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Chapter 362: Just kill someone

As Xie Langhua said, the Tielaohu Temple is already in a mess. The walls everywhere have been demolished. Most of the previous buildings in the temple have also been demolished, and several new ones have been built on the other side.

It's new and has a completely different style.

There was even more noise in my ears, with the shouts and banging sounds of workers working.

When the car curtains were slightly opened, flying dust rushed in.

The most terrifying thing is that there is a tall tower in the temple, which is being demolished with scaffolding. From time to time, debris will fly down from the top.

Xie Songhua frowned. Such a high-altitude projectile is simply a heavy weapon. If you hit it down here, aren't you looking for death?

She immediately lifted the car curtain and asked, "Can't we go around here? Isn't it too dangerous to go under here?"

Unexpectedly, the coachman didn't even blink, "Girl, don't be afraid. The people here are all experienced in their crafts. They just look dangerous. The princess and the young prince have already said hello. Don't worry."

As if to confirm his words, the carriage stopped.

Not only their carriage, but Princess Huimin's carriage in front also stopped.

Then a man who looked like he was in charge ran over and said a few words in front of him.

After waiting some more, they moved on.

The busy worker standing on the scaffolding stopped at this time.

The coachman opened the curtain again and said with a smile: "Okay, they have temporarily stopped the construction here, so you two don't need to be nervous now."

Xie Songhua and Xie Langhua looked at each other, and both saw deep tension in each other's eyes.

Xie Langhua looked curious and opened the curtain to look at the half-demolished tower.

People outside were covering their mouths and noses with their sleeves. Seeing him looking at him like this, they didn't say anything else.

After watching for a while, Xie Langhua's eyes suddenly flashed, and almost immediately he lowered the car curtain, grabbed Xie Songhua's arm, and wanted to push her out from behind, "There's something wrong on the tower!"

Xie Songhua looked at him with doubtful eyes, "She wants to kill us here?"

Xie Langhua didn't want to say more to her, so he lowered his voice and pushed her back while talking to her, "Jump quickly!"

However, Xie Songhua grabbed his wrist and also lowered his voice, "Lift the curtain!"

She exerted some force on her hand, but Xie Langhua's movement was a pause. When he raised his eyes, the two people's eyes met, and he immediately understood what she meant.

Immediately nodded slightly, "Okay!"

The two people stared at the curtain in front of the car, silently calculating the distance.

Suddenly, several exclamations came from high up, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as he raised his eyes, everyone present was shocked.

I saw that a railing on the high tower suddenly became loose for some unknown reason, and suddenly fell from the top.

Several workers holding tools around him panicked and tried to catch the railing.

But it was originally a large stone carved from marble, and it could not be picked up by just a few hands.

The huge stone just fell straight down.

I don't know if it was because the crowd's screams disturbed the horse in the carriage below, but the horse suddenly kicked its hooves twice hard and stepped forward.

Accompanied by the painful neighing of the horse, there was a loud "bang" sound, and huge clouds of dust flew away.

Princess Huimin and the young princess in front stepped out of the carriage at the same time and looked at the scene of the accident behind them with indifferent expressions.

The little prince curled his lips and said, "It's hard for you. It's just killing someone, and it takes so much effort."

Huimin gently covered her nose with a handkerchief and said calmly: "You have to act like you're surprised, otherwise how can I make Brother Yu think I'm cruel?"

As she spoke, she sighed faintly, "If you want to blame, I can only blame his brother and sister for their unlucky luck. This is the place where the national master will practice in the future. It must be their fate to die here unexpectedly!"

Accidents elsewhere can be investigated.

But not this place.

Huimin clearly knew the status of the Imperial Master in Emperor Yufeng's heart. In order to protect the Imperial Master's face, this matter would not become a big deal.

As long as his uncle didn't want to make a big fuss, Xie Yuncang could only accept the consequences even if he was the second minister of the court and lost a pair of children.

The little prince clicked his tongue twice, "Not to mention, that Xie Songhua is actually a beauty, so it is really a pity that she was smashed into a meat pie like this."

Huimin glanced at him sideways and said, "You had this idea a long time ago. You should have taken action directly and got it back to your yard. I don't have to go through so much trouble today."

After saying that, he turned around to go back to the carriage. Suddenly he remembered something and looked at him doubtfully, "Speaking of this, you seem to be a little too honest these days! Didn't you say you were attracted to him some time ago?

Is she the youngest daughter of Shaoqing’s family in Dali Temple? Why haven’t I seen any movement from you?”

Mentioning this, the little prince had a strange look on his face. He quickly looked away and said, "I have a lot of things going on lately and I am too lazy to bother."

Huimin sneered, "You still think it's troublesome?"

When she said this, the little prince thought again of the ridiculous dreams he had had every night during this period, and his face suddenly burned. He was still willing to continue this topic, and said quickly: "Don't mention this, it's disappointing! You

Didn't we prepare food in Liangyuan? Do you still want to go? If not, I will ask someone to find some friends."

Huimin said angrily: "After such an accident, how could I still be in the mood to eat? Of course I was frightened and sent home. As for you, brother, shouldn't you send a few people to Xie's house now?

Report the news and then stay here to deal with the aftermath?"

"It's really troublesome!" The young prince frowned when he heard this, Xiang Ran was a little unhappy, "You want me to deal with those two corpses."

Even though he said that, he still ordered the people on the side, "Get two stretchers, cover them with cloths, and try to get the whole body together. Don't let me see anything disgusting."

While the two brothers and sisters were talking, the place where the accident occurred finally slowly fell silent.

The people who were originally guarding the carriage saw that something was wrong and immediately jumped away without being hurt.

At this moment, he quickly moved towards the big hole that was made.

After hearing the instructions, the entourage also ran over and ordered people to carry the stretcher, while also ordering the dismantling of the carriage that was almost falling apart.

Unexpectedly, before I got closer, I heard the exclamation of the person on the other end.

Princess Huimin had just stepped into the carriage, and when she heard something was wrong in the voice, she got out again, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The little prince turned his head and said displeasedly: "Have you never seen a corpse? How can such a small scene scare you?"

When he raised his eyes, he saw his sister looking at the other side with a stern look on her face, and said quickly: "What are you doing here again? The people below will just take care of these dirty things. Don't scare you into having nightmares at night."

Princess Huimin glanced at him, then turned to the other side, narrowed her eyes slightly, then raised her legs and walked over.


The little prince couldn't help but be confused, and turned around, only to find that the people who were originally surrounding him had moved away automatically, and there were clearly two people standing in front of the dilapidated carriage surrounded by the crowd.

Even though both of them look disgraced, who else could they be if they weren't brother and sister Xie Langhua?!

This chapter has been completed!
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