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Chapter 55: Good Treatment

Sometimes, Gwen really wants to slap Curse Blade in the face, and wants to use practical actions to show that 'not everyone is as you expected'.

But life always tells us.

It’s right to listen to smart people and experienced people!

"Want a glass of water?" Wilgie at the counter asked lazily.

His level of perfunctoryness is just like that of a restaurant waiter when you walk into a college student cafeteria, revealing a kind of arrogance of "The cat doesn't care about you" and the arrogance of "I will take care of you if the tip does not exceed 1 yuan", and in the "Boss doesn't have any" attitude.

How can it be possible to take special care when it is under the premise of "special care", full of a kind of cat-like laziness.

Gwen pursed her lips and put down the thick book.

He said the keyword equivalent to the opening and closing key of a certain mechanism.

"Help me pay."

This sentence injected strength into this lazy Wilgi girl. Her white cat ears trembled slightly, and the lights of the two cats next to her who were peeking at the book lit up. Three pairs of big eyes stared at Grid at the same time.

Wen, instantly gave people the illusion of being stared at by three big cats.

The most common thing that happens in bookstores is to read rather than buy.

Every bookstore owner has nightmares, especially those who build stores near schools. Those little reading things will even mark who the murderer is in a batch of new detective novels you just bought.

The feeling when meeting a customer who is willing to buy is touching.

"Ouch, coffee? Or juice?" The girl with cat ears, Wilgi, began to be attentive.

I can see her face is so happy, even happy to the extent that if she had a tail, she would definitely wag her tail, and the fur of the strange creature called the cat lantern next to her is glowing, and the cat's ears are standing straight. If not for knowing Will

If Jiren and Cat Lantern have nothing to do with each other, I'm afraid Gwen will think of them as family members.

It is said that the habits of cat lanterns are rather mysterious. These creatures seem to be protected by some kind of powerful messenger. Once they are in danger, they will disappear into some kind of void tunnel and be teleported away by meows.

After a month or two, he will reappear in the gathering place of armored squirrels, commanding those armored squirrels with dignity.

Gwen pursed her lips: "No, let's pay first."

Wilgie checked the book, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.


She performed exceptionally well and confirmed Gwen's gender at a glance. She took out a teapot filled with tea from under the table and asked in a sweet tone that could make people sick: "Then you must have a cup."

Mushroom tea, we are looking forward to you."

Under such hospitality, Gwen had no choice but to drink the mushroom tea of ​​excellent quality.

The faint aroma of washed mushrooms, mixed with a faint fishy smell of earth, and a rich aroma like Ovaltine.

Drinking the protein-colored mushroom tea makes you feel happy.

After drinking tea, the treatment Gwen enjoyed was simply better than ever.

Not to mention the new book cover, it also comes with a beautiful silver chain to lock the book. The bookmarks and memo pages that can fit on the page are very easy to use and the design is very exquisite.

The last step is to strengthen source power.

The universality of using some kind of reinforcement system to reinforce books should be regarded as a 'skill' rather than an 'ability', and since it is a skill, Gwen must be able to learn it. After taking a look, it naturally came to mind

All kinds of detailed analysis came out, as if a young man who had learned the multiplication table saw the question 'How much is 3x3?'

Just one glance and you will get the inspiration and practical ability for specific implementation.

"Our academic train will appear on the surface from the car body on the third and fifth days of each week. If you want to join the discussion, please choose one day between the third and fifth days to get on the train and bring all your belongings with you.

Clothes. If there is an emergency and you want to return to the deck of the Fellowship, you need to spend extra bullets to get off the car and go to the ground under the guidance of the cat light."

Gwen also received invitations due to the expensive books she purchased.

"Three and five days?"

The Wilgi nodded and politely handed over a card. It was a beautifully made card similar to a tarot card, with a pharaoh's costume drawn on it with delicate brushstrokes.

The fat cat should be a cat lamp.

"The boarding location will be Platform 514 at the Laoxiangren Main Station."

Platform 514 is a small village, home to a society called "The Secret of Scavengers".

That society explores scavengers and the theory of "what you eat is what you eat", but since they are actually the source of the Temperance sect, and most of their achievements are related to medicine, the method they use to harvest materials is usually "accidental death"

"Human body" and "monster's activated corpse", the number of the former is relatively small, after all, most of them are not "accidents", but the latter...

It's also very clear.

Curse Blade dug out the ghoul's eyes in order to complete the society's commission, and gained some additional benefits from it. However, Curse Blade is not a stingy person, and she still distributed the benefits, some precious medicinal materials, to Gwen


As for the rabbit and Anna, there is no such thing. After all, these two rabbit-shaped Wilgi cats have no contribution at all in the battle.


After returning to the Missing Person's apartment with her books, Gwen changed into the nightgown and pajamas in her room and went to the lounge dedicated to the Source Power Messengers.

There are also many source power users on the Missing Person train. Although most of them are considered "unpopular" by Curse Blade, when the squirrel girl Curse Blade is in front of the opponent, she will still say, "She is a source power user who can be expected in the future."

"New guy who just joined us" and other polite words.

In fact, these messengers of source power are all "confused people who have not yet lit up the oil lamp that illuminates the road", let alone source power. Their physical fitness is not even as good as that of ordinary people.

But that does not hinder a group of scholars and a group of relatively wealthy Romans. The carriage is the best one.

Comfortable sofas, warm fireplaces, pleasant carpets and cutely dressed tea-serving ladies.

If Gwen wanted to study, she would not choose to study in her room. Instead, she would choose to study in this place by resting and studying at the same time.

"Do you need tea?" asked the tea lady.

"Or red mushroom tea." Gwen replied.

Then I saw the tea lady starting to make tea with a cheerful and calm expression on her face.

This is a lady with a dignified appearance, her emerald eyes are quite beautiful, and her every move reveals dignity.

According to the gossip Hui Ta, the tea-serving lady once lived in a villa with an independent carriage. However, due to her family's financial difficulties, she had to come and seek refuge with the owner of Wu Yuanren's apartment. The owner's name was Sophie.

.Yekaliating. Kassian. Velordyava', and the most important one is 'Yekaliating', which seems to be a distinguished surname.

She took refuge with her relatives, and the car owner Sophie did not make things difficult for her. Instead, she promoted her to the Source Messenger's car and provided tea-making services.

After all, most of the Source Force Envoys are scholars.

Scholars are easier to take care of.

Gwen held the book and walked to a seat reserved for him by default.

The possessor of the power of the mind flayer is feared. As they called each other again and again, Gwen's nickname was exposed. And most of the source power users have heard of "people who dare to use the same nickname as Kaitan..."

...' story, I was surprised by it and admired it very much, so I reserved a special place for him.

That's what reputation is for.

He walked in and the manager glanced at the small hall.

Today I didn’t see the red dog and dark cat rubbing the stove, nor the rabbit warming his feet and reading a book.

But today we can see the commander staying here.

Sophie is here.

With black hair and eyes, her left hand is wrapped with a bandage, she looks like a delicate and beautiful girl sitting on a sofa, reading a book, as if she is a scene in a beautiful painting.

It's just that Gwen can feel the other party's source of power.

Strong and crazy.

It seems to be no less than a cursed blade, or at least it can be said to be no less than a jackal.

Gwen walked to her seat, sighed, and took out two books for laying the foundation:

"Maritime Literature" and "Astronomy".

In Utopia, the sky and the sea are truly symbols of powerful spirituality, so if you want to learn source power, you must be proficient in these two doctrines.

on the other hand.

If ordinary people want to use some source power or increase their awakening level of source power, these two subjects must be learned.

The sea contains the inner core power of utopia.

The sky contains the outer core power of Utopia.

When the two are unified, only then can we have the "knowledge of exerting power", turning air into sharp blades, turning language into spells, knowing its changes, and understanding its natural principles.

Gwen immersed herself in reading.

"Mr. Gwen."

The conductor Sophie stood in front of him, holding a letter in her hand: "Jackal came to see you today. The front desk said you were not here, so he left this letter and left. Now, I will pass it on to you."


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