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Chapter 295: I can do it

When Xie Yuncang conveyed Emperor Yufeng's wishes to his family, the Shou'an Hall was silent, and everyone else looked at Xie Songhua.

The old lady let out a long sigh, "Actually, we have been prepared in our hearts for a long time. If the matter has reached this stage, it is impossible for the fourth girl not to get married. Alas!"

Such sighs and sighs made the atmosphere in the room even worse.

For a woman, getting married is a happy event, but no one thinks it is a good thing for Xie Songhua to marry a small prince as a concubine.

I won't talk about the little prince, but just talk about what happened recently. One by one, the Xie family and the eldest princess's mansion are at odds with each other. How could the eldest princess's mansion treat her well?

It was precisely for this reason that the old lady left Xie Songhua alone, and the others all left knowingly, leaving only the grandfather and grandson in the room.

Seeing her sitting there silently, the old lady felt a little distressed, "My child, if you want to cry, just cry for a while! After you leave this door, no matter how uncomfortable you feel, you have to swallow it. This is the emperor's order! It is also your life.


Xie Songhua also felt that she should cry loudly at this time, but strangely, she really couldn't cry.

She just felt a little confused. Even though she had analyzed the matter of marriage so thoroughly and clearly before, she still felt confused now, as if suddenly, the matter itself had become something else.

"The family also knows about your grievances, but that's the problem in a family like ours. Many times, you can't help yourself. Your father has already fought for it. Who is the relative of the Holy One who will help an outsider?

What's more, in the eyes of the Holy Lord, the little prince is naturally very good, but he only thinks that he is a close relative to you, and only our family knows the sufferings here..."

While talking, the old lady cried first, and Xie Songhua came back from his thoughts and started to comfort her again.

But the old lady suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "My child, you don't blame the family, do you?"

Xie Songhua was a little flustered by her gaze. After thinking about it carefully, she shook her head and said, "Grandma, don't worry too much. I know in my heart that you and father have tried their best."

So the old lady grabbed her hand and started talking nonstop, which was just the family's original plan for her marriage.

But these were all in vain. After the old lady finished talking, she said again: "Don't worry, even if you get married, after all, your father is still Daqi's second assistant and an important minister in the court. They don't dare to do anything to you."


When you get there, you should also think more about your family. It is not good to have such a quarrel with the eldest princess's house because of your affairs this time. Perhaps, after you get married, these current discords can be resolved one by one.


Xie Songhua was stunned and stared at the old lady blankly for a long time, feeling astringent on the tip of his tongue.

Even though she knew that things could not be changed, the old lady said this to her for the future of the Xie family. It was her wisdom and rational decision made after spending so many years in the Xie family's home.

But it turned out too fast. He had already made up his mind to marry her to the eldest princess's palace so quickly, and... he had already placed her in the position of the concubine of the little prince.

She suddenly remembered Xie Wenyuan's words. Perhaps when they went to the eldest princess's mansion early this morning, they had already decided on the final plan.

Or, earlier...

Seeing that she didn't speak, the old lady softened her tone again and said, "To be honest, I really can't bear to let this child go. You have been in so many troubles since you were a child, and you haven't even had a comfortable two days since you came to our house.

She is about to get married.

Don't worry, your dowry will not be missing from your family. Let's not talk about your mother. Grandma, I will definitely prepare a lot for you. Go back and rest, and think about it these days.

Think about it, if there is anything you want or lack, just make a list and grandma will prepare it for you. If others have it, we four girls will have it."

Having said that, there is nothing else to say.

Perhaps at this time, she should, as Xie Wenyuan said, cry and be miserable, but she really couldn't cry, and she couldn't express her misery at this time.

So she had no choice but to bow and leave.

Everyone in the banquet stage had already heard the news, and no one dared to speak loudly. They only looked at her quietly from the corner of their eyes.

Xie Songhua entered the inner room silently and then closed the door.

The rest of the people were locked outside. They all knew that she was in a bad mood and did not dare to knock on the door. They were only worried secretly.

They also all know the temperament of their girls. Whenever they are worried, they like to be alone.

It's just that now it's a matter of life for the girl. Even a child with a strong heart can't bear it. Who can rest assured staying in the house like this?

So at this moment, no one in Yanchuntai was in the mood to do anything. They all just stood silently at Xie Songhua's door, looking at the door that had been closed.

This process took most of the day, and when it got dark, everyone finally waited for her door to open from the inside.

Seeing their sad faces, Xie Songhua actually smiled and said, "Okay, okay, it's so difficult to be so worried that you become like this."

Everyone looked at her in surprise. Although the look on her face had relaxed a lot, her eyes had clearly been filled with tears.

This was not an unusual thing for the maids who served at the banquet stage. Even Aunt Lan, who had served for the longest time, had never seen Xie Songhua cry.

Seeing their nervous expressions, Xie Songhua sighed softly and simply sat down on the pillar next to him, "I haven't turned around for a while. Think about what it was like when I first came here.

Situation? There are no people, no money, this banquet terrace is so empty that it doesn’t even look like a serious house.

But right now, shouldn’t we just live a better life? The eldest princess’s mansion does seem a bit unfathomable right now, but even if I get married, I have you, the dowry my family has prepared for me, and the Xie family’s work

My backing, can’t I stand up again?”

Aunt Lan's eyes were full of distress, "How can this be the same? The girl's family is still considered a spoiled guest in her mother's family. Now in her husband's family, it is inevitable to look at people's faces everywhere, not to mention..."

"Auntie!" Xie Songhua interrupted her, "You have to have confidence in me!"

She looked at Aunt Lan very seriously and said softly: "I can do it."

Everyone knew that these words were not spoken to them, but to herself.

Aunt Lan took the opportunity to turn her face and quietly wiped away her tears, and squeezed out a smile, "The girl is right, there was nothing at the beginning, why don't we come over too! The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth will cover up, and life will always be full of people.

I got through it, no matter what..."

She seemed to have made up her mind, "I am with the girl."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xie Songhua and said again, "I will go with the girl."

"But..." Xie Songhua looked at her and confirmed again, "Your family members..."

"Girls used to have to choose how many people to live in, so let's include my family! My man also said that if there were no girls, our family would not know how to be squeezed into that corner right now. We rely on girls to get up.

, naturally I should trust the girl more than others."

"And me!" Ding Xiang stood up quickly, "I originally bought the house. I have no one to rely on in the house. My only support is the girl. Wherever the girl goes, my slave will go!"

With this statement, everyone else at Yanchundai also asked to follow Xie Songhua.

This made her both moved and funny, "Okay, okay, how can it be so fast?"

However, seeing that everyone was in a better mood, Xie Songhua felt relieved.

This is probably because she has not had a family since she was a child. She does not feel safe anywhere, so she always adjusts her status habitually.

When she was young, she lived in a hospital and would move to different places from time to time due to the hospital's conditions. This experience allowed her to adapt to the environment quickly.

She knew very early that many things could not be changed by her own efforts. After doing everything she could, the only thing left was to adjust herself.

It's the same now.

Even though she knew that it would be difficult to marry into the eldest princess's mansion, since things could not be changed, she could only do her best to make the best preparations.

The most important thing to her is the hard research and study she has put in over the past year. She must bring these things with her, but the situation there is unknown. The first step is to pack these things away.

It was lost during the move.

I don’t know what kind of psychology it was out of, but Princess Huimin actually posted a message to invite her.


ps: Starting from today, I will try to update three chapters a day, but I may not be able to stick to it. After all, it is a part-time job, so let’s give it a try first!

This chapter has been completed!
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