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Chapter 6: Calm Office Worker Route Unlocked

"Fellowman train, Laolu Street branch train No. 221, mobile car... Wuyuanren apartment, a comfortable personal studio apartment, one bedroom, one living room, one study room and a small balcony... The rent is 315 rounds of ammunition per month, and low-quality ammunition is not accepted.


"If needed: provide two small meals (lunch and lunch), 50 bullets per month; provide two large meals (lunch and dinner), 55 bullets per month; cleaning service, 30 bullets per month."

"...also accepts oil, soil, and any proven occult materials and raw materials."

Gwen finally found a suitable house after many choices. First, it was able to solve the dining problem, then it was the price issue, and finally it was the convenience issue.

His source of power needs to be stabilized through various occult rituals and training. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a place where resources can be easily obtained. There is a trading carriage in Wuyuan Ren's apartment specifically for occult researchers.

Source force messengers use trade. Supernatural powers have already been "recognized by the authorities" in Utopia.

Public discussion is not prohibited, but public discussion is not encouraged either.

We will not confirm any strange stories and mysterious events, but we will not deny any strange stories and mysterious events. The performance of the authorities reminded Gwen of the post office under Big Ben, where he posted, posted, and posted again.

And the price will not be very high. The price of 420 rounds of bullets per month is naturally very expensive for ordinary residents of Utopia Beast Ears, but for Gwen, who is an "old beast sponsored angel investment", this kind of

An apartment with a certain standard is definitely the best place to live.

Finally, the crucial issue of eating is the most critical. If this matter is not solved, I am afraid that even he who can sleep among the lions will not be able to sleep peacefully.

Gwen, with her expectations for 'otherworldly delicacies', dragged the thousand-layer box onto a motorcycle carriage...it was a small carriage pulled by two motorcycles...it took almost fifteen minutes to arrive at Laolu Street.

A very long train.

After he got off the bus (or asked to get on the bus), he dragged the box and frowned at the license plate number 'Mobile Car No. 001' on the platform. He pursed his lips, turned his head, and looked around as if there was no vehicle.

He sighed as he could help himself.

"Let's go."

It's just a 200-mile journey, nothing compared to hiking across the desert! He clenched his fists, cheered himself up, and started walking along the old road that was 'more like a platform than a long street'


Laolu Street is a complete 'giant train', and on the train, the platforms of each house number will stop at fixed times every day. Once the curfew time is reached, the train will depart and start to circle around the outer track of Laolu Street.

From 8 o'clock at night, it drove all the way to 8 o'clock in the morning, and finally stopped at the 'platform with the correct house number'.

If you want to go out at night, you can only ride a motorcycle.

In the same way, if you want to go home at night, you must ride a motorcycle and park quietly on a small train without disrupting the street.

…When Gwen reached the end of Laolu Street, further ahead was the locomotive, where buildings such as the ‘Laolu Street Office’ and ‘Public Library’ were built.

'No. 111' is displayed on the left side of the platform.

He looked to the right with uneasiness, and as expected, it showed 'No. 112'. Then, he looked at the way he came, and relying on his willpower not to cry even if his little toe was pricked by a poisonous scorpion, he used

He wiped his slightly red eyes with his hand, bit his lip, and dragged the thousand-layer box back.

While walking, he deeply reflected on himself.

"You must not delay things because of your thirst for delicious food."

After spending some extra effort on his feet, he finally reached platform 221.

There is a very tall and huge train parked on the platform.

It has complex craftsmanship that is loved by all mechanical controllers, large and exquisite patterns and a large number of mechanical platform modifications, giving this train a bit of a "city within a city" feeling.

"It's such a huge train. There must be Source Envoys involved in its construction. I don't think that another world with a lower technological level than the previous one can create such a thing with the help of 'science without legs'..."

He muttered, dragging the box onto the train.

There are three Ronen security guards with dog ears at the door, two old and one young. The younger one is playing some kind of "chasing his own tail" game, and the other two old ones are playing a card called witch card.

There are games and a collection of poems next to them. Utopians like literature, although most of them know nothing about literature.

Gwen coughed lightly.

There seemed to be a sound of 'bang!', and the three Rongen gentlemen all looked over.

After about half a second, the two old Ron En security guards quickly put away the cards, while the younger one looked at Gwen quite excitedly and said:

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

"It's a man."

Gwen corrected herself, not caring about the other person's "dog's heart is broken" expression. She opened the newspaper with both hands, raised it up, and said, "I'm here to rent a house. Is there any room left?"

Ron En, the older security guard, nodded: "We have nothing to do with renting a house."

Another person pointed to the door: "Go inside. Room 6 in the library is the conductor of this train. You have to tell her when renting a house..."

"I'll take him there!" Young Rongen was still unwilling to give in.

"Thank you, I can go by myself."

Gwen quickly walked in dragging the thousand-layer box. He was afraid of such an enthusiastic creature. Rongen people (dog-eared people) are said to have relatively diode personalities, either very enthusiastic or very fierce.

After entering the train, you will find a warm carriage. The small rooms on both sides of the corridor have all been transformed into open bookshelves, which is quite similar to the large number of enchantment table rooms in 'Minecraft'. Walking to the middle section, you can see the personal reading room.

, usually a combination of a desk and a soft sofa.

The conductor is a young and unexpected woman.

He is only about 20 years old. He has Welgian cat ears, black hair and black eyes that give him a kind of familiarity. He has a pretty and handsome appearance. His left hand is wrapped in a bandage. He is reading a book called "What If the World Is Not on a Train?"

, a utopian science fiction novel?

Although the lady wearing train conductor's clothes looks very young, she is very experienced.

After knowing Gwen's purpose of renting a house, he persuaded Gwen to rent a "deluxe room" with a few words. The budget of 420 rounds of ammunition per month increased unknowingly to 650 rounds per month.

This is not because Gwen is weak-willed.

It's because if you stay in a deluxe room, you not only have a "single bathroom", but also have high-quality ordering services, and you can also give feedback to the chef...

Gwen is not a person who abuses herself in order to 'grow'.

If you have some enjoyment, you should naturally enjoy it vigorously.

Besides, Gwen was sure that she would not be short of bullets.

While waiting for the room to be cleaned, he sat on his multi-layer box, opened the newspaper, and his eyes were completely attracted by a piece of news:

"The fellow crew is hiring an expert on 'scarology' with a generous salary. If you are interested, please..."


Hearing the word scar, Gwen almost slapped her thigh and shouted: I understand this!

After first making sure that it was not a scar theory such as 'pain, too painful' or 'forever losing my love', and confirming that it was 'identification of injuries on corpses', Gwen was full of confidence. He was once honored as the 'wound-tearer' in his previous life

', I am not very suitable for this kind of position that is more like a 'forensic doctor' but is also a 'cloud forensic doctor'.

“This is a job made in heaven.”

Not only can he give himself an indicator of how much living expenses he can earn before squandering all 20,000 rounds of ammunition, but more importantly, he can blend into the official team... Moreover, this position is also a 'flexible position'.

To put it simply, ‘as long as you are able, you can work from home’.

"It seems that I am still not a cow in another world. I was born directly in Rome."

The Mind Flayer is already considering a peaceful life of working hard and killing people in his spare time.

This chapter has been completed!
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