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Chapter 732: Father’s Worries

Xie Songhua couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "Where is the prince?"

There was no one there this early in the morning, so she thought he was out in the study, but Butler Huo found her here, which showed that Xiao Yu had left the house.

The situation in the palace is unclear now, but there is no need to think about it. Qianyuan Palace may summon someone at any time. Why did he go out at this time without saying a word to her beforehand.

Butler Huo saw her displeasure and said quickly: "The prince went out quietly in the morning. He said that if the princess asked, he would say that he went to Xie's Mansion."

Is it about my father?

Xie Songhua's brows furrowed even more tightly. She had already made arrangements for Xie Yuncang's affairs, and before she had time to tell him, he left quickly.

"Send someone to Xie's Mansion now and tell me immediately when you come back."

After saying that, she hurriedly entered the Dongkua Courtyard and carried Lan Tian out. "Are you sure?"

Lan Tian didn't know what he did last night, and he was as sleepy as a worm. When he heard her words, he said without hesitation: "I'm not sure what I said? And haven't you already tried it several times?


But that was all an experiment after all, but this time it was going to be real.

Lan Tian finally recovered from his sleepy state, then looked at her and said: "You have no other choice now. After all, Xiao Yu also has experience, so he won't be able to pretend like this."

Since it's all pretend, there will always be flaws.

But as she said, she has no other choice now.

Things were about to be ready, and Xiao Yu came in.

He glanced over, and Lan Tian immediately shrank his head and retreated.

Xie Songhua took out a pill with a strange smell and said, "My lord, be careful on this trip!"

The smile on Xiao Yu's face looked very relaxed, "It's about time. Just wait at home for my news."

It would take some time before the medicine was taken, so Xie Songhua ran out of words to say, "My father's affairs are not urgent. Since the prince knows about this, he should also know that there is no need for you to go in such a hurry."

"After all, this is my father-in-law's business. If I don't show more diligence, I'm afraid I should have a problem with it."

Who dares to have an opinion against him? Even if Xie Yuncang is his father-in-law, that is impossible.

He was deliberately teasing her by saying this.

But I have to say that she felt really comfortable hearing these words, and she felt as if they had really become a couple in the ordinary sense now.

He is her husband, so Xie Yuncang is his father-in-law.

Like many sons-in-law, he has a natural respect for his father-in-law.

While they were joking, a layer of sweat formed on Xiao Yu's forehead. Huang Zicheng and Bai Yue counted the time, and their faces were very solemn.

Butler Huo also prepared the sedan chair.

Seeing them leaving, Xie Songhua felt as if a stone was weighing on her heart, making her a little breathless.

Xiaoqing stayed by his side silently without saying a word.

Regarding the matter between Xiao Yu and Emperor Yufeng, Xiaoqing is the only person around her who knows a little bit about it. At this time, standing next to her can really make her feel supported.

But despite this, she found that she still couldn't calm down and do anything, and would always stand and pace back and forth involuntarily.

Several maids looked at him and didn't know how to persuade him.

It was Aunt Lan who spoke first, "The princess hasn't been to the house for a long time. I think the Jiang family's husband and wife are thinking about the princess. If you have nothing to do now, why not go for a stroll there?"

Only after she reminded her like this did Xie Songhua remember.

It's true that because of a lot of things lately, I haven't seen the two elders for a long time.

It's useless to worry at home right now. It's better to find something else to distract yourself.

When they went there, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang were busy drying radishes. As soon as Father Jiang saw his daughter, he started to complain, "Tell me about your mother, we are already in the capital. She still takes out these things. Is she still afraid of being here next year?"

Can’t get food?”

Although he is busy every day now, he does not have to do everything himself. Father Jiang has a lot of time to do his favorite work as a bamboo craftsman. It can be seen that his whole spirit is different.

Coupled with the fact that there is no pressure in life now, although the couple is still not used to the daily lavishness, they are still very neat and comfortable, and they look like wealthy gentry in small towns.

In the past, in the countryside, all we ate were vegetables from the fields. But when the harvest failed in the first half of the year, there was nothing to cook with, so we relied on pickled radishes and dried vegetables made by Jiang Mu to survive.

Over the years, Jiang's mother has probably become accustomed to days like this. At this time of year, when the weather is nice again, she always feels that such good sunshine is wasted if she doesn't do something.

Seeing her husband complaining to her daughter, she said, "Even if I eat fresh vegetables every day! What's wrong with changing the taste? My mother likes the pickled radish I made the most. I'll bring you some to your house to try later."


"Nonsense!" Jiang's father heard the words and looked disapproving. He blew his beard and stared, "What kind of good thing is your pickled radish? If people see it, the royal princess will lose her status by eating such a dish.


Our daughter is now a princess! Princess! This is to maintain their... decency!"

"Then why can't the princess eat pickled radishes? Anyone can eat delicious food, but it's not allowed to be eaten every day, and you have to eat it for others to see. Why don't you just eat it behind closed doors?"

"What a joke!" Jiang's father immediately retorted, "My daughter has to be served by someone when she eats. You can't imagine eating in hiding. I bet you're eating on the sly!"

Xie Songhua was really amused by his father's words and couldn't help but lean on the wall and laugh.

The originally dull mood was completely cleared by my parents' bickering, which was full of human fireworks.

"Mom, let me help you!"

Xie Songhua specially wore some convenient clothes today and simply held hands to put the radishes one by one on the bamboo plate.

Father Jiang paused more and more on the side, "How can this be allowed...if someone sees it..."

Jiang's mother couldn't bear it anymore, "If you die farther away, you won't be able to see anymore?!"

"Hey, you...you woman!"

Xie Songhua became more and more overjoyed and said with a smile: "Dad, even if I become a princess, I am still your daughter! Don't treat me like a person from that fairy country."

Being retorted by his daughter, Jiang's father looked a little embarrassed. After looking at it, he lowered his voice and said: "It's okay for you to behave like this in front of me and your mother, but the prince... the prince is different! He is not a god-like person.


Now that you are married to the prince, if you still behave like before in front of me and your mother, if the prince sees you, I am afraid he will think that you... you..."

"You think I'm not good enough for him?"

Xie Songhua filled in the rest of the words for him and looked at him with a smile.

Jiang's mother immediately shouted: "You old man, what are you thinking about all day long? The girl and uncle are fine, but you are talking nonsense here."

Father Jiang was unhappy when he heard this, "What do you know!"

Xie Songhua thought for a moment and realized what was going on.

Most of the people in this house are Xiao Yu's people. Occasionally Xiao Yu comes over, or chats on weekdays, and Father Jiang slowly realizes what Xiao Yu's identity as King Chen means.

That's why such hidden worries arise.

After all, it was because I felt sorry for her and worried about her.

"Dad!" Xie Songhua said warmly, "I don't know about others, but the prince is not that kind of person. He has known about my origin for a long time, and he has met you all a long time ago. If he really dislikes my origin, we

Neither of us can survive."

"I don't know where this old man learned such a thing. After living in the capital for a few days, he thought he was a city dweller. He came up with that trick. It's really funny!"

This chapter has been completed!
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