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Chapter 359 Structure

When it comes to escaping, Tomia doesn't pretend to be a weak-legged girl.

She started sparring with Laura.

I have to say that their styles are somewhat similar, and both are a bit like Jackie Chan’s style of play in the furniture store. It’s just that Lara Shao’s swordsmanship is better, while Tomia’s physical fitness is more outstanding.

Gwen had nothing else to do, so she just practiced with them.

"Oh hahaha~"

The laughter sounded like Santa Claus.

As soon as Gwen's eyes flashed, Tomia had already run to her side and hit her hard. Gwen reacted, but before entering the source mode, her body was unable to respond and was directly knocked away by Tomia.

, spun in the air for two and a half times before landing steadily. After landing, I felt that my bones were about to be broken.

Laura took his place and met Tomia.

"Sisters, are you in great physical condition?" she said.

"Just so so, oh hahaha!" Tomia said modestly.

The wooden swords of the two collided, and Laura suffered a loss in strength and was knocked back.

Tomia's strength is a little worse than Mihayla's, but she is still very strong.

After Gwen's body transformation, she has rarely encountered anyone with such pure strength that is stronger than herself. What's even more terrifying is Tomia's core strength, which is too strong. She is nearly thirty kilograms heavier than Mihaila, but

The short-distance speed, explosive power and body control are almost the same! This is outrageous.

Magical effects such as source power, magic power, and earth veins can bring terrible increases, but precisely because of these increases, basic attributes are very important. Why is the giant cat lantern so powerful that even dragon flames are difficult to deal with? Because Dongnuo is a ton level, and the earth veins are strengthened.

Stronger later.

Tomia's advantage of 30 kilograms is reduced by about 300 kilograms when the source force is increased, and the normal impact force is also more terrifying.

Facing this kind of opponent, Lara can't stand it without using her full strength.

But Mihai Lashang couldn't bear it either.

Mihayla usually doesn't have a size disadvantage because Gray Tower is a delicate girl compared to him in strength. Only Artyom can make Mihayla have a size disadvantage. Now Tomia can do it too. Tomia's size advantage is not small, mainly

It's because her core strength is stronger than Artyom's, not just a little stronger, but much stronger.

"I'm super." Cursed Blade came over and took a look, and couldn't help but "super".

Laura's speed is definitely fast.

But he couldn’t reach Tomia’s limit...

As we all know, it is very tiring for large people to turn around quickly, or it is difficult to control it, especially when making sharp turns in combat, it is easy to lose control of the center of gravity.

"Isn't Tomia's center of gravity too stable?"

Gwen sighed with emotion.

If Tomia doesn't focus on academics, her future in terms of combat effectiveness will definitely be a bug. Those who are younger than her are not as strong as her, and those who are older than her are not as fast as her; what's more, those who are faster than her are not as fast.

There are too many, and those who are stronger than her will not be much stronger. Just like the barrel theory, Tomia has no clear shortcomings, almost all are strong points.

Laura, who had beaten Gwen unexpectedly before, was taught a very miserable lesson.

But this dog and donkey keeps his word, if he doesn't use Yuanli, he won't use Yuanli.

The two of them fought purely with passive skills.

It ends with the blond dog and donkey being knocked off the cat Varro's belly next to him.

"Oh haha! The warm-up is over!" Tomia put her hands on her hips and laughed unceremoniously.

Gwen winked at the curse blade.

The other party understood. She picked up the wooden sword and walked up: "I'll do it!"

The Curse Blade is even worse.

As soon as Gwen lifted the battered Laura from Cat Varo's belly, she heard the sound of wind behind her head and quickly lowered her head.


There was a very sensual thud, and the sleeping cat Varro trembled his whiskers, opened his eyes, and meowed again, closing his eyes. It seemed that being hit on the stomach by something of this force would not hurt at all for a giant cat level cat.

Not itchy, just a little itchy.

Being thrown over

Of course it's the cursed blade.

The Curse Blade sisters were placed upside down on Cat Varo's furry belly and slowly slid down.

"Oh haha!"

Tomia's arrogant laughter came, and her first words after falling down the cursed blade were:

"Go and fetch Mihira!"

After training all afternoon, as the secret agents and rangers came one after another, the size of the training ground began to become a little insufficient.

Gwen quickly opened the three sports equipment warehouses next to them and asked Acho and Mao Varo to help clear some of them before they could barely accommodate them for training.

Neither the agents nor the rangers dared to cause trouble.

Those who have the means have already gone on vacation.

The hard-working people who have no choice but to squat on mushrooms on the Sniper Cat have to be prepared for battle to avoid Long Yan suddenly asking them to resist the line...

But it's okay.

This situation is like military training.

It's not too irritating if we all go together, at least we have friends around.

Some cat lanterns also overflowed from the cat lantern compartment of the Sniper Cat.

It seems that the Cat Lanterns got the information from somewhere and kept gathering at the Fellowship from the surrounding wilderness. Most of them chose the Sniper Cat to stay.

Due to this situation, Tomia and Laura temporarily decided to stay a few more days to see how the situation went...

Tomia's biology laboratory.

Gwen avoided a large lizard with a sharp blade on its tail and followed Tomia closely.

Seen from the back, Tomia looks like a big ball of hair, just like a cat lantern...

wait wait wait?

Both Laura and Tomia were like cat lights, so the moment something happened, they ran faster than cats...

Gwen came here to ask Tomia for a jar of blood development potion to make her dragon blood more obvious. Her strength is at an embarrassing level. Although it is considered a monster, facing Aqiao, Mihaila, and Tommy

Ya, it is still a significant disadvantage, especially Tomia, Tomia is definitely a flexible fat person, much heavier than Mihayla but slightly slower than Mihayla, which is comparable to Artyom

Much faster.

Dragon blood enhancement can improve physical fitness, core strength, source power strengthening, etc... There are many benefits.

In fact, Favania has a more complete development potion, but the price of the Lord is 4,000 Favanian gold pounds. It is a bit expensive, but dragon-related things are generally quite expensive in Favania, unless they are pseudo-dragons. Listen.

It is said that there is a kind of pseudo-dragon scales that can block the direct hit of the Utopia sniper rifle, and it only sells for 20 Falvanian gold pounds per kilogram, which is extremely affordable. Long Yan has already placed an order with Cat Lanterns, and it will be shipped next time.

Come over and make body armor for his standard troops...

Tomia's laboratory is also full of various materials.

Gwen was able to retain this master of biology because, on the one hand, he was approachable and his three views were consistent, and on the other hand, because the giant cat's carriage allowed him to obtain many precious materials that could not be obtained in Utopia.

For example, the rattle room of the six-armed snake demon. This rattle is an organ that only about 10% of six-armed snake demons can mutate. It can reversely produce a large amount of toxins and inject it into the body, allowing the body to obtain [poisonous blood]

A kind of talent.

If it weren't for the smuggling of cat lanterns, it would have been very troublesome for Tomia to collect a dozen of these materials for research.

Although Xuechenghao is rich, Xuechenghao is not so generous to every professor. Even if it is so generous, the purchase limit will not give so much.

Tomia is working on Gwen's side, and the organic stimulant injection she developed can give those who practice the secret code a chance to fight for their lives. It is very effective and is almost a life-saving drug.

Not only was the injection extremely exciting, but it also temporarily accelerated recovery, which meant that you had to wait for five or six days after use.

Nowadays, the elite players of Sniper Cat are famous for their ability to catch and catch fish. There are many players who play two days and five days off.

"Tomia, aren't you leaving the Fellowship?"

"Give it a few days and see." Tomia shook her body hesitantly, "You know,

Cat lanterns are creatures that are very sensitive to crises. If they flock to the Fellowship, doesn't it mean that the Fellowship is safer? I'm not sure yet, I'm not sure whether I want to leave."

"That's it." Gwen breathed out slowly.

"No one will leave the train they are on if it is not necessary, right?" she said casually.

"What about the cursed blade?"

"What's wrong with the Curse Blade?" She looked over.

"She came from another train. She said she was running away."

"Ah, there is this kind of thing. The competition between clubs is really scary, but it's normal." Tomia opened the drawer and took out a set of sampling props, and said to Gwen, "I want to learn from your dragon.

Take samples from the horns and pull out some scales from the dragon's tail. Let me know if it hurts."


Gwen sat on the hospital bed vacated by the other party.

Because his tail is too big, he uses a posture that holds the sheets with both hands, spreads his legs close to an M shape, and lets the tail wrap around his crotch from the back to the front.

A little ashamed.

But Tomia's eyes were as indifferent as those of the old obstetrics nurse and anorectal doctor. Gwen guessed that if she brought up shy thoughts, the other party would ask him to turn around and lie down, but he would definitely be very impatient. So she endured this.

The posture of shame should not be too pretentious.

"Why is it normal to run away?"

"You are so lucky to be born on the Fellowship." Tomia gently patted the inside of the dragon's tail.

Gwen felt as if she had been tickled by a feather.

"The fellows have dragon flames, and before the dragon flames there are dragon fires and dragon horns... They are all source power users who have strong dissatisfaction and resentment against the cannibals. Therefore, the prohibition of cannibalism is the absolute law for the fellows. In other places,

On the train, the ratio of cannibals to non-cannibals is about seven to three. In other words, Curse Blade and the others are actually aliens. It is normal for them to be squeezed out, even if the authorities promulgate something similar to the Dragon Flame Law

The ban on cannibalism only has the effect of ensuring the stability of the direct jurisdiction."

"So the authorities and the two major religious groups don't care?"

"Guan. It means flexible management, so I said that although the authority is not a thing, the emergence of the authority represents a kind of progress, although many people say that what I said is wrong." She checked Gwen's tail and walked to the side again.

Start sampling his horns.

In fact, you just use a small file to grind away the transitional areas of growth.

It is said that wild dragons, the intelligent real dragons, will train a team of servants to perform various services for themselves, such as claw and horn trimming. Although dragons can use magic power to do this on their own, generally It is said that the characteristic of intelligent creatures is laziness.

Tomia babbled: "No matter how feudal the authorities are, it is still a modern feudal organization... I have studied the sociology of Favaniya, and the Favanians have summarized more than six thousand social forms, such as Our Utopia is located within the semi-open and semi-feudal social structure of Deliwok."

"Driwock social structure, what does this word mean?"

"Favanians believe that a society has the following significant characteristics: possessing extraordinary power, extraordinary power can be generally learned, the strongest extraordinary person is bound by mortal power, has an unstable financial system, and the overall society is in a state of A state of semi-collapse but not complete collapse, local divisions but with the Emperor Zhou... What is the Emperor Zhou? I have never understood the metaphor of the Fawanians! The society is very open and closed, and the customs of barbaric regions often replace the constitution of the ruler... "

Tomia is so knowledgeable.

Gwen becomes interested in the social structure of Deliwok.

"Will the witch publish a book to study these things?"

"Witches study everything. I found a book last time that talked about 'how to show off your confidence in deception.' It was quite useful. After I lent it to my unlearned friend, he actually climbed to the rank of associate professor. It’s such an unreasonable position...I will teach it to the Tuxi sisters in the future.”

The rabbit needs this.

"Then the witch has talked about the advantages and disadvantages of this structure?"

"Of course, there are many long papers..." Tomia hesitated, "...that's it.

About a quarter of these papers are criticizing someone who is not the author, the source, or even the citation."

…Gwen had already thought that the character of Ephravania would add some personal information to the book, but she didn’t expect that a quarter of the page would be devoted to trolling people.

"What's the downside?"

"The disadvantage is that the Senate system, the civil system of the Favanian city-state called Athens, and the feudal dynasty system are all more advanced than the social structure of Delivok."

Gwen could hardly control her expression.

Brother, isn’t it a bit too insulting to the modern system to compare with these?

He admitted it for a long time before complaining:

"What's the benefit?"

"Uh-huh...it's...the good thing is that it's a social structure."



"Huh? What then?"

"No more!"

Gwen feels that the Fawanians should be considered credible in this regard, because they have a large number of worlds to observe social samples...

On the other hand.

Gwen also thought, ‘No way?’ Utopia TAMA’s name is Utopia after all, so it’s not as bad as this, right? ‘Where are the authorities? Save me!

All in all, Gwen is not willing to believe that Utopia can be so bad that even the Fawanians think, "How about you even become a little feudal?"

Because in the Red Kingdom and Gray Kingdom era, Utopia should be the feudal system!

There was no reason for the authorities to overthrow these kingdoms and establish a modern military-police constitutional regime, and everyone said it was much better than in the past. However, in the eyes of the Fawanians, 'you might as well have been in the past!'.

It's a pity that when you ask the Lord such a small question, the Lord doesn't bother to answer it, and even only reads the top line of "Read" without reading it.

Gwen became curious about the world outside the Fellowship.

At the same time, I also became curious about the era of the Red Kingdom and the Gray Kingdom.

What the hell is going on in this Utopia?

This chapter has been completed!
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