter, everyone is responsible. But if you ask who should be responsible if things go wrong and the information cannot be found, it is amazing.

Yes, no one seems to have a reason not to be responsible.

Gwen glanced at Xiong: "You seem to be very dissatisfied with the Special Investigation Bureau?"

"He has reason to be dissatisfied." Jackal explained, "The subsidy that Gray Tower applied for last year was approved this year."

Gwen blinked: "Failed?"

Jackal suppressed a smile and said, "It's 'Please go home and wait patiently for our reply.'"

"That's it for a year?"

Jackal shook his head slightly: "No, it was three months. Let's put it this way, Hui Ta has just left that post for three months, and the tea has gone cold, so it took more than a year to receive this kind of message. You see, Hui Ta

, if you had done it when you were still employed, it would have been approved in less than a week, but you did it only after you left your job, you see..."

Xiong Xiong is indeed a bit naive in this matter.

The principle that people take tea to cool down has its universality wherever there are people who are social.

"The attacker's power is very strong, but..."

Jackal's expression was a little hesitant, "...but it's not as strong as I thought. To be honest, when I saw the nine flame rays that were characteristic of dragon flames sweeping out, I thought I was dead, but...although

It did almost kill me, but it just wasn't strong enough."

If this was some kind of competitive game, Jackal would now be called Mr. Hu or Mr. Big Wolf.

Although what he said is indeed true.

The attacker's source of power is indeed very powerful, but his strength is not as strong as expected.

The power that Gwen can perceive is probably at the commander level and above, but the level it performs is at most a very strong deputy commander level... It's not that it's not powerful, it's that it hasn't reached it.

People's psychological expectations, at least Gwen's, are that users of this level of source power should be able to kill the Jackal in seconds... The Jackal's Sleeping Wolf is an auxiliary ability... So, this time

Eternal minions, a little bit of... super soldiers?

Because it can't even kill a lone support.

It smells a bit like a shock wave.

"According to my observation, its power source ability is probably the ability to control the ejection of flames. Although it is emitted in the form of rays, I found that it can be bent to a certain extent. At the same time, the power of each flame is not very high. If you

If you can't dodge some of the damage, it won't be much of a threat if you hit it hard. Then there's the three-track sniper flame, which has a very fast trajectory and is very powerful. Well, it's still not as powerful as imagined..."

Gwen nodded.

He asked with great interest: "Besides that, is there the ability to jump out of the flames? Or the ability to turn flames into armor? Or use the flames to evaporate others and take away the enemy's physical strength?"

"...Haha?" Jackal looked surprised, "What are you thinking? Flame is flame. There won't be any user of flame source power who has so many abilities, right?"

Gwen looked at him deeply: "That's right..."

After obtaining some other information from Jackal, Gwen did not interrupt the brotherly communication time between Gray Tower and Jackal.

After walking out of the door, let Artyom take him to Homir Commercial Street. This commercial street has the sales shop of Sniper Cat. Because the Black Tea Festival is approaching, Gwen must check the various stocks in this place. Especially.

It is the flagship product of Sniper Heart Cat, also known as Cat Lamp product. After Mao Varo bought the carriage of Sniper Heart Cat, it is said that he gained a lot of cat face in Cat Lamp. Among Cat Lamp,

Face is a very important... uh, resource?

Fat Cat Lanterns who have gained face can rely on this face-oriented and cat lantern economy to summon a cat lantern cargo channel, sign a supply contract with the witch, and obtain a large amount of the witch's goods.

After Cat Varro was repeatedly expounded by Gwen, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​​​"cats buying cat climbing frames."

And it was changed to 'Okay, okay, meow, let's get some wine.

Witch's drink, alchemy potion with sparks, enchanting props made by the devil loli, and equipment produced by the messy adventurer's carriage.

This will become an important part of Sniper Cat's business.

In the words of Curse Blade's snobbish eye, 'I can already feel the scene of a long queue in front of our store,' if she could say so.


The store is not small, which is beyond Gwen's expectation. It is about fifty square meters in length and breadth. It is a long row, with some kind of unique arrangement on the outside, and transport belts and small warehouses on the inside. Cat tiles

Luo was talking to another cat, oh, fatter than she was, in front of a group of surprised Utopians.

That cat is not only fat! It’s also bigger! And its appearance is even more cunning!!!

"Meow, meow, meow! Meow? Meow!"

They were talking in Cat Lantern's unique language.

Gwen could barely understand.

It probably means: "You little cat bastard actually dares to blackmail a cat. The cat is going to squeeze all the fat out of you..."

Probably...maybe, it might be translated like this.

Artyom had a fondness for giant furry creatures, so he curiously asked:

"Are they quarreling?"

Gwen said, "No, it's a fight."


White Bear Shad's eyes widened, wanting to confirm whether the two cats would punch him when he wasn't paying attention. After all, Artyom had seen cats before.

Varro's actual combat can help him understand Mao Deng's strange theory that "the fatter you are, the faster you are."

But it's a pity.

He couldn't see the fight between the two fat cat lanterns at all. Instead, he could hear the meows and meows getting quieter and quieter.

"Is this a fight?"

Gwen glanced at him: "Yes, with the amount of exercise that Cat Lantern does, this is like a fight for them. Now that they are tired from the fight, they will probably eat together after a while."

The warehouse above the store has been cleared out and has enough space for the fat cat and a few people.

A box made of crates, with wine and food on it, two fat cat lanterns were already eating, no, one should be considered a giant cat lantern.

Gwen gave the sluggish Artyom a hand gesture.


The cat lantern is just such a creature.

"Cat Varro," he asked, "is there anything wrong with the goods?"

Cat Varro replied in a booming voice:

"As long as this stupid cat named Quill doesn't ask us to give cats a face tax!"

Cat Quill said: "Meow! You stupid cat uses the cat's line, you should pay cat tax!"

"Your line? Cat has never heard of it!"

"Meow! The cat's tail hair fell on it, that's the cat's territory!"

After intense oral gymnastics, the two cats reluctantly reached a consensus.

After Cat Varro returns, he will say to the other cats, "Cat Quill is a very fat cat." Then Cat Quill will give up her plan.

Although Gwen felt a little headache, since there would be no problem with the supply, she would leave it to her.

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