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Chapter 334 Reserved

What do mind flayers really like?

What do they do most of the time when they are not moving around?

Even if you delve deep into the world of ghost stories, it’s hard to find an answer.

Gwen used the ritual wooden board and used the ritual prepared in advance to enter the ghost story world to teleport him and Laura into it.

By the way, the location this time is in the Beihai District of Kaidan City.

The weird stories of the entire Utopia have gathered together to form the weird stories of the city. Therefore, having a fellow villager who owns a district's weird story, in a sense, can be regarded as bringing glory to his hometown, right?

The landing place is a park.

"Phew! Landed safely." Gwen moved her feet quite contentedly, feeling the feeling of the grass.

Turn your head sideways.

But he saw Laura who was more energetic than him.

Carrying a hiking bag, I energetically took out a small shovel and prepared to open an eye to the earth! Collect the precious soil from the Kaidan World and go back to have a look!

"You..." Gwen pointed at her, "...how are you not affected by the atmosphere in the world of ghost stories?"

The atmosphere in the world of ghost stories is also called the ghost story wine factor. Most people here will be drunk and confused in just a few seconds. Even the curse blade is like this, but why is this bitch not affected? Could it be said that the Laura sisters are actually

Stronger than the Curseblade sisters?

Just when Gwen had such unrealistic dreams.

Laura took out a small bottle from her pocket:

"Fine wine 25345.67 factor!"


"This is a special prop developed by me, Laura, the director of the Laura Special Props Development Bureau!"

What a mouthful.

What a mouthful TAMA!

Reading it in Chinese is very difficult to pronounce, and reading it in a language like Utopia with a lot of uvular and large tongue sounds is a 15-second self-introduction!

Gwen clenched her fists.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gou Lu quickly explained: "It's a prop for exploring the world of ghost stories! I made it myself, extracted the potential factors including sixteen kinds of wine, and combined it with a month-long fermentation of the source factor, and finally obtained

This is a factor prop that can enter a slightly drunken state with just one sip. Hey, the best way to face virus corrosion is to put yourself into a slightly corroded state!"

Vaccination with cowpox, right?

Did not see it.

This dog donkey...

He actually has some skills? He is indeed a guy who even Miss Tomia, who has a high vision, admires. By the way, Miss Yeka also admires the whimsical tools that Laura, a bitch, occasionally comes up with.

, such as her backpack!

Gwen looked at the opponent's backpack.

"Why, even if you want it, I won't give it to you?" Laura's triumphant look reminded people of the cat lantern.

I have to say, this woman is indeed a very good cat light!

It's no wonder she can be friends with Mao Deng.

Isn’t that what these cats are like?

"I don't want it." Gwen reached out and pushed her face.

But in fact this is a lie.

Laura's backpack is a treasure bag.

From the outside, it looks like a mountaineering bag made of ordinary canvas, but there are a bunch of heavy-looking brass gears and bearing parts on it, with a protective film made of very transparent thin-shell amber resin, which constantly makes tiny clicks.

, click, click sound.

Laura is a cat light.

So when Gwen looked over curiously, she unconsciously raised her breasts, which were really good in size.

"I used more than a hundred advanced craftsmanship techniques to create the space expansion bag! Even though it is only this size, it contains nearly 300 kilograms of food!"


"There are also playing cards, desktop versions of board games, six bottles of awesome perfume, as well as mainstream witch card decks and witch card maps!"


"Finally, I also brought 60 scientific research, archeology, and craftsman magazines that I admire highly!"


Gwen's mood at this time was the same as that of some Fawanians looking at the giant cat lantern.

He obviously has such awesome special abilities, but this cat (human) actually plays with it like this.

In a sense, if Laura took off her mask at this time and said that she was a cat lantern, not many people would not believe it.

In other words, most people will believe that Laura is actually a cat and donkey inside, just like they believe that the dragon flame is actually a cat lantern armor.

Evil cat.

"Okay, I know you brought a lot of things."

Gwen admitted that as soon as she said these words, Laura's eyes seemed to light up, and her sky-blue eyes suddenly shone like gems.

Very cute.

"Let's go! Let's interview the Mind Flayer!"

Gwen looked around, her expression changed, she grabbed Laura and ran away.

At first, he led Laura to run, but before he knew it, Laura had already run three cat positions ahead of him...

"Ahead, turn left and hide in!"

After Gwen finished shouting, he discovered that Laura could actually accelerate in the second stage under such circumstances, and disappeared from sight in a whoosh.

He was away from Gwen for at least two seconds.

What an incredible ability this is!

Although Gwen was worried about many things, she did not run with all her strength.

But let’s talk about it…

This is the terrifying foot strength of the third stage of Yuanli. It is no problem to catch up with the fastest rat cart on foot. He can easily catch a snow leopard while running. This level of speed control ability.

But even so, Laura was thrown away.

I really don't know if this guy is strong enough.

This guy is still a cat light...

In fact, many times some chubby cat lights seem to move slowly, but as soon as they enter the escape state, they will burst into a state of super speed like this. It is incredible...

That’s weird!


You guy!

Is he a human?

Gwen became furious, stepped away and rushed twice more, and then managed to catch Laura's exhaust and enter the alley.

As soon as he entered, he grabbed Laura's head and pushed it down. At the same time, he lowered his head and sat down against the wall.


Laura is a good bitch.

That is, she knows when to play tricks and when not to play tricks. As an archeology professor and a well-known adventurer, she must not be a true master of tricks. She knows the taboos of ghost stories better than the average person, even if she is making

With the intention of interviewing the Mind Flayer, she was not unprepared.

The two of them maintained an eerie silence.

Very light.

A grinding sound came from the side.

Gwen felt some kind of dark force slowly passing by.

But don't panic.

As a mind flayer, he could kill such a level of weird talk if he wanted to.

The reason for not killing is that a fight would be very noisy.

If he was besieged by strange rumors, he would definitely be fine, but Laura, a bitch, might not be able to live well.

Although Sister Laura's escape methods are even inferior to those of cat lanterns, she is still a human being after all, not a humanoid cat lantern. Faced with so many strange stories and siege, even a genius in the world of escape may have it easy.

Something happened.

"Sister, do you know how much I have suffered because of you?"

Gwen fully learned the spirit of the curse blade, "If you weren't here, I would have gotten rid of this idiot immediately, instead of being scared and hiding in this place like a puppet, you understand

Ba? My love for you."

Laura stuck her head out to spy on the strange story passing by.

"Good sister, if you need to take responsibility, I can guarantee that my love for you must be the largest share after being divided into eighteen equal parts."

"You have eighteen boyfriends and girlfriends?" Gwen admired Laura's Aquaman status.

Laura, on the other hand, behaved shamelessly like a cursed blade, "Sisters, I have eighteen admirers. I am the star, I am the moon, I am the sun. How can I expect only one person to enjoy my glory?"

"Well, dear sister, I want to enjoy the sunbathing alone without wearing anything?"

Laura suddenly changed her face, "I told you earlier, sister, the sun will occasionally give an exclusive package to those who love her. To be honest, I really want to see you wearing shorts and getting sun marks on your thighs."

"Uh-huh." Gwen used her elbow to make some intimate contact with Laura's face.

And afterwards he made an extremely angry accusation: "Why did you hit my elbow with your face?"

"If I was thinking right, you hit me in the face with your elbow?"

"If you are not thinking normally, I can let you touch my waist as compensation, and compensate me for touching your despicable face with my noble elbow."

"Ouch! I'm not normal anymore!"

Laura rubbed her hands, and before Gwen could even react, she touched his waist hard, and grabbed him skillfully downwards. She was like a gangster among gangsters, and now she was elbowed on the right side of her face.

, just opposite to the elbow strike on the left cheek just now.

"Female gangster!" Gwen's voice almost became shrill.

"Hey!" Laura smiled like a fool. Suddenly, her expression became serious, "Gwen, have you eaten a little too much recently? Do you feel a little fatter?"


"Don't slap me in the face!" Laura was experienced and protected her face with both hands.

The gathering place of the Mind Flayers is on an elevated apartment bridge in Beihai District. To put it simply, it is an elevated bridge with apartment buildings on both sides. Below is the place where Hai and Yutu are stationed in the city... Yes, Yutu and

The mind flayer is indeed a weird thing that goes hand in hand, both have very obvious cat characteristics.

Especially now that there are Cat Yutu and the Cat Mind Flayer. And this viaduct cannot be used as a bridge. Anyway, the weird stories in the entire Utopia would rather build two more bridges next to it than use this bridge to cross.


Today, Gwen will take Laura through here instead.

Compared with the weird stories that most people don't want to mess with, Gwen herself has a somewhat friendly relationship with them. Maybe it's because the impression Gwen left on the mind flayers is actually good?

higher status.

The quality of tributes has also been improved.

Compared with the heart of an ordinary person, or the heart of a powerful monster, is it better?

By the way.

The cricket-fighting game of the Mind Flayer has entered the 2.0 version because of the 'monster heart' brought by Gwen. The 1.0 heart cricket kings have been eliminated, and they have not achieved even the top eight results in six consecutive competitions!

At this point, it is understandable that Gwen is hated by a small group of mind flayers.

Crossed the barrier at the entrance.

Gwen reached out and picked up Laura, but the guy actually floated before landing.

Gwen's eyes widened.

"Am I super?"

"What's wrong?" Laura still didn't know what she had just done.

"Did you float just now?"

Gwen remained surprised. Could this guy really be a cat lantern in disguise?

"Floating? Haha, look at my shoes." Laura stretched out her beautiful little feet, revealing the soles, which were composed of some kind of mechanical component.

It was a bit embarrassing to say it, and Gwen remembered what the other party said about not sweating easily.

Such thick shoes, with leather on the outside, really don’t have a strong smell?

Gwen was deeply skeptical.

"Floating air-cushion shoes!" Laura introduced proudly, "Even if you jump from a height of more than ten meters, you can still descend slowly, and you can also reduce your body's gravity when running. I made fifteen adjustments!


"Adjust what?"

"Twice I ran too fast and I flew up!"

"...I can't imagine." Gwen scratched her hair.

After entering this area, Gwen quickly felt Laura's nervousness.

Just when Gwen thought: What is wrong with this guy?

The answer appeared on an apartment building not far away.

A beautiful mind flayer was looking at them quietly from above. It possessed Gwen's dragon horns and tail, as well as some more terrifying fire power.

Gwen knows.

I also shared some of my source power in the third stage with these mind flayers.

Possessing the power of fire that transcends one's own will has become one of the powers that mind flayers can obtain through training. Although it is a weakened version, as a noble fire and water hybrid, recently the mind flayer can be said to be an upgraded version of Yu in the ghost story circle.


Ever since Yutu transformed into a cat, he has been in some kind of cat dilemma.

That is:

"The cat didn't want to mess with them, but she really wanted to give her sofa a paw!"

Trouble started.

"Shh, shush..." Gwen made a silencing gesture to Laura, and at the same time made a squeaking sound with her throat with a little shame.

Like teasing a cat.

Laura watched with interest.


The mind flayer really jumped twice as nimbly as a cat, jumping from the roof to the water pipe, and then he was so dexterous that he couldn't even see his hand movements, as if he stepped on invisible transparent stairs twice in the air, easily and easily

It landed loosely.


She spoke like a precious cat, with a domineering and noble elegance.

"Every time you appear in the world of ghost stories, nothing good happens. Please tell me your purpose this time."

"Don't say it so coldly."

Gwen didn't use the method of ruthlessly licking Annalee.

They are all old mind flayers.

Worse than anyone else.

Even though this guy looks like a mind flayer elite, he is actually a big fisherman. Ever since Gwen promulgated the mind flayer rules that focus on killing people, this guy has already entered a year to complete.

The lowest one-person target is the goal of achieving a bad level.

Gwen also has her own methods for facing this kind of mind flayer:

"I brought a friend, who brought a lot of food and drinks."

Noticing the opponent's dragon tail flicking, Gwen was sure.

Don't know when it started.

The Big Eater factor became one of the factors shared by the mind flayers.

It seems that there is no need to teach you the secret method of establishing a good relationship with the mind flayers!

This chapter has been completed!
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