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Chapter 635: Completely useless

There is no need to say the rest.

In short, Xie Songhua regrets it, extremely regrets it.

Some people are really not something he can afford to offend.

Originally, she said she should get up early the next day and go to Dongkuayuan, but that night, I don't know if she was too provocative. Xiao Yu seemed not to let her get up at all.

Or Aunt Lan was afraid that she would be hungry, so she came into her room and called her: "If the princess is tired, why not eat on the bed and go to sleep after eating?"

Xie Songhua was pushed by her several times before her consciousness gradually returned. When she opened her eyes and saw the bright light in the room, she knew that she had overslept.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost past noon," Aunt Lan said with a bit of embarrassment on her face, "The princess had dinner early last night. If she didn't eat breakfast and lunch, she wouldn't have eaten all day and night. She's still young and doesn't feel anything.

, if you are really hungry, it will only be a hindrance when you get older!"

As she spoke, she helped Xie Songhua sit up.

Seeing that she really seemed to be bringing the toiletries and meals to the bed, Xie Songhua quickly stopped her and said, "No, no, I've had enough sleep. I'll get up now."

This Xiao Yu, he was so powerful and so at ease, yet he drained her completely.

When I got off the ground, I felt like a shrimp with soft legs. Aunt Lan supported me and I slowly got used to how to walk.

Then he hurriedly washed up and ate some good food before heading east across the courtyard and said, "Let Xiaoqing bring the man from yesterday to me."

Xiaoqing happened to appear and said, "It's already been mentioned."

Xie Songhua turned to look at her and gave her an appreciative look.

When she pushed the door open and entered, she saw that the beggar's hands were still tied behind his back, but there was a book in front of him, and he was reading it with great interest.

I don’t know who gave it to him, but it turned out to be a medical book that Xie Songhua had treasured.

She immediately put away the medical book, then looked at the beggar coldly and said, "You are quite comfortable."

"That's not as comfortable as the princess. What time has it been? You just got up now. Why? The prince is so aggressive in bed?"


"Presumptuous!" Ding Xiang came in with tea. When she heard the beggar's words, her cheeks turned red with anger and she immediately stepped forward to teach him a lesson.

The beggar was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled and moved his face towards Lilac, "Oh, this little girl is cute and good-looking. Do you want to hit me? Come on, here, I haven't done this for a long time.

The shrewd little girl beat her."

After all, Ding Xiang was an unmarried girl, and she had grown up in the inner house of the Xie family. She had never experienced such bastard words before, and she was so embarrassed that she could hardly open her eyes.

Xie Songhua kicked the beggar hard, then turned to Ding Xiang and said, "Ignore him and go about your business. Xiaoqing is here!"

Almost immediately, Xiaoqing jumped down from above, then stretched out his hand and a black thing landed on the beggar's neck.

The area injured by Xie Songhua yesterday was intact, but now there was a big scorpion with a green back and head lying on it.

The beggar was so frightened that he lost his voice. "Ah, ah, ah, what is this? Hurry up and ask someone to take it away! Help! Go away, go away!"

With his hands tied, there was no way to push the scorpion away. The beggar could only twist his body hard to get the scorpion off.

It was no use at all to make such a movement. The scorpion even crawled up his neck, as if it was trying to crawl onto the beggar's face.

Seeing him looking so scared, Xie Songhua couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "I thought there was nothing in this world that you were afraid of!"

Dingxiang and Xiaoqing couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

The beggar hid and cursed, his voice changing his tone, "How could you do this?! You are a woman! You play with such dangerous things, and you are not afraid of scaring people! You, you, you... you are still a woman!"

Where’s the princess! Aren’t you afraid of being known?”

Xie Songhua shrugged, picked up the book on the ground, patted the non-existent dust on it, and put it back on his bookshelf.

"Since you came in yesterday, it's rare to see you like this, so let this scorpion play with you for a while longer!"

Although Ding Xiang felt gloating about her misfortune, she was also afraid of such poison. Seeing that Xie Songhua had already sat down and was about to start working, she quickly retreated. Xiao Qing disappeared into the house without saying a word.

In the whole room, Xie Songhua was copying yesterday's records calmly and breathlessly, but over there could be heard the miserable screams of beggars.

The entire space has reached a delicate balance between extreme madness and strange calm.

Xie Songhua discovered that this beggar was really afraid of scorpions. He was not as calm as he was yesterday.

When he finally saw him, he seemed to be playing to death. Xie Songhua showed mercy and used medicinal powder to lure the scorpion away. Then he took out the note he had just recorded and said, "What...are you using here?"

The beggar had not recovered yet, and was breathing heavily. When he heard her speak, he looked at her with a somewhat unhappy look.

Xie Songhua was not upset and stood there waiting in a good-tempered manner.

She didn't have the coldness she had last night at all today, but the beggar felt even more terrifying for no reason, "Can you stop looking at me like that?"

He had not yet completely recovered, and his voice was breathy when he spoke, but the expression on Xie Songhua's face did not change at all, and she was still waiting for him quietly.

It seems like he won't give up until he answers.

The beggar had no choice. He finally raised his eyelids and glanced at the thing in her hand, and then seemed to have lost his motivation. "Do you know Qimaicao? When the larvae hatch, they need to use the ears of Qimaicao to make a nest. There is a kind of food in the ears.

The amount of special essential oil is very small, but it is enough."

After hearing this, Xie Songhua took the manuscript back, then rummaged through the bookshelf, and searched out the contents bit by bit.

After a while, two more pieces of paper were thrown over, with places marked in red pen on them.

The beggar accepted his fate and answered her questions one by one.

Xie Songhua did not dare to trust him very much, so he only recorded the answers he gave and planned to verify them one by one later.

Seeing that he didn't make any noise and wanted to run away, Xie Songhua simply asked Xiaoqing to untie his hands and threw the pen, ink and paper to him.

After studying this poison, I had accumulated a lot of questions. Now I threw them all out and directly regarded the person in front of me as a search engine.

This East Cross Courtyard is almost Xie Songhua's spiritual corner. Once she sits inside, she can only see the things in front of her that need her attention.

As for what happened outside, if no one told her, she wouldn't be interested in knowing.

But this time the person he found turned out to be Xie Tu.

Xie Tu's marriage has been settled, and the old lady is almost the last one to know.

When she learned that Xie Tu had replaced Xie Li and married into the Su family, the old lady was really furious. The eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law even knelt in the yard for most of the day. In the end, Aunt Shen was there to persuade her.

I didn’t let the eldest husband and his wife continue to embarrass themselves.

However, the old lady still lay down for a few more days, and the children in the house took turns to attend to her illness. Finally, she saw Xie Tu losing weight before she finally got up.

Finally he relaxed and agreed to the marriage, but we had to see what kind of sincerity Xie Changqing and An could show as parents.

Whether Xie Tu was deliberately asked to fill the hole depends on what they do as a couple.

What kind of sincerity? It’s not just a dowry.

Even though Anshi was very reluctant, she had to grit her teeth and come up with the money now.

Unexpectedly, Xie Tu sent her back and said that her aunt had already given her a dowry and there was no need to add another dowry.

Anshi was still a little suspicious at first, but she thought Xie Tu wanted to flirt with her before getting married. Unexpectedly, there was no movement from the old lady, so Anshi was completely relieved.

It is naturally the best if you can give me no money. Not everyone is like Xie Songhua. They have too much money to spend and send so many extras.

Now Xie Songhua was very surprised to see her coming, "Isn't the wedding next month? Why are you still free to come here now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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