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Chapter 54: Designed

"What's wrong?" Xie Songhua saw that her expression was wrong and asked quickly.

When Aunt Lan saw her, she felt as if she was seeing a savior, "My servant was not with the girl yesterday, so I don't know the details. The girl should think carefully about what happened after she got the Yun Brocade yesterday."

"Yesterday...you got the Yun Brocade?"

After hearing her words, Aunt Lan realized that she had not made the matter clear at all, "The girl's brocade has been changed."

Xie Songhua, who had already raised his heart, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "If you are replaced, you will be replaced. I looked at it yesterday and every one of them is good. It doesn't matter if they are replaced. I am not Xie Shuhua or Xie Sihua."


"No! It was replaced by Jin from the capital. I didn't notice the difference until I got it in my hand."

"What!" Xie Songhua was shocked, "Is there anyone else stealing things?"

Aunt Lan shook her head, "We have already checked all the slaves in our own yard this morning. They were not changed here."

Xie Songhua's face became solemn. Since he was not changed at the Yanchun Terrace, he was changed at the Shou'an Hall.

There are many people in the Shou'an Hall, and the girls from the Xie family were all there yesterday, so everyone was there, so it was easier to do anything.

What's more, the old lady left dinner yesterday, and it was already very late when she came back. After arriving at the Yanchun Terrace, she just gave everyone a look and put it away. In the entire Yanchun Terrace, there were only a few people who were a little more knowledgeable.

Aunt Lan didn't look at it carefully at all.

That's why I discovered it at this time.

This move was actually very obvious. If she hadn't found out that Yun Jin had been replaced, it would have been a troublesome incident when she went to visit the Gao family.

If she found out, she wouldn't be able to go to Shou'an Hall to investigate the case, because investigating Shou'antang would first hurt the old lady's face.

Even if the old lady believed that she had really lost it and was willing to let her check it, she would still feel that she was incompetent because of this.

Therefore, I had no choice but to accept it myself and withdraw from the competition to go to the Gao family.

In fact, she had already fallen into someone else's trap since she let Ding Xiang come back with the two batches of brocade last night.

Aunt Lan was still looking at her anxiously, but Xie Songhua shook his head with a smile, "Don't be nervous, just throw it away. Since it looks similar to Yunjin, I guess it's not an ordinary material, so you can use it to cut clothes for me.


"Then if the old lady and madam find out..."

Xie Songhua waved his hand, "Some things cannot be forced. I didn't want to go to the Gao family originally, but now it seems that this is God's will."

Seeing that several people in the yard were still worried, Xie Songhua said with a smile: "Don't be so sad. You girls, I am not strong enough now, and there is nothing I can do about it under the roof. So, not only do I have to work hard to improve, but so do you."


She asked Aunt Lan to call everyone else over again, "If something is lost this time, Aunt Lan should search everyone's house! Although it is also to prove everyone's innocence, but it makes everyone uneasy, then I will

I will give each of you one month's worth of monthly money as compensation, which will be a relief.

Now it’s because we are not familiar with each other yet. From now on, you are all my people at Yanchuntai, and we are a family. We will trust each other in the future and we will make life better and better.”

The things in the house were lost, but there was compensation. Everyone was surprised and happy. The original depression and nervousness on their faces swept away, and they all became happy.

Even Cuiliu, who had never spoken much, started to thank Xie Songhua.

But after Aunt Lan handed out all the money, she entered Xie Songhua's study and started sighing.

Xie Songhua raised her eyebrows, "Auntie, do you think what I did today is inappropriate?"

Aunt Lan shook her head, "Of course not. In addition to Bai Shao who was driven away from Yanchundai, there were also two third-class maids who ran away on their own. I have observed the rest carefully these days, and they are all quite honest and not so showy.

Intestine, what the girl did today is indeed a good way to win people's hearts, but..."

She brought up a box and pushed it in front of Xie Songhua, "Girl, let's take a look."

Xie Songhua was stunned, "How come...there's only so much left?"

"The girl's monthly salary is five taels. When I took over, I didn't save anything. Later, the master gave me one hundred taels. In addition, I pawned jewelry in the front yard to make gold locks for the young master, and I had some left over.

But it adds up to just over a hundred.

Nowadays, the girl is gradually gaining a foothold in the house. Although the things other girls have are not very good in our yard, they are still available, but they are dead things and cannot be converted into money, but our daily expenses here are not as high as

There are not many other girls in the yard."

Aunt Lan is a decent person, and there are still a few pieces of paper in the money box, on which the expenses of the money are recorded in detail.

"Why do you have to pay for ordering food?" Xie Songhua asked in surprise.

"This is also a long-standing shortcoming in the house. The big kitchen is a place that everyone rushes to go to. Do we only care about the monthly payment? It is good that each house and courtyard has a share, but how others deal with it is another matter.

Yes, during the days when the girl was sick, there were many taboos, so she couldn't cook them with other people's dishes. All of this had to be calculated separately.

Also, now that the girl has gone to the Shensi Museum, every pen, ink, and paper costs money, and refreshments are provided there. Although the father-in-law gave us money, the other girls and young men all had other rewards. If we didn't give them, it would look stingy.


There are also various sewing rooms, flower rooms, and pharmacies, and every transaction is money.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Aunt Lan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, "Do you think this slave is being too arrogant?"

Xie Songhua came back to his senses, quickly shook his head and said: "How could I blame you? If it weren't for you, I would have known nothing about what happened here. It's not that you are lavish, it's the inner courtyard of Xie Mansion that is too lavish."

"How do the other young masters and girls in the house really live on the monthly salary? They all have their own backers, let alone the girls who are the direct descendants. The sixth girl of the eldest family, the second girl here,

The girls are all subsidized by the old lady. Before the girl came, only the fifth girl was shabby. After all, she was raised by her aunt, and she valued her, but she was limited."

If Aunt Lan hadn't told her this, Xie Songhua really wouldn't have read the article clearly.

No wonder Xie Sihua's words that day made Xie Shuhua blush. It turned out that it was not because she blushed when talking to Ye Rong, but because she was angry at Xie Sihua.

This is interesting.

It seems that there is still something going on!

"We can't rush money matters. The worst is, let's save some for the time being. Relatively speaking, the entrance to our yard is more important." She thought for a while, then asked Aunt Lan to come closer and gave a few words. Aunt Lan

He raised his eyebrows and was stunned for a moment before nodding with a smile, "That's a way. I'll go right now."

Just as he was about to go out, his eyes suddenly caught sight of Xie Songhua's arm, and he was surprised and said: "The girl's wound..."

This chapter has been completed!
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