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Chapter 75: Double-sided inspection / Aspiring youth and aspiring ladies [4D]

Although Gwen didn't have much exposure to Source Power, his fair talent still allowed him to understand some of the principles of Source Power.

For example:

If a person begins to awaken his source power, how can he make his source power stronger than that of ordinary people?

Yuanli's determination and training.

The first point is that it is difficult for Yuanli to have extremely off-center abilities.

Even though Gwen's [Princess with One Eye of Fire] combines the characteristics of the four elements, strengthening, transformation, source energy and deception, it still cannot change that the power of this ability is due to his talented source of energy.

It will not be like the Zan-O sword in Bleach, with such outrageous abilities as Kyoka Suigetsu and Two-Hit Kill - although the latter has become a joke.

Secondly, Yuanli’s ability is a reflection of the scenery in his heart.

The inner scenery can be changed artificially, and the inner scenery is everyone's "talent". For example, the inner scenery of a person is an oil lamp, and the inner scenery of a person is a lighthouse on an isolated island. Although they both have [light]

] has the same characteristics as [Light Up], but the quantity is completely different, and the abilities developed are also different...

Of course, that doesn't mean there's no way to compare.

The conversion abilities such as 'fire damage' created by the lighthouse will be stronger than those of the oil lamp. And the 'individual abilities' created by the oil lamp will be stronger than those of the lighthouse, because they are small and precise. But if the scenery in your heart is the sun, it is already beyond

Without the 'volume limit', no matter what you do, you are strong, except for the fraud system, which may have some problems...

The doctrine department has also been left aside as always. Anyway, among the six departments, it is common to play without the doctrine department.

How to turn an oil lamp into a lighthouse? Or even the sun?

Gwen couldn't give an exact answer, but he could give a 'copy and paste' answer.

Based on the guesses and inferences from the countless puppets in the Silver-faced Man's mind, coupled with the inferential information obtained from Gwen's talent, he can discern some intelligence and even some possible developments.

I have simulated the life of a Source Power user thousands of times in my thinking line (mostly Silver-faced Man and Gray Tower. I chose the former because the former is a mature Source Power user, and I chose the latter because Gray Tower entered the door with his left foot first.


He obtained useful information.

First, [the scenery in my heart is not always the same].

The scenery in the heart of the Silver-faced Man was not the 'Mind Flayer Silver-faced Figure Mountain' at the beginning, but something similar to a puppet manufacturing factory. The scenery in the Gray Tower's heart could not be confirmed. He said many times that 'the mountain changes'

The scale of "Haiwon turned into a plateau" and "Haiwon turned into a plateau" etc. is astonishing, but humans cannot confirm it.

Secondly, [if a person awakens his source power in extreme fatigue and pain, it is likely to change the scenery in his heart].

Through the pain in the Mind Flayer mask left by the Silver Masked Man, Gwen could easily determine this information. The Silver Masked Man himself chose the 'path of pain', thus possessing the knowledge related to 'Silver' and the 'Mind Flayer'

But on the other hand, being in this environment when you first awaken your source power can also stimulate people's potential.

But the red dog is a good sister, so we can’t let it fall into the ‘path of pain’, right?

Then it can only be ‘practice’.

"I do!"

Red Dog seized a gap, kicked away the half-human, half-dog monster that rushed towards him, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "If you don't pursue powerful source power as a messenger of source power, then you might as well die mediocrely, enlightenment."

I’ve already done it!”

The source of power in her body is stirring, converging, and taking shape rapidly.

Gwen took a slow look and drew her lightsaber.

Separate the violent source of the lightsaber, separate...

What appeared in front of Gwen was a light needle controlled by his mind.

This move was seen by Gray Tower, who had just killed a monster next to him, and exclaimed: "How did you do that!"

"If you think about it, you can do it."

Gwen had no time to deal with this kind of problem. He verified that [the script was fixing the consequences of his own bug], and the evidence was that while he was trying to help Red Dog develop more powerful source power, [the script accelerated

Red Dog’s origin hatching progress], in simple words, [this mechanism plays a soft repair role when determining Gwen’s ability to change the supporting role].

Soft fix.

Instead of forcing it, it means that the script has limitations or "it needs to be flattered".

In view of normal people's thinking, Gwen felt that it was 'limited'.


This mechanism has become a kind of simple 'mechanism', which is uncontrollable.

This guess excited Gwen.

Although he doesn't mind, he doesn't like someone controlling his body secretly. Moreover, if the 'script'... the mechanism currently assumed to be called 'script' by Gwen is in an automatic response stage, then

You can get some unexpected advantages from it. For example...

"I will use these light needles to seal your source power, block your source power in the blood vessels of your source power, and slow down your awakening speed. I will force your source power blood vessels to expand, but at the same time you must continue to use your source power.

Strength, so as to achieve the effect of exercise..."

no response.

The gray tower next to him looked a little hesitant, as if he wanted to say, 'Brother, are you kidding me?'. Even the red dog had a speechless expression and went to fight the monster, while the rabbit murmured in a low voice: "Really?"

Won’t it explode?”

Human reactions have no value to Gwen.

The important thing is...

In Gwen Ranhuo's single-eyed vision, the awakening speed of Red Dog's source power actually slowed down, as if it was accumulating energy.

But this is an illusion.

What the script can affect is the [source force] around the red dog. To put it simply, by aggravating the source force factors around the red dog, it can achieve the purpose of awakening.

"Isn't it this..."

Gwen's expression didn't change and she slowly said: "It's just a joke. This is not how I achieve my goal."

Even during the battle, Red Dog turned his head and showed a surprised and angry expression.

Of course, in the next second, a lizard beast suddenly appeared and slapped its face with its paw, creating a very funny facial deformation animation in the slow field of view...

But it confirmed Gwen’s idea.

The power of the darkness in the air suddenly dropped, making the lizard monster's attack power far less than expected.

Originally, the power of one claw could knock the red dog up for at least two or three seconds, but it was reduced to the point where the red dog just spat out a tooth that could be regenerated, and then pounced on it. It was obviously biased.

"It seems that the script, or some kind of will, has changed, which has increased the weight of Red Dog."

In the dark cave, the three of them were fighting hard, and Gwen was paddling and experimenting with his ideas.

But even so, his enemy-killing efficiency is still the highest among the four.

As a power user with enough power to use the lightsaber as a common method, he kills this kind of monsters simply by killing them indiscriminately. He will first split one with one sword, then take another one with him, and finally kill one with one stroke.

The shadow of the ghoul cub has long since dissipated, and it seems to be a shadow that is afraid of fighting.

But it also shows that the jackal is beneath this abandoned station and cave.

Gwen estimated the location.

They advanced nearly a hundred meters and were still in the cave, with the strange stalactites above their heads.

But soon the remains of the station appeared in front of me...

The reason why it is called a wreckage is because this station has obviously been destroyed by some kind of huge monster. Under the broken walls, there are also torn and broken posters, which are posters of the Faceless Man.

"We're here!" Gray Tower made a surprised voice.

The high-intensity battle has left all of them injured... Of course, this has to leave Gwen aside.

But soon, Gray Tower was carrying a bear-skin face again.


A large number of ghouls emerged from the station, even...

Armed Ghouls!

After transforming the ghouls, rivets were used to nail various armors to the ghouls' bodies, giving them protection capabilities that other ghouls did not have. Finally, they were served with special food.

Finally, he developed a ghoul that is about two to three times the size of a normal ghoul, and slightly larger than a normal bull.

Although it is different from the giant ghouls Gwen has seen.

But its combat power can definitely crush ordinary ghouls.

If an ordinary ghoul has a combat power of 3, this kind of armed ghoul has a level of over 30.

Gwen tested the water temperature.

It's still a monster that can be chopped down with a single lightsaber.

[Harmless, can be used to train Huita and others].

He made a judgment, then drew his lightsaber and slashed hard at a Mind Flayer masked monster that appeared from the shadows.

This monster is confronting the rabbit.

This sword actually frightened the rabbit who was about to fight back.

The rabbit took the time to ask: "What for? I originally killed it!"

"You are in danger." Gwen replied.

The rabbit felt puzzled: "Haha? Did you underestimate my escape skills?"

Not underestimated.

But if you choose to frame jump to avoid the attack, 80% of the time you will fail because of a dark rock with no reflection. When you hit it, you will lose consciousness for about half a second to a second. In the end, your heart will be ripped out and you will become a victim in the script.

Position', directly helped Gray Tower and Red Dog become masters of source power.

Presumably, Gray Tower would shout "Rabbit——狲——" while completely solidifying the scenery in his heart that has great potential, and at the same time awakening a powerful source of power.

...Gwen recalled the pre-reading in her own thinking space.

"I saved the rabbit's life."

He felt the 'shadow of death' on the rabbit slowly dissipate.

It seems that the script has a flexible [weight ratio].

Because Gwen's single-eyed fire princess has the attribute of [warmth], and can vaguely feel the danger on his teammates. When he notices it, he uses his powerful thinking space and anticipation to

Judgment, you can easily infer the [death flag].

The death flag naturally refers to the key to whether a character will die.

Although from a joke point of view, it is a state where you will die as long as you say 'I will get married in my hometown after this battle' and 'Lu, Lu, Lu Bu ah ah ah!', but in Gwen's view, this

It's more like the prelude to "Death is Coming". Death follows you everywhere. When you perform the actions in the prelude to death, you will die in the next second.

The reason why the weight ratio was changed is because Gwen felt that [the crisis disappeared from the rabbit body], but...

[Crisis targeted Huita because he stepped into the station with his left foot first].

If you look at Hui Ta's face using the Qi-gazing technique, he must be full of deathly anger!

"Hey!" The rabbit was still huffing angrily.

Gwen is not someone who keeps quiet about good deeds.

He is the kind of person who wants to use a loudspeaker to publicize the good deeds he has done. The reason why he does this is because he has a simple idea: "If you do good deeds, you are not doing bad things, so why not publicize them?"

Good deeds loudly shout, "I have done some great deeds." People who are sick probably have something wrong with themselves.

If publicity is not good, then publicity is bad?

Therefore, he vigorously promoted Tu Xi.

He pointed to the dark stone.

The rabbit was a little confused at first. He pulled out his gun to support the red dog and showed a confused look.

"This cat has no understanding."

Gwen thought, and had to take credit for herself again: "If you were attacked just now, how would you escape?"

"Of course..." Tu Xi's face changed drastically, and her expression suddenly fell into a "fearful" mood.

Pre-reading is not a rare thing. With sufficient information, a Source Force user who wants to pre-read the consequences of his actions can also do so.

Seeing the dark stone that would miss if she didn't pay attention, she could naturally think of the result of running into it... It would be fine if she bumped into it normally, but if she encountered a monster with the ability to steal the heart, it would be a big deal if she bumped into it.


Will he die...

She thought of the terrible possibility. The rabbit and the cat's tail straightened up. She made a gulping motion in her throat, and began to wonder if it was possible for her to survive when her heart was taken away.


It seems that she realized her mistake. Gwen nodded with satisfaction: "Just treat me to a cup of mushroom tea when you get back."

Gwen walked quickly towards the Gray Tower.

While passing through Red Dog, I injected into Red Dog the method of ‘strengthening the inner scenery’ that I had truly figured out.

To put it simply, it is ‘load exercise’.

Through long-term load training, strong source of rewriting, and control of mood, one can artificially transform the inner scenery of the other party.

After Red Dog received the 'suppression' of Gwen's source power, the source power in his body suddenly fell silent.

This feeling can also be fed back to the body all at once.

The clothes he was wearing were soaked with sweat and clung to his body.

Hong Quan was panting, feeling the silence of the source of energy in her body. This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable, as if she had an uneasy feeling when she went to the bathroom, knowing that she had intentions, but the goods were ruthless!

Of course, in Gwen's eyes, the source power around her body has begun to be so rich that it can be absorbed by getting close. This also means that the script is getting anxious and wants to force her to awaken.

"Really effective?" she asked.


Gwen answered in his heart, but he knew that most people would have a very unbeatable doubt about easy answers and benefits, so he just pretended to be noble and cool and raised his chin: "Then I can help you solve it?


"Hey, I didn't mean that..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


"What are you talking about? If you ask if it works, it means you think it doesn't work, right?"


After Gwen became good friends with Laura, she learned a lot about her ability as a verbal and boxing master, and started some organized and disciplined unreasonable troubles. Boxing is also a martial art! As a martial artist, he must also have a good mouth.


He tried a few tricks of "Su-o's Joke Variation".

After two words, the red dog could only roar in grief and anger, and rushed towards the monster. Of course, she didn't notice Gwen making a little move when she rushed out.

The shadow under Gwen's feet slipped a small piece into the shadow of the red dog.

In order to prevent the script from becoming angry and refreshing the death flag on the red dog, Gwen must be prepared, just like he had used the same move on the rabbit.

[Shadow Guard: Mind Flayer], when the subject faces fatal damage, the mind flayer will be summoned and turn into a human form made of shadow to block the fatal blow.

Although this move already looks a bit like a spell, it is not a spell after all.

It was very different from the spell he had imagined.

It doesn't have that magical feeling, so it's understandable that it is considered a useless skill.

Although the station has been abandoned, you can still get a glimpse of its original splendor.

The six-layered vault is about eight meters high, and the colorful bricks on the ground form a portrait of March. Although it is now broken, you can still feel the craftsmanship of the Utopian people who originally lived here.

In Utopia, the meaning of trains is very different from the means of transportation in Gwen's previous life.

Here, places such as stations that have a very close meaning to trains are given a lot of meanings. For example, it is a church, it is the best residential area, and it is a prosperous shopping street that can be relied on.

Although there is no bustling shopping street in this abandoned town, there are two church rooms of legal religious groups in the station, as well as a gorgeous government post office. This kind of post office often takes over the [resting area for stewards and stewards] and

[Arms depot, treasury] and other functions.

But at this time, this gorgeous building has completely become a devil's cave.

A monster that looks like a spider, but is covered in green gel, uses this place as a nest, and a large number of fluttering eggs are left here. These eggs have gelatinous skin and are covered with a layer of filthy mucus.

A disgusting rotten stench emanated.

On the brick floor covered with slime formed by green gel, there were rotten corpse dolls on it...


These monsters, these disgusting creatures, seem to have a unique 'ecology'.

Noticing the arrival of Gwen and Gray Tower, these monsters raised their heads one after another, but looked at the gel spider.

The spider opened its mouth to the ceiling, and sang an opera with a beautiful sound that didn't sound like a monster.

A mesmerizing opera.

I couldn't understand his lines, but I could feel the air around him becoming warmer.

The dark environment is illuminated by sunlight.

A beautiful river falls from the sky, reflecting colorful colors and dazzling brilliance.

The body is very light.

I felt a floating sensation, as if my spirit was separated.

An uncontrollable sense of joy is injected into the body, just like when you are in a good mood and when you are highly myopic, you take off your glasses and see the world illuminated by the sun.

Warm, warm color block splicing is unrecognizable.

When you close your eyes, it feels like you are lying in a warm stream, looking at the grassland, smelling the smell of fresh grass, and watching warm families passing by.

Consciousness falls into deep sleep.

“A beautiful scene.”

Gwen shook her head gently: "But comfort does not belong to me."

The flames ignited.

Open your eyes.

What appeared in front of Gwen were the moving monsters and the huge green glue spider. The strange human-like face of the spider showed a trace of surprise and astonishment, as if he couldn't believe that his ability could not succeed.


In other words, Gwen couldn't be restrained even for a second.

This incident shocked even the monsters.

"If you had told me that I would see your ugly faces as soon as I opened my eyes, maybe you would have let me stay in there a little longer."

Gwen considers herself a gentle person, and such vicious and provocative words must have been influenced by the mind flayer Sister Gezi!

This must be recorded.

He slapped Huita's face with a disgusting smile and squinted eyes.



Some people once thought that fists can cause more pain than slaps, but this is wrong. What will happen if a punch hits Huita's head? It will also wake him up, but after a short period of pain, it will be a bit

Being numb doesn't make such a beautiful scream.

Of course, the price is that Gwen's own hands are a little painful.

After all, these delicate, white and tender hands are no longer the ones wrapped in calluses. His countless recent trainings have not made his skin rough or calloused. This seems to be the characteristic of the Mind Flayer.

【Clean hands】can be used to pick out the heart easily.

This quality seems to exist in one's own body.

"Gwen!" Gray Tower said in an angry tone.

Gwen was a little sad.

He saw that the aura of death in the Gray Tower had disappeared, and even if this monster was found, it was his death flag, a calamity in the script. But he did not expect that the Gray Tower would be like this, and he would be angry with himself, because he had saved his life!

The more she thought about it, the more unclear she became, so Gwen slapped the bear again.

Only after feeling pain and screaming did Gray Tower notice the monster in front of him.

Just realized...

"Fuck! Gwen, good fight!"

If Gwen hadn't woken him up, he would have died right here.

The moment Bear Ears praised him, Gwen had disappeared.


He was left staring at the monster with his eyes wide open.


After the embarrassing stalemate, the monster pounced on him as if nothing had happened. Gray Tower took out his rifle and squeezed the trigger as if nothing had happened, while equipping his other fist in his pocket.

A magic-killing glove with limited durability.

This glove is wrapped with a 'blessed steel nail', which looks like a durian and will definitely bring unexpected surprises to the monster.

It's just that this surprise is a little too heavy.



Death has found the Rabbit and the Gray Tower, but will it finally find the Red Dog?

… thought Gwen.

After he walked out of the station, he saw Red Dog surrounded by six extremely abnormal armed ghouls and launched an offensive.

The red dog moved swiftly and punched one of them on the chin, but his waist was grazed by a sharp claw and he was injured.

With her luck, she encountered six armed ghouls at once...

Gwen saw that the source of power in the rabbit was stirring, and it seemed that it was about to reach a level where it could develop new abilities in a flash of inspiration. Suddenly it dawned on her, and she looked at the red dog with an incomprehensible expression.

"Good sister, it's your turn to be the sacrifice."

Everyone has something to offer.

The mechanical structure of the script made it a little difficult for Gwen to confirm.


If you are talking about a mechanical reaction, you should store a lot of scripts of the same type, right? To put it simply, if you don’t know anything, then try another way. But this kind of script that requires the ultimate sacrifice is like some brains

Only a troubled playwright or novelist can write a plot stably.

in other words:

[Maybe even a computer can’t write this kind of plot]

But if you think about it, people can still be saved.

Gwen rushed forward, raised the knife in his hand, and killed three armed ghouls first. After the red dog showed a "saved" expression, he ignored the remaining three and walked away, leaving a look of astonishment on his face.

The ghoul and the red dog stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

After the awkwardness lasted for half a second, the two sides immediately started fighting again.

With the idea of ​​​​training these colleagues, and in order to verify her own speculation, Gwen patiently controlled the situation, avoiding advancing too fast, and avoiding advancing too slowly, and always maintained a "I am indeed doing output A,"

I have the highest output of the entire team, so there’s nothing wrong with it, right?’ It’s an output-type stroke.

The existence of scripts is certain, or in other words, there is a system similar to scripts operating.

This is something that is certain.

So what will happen if the demonstration cannot be followed according to the script?

Gwen began to wonder whether this cycle would start again, and if the target was again targeted at the rabbit...

The next moment, something happened that he couldn't believe and had never even thought about.

A subtle sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart.



He felt an unprecedented offense.

The script seems to have selected him as the next candidate for the 'ultimate sacrifice'. At the same time, the silver-faced man he left behind, Bai Yinxuansi, can feel the power of others slowly entering a high state.

Gwen finally confirmed this time:

The script is mechanical, without emotion or intelligence, it is just a mechanism driven by certain logic.

Choosing yourself as a target is no longer just stupid.

How can you kill me?

Gwen thought.

"Environment, traps, monsters, all are indispensable."


The moment he came to a conclusion, the steel bars on the ceiling inside the station seemed to have fallen down due to the erosion of the years and the slight vibrations from the constant fighting.

The bricks beneath his feet exploded, and dozens of thick plant tentacles rose up.

In the dark ruins of the station, dozens of monsters rushed out.

"One cannot exist without the other...but it cannot be such a clumsy method."

Gwen tapped the broken bricks with her toes and rose into the air. She grabbed the fallen steel bar with her left hand and pulled with three fingers, defying gravity and pulling herself up.

If he hadn't forgotten this skill, it was probably a kind of light skill related to Tiyun Zong...

Qinggong also exists in reality.

For example, if you run with your breath and concentration, you will feel that your body is much lighter. This is its progressive use. Although most people may not be able to master it with a little practice, they should be able to learn it if they practice more frequently.

In the air, after gaining control of her field of vision, Gwen gently hung one hand on the Mind Flayer mask on the side of her head.

call out.

The air, debris, and plant tentacles were instantly 'cut' by some invisible object.

Thump, whoosh, whoosh, boom!

The reflection of the silver string appeared in the air, but the steel string composed of silver soon turned into dust and fell to the ground.

Under the sharp edge, blood, debris and wood with smooth cross-sections fell down.

Although she has the silver thread ability of the Silver Masked Man, the silver thread controlled by Gwen is very different from that controlled by the Silver Masked Man. Generally speaking, in the battle of the Silver Masked Man, the silver thread is just a supplementary killing and restriction method for illusion.

As for Gwen, his silver thread was given the ability to cut.

Also known as:

There are also differences between mind flayers.

If Gwen had controlled a similar source of power at that time, there was a high probability that she could have cut off the Silver Masked Man's head in one round.

He solved his crisis easily.

The unusual movement in the script finally came to a standstill.

Gwen felt that her power seemed to be improving a little bit.

"Is this feedback? Well...could the script be something systematic..."

Although it was very weak, it still shocked Gwen.

Gwen does not carry a god's creation similar to a 'system', and cannot improve himself by adding points. In other words, every point of improvement can tell the role of hard work or talent. And this little bit of improvement,

But it is inexplicable, almost like the experience points given after completing the task.

People who are not sensitive to source power may not know...


Gwen used her source power to gently detect the source power of the rabbit that had just walked over. She could also feel a little bit of growth, but the aspect of growth was not source power, but...'strength'.

This discovery is a bit horrifying.


"Can you actually avoid this completely? There are also these lines, such a powerful source of power, it feels like an offensive type." Rabbit murmured for a while, hiding next to Gwen as if he was lazy, and let Gwen

Kill all the monsters around you.

I have to say, this guy is very capable at cheating and sneaking.

"If you had developed your abilities well, you wouldn't have to hide behind me, a newbie who has only just learned the power now."

"Bah, the use of source power during the kaidan period can also be regarded as the time to learn source power!" Rabbit's mouth was stiff.


Gwen waited for the script to respond, but it seemed that the script had fallen into a crash state and was unable to operate.

So he simply stopped paddling, put one hand on the mask, input source power, and generated a large number of silver strings in one go.

The source power silver string can be controlled by the source power and attached to the source power through precise operation. However, Gwen can only use his own sharp attribute at present, and he still cannot understand the source power of the mind flayer.

However, the mind flayer's source power itself has the ability to create threads.

The mind flayer's ability is not just as simple as stealing hearts.

Although the mind flayer in Gwen's heart has always been a strange image with absolute destructive power and speed, its ability to control threads is also quite powerful. Even people who have learned the 'needle technique' in Gwen's previous life cannot compete with it.

Therefore, he decisively gave up the skills he had learned and concentrated on studying the "Mind Flayer", a string control technique that combines source power skills and manual skills.

Acupuncture is a technique he created while joking with some people in his previous life.

The inspiration came from the invincible embroidery needles of the East. At that time, Gwen had already reached the point where she could cut a Coke can with a flying leaf, so it was natural for her to learn how to control sewing needles with silk thread.

It's not an overly shocking technique.


Gwen stretched out her finger and flicked it in the air, injecting source power into the silver strings, allowing them to have extremely high initial speed in a short time. If you watch it in bullet time, you can see that the silver strings have become thinner.

It can be broken by blowing the wind, and the thread end of the silver string has small beads formed by gravity. This structure makes it easier for him to cast the thread.

When several silk threads passed through at a speed faster than bullets, these silver beads exploded at an unobservable speed and tinyness, and the source force condensed the air into a tiny 'hard plate' that was no more than a sesame seed.

Silk thread fixation.

After fixing it, Gwen gently pressed the string with the index finger and thumb of her left hand, and grasped the silver string with the ring finger and thumb of her right hand.


The triggered source power instantly used the silver string as the carrier of the lightsaber that exploded instantly.

Brilliant silver, red, blue, and green light flashed past.

The monster is cut open.

Life is cut open.


Gray Tower, Red Dog and Rabbit didn't see clearly what happened. They only saw that all invisible and tangible objects in the entire station were neatly cut into several sections!

Only Tu Xi glanced at Gwen's finger and vaguely guessed something.

Whispered: "Can the lightsaber... still be used like this?"


Gwen replied while controlling her blush.

The reason why I blush a little is because this method of use is actually learned from the curse blade. The curse blade's flashing and lightsaber fighting method has a strong sense of rhythm and a very scary suddenness. The curse blade removes the thumb.

The remaining four fingers can burst out a short and brilliant lightsaber, and the length is variable, making it very dangerous to fight with her in close combat.

It’s time to acknowledge what this method of use looks like.

It's a bit like stealing someone else's work.

The four people gathered together, and needless to say, three more people collected materials, with Gwen on guard.

There are often plots in animation where "the person controlling the thread is like a spider weaving a web, mending a dragnet".

But Gwen did not get a similar ability at all. First, the silver string needs to be fixed, secondly, the silver string needs to be fixed, and finally, the silver string needs to be fixed.

To lay out the sensing network, Gwen needed to personally crawl through each node and arrange the air source force of fixed wires like rubber wiring gadgets in the room. Only then could she do it.

It can't be done.

This kind of thing.

Gwen didn't have this idea, so she could only hang herself in the air with a silver string like the [Failed Face], or hang upside down like the [White-Headed Face] and walk slowly to investigate.

Speaking of which, my name is Gwen.

It has some connection with the ‘face of failure’…

I have to say that Gray Tower and the others worked very quickly. It only took two or three minutes to clean up the battlefield.

After stuffing a lot of weirdly named materials such as 'Sorrowful Egg' and 'Broken Wing Bone' into a large material bag, Gray Tower urged him to go deeper.


Directly below Gwen and the others, in the dark tunnel.

In a tunnel arranged like a forest, dozens of ghouls were carrying buckets of soil brought from the ground. They sprinkled the soil on the ground and flattened it with a loud sound before another one came.

I just ran to get new soil from the earth-moving truck nearby.

Use red ‘paint’ on the soil

A woman with a beautiful face and smoky makeup was squatting in the center of the ritual circle, spitting out a mouthful of blood mixed with nematodes as if she had been hit hard. She rubbed her eyes gently:

"What a powerful source of power. It seems that he is from the Temperance Sect? Where did you know this beautiful young man, Jackal?"

The woman said maliciously to the jackal whose hands were tied above his head.

"Leach." Jackal panted weakly, but his voice was still extremely gentle and mellow, "I want to ask you instead, have you betrayed the Temperance Sect?"

"I changed my faith."

The woman named Li Qi shrugged with a dark smile, "I have doubts about March and the Sea of ​​Illusion. Is the cult really for the messengers of source power? Their belief in ancient witches... haha

, when a student has doubts about the teacher and the teacher cannot answer the question, isn't it normal to change the teacher?"

"...You are too arrogant, Lizzie."

"No, you are too arrogant, Jackal."

The woman spoke with an old friend and took out two books from her pocket: "These two books are the criticisms of our lies by the two major religious groups. They are... the bloody truth. They are Tormo.

It is said that its hammerhead forged endless railways, but...hahahaha, it was made by witches, they were made by them, and the ancient races in the boundless sea of ​​stars above March were made by them.


Li Qi covered her eyes and showed a strange smile:

"I really pity you and envy you."

"Are you envious of my powerless situation under the power of this book in your hand? If you pity me, I can understand."

"No, I envy your ignorance and pity your ignorance."

Li Qi stared at the top of the tunnel where the sky could not be seen, and let out a maniacal chuckle, "Ignorance is a blessing. Knowing the truth, I suffered this cruel curse. But I also understood the effectiveness of these two books.

Well, thank you very much, my former partner. In return, I will not kill you, but I can only trouble you to stay for a week or two longer."

"You will be defeated." Jackal said in a determined tone.

"Well, I can." Li Qi said with a smile, "But that will only happen if I am willing to fight with the source of power called Gwen. As a scholar, you shouldn't think,

I would like to fight head-on with people, right? Even if I act crazy, but..."

"We Yuanli envoys are scholars after all."

In her crazy eyes, there was a hint of cold reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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