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Chapter 569: How can you know your worth without a fight?

As expected from Jin Yiwei's news, there is another entrance to the side hall, which can be regarded as a secret door.

When Xie Songhua came in, he felt that there was something special in Emperor Yufeng's bedroom.

It's not because of any other reason, but it just feels too quiet.

The sound of killing outside is loud, and it is in the palace, but it is quiet here. It is not that the fighting outside cannot be heard, but the sound of fighting seems particularly distant in this space, as if it is not the same time and space at all.

what happened there.

This place makes the life-and-death battle outside look like child's play.

And the person watching this child's play is the emperor of this country.

Xie Songhua kept walking along the path, and it became quieter and quieter. After walking along the bamboo forest for a long time, he finally heard the sound of people.

Who else could it be if he wasn't Emperor Yufeng?

But at this time, his voice didn't sound unusual except for being a little low.

The low voice could be heard as the result of him deliberately keeping it down.

"Your Majesty, are you going to let them fight like this?"

Xie Songhua couldn't recognize this voice, it was probably someone she didn't know.

Emperor Yufeng's voice was a little lazy, "Anyway, we're going to have a fight, so let them fight!"


"I feel like my life is too comfortable all day long. If I don't fight, how can I know how much I'm worth?"

Xie Songhua quietly looked through the gaps in the leaves and saw Emperor Yufeng sitting in front of a chessboard, but he was not playing chess, but was just playing with something in his hand.

He looks quite relaxed.

Xie Songhua looked elsewhere and saw that Ambassador Zhuo Yuan was no longer here, probably because he had been sent away.

The three princes accused the master of helping the queen and the prince to murder Emperor Yufeng. I don't know if Emperor Yufeng believed it. Don't let the master die like this.

Thinking of this, Xie Songhua stopped staying. She was originally here for the envoy of Zhuo Yuan.

After returning the same way, he sneaked into a few places, but did not see the figure of Ambassador Zhuo Yuan, so Xie Songhua had no choice but to give up.

When I returned to the place where I first came in, I found that the sounds outside had become quieter.

Is it already finished?

With such doubts, she took a look outside and saw that there were many corpses lying on the ground, but the third prince and the prince were nowhere to be seen.

Only a few people were there to collect the bodies.

Queen Zhao's body is no longer there, and Concubine Gao is missing.

Xie Songhua hurriedly went to the side hall just now, and found that the female relatives had also left at this time.

Some palace maids and eunuchs passed by in a hurry. Xie Songhua grabbed one of them and asked, "Have you seen the envoy of Zhuo Yuan?"

When the palace maid was pulled by someone, she immediately shivered with fear. She just shook her head quickly and refused to say a word.

Xie Songhua knew that he couldn't find out, so he had to look for it through the exit of Emperor Yufeng's chamber.

The more this happened, the faster her heart beat. The fact that Zhuo Yuan was no longer next to Emperor Yufeng really frightened her.

After searching for a long time, I didn't find any clues.

Xie Songhua had no choice but to use the stupidest method to circle around the hall to see which place was most likely to be hidden from people.

When she touched a pool in a rockery, people almost fell over in fear.

She hurriedly hid behind a big stone and said to the outside: "Hurry, hurry, come from here. This is the closest to His Majesty's bedroom. Don't let anyone escape. She said this while running quickly.

This place happened to be in the groove of a huge stone, and her voice echoed hummingly among the stone walls. In addition, her running frequency was quite high, and they were piled on top of each other, as if many people were running over at the same time.

When Xie Songhua heard the footsteps running away, he quickly ran over and pulled Zhuo Yuan envoy over.

Then he pulled him into the stone groove where he had just escaped, and checked his breathing. Fortunately, although it was a little weak, his life was still there.

After applying first aid methods for a long time, Zhuo Yuanzhang finally let out a breath and woke up leisurely.

Seeing his apprentice in front of him, he also breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were too late today."

"It was almost too late." Xie Songhua fell to the side, with a layer of sweat on his forehead and his hair wet. "If it hadn't been for the thing that Master handed over a long time ago, I would never have thought of it."

This will be the case today.”

The Zhuo Yuan envoy climbed up and sat on the stone wall opposite Xie Songhua. His wrinkled face had an unreadable expression, "Maybe this is the so-called emperor!"

Xie Songhua turned to look at him and couldn't help but smile: "It's not the first day Master walked in the palace. When did he say such a thing? Are you not afraid now?"

"Anyway, I almost died, so just treat it as dead this time."

"Let me send you away!" Xie Songhua suddenly said seriously, "Master wants to travel around the world like Master and study medical skills alone. This is the best opportunity. Tomorrow it is time for Master to return home with his coffin."

Zhuo Yuan envoy looked at her deeply and nodded after a long time: "Actually, this is what I was thinking in the palace during this period. I thought, if I can get out alive this time, I will leave the capital. What will I do?

It’s not a trick to come here.”

"Okay!" Xie Songhua smiled and nodded, "Next time something like this happens, I won't have to think about how to get you."

The master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled, and then a guard wearing a royal guard uniform came over and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xie Songhua and Zhuo Yuanshi, "Zhuo Yuanshi, please come with me."

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, Zhuo Yuan could not help but frown and said: "What are you still doing in the palace? There is nothing to do without you now, why don't you go back quickly?"

Xie Songhua smiled and said: "Don't worry! No one will really dare to go against me outside. I still have one thing to do."

Ye Jinxi didn't know if she had returned to the East Palace. Since she had promised the British princess to watch over her, she had to get things done.

The envoy of Zhuo Yuan saw that she didn't say anything, and he also knew her temperament, so that thing must be done, so he said no more.

As Xie Songhua said, as Princess Chen, people on both sides will not do anything to her.

But when she saw a woman lying outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, she suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

That was a destined woman. She should have seen him today, but she didn't pay attention because she didn't know him.

But now the woman was lying in a pool of blood, with a long sword stuck in her body. Xie Songhua recognized the long sword as the style of the swords worn by the people brought over by the third prince.

The most important thing is that the clothes worn by the fateful woman are shining under the sunshine of today.

That is the texture of gold and silver threads.

Maybe it was just an accident.

But when he saw the third such corpse, Xie Songhua understood that this was a deliberate murder.

A framed murder.

If the person lying here today was her, and the person who killed her was the third prince, King Chen and the third prince would never be able to get together no matter what.

The prince is giving himself a back-up plan.

In other words, it was Empress Zhao who was providing back cover for the Crown Prince.

When I found Ye Jinxi, she was in a pile of rubble. She seemed to be frightened and was trembling.

When Xie Songhua reached out and patted her shoulder, she almost frightened her to death.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's me! I'll take you back."

When Ye Jinxi saw Xie Songhua, she almost cried, but the muscles on her face twitched for a while, but she didn't shed tears, but pointed a trembling finger not far away.

Xie Songhua looked in the direction of her finger and his eyelids jumped suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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