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Chapter 364: Business as usual

As Xie Langhua expected, the carriage drove smoothly into the legendary Liang Garden.

As he said, it is all in the style of Jiangnan gardens.

Small courtyards are dotted among the mountains and rivers.

The carriage never stopped, but slowly and leisurely drove through the winding paths until it entered a unique small courtyard.

It was only then that all those around the carriage evacuated, and those who came to greet them when they got off the carriage were replaced by several beautifully dressed women.

The brother and sister were led into a room respectively, and the people inside took care of the grooming.

When Xie Songhua saw the clothes hanging on the screen, he frowned and said, "This dress looks too gorgeous. I'll just ask you, girl, to get something light and simple for me."

The maid then smiled and said: "Young lady, you don't know that we don't provide these things here. These are the spare clothes in the princess's carriage, specially brought here for the girl to change into."

Sure enough, these clothes are unusual.

It actually belongs to Huimin.

Then she can't wear it even more.

Xie Songhua took out two banknotes from his purse and said, "Then please make it easier for me, girl. I see that she is about the same height as me, so I will buy a set of your clothes from her! You don't need new ones, you can do whatever you want.

Just find one for me."

The maid hurriedly refused to accept her money, "The girl was joking, what is the status of the slave? What is the status of the girl? How can the slave's clothes be worn by the girl?"

If our stewards see it, then this slave will not be able to survive, so please don’t be embarrassed, girl."

Xie Songhua didn't know the rules here, and couldn't tell for a moment how true or false this statement was, so he had to think of another way, "How about I ask the girl to find someone to run errands for me and go to a clothing store outside to buy something at will?"

Come back with some clothes on?"

The maid laughed again, "This must be your first time back to Liangyuan, girl! There aren't many shops around here, and the nearest shop is only half an hour away! How can we wait?"

What's more, the people we serve here cannot take the guests' money at will, and we cannot accept it even if it is a gift from the guest. Although the girl asked the slave to find someone to run errands, the slave has no way to explain the money once it is in his hands."

She always spoke softly, her tone was very gentle, but soft yet firm, and she did not give in at all.

But the more this happens, the less Xie Songhua can wear these clothes.

"Then...Okay!" She shook her head helplessly, "I can only ask the girl to help me put on the clothes of a princess. These clothes are a bit complicated, and I feel like I can't wear them by myself."

The maid then pursed her lips and smiled, turned around to take the clothes off the screen, and whispered softly: "This is originally the responsibility of the slave, why bother to talk about it? The girl is really too..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a stabbing pain in his neck, and he suddenly felt that his whole body was sore and numb. He couldn't use any strength and collapsed on the ground.

Xie Songhua gently supported her body and moved her to the side, "I'm sorry, I've been telling you for a long time, but you can't help me, so this is all I can do."

The maid's eyes widened and she looked at her in horror as she stretched out her hand towards her, but she couldn't say a word.

Xie Songhua took off her clothes very neatly, quickly put them on for himself, and then threw the set of clothes on the screen on her body.

"I'm sorry, don't worry. The dose of medicine on this injection is not large. It won't take an hour for you to recover. For now... you can just rest here."

The maid opened her mouth slightly and watched helplessly as Xie Songhua strode out wearing her own clothes.

There are several rooms for resting in this courtyard, but the main room in the middle is a very elegantly decorated living room.

Xie Songhua walked out and saw Princess Huimin talking to several young women.

When he saw her coming out, he greeted her with a smile, but when his eyes fell on her clothes, he couldn't help but frown, "What are you wearing? Why don't you wear the one I sent in?"

Xie Songhua, one of those women, actually recognized one of them. She was Zhang Wenying, the granddaughter of the chief minister of the dynasty, whom she had met before at the eldest princess's residence.

The other two were a little unfamiliar, but judging from their clothes, they were clearly noble ladies from the capital.

Why did they come?

Before Xie Songhua could think clearly, he heard Princess Huimin's question and had to answer first: "The princess has a noble status, and the servant girl is just like a cattail, how can she wear the princess's clothes? But the clothes she wears are very fit.


Zhang Wenying was obviously a little surprised when she saw Xie Songhua, "Miss Xie is here too? I didn't see it just now."

As he spoke, he looked at her clothes up and down, and said suspiciously: "I look at it, it looks like the uniform of the maids serving here. What's wrong?"

In this current situation, what else does Xie Songhua not understand?

Huimin's plan failed, so she tried another one. Although she didn't know what her arrangement was, she was not wearing her clothes, which must have disrupted her plan.


Seeing these noble ladies here, Xie Songhua knew clearly that he might not be able to escape now.

So when Zhang Wenying asked about it, she just casually said that she had soiled her clothes.

The woman next to Zhang Wenying smiled and said: "Miss Xie doesn't have extra clothes for joy on the carriage? I do have some clothes on my carriage. If Miss Xie doesn't mind, I will have someone bring them over."

"No!" Xie Songhua thanked her quickly.

You're not really here for a banquet. What's the importance of dressing up?

"The princess is still awesome. I've heard about this Liang Garden for a long time. I wanted to visit it several times, but I couldn't get it right. The boss here is really annoying. I can't get in without the coupons they issue."

Gao Ying's voice came from the door, and Princess Huimin glanced at Xie Songhua and turned away, "If you continue to behave like this slowly, I won't invite you next time."

The tone of the conversation was somewhat casual, which made it obvious that the two people had a good relationship.

Gao Ying smiled and stuck out her tongue, then noticed Xie Songhua standing on the other side, "Miss Xie? Why are you dressed like this?"

Without waiting for Xie Songhua to explain again, she smiled again and said: "I haven't congratulated you yet, but Qin Tian Jian has set a date?"

These words made Princess Huimin, who had just turned to go in, pause for a moment, but she still did not look back. She just said in a cold tone: "If you don't come in, don't eat."

Only then did Xie Songhua realize that the reason why these noble ladies around Huimin were so kind to him was because of the marriage.

In the end, it is the identity of the future Princess Chen that will work, but...

Her eyes swept over Gao Ying. It seemed that Huimin had hidden her thoughts well before this. Probably no one would believe that she fell in love with Xiao Yu unethically!

As others approached the hall, Xie Songhua was thinking about what excuse he would use to leave later, when he saw the young prince and Xie Langhua coming in from behind.

The doors on both sides of the house are open to each other, and there is a yard in front.

Xie Langhua had also changed his clothes, but there was nothing special about it. She was probably the only one Huimin wanted to target.

She looked again and saw that apart from the two of them, there were no other foreign men.

However, the faces of the noble ladies were a little shy. Gao Ying looked directly at the young prince and said in surprise: "I thought today was just a gathering between us sisters."

This chapter has been completed!
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