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Chapter 344: Alive

After receiving the prophecy, Gwen immediately came to Longyan Castle.

In the center of the castle is the reception desk, which has always been a checkpoint. If someone wants to visit, they usually go here. Now that Gwen has obtained the position, she naturally obtains the key card and permissions for the employee access, and directly skips the complicated steps.

Reception desk, walked into the passage.

This place was built by Long Yan, who had just become a train commander and needed exciting news. Therefore, he built such a large castle.

Display cabinets of arms from various eras were displayed in the corridor. Gwen was not in the mood to look at them.

I didn’t even pay too much attention to the fact that I met Laura on the road.

Still took a look.

Laura is playing tricks on a fat cat. The fat cat is watching a horror movie in the staff theater in the exhibition hall. The movie must be quite scary, because the fat cat is so scared that the cat's ears stand up.

He stood up, the fur on his body stood up, and he was already in a state of complete vigilance. But Laura crept up from behind and was not discovered!

What happened next made the cat regretful.

Gwen was quite speechless as she watched the fat cat's light go out in fear of Laura. Then Laura's devilish laughter came out:

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Meow!" Fat Cat Lamp broke through the defense and screamed. She used her cat paws to attack Laura crazily.

But Laura was extremely agile and could run faster than a cat. In the blink of an eye, she lost sight of this person. Gwen was quite speechless.

I am increasingly doubting whether Sister Laura is a cat lantern disguised as a cat lantern, or the more I look at the stone hammer, the more I look at it. It’s just because of this guy’s character.

And how to play tricks on other cats when there is nothing wrong. This is a bad cat!

Gwen didn't care much, but the cat lights did. Recently, the cat lights have held six consecutive meetings, and one of the main contents of the meeting was whether to treat Laura as a cat light.

The cat lantern was approved by the cat lantern. Gwen was a bit dumbfounded by this.

After walking up to the second floor and passing several offices, Gwen opened the door of Long Yan's office. As soon as she entered, she saw Long Yan being lazy.

How to tell if a man in armor is lazy? It's difficult.

But Long Yan has a characteristic, that is, when he is lazy, he basically takes a nap, that is, his head moves a little bit, and he is dozing off. This is actually quite cat-like. It can also be said: "Long Yan is a cat-like person."

The armor has one more stone hammer."

This habit is quite common among the elderly, but considering that Long Yan is indeed quite old, it is understandable. "Long Yan!"

Although Gwen didn't want to disturb the other party, it was a matter of great importance.

The head of the dragon flame armor slowly stopped, and then raised it up. After a few seconds of freezing as if coming back to consciousness, the hoarse voice with strong breathing said:

"Gwen? You're not on duty today. And you've never been on duty before. I still have to pay you wages. Tell me, there's something important that brings you to the 'work place'. This means nothing to you.

A place of feeling."

Seeing that Long Yan had woken up, Gwen was no longer anxious.

Long Yan woke up, but considering his age, he still needed a minute or two to wake up before he could have a clear mind.

Gwen asked smoothly:

"Of course it's about Ms. Deer's prophecy... By the way, where is your daughter?"

Long Yan said calmly: "Lafite is not my daughter. She has nothing to do with me. To me, she is a disposable tool that is easy to use and handy. Don't make such boring jokes next time."

He paused: "But on the other hand, asking you to make such a joke, does it mean that she and I really seem to get along well?"

"Same stubborn, equally kind, and equally mature than their peers?" Gwen said something nice. Long Yan was silent.

After a while, the stubborn voice said something that could not be said without a mouth made of titanium alloy: "Oh, if there is no resemblance, she cannot be my relative."

"Whatever you say, then

Where is Raphael?"

"She wants to go to the amusement park. You know, the amusement park train passed by the castle just an hour ago. She really wants to go." "She said that?"

"You can't hide your eyes."

"You can read the look in her eyes. By the way, if you care about tools that are easy to use and handy, you must take good care of the equipment, right? Oh, do you show such love to disposable equipment?"

Long Yan was speechless. He couldn't explain why he had a doting feeling for Lafite. This kind of emotion is very dangerous, especially when the other person is destined to die. It will hurt himself and the person who claims to be indestructible.


"Having said that." Gwen let Long Yan go, "Rafi's mental age is indeed young, and it is understandable that he would want to have fun. This child's training results are very good. It is said that Mihayla and her are very good at each other.

I was really embarrassed during the training."

Long Yan has some kind of sensitive [switch], and she can capture the fact that Gwen let her go in almost one second, and the next second she displays the ruthless nature of a politician:

"Mihayla is worried that she will be too powerful and kill Rafi. The training environment in the greenhouse cannot cultivate real talents."

"What about the cultivation of disposable tools?" Gwen couldn't stand this guy's harsh words, so she said something strange.

".." Long Yan was silent and said after a while, "Don't be too gentle to her. Her physical age has reached this point, and her mental age will also grow quickly. The relationship between human spirit and body is not the same.

They are not two paths that do not interfere with each other. They are paths that intersect and influence each other very closely. If a person grows up, her mind will naturally grow quickly. If she cannot maintain a humble and adult mentality,

If she grows up, maybe she will soon fall into confusion and the wrong direction of growth."

Gwen said angrily: "Oh, you have never spoken such a long word to me." Gwen let Long Yan go again.

"Speaking of which, Ewinnie's level of prophecy is quite good."

"It's just a little bit?" Longyan heals the scar and forgets the pain. It's more like a cat's lantern. If anything happens, Gwen will be provoked.

But Gwen didn't care about him.

If Lafite teases Long Yan again, if Long Yan really breaks his defense, he will definitely not be in trouble. Who knows what moves Long Yan will use to deal with him.


Gwen spoke both languages, and as expected, Long Yan fell into thinking for a long time.

"...Ewinnie suggested that we pay attention to the hot spring mountain. She believes that if the hot spring mountain is well arranged, it can become a big bowl that is less leaky." After the fellow man arrived at the designated location,

Open the gate and release the water, and push the Fellowship directly off the track. Although it will not roll over, it will take a long time to get back on the track. Then, by constantly summoning monsters to siege, we will be trapped here."

There is no need to say much about the ultimate goal.

"Longyan, don't you recognize that minion of the Eternal?" Gwen asked, "Everything it does seems to be different from the thoughts of monsters like the Eternal. It seems to only want revenge, revenge on you."

"I haven't even seen it." Long Yan said:

"Every time I go to the scene, it has escaped." He hesitated for a second:

"Also, if you include the element of enmity against me, it will be even more difficult to calculate." "Those who have enmity with me are usually killed by me on the spot."

"Those who haven't been killed by me are usually weak. I won't even take a look at them. They don't have the potential to become the minions of the Eternal." "If the target range is to be expanded to include their family members."

"That's too much."

Gwen was quite speechless about this, "Brother, you have offended too many people, haven't you?" "You can't blame me entirely."

Long Yan's tone was very calm: "It's not entirely their fault."

"Our train does not have a medical kit in one carriage. Many people will die on our train. But they also need it. They may be relatives or family members."

"There is so much room to live, and there are not so many people in a single boat, so I pushed it." Long Yan said.

Morality is both very high and very low.

He is not the kind of person who will be stumped by the trolley problem. If you give him the trolley problem, he will immediately ask: "Where is the person who is more important to me?"

Yes, regardless of how many people are on the other side and the questioner's horse, he will save his brothers, sisters and friends. No, can the two railroad tracks and the questioner's horse be killed together?

In short, the person who asked the question was right that the horse died first. Gwen understood the darkness in his heart.

He walked over and gently placed his hand on Long Yan's shoulder armor. "I'm really curious, who are you under the mask?"

"It is the symbol of the Fellowship." Long Yan said, "It is the ordinary people who have sacrificed everything for this train. Sorry, Gwen, if I take off this mask and this helmet, I will no longer be Long Yan is the cowardly and ordinary me." He stretched out his hand and gently pressed the back of Gwen's hand on his shoulder, "I can't compromise."

Gwen pulled away her hand, walked to the opposite side of Long Yan's desk, and sat down.

"The prophecies are not 100% accurate, Long Yan. They may also want to deceive you into leaving the hometown. Ewinnie may not be reliable. She may want to deceive you. Maybe she just wants to make you wonder what you missed. Chances are... she might even want you to be locked up on the Fellowship."

Every word of Ewinnie is a lie, a lie constructed from the truth.

Gwen has a very remarkable perceptual ability. He can sense hostility and kindness from words. I don’t know why.

When Deer Girl talks about herself, she actually shows some goodwill; and every time she talks about Long Yan, her malice is revealed almost unabashedly, as if troubling Long Yan is an indispensable part of her life.

"Ewinnie does have so many bad habits, but when it comes to fellow villagers, she won't joke with me casually."

Long Yan has an inexplicable trust in Yiwenni.

This kind of trust makes Gwen very uncomfortable, a bit like she is being sentimental. "Aren't you wary of her?"

Long Yan heard something other than his original meaning and let out a light laugh, "Don't worry, I'm fully prepared. I know that Ewinnie is very scary. If she has the chance, she can put me in danger." She will never hesitate to die."

"Then you still"

"Gwen, I believe you care about me, but you also have to believe in me. Believe that I, as Long Yan, as the commander of the Fellowship, have made complete preparations."

Gwen bit her lip, "Okay..."

"You have never fought against prophecies, right?" Long Yan saw the uneasiness and doubts in Gwen's heart and asked. Perhaps in Long Yan's view, the best way is not to let Gwen act with doubts, but to explain clearly.

.Many tragedies in this world happen when they are not explained clearly.

"No..." Gwen was about to stand up, but sat down again.

"Prophecy refers to the future that has changed. To put it simply, when the prophecy appears, the future has changed. At the same time, another force has also changed at the same time, and that is the driving force."

Long Yan explained it in the simplest terms possible:

"If I knew the future and I wanted to drink coffee tomorrow, but I didn't want this prediction to come true, what would I do?" "Resolve not to drink coffee the next day?"

"Yes, I made up my mind and wrote it down in my diary, and then what?" Gwen couldn't imagine it.

Long Yan laughed:

"Next, whether it's the cat lamp, the person who cleans the room, or the friend who passes by by chance, they will hear this news by chance, and then they will have the idea of ​​letting me drink coffee. Secondly,

Oh my god, after a whole day of things that can be called sitcoms, touching stories, and stories, I agreed to drink coffee, not because I lost to the prophecy, but because I defeated it."

"Is it clear? The scariest thing about prophecies is not that they are destined to happen, but that they make what you predict happen happen and push it forward."

Long Yan's words challenged everything Gwen knew about the prophecy so far. His eyes widened in surprise, and then he pursed his lips,

Begin to hesitate:

"I can't see that you expect to destroy the Fellowship; nor can I see that I want to be beheaded, oh! Or beheaded in a sneak attack, how stupid can you be to hope that this happens?"

"You are wrong about two things."

Long Yan said: "The first is the purpose. I don't want the fellow villagers to destroy it, but what if there is a way to destroy the fellow villagers and then be reborn and become a giant-level train? I might give it a try; secondly,

, the predicted picture is the original picture, and there will be huge changes in the future. It may not be the rain that washes away the Fellowship, but it may be me and you fighting to push the Fellowship off the track."

"Prophecy is the intermediate superficial result, not the final result, nor the final result."

Gwen was in the lounge, thinking about this sentence.

After thinking about it several times, he angrily muttered to himself: "It's just a mystery."

In order to make him understand the prophecy better, Long Yan arranged for him to follow an old secret detective to investigate a prophecy case and let him see it with his own eyes.


A voice suddenly appeared behind Gwen, scaring him so much that he almost jumped up. It was difficult for someone to approach Gwen's back quietly!

When he turned around, he saw Kasim.

This gentle woman wearing a dour black gauze hat does not look like a secret agent. She is wearing a black leather windbreaker, a black shirt and a short skirt, airtight black thick elastic stockings, and

Black boots.

She put one hand in her pocket and said in an almost breathless voice:

"Long Yan asked me to take you out on a lying mission. We will act as... detectives who hide our identities." "Detective."

Kasim felt that it was not good for him to say this, because Gwen's eyes were shining.

Kashim has experience with this situation. Generally speaking, this is called addiction.

This chapter has been completed!
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