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Chapter 397 Hate Love Friendship

Chapter 397 Hate, Love, Friendship

Better than last time.

Gwen avoided the flame rays and saw Laura even jumping out of the way out of the corner of her eye, which made her feel relieved.

The man who couldn't wait to be killed was a man covered in black armor and his face obscured by a black skull mask. The malice and resentment on his body were not concealed, and the source of terror overflowed. Rather than being a human being, it was better to say that he relied on

A creature that survives with its source of power and hatred.

He held a scarlet lightsaber in his hand.

With such a look, Gwen first had an image of dragon flame popping up in her mind, and then the next second it was covered by Darth Vader.

Gwen and Kasim stood ready, but the next second Rafi had already let out a roar full of hatred and charged forward with his lightsaber in hand. The red and red lightsabers collided, and the man in black armor seemed a little surprised, and then

He was pushed back by Rafi with a sinister smile on his face.

Behind the two people is the man in black robes, the minion of Boca Lotna, and the user of the three flame rays. And a man wearing a cloak made of twisted fangs, the minion of the Lord of Fangs


The two minions didn't pay attention to the black-armored man and Rafi, and even made way for them to enter the arena.

The man in black robe had a proud smile on his face and seemed to be about to say a few words.

Laura took out a revolver from her sleeve with her left hand.

Before he had time to think about it, the minions of the Lord of Fangs had already greeted him with a strange chuckle.

Rafi's eyes spattered with blood, exploding like gorgeous ripe fruits, the dirty blood condensed into a rain of arrows in the air, and the rain curtain that almost covered the sky fell with great force.


Gwen felt the loss of Rafael's life force.

At the same time, Laura seemed to know what she had done. After shooting, she quickly retreated without looking, leaving Gwen with a sentence: "I will handle this!"

Is it because of the passage of time? She asked in her heart.

A solid sense of shock was transmitted to the body. Gwen wanted to transmit this force to the ground to relieve the force, but saw that after the opponent stood firm, the sword changed from slashing to blocking, and the body turned to the right, deflecting the edge of Gwen's sword.

At the same time, using the right foot as the axis, lift the left leg and sweep the front of the leg towards you.

It stands on tiptoes as if dancing, bends above the waist, rests its free left hand on the ground, folds its legs forward and hooks it, the special sword sheath on the boots of the Lord of Fang's minions covers the previously thrown Fang sword, and follows the kicking

Arc kicked Kasim out of the air with a sword.

Step aside and get out of the way.

The rain from the sky is like tears, dripping on the keys of a piano and playing appropriate music.

The other party breathed out slowly, and his lips were red as if he had sucked blood. The appearance under the cloak was that of a beautiful boy about seventeen years old, with a graceful figure and long golden hair hanging around his body, like a god. He was close-fitting and soft.

Metal armor is almost like cloth material.

His brows became more and more furrowed, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

Another corner of the battlefield.

At the same time, Kasim appeared to seize the opponent's movement loophole and attack, and was beaten into a butterfly hallucination again. He had no choice but to flash to a nearby place to adjust his breathing.

"Laura! Don't die!"

"Its fang sword has a very vicious curse ability. When you collide with its fang sword, you must keep the source of power attached, otherwise this curse will be left."

"Hehehe." The minions of the Lord of Fang chuckled happily, "What a pity. If I were in a normal state, I might not be your match. Besides, you have such a loyal dog by your side, but time seems not on your side.


Laura pursed her lips and exhaled slowly: "I really don't feel comfortable with this situation..."

Will my hatred disappear? Raphie asked in his heart.


The lightsaber threw out a force wave of more than ten meters, hitting the wall hard, turning the arena into ruins.

I was so angry that I didn't have much words to say at this time. I could only read one sentence in my voice like a mosquito:


The earth vibrated simultaneously, and a sound like a cry penetrated the heaven and earth.

"Hoo, ho..." The black-robed woman gasped twice, and flames gradually poured out from the bottom of her robe like waves.

Suppressing her anxiety, Gwen fought against the minions of the Lord of Fangs.

Can hate... really be able to catalyze the source of power like this?

Kasim pulled out the red lightsaber and breathed out:

"What a powerful guy. I thought I was fighting a more vicious version of you."

What's going on? Isn't this conspiracy aimed at fellow villagers? Why has that black-robed minion gone so crazy? He even destroyed his own configuration...

As he hurriedly responded to the challenge, he could only shout:

"Meow, it's time to get serious!" Another cat light.

He waved the flaming light sword and collided with the tooth swords of the Lord of Tooth's minions. Kasim's figure was illusory and shattered into countless black butterflies. The next second, a flash of silver light flashed, and the Minions of the Lord of Tooth's sensitive deflection patterns

Wen's lightsaber resisted Kasim's sudden thrust.

The face of the Lord of Fang's minions turned a little rosy, and he chuckled.

The Lord of Fang's minions moved to one side, avoiding the heart-stealing blow, and slid forward simultaneously. He abandoned the sword with his left hand and slid down, grabbed it with his backhand, and aimed the sharp edge of the Fang Sword at Gwen's jaw with a vicious stab.

"Source power, glaring hatred."

Calm down... Rafi has long been accustomed to burning his own life force, and there won't be any problems in a short time... Just when Gwen was thinking this, a terrifying flame source burst out from the valley behind him.

Gwen's gaze did not change and she pointed to her arm.

His voice was gentle and gentle, a voice that would be reminiscent of the atmosphere of a library, if not on the battlefield.

If you want to hit this source of power with a pyroblast, it will be difficult to hit.

Gwen released her source power and converted it into her own energy, and her figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

Although the opponent's fighting skills are quite rough in his opinion, every time the critical moment comes, this monster will put on a disgusting posture of exchanging injuries for injuries. Excellent physical fitness and close combat understanding make it even more powerful.



"Revenge is an addictive honey."

She paused and gently threw away the specially enhanced revolver:

Gwen took a breath and responded to the other party:

"Are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Is it her source of power?... Gwen flicked her lightsaber and stared at the minions of the Lord of Fangs.


Withered hate.

Gwen deflected the opponent's sword edge, gained space after changing hands, slid forward with her left leg to run into its embrace, and struck the opponent's chest with her right hand, which turned into shadow lightning.

Gwen had no choice but to raise her head to dodge, discarding the lightsaber with her left hand, and slapped the opponent's left hand on the back to prevent the opponent from adjusting the angle of the blade. At the same time, she made a stroke with her right hand as if to gently touch the opponent's back of the neck. She was also struck.

The opponent's right hand holds his wrist and cannot succeed.

Laura, on the other hand, rolled forward and dodged the angry grab in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Yes, she answered in her mind.

The man in black armor waved his lightsaber to block the particularly powerful blood arrows. But he was unable to block this dense attack. The blood arrows made a large number of dents in his armor.

"Well..." He made a painful groan.

It is a sweet feeling to watch your enemy struggling under your own sword; you can feel the anger in every inch of the enemy's heart; you can taste his frustrated and helpless clown look.

Kasim touched the wound and burst out a large amount of information.

Seemingly reaching a safe place, Laura stopped, turned around slowly, and looked down at the man in black robe who was chasing after her.

With a long roar, Gwen's fiery red lightsaber collided with the tooth sword, and the barrier of source power fluctuated slightly. Looking up, the minions of the Lord of Tooth were smiling gently:

When we really stand face to face.

The man in black armor deflected his lightsaber, only to find that the woman's sword in front of him was heavier than expected.

After the attack intention and defense intention were clear, Gwen made a decision and passed by. The moment he passed through, he turned back and held the lightsaber and fang sword to slash at each other.

"In a hurry?"

The beautiful secret agent landed lightly, and the silver and black lightsabers in both hands shattered at the same time.


Another shot hit the man in black robe on the nose.

Valleys where flames erupt, and hot spring mountains penetrated by flame rays continuously erupt with high-temperature water springs.


Gwen's expression became increasingly gloomy, and her energy began to be refined to a super level.

Three flame rays replaced the answer of the man in black robe. After using the source of power, the minion showed earth-shattering power. The power of the flame even reminded Gwen of dragon flames for a moment. At the same time, the flames contained

The overwhelming hatred also made him curious.

Maybe it's because she is already happy? She answered questions instead of questions.

Not to mention that the ability of the Lord of Fang is like a deep nightmare for melee combatants.

"Kill you."

The air wave struck Gwen's lightsaber.



A high-power military bullet hit her head sideways, and a little blood spattered out.


Pure hatred and pure anger made Rafi's power display dozens of times.

However, thanks to Kasim's help, Gwen finally found a gap and opened up a five-step gap.

She wondered countless times whether she really hated the other person to the core, hating the person who destroyed her family and her normal life. She even had the same suspicion as the other person, but she really saw it.

This is nonsense and wrong.

The minions that went all out showed a speed that even Gwen could not catch up with. In a blink of an eye, just this moment of daze, they had already passed by the two of them, and they caught Laura's hand first.

Back, the sharp claws slashed down hard.

The arrangement of the minions has begun to show results. Facing the Lord of Fang's minions specially recruited by Gwen, they have unparalleled ability to target the source of power in close combat.

The beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes has disappeared from sight, and the vigorous flames followed her. First one, then two, penetrated the barrier of the hot spring mountain, and a large amount of warm water leaked from the barrier.

It's the direction of Laura.

The protective power of the metal tights is that only a lightsaber can break through it. Even after using the method of beating a cow from across the mountain several times, it still fails, which also shows that the opponent's defense is amazing. At the same time, this metal tights also brings a strong impact to the opponent.

A powerful body hack. If you are hit by a kick, you will basically die.

The petite little woman waved her crimson lightsaber, hitting the tall man in black armor's lightsaber hard.

Life is originally completed by countless regrets.


Seeing that he couldn't accomplish anything with one blow, Kasim didn't waste any time and once again transformed into an illusory butterfly.

Beast-like roars covered the place.

Hatred will weaken as time goes by; life will gradually fade away as time goes by...

One day, one moment, one short moment, she felt that she had given up her hatred, and sometimes she even questioned Captain Long Yan's words:

The minions of the Lord of Fangs did not panic. The sword in his left hand gently flicked a crescent moon behind him. When the sword light passed over his head, he let go and abandoned the sword. The sword in his right hand slashed out a bone-white wave of air.

"Meow, something bad happened!" A cat lantern popped out of Laura's backpack and patted Laura with its cat paw.


The powerful brilliance of the source power made it impossible to take his eyes away. After he felt that this source power came at the cost of his life force, his expression changed, and he waved his lightsaber to jump over the minions of the Lord of Fangs and rush towards the arena.

Only then did she finally know what the emotion in her heart was.

That can only be said by those who have succeeded in revenge! Just like the sentence "Champions are not important" can only be said by those who have won the championship!

Rafi burned his source power, his life force, his body seemed to be ignited with flames, and he roared towards the black-armored man.

After adjusting her breath in a fixed position, Gwen looked at the entrance protected by the other party.

Kasim lowered his head and was stunned for a moment, then used his lightsaber to gently cut off his sleeves, revealing his white arms, which were covered with several strange red marks. Suddenly, blood oozed from the red marks,

The blood seemed to be sucked out of the air.

At the same time, it used its free left hand to pull out the second fang sword, blocking Kasim's second lightsaber, a pure dark and slightly transparent lightsaber.

Gwen shook her wrist gently. This huge force was really destructive.

Laura’s joking voice sounded:

"Oh, are you angry?"


If you are not happy enough, every day late at night, every day when you are alone, you will feel regret and think of that regret.

Gwen was in a daze for a moment.

After possessing the abilities of so many disgusting melee buddies, Gwen was unable to defeat her opponents in just thirty rounds, and she would make mistakes if she was distracted.

If you hadn't seen its amazing fighting ability, you probably wouldn't have been able to imagine the terrifying power it possessed.

The curses on the two tooth swords are also disgusting. Instead of using the swords, you must concentrate on using your source power to protect yourself, otherwise you will be scratched inexplicably.

"Arm. Cassim."

The roar of the man in black came out from the water curtain:

"Don't run away, face me!"

It holds two tooth swords, like an elf who loves to dance, swaying lightly from side to side.

At the same time, he frowned and patted his left thigh lightly.

Gwen, who used the random door to attack but was knocked away, landed simultaneously. The two of them were back to back and stared sideways at the minions of the Lord of Fangs. They gasped slightly.

It suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Laura.

He still suffered a loss in the close fight with the Tooth Lord's minions.

The emptiness after revenge?

The pain started suddenly.

Rafi's eyes slowly regenerated. Under the growth of hatred, this regeneration recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, she did not give up the offensive and killed him with an extremely ferocious attitude.

"This kind of toy is really not suitable for use in this environment."

Probably her expression when chatting with the two cat lights was too calm, which angered the man in black robe:

"look at me!"

Accompanied by the roar, three deadly flame rays streaked across the sky with twisted and indistinguishable trajectories, heading straight for Laura.

Laura's face was serious, her left hand trembled slightly, and she gently rested it on the hilt of the sword at her waist.

(End of chapter)

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