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Chapter 343 Favania in Utopia Prophecy Center

The saucer-shaped spaceship in the starry sky is huge, like a city.

It is divided into six floors, each floor has a large number of living quarters and a large number of production departments. Beautiful fairyland rococo style streets, luxurious and complicated floor tiles with swirls and shell patterns; a large number of space-wasting S-shaped and large

The curved walkway; the railings made of gold, white sand, and sky blue metal with curling grass and flowers. It is almost a fairyland, luxurious and purely beautiful for the sake of beauty.

Inside such a spaceship, in an infinitely prosperous fairyland city composed of six layers of protective walls, the Witch of Favania is at work.

This is a department. It's obvious.

A huge part, a huge office, with six-story bookshelves in a curve that surrounds the room on both sides of the wall. On each bookshelf are sixteen transparent balls made of crystals and gemstones. In the balls are plates of different shapes.

They are like continents and worlds. If you look at them with a microscope, you can see the vibrant civilization inside.

Humans, orcs, orcs, dwarves...

There is a thick booklet placed under each of these world balls.

The gorgeously dressed Favanian witches were standing in front of these shelves, instructing their young apprentices on broomsticks to make changes and descriptions in the books.

On the huge desk in the center, there is a three-dimensional map, which looks like a crescent-shaped sea, connected end to end, with a train speeding on it. Judging from the size, it looks like a toy.

The two new witches of Favania walked in, wearing more gorgeous attire, with staffs sealed in sheaths hanging from their waists. "Minister?" they said to the witch behind the desk.

The minister witch looked up at them.

She wears a Japanese-style Lolita outfit with butterfly sleeves and lace lining in an Oriental style. She wears a huge bow top hat with jeweled flowers tilted on her head. The overall color is sky blue.

There are some star-shaped jelly stickers stuck under her left eye.

On the shelf next to her is her neat, one-meter-long staff decorated with "only" more than two hundred gems of various sizes.

"Miranda, Nicole Eva, please sit down."

The two Favaniya Witches sat down with a slightly uneasy mood. At the same time, their brains did not stop guessing and continued to work. Yes, the Favaniya Witches all have three lines of thinking, and it is useful for them to have three thoughts.

Speaking of the most basic things, they can write three different books at the same time, or even draw three different paintings, or fall in love with three people at the same time. Most of the time they use it for the last item.

"Personally, I really don't want to waste your precious working time. I hope it won't cause trouble if I call you to my office at this time. No. A13, something went wrong at work. The format of the prophecy is wrong. You can't add "He is dead" after

Full stop, Anjie, give that poor kid a question mark. He doesn't have to die, but he has a high probability of dying."

While she was speaking, she did not forget her work and reminded one of the apprentices of the Witch of Farvania. She looked at the two witches who were becoming more and more uneasy.

"I'm very worried that it will cause trouble to you. Will this cause trouble?" "Absolutely not." Witch Miranda said with a determined expression.

"Being able to listen to your enlightening eyes and come here to experience the most professional working atmosphere in Utopia is beneficial both physically and mentally, Minister." Witch Nicole Eva's expression was gentle and her tone of voice was gentle.

The minister nodded.

The name tag on the table said her name was Evangelion.

"The Utopia Prophecy Center is a department. In the past twenty years, our department's budget has expanded thirty-one times, and our staff has increased twenty-five times, more than three times the number of witches stationed in Utopia at its peak. What do you think this means?


The two witches looked at each other and figured out the answer. They said in unison: "We don't know."

"A remarkable achievement." Evanjielin's voice sounded a little joyfully, "Judging from the achievements of a department, our achievements can be compared with those of the first-class companies in Fawania Ring. This is a great achievement."

Nicole Eva asked in a low voice: "Does the Fawania Ring include the West Ring, the East Ring and the North Ring?"

Evan Jielin hesitated for five seconds and struggled for five seconds before reluctantly saying: "If you force them to be counted as civilized areas..."

"In short, our department has achieved remarkable results and has been praised by superiors. Lord Jiang Han also gave verbal praise. At the same time, there is a high probability that the Lord will not come to inspect in the past three years." Evan Jielin narrowed her eyes and looked back in enjoyment.

"Another three years have passed. No Lord, no politician like her has come to completely destroy the hard work and operation of the department. It's perfect, pleasant and relaxing."

It's nice to see her.

Miranda showed a smile and joked: "Haha, the Lord doesn't come every year. I really don't know who rules here." As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Evan Jielin behind the desk with a warm smile, and her face suddenly turned pale.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask such stupid questions." "Anyway, I'm a little worried about your inspector."

Inspectors are an important part of Favaniya's ruling system. A lord or a powerful witch needs to appoint his cronies to become inspectors to monitor the operations of departments within their management authority, etc. Favaniya

The ruling system of the sub-witch is the center (lord), central power map (ombudsman), authorities (Favania witch agency), government power map (witch civil servants), local areas (departments and department witches), and government judicial institutions (

Witch Prosecutor's Office).

In layman's terms, inspectors are a thorn in the butt.

Oh, what a boring person. He would report to the Lord or his superiors just because the local department changed an astral body where a starship dock was supposed to be built into a department club.

Obviously everyone has come to work in a place far away from civilization! How annoying.

"The leak of the Utopia list has caused uneasiness among many witches in the South Ring of Fawania. They feel that we seem to be deciding on the selection of talented witches. The prophecy seems to have been strongly promoted. One Lord is very dissatisfied with this and even wants to break the news to our Lord Jiang Han.

Lord hear."

"Which Lord is dissatisfied?" Miranda asked cautiously.

The Witch of Farvania is not afraid of the powerful, but the Lord is too powerful and is more powerful than the powerful.

Evan Jielin had a teasing look on her face: "According to the Lord Witch Secrecy Law of the Fawania Witch Agency, I cannot reveal which dragon-attribute witch Lord with cobalt blue dragon horns and cobalt blue dragon tail did this to us.


There is only one cobalt blue dragon witch in Fawania, and she is also the lord's lord. Alice Vandelk.

Miranda had heard of her, and who she invested in said that the witch has a good memory. As soon as she muttered, the answer came to her mind, and TAMA suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Nicole Eva next to her also had a similar expression.

It's a time traveler named Gwen.

The Fawanians don't like time travelers very much. They represent variables, illegal technological implants, smuggling through non-witch official channels, and the nomadic activities of multi-faceted universe villains. The Fawanians are good at running a business, turning this land of utopia into a spiritual place.

The shitless place has been operating until the era of revival of spiritual energy that can stably produce a source of power. Therefore, there are always some illegal Vanians who want to secretly take advantage and take something away from it.

Travelers are a good method.

Miranda and Nicole Eva gave this time traveler a prophecy of 100% death, just to avoid workload. Anyway, except for a few Lords, most Lords don't care how pitiful their investors are.


"Lord Jiang Han has been in a state of anxiety recently, and it is our unshirkable duty to maintain the stability here." Evan Jielin suddenly became furious at a working Fawania apprentice, "No. A6, please come up with something that is not a big flood or the earth's crust."

Change is not the way to restart the world-ending Favarnia Flu, otherwise I would have to doubt whether you are reliable."

The poor apprentice Favania turned pale.

Miranda and Nicole Eva look no better than her.

"We, we will add a variable to it. Although it is interfered with the regulations according to the prophecy of the Servant Plane of Fawania..."

Evan Jielin's complexion became better: "Suppose, suppose you would add a variable to it. Of course, you must not do this, it is illegal. Jiang

Lord Han has had enough troubles recently, and we can't bother her with Utopian affairs. Our Lord has recently been rotated to be the assistant minister of one of the great witches. It's so beautiful. Taking turns to come to power is equal to the castration of power, and we don't let the Lord roam around for a long time.

It’s a good move in our jurisdiction. It doesn’t give them any reason to come here.”

The Great Witch is the highest ruling class of the Witches of Favania, and can also be regarded as the cabinet. The civil servant center of Favania is the Witches of Favania Agency.

"Suppose we add a variable, a small accident, just a small paragraph in the book, we can also achieve some kind of terrible accident, such as letting people who should die live. This kind of thing."

Evanjielin's expression became satisfied.

Miranda added: "It's like cooking."

"Like, no," said Evangelion, "Cooking should never be used to describe modifications to documents or ledgers. We refine outlines, refine details, protect the masses, meet the necessary requirements of powerful lords, and revise those of non-powerful lords."

For non-essential needs, we are a public instrument of public opinion. Of course, don’t break the law.”

"Minister, is an accident illegal?" Nicole Eva asked.

"Oh my God, of course not." Evangelion gave the definition, "Accidents can only be regarded as violations. After one hour of warning, half an hour of questioning by the inspector, and the scandal of the female idol in the Northern Falvania Ring, everything returned to normal.

, honor goes to Fawania."

"We know how to do it."

The two witches answered at the same time.

[Prophecy Center Minutes File #94326]

A fire hit the archives, which did not cause a disaster, but caused an unsettling atmosphere. Important archives must be backed up in multiple languages.

And use multiple language backups in the actual oracle core as part of the stress test.

Three years after the millennium of Utopia's chronology, the official prophecy of Utopia was recorded using the "Cat Lantern Written Document".

Civil servants in local departments at all levels are asked to carry the Cat Lantern Civil Servant every time they carry it, and they will review the accuracy of the prophetic language. Because the importance of each symbol in the Mao Lantern Language will cause ever-changing sentence patterns, civil servants at all levels are requested to review it again and again.



Dragon Flame Castle.

Two goatshads were carrying a full set of tools to maintain the delivered equipment.

Long Yan is a well-known engineer throughout the Fellowship and even the entire Utopia. The equipment repair shop he runs is naturally doing a prosperous business. The main equipment of the Sniper Cat has also been transported here for maintenance, such as weapons, props that hide aura, etc.

Wait. The red-haired goat Shad put down a maintained revolver and gently pasted the sign "Curse Blade" next to it. The other blue-haired goat Shad took a breath and put down the hammer, a little rudely.

He threw an ornate scabbard onto the table.

"It's such a complicated thing." She complained, then picked up a brand name "Laura" and stuck it on it. "It's pretty good, we're in charge of things here."

Red Goat muttered, she looked about fifteen years old, but in fact she could only be considered an adult. She followed Long Yan and learned countless excellent abilities from him, including maintaining various equipment and relics,

And taking care of the crazy dog ​​Ron.

"Ha, it's boring. If it weren't for the high income and seeing all kinds of inexplicable things, I wouldn't want to do this job!" Blue Goat laughed.

Then she let out a sigh.

"How rare is this kind of equipment?" "What kind of equipment?"

"Can you stick your head over here? See for yourself."

Red Sheep Shad came over.

On the table is placed an amazingly beautiful gauze, very transparent and very transparent black gauze. "Invisibility cloak!"

This thing is so rare!

"Wow, a whole bat wing of an angel of death?"

The two equipment craftsmen couldn't put it down because of its perfect mink leather feel.

The Favanians are undisputedly in the leading position among the two super empires in the multifaceted universe. The other side is the Riker. The Riker sorceress and the Favanian witch represent the highest limit of the androgynous race.

And before them, the Big Brother race angels

They can almost only attend the conference as specimens. By the way, the witches declared that Favania is the last place of angel protection, and the sorceresses said, "Rick will set up an interstellar empire-level celebration and anniversary for the angels, called Thanksgiving."

', To a certain extent, the angels served by the two cosmic empires are indeed indispensable blessings.

Eventually, angels also evolved different varieties of angels. Angels of Death.

With three pairs of beautiful translucent bat wings and a hot figure, they often appear as a girl in a black dress with eyes covered. They have extremely strong invisibility, which also makes them the best source of invisibility props.

A whole bat wing is about 4 meters long and about 2 meters wide. A whole bat wing can indeed be made into this kind of beautiful gauze. But the price may require a lot of military use.

It was still priceless but the two craftsmen were frustrated for a long time before finally repairing it.

Red Goat Shad gently pasted a name tag on it: [Kassim]

This chapter has been completed!
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