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Chapter 645: Fulfill them

For Xinjiang, what she saw before her was quite helpless. She never expected that she would face such a situation in the end.

It was clearly said before that the four of them should advance and retreat together, so why are there differences between the three of them now?

At this time, Xie Songhua's eyes were clearly on her face again, and she had no way to escape.

After hesitating for a while, she closed her eyes as if she had made the final decision, "Slave, just like Mianyue, I just obey my master's instructions. As for me, before today, I didn't know what I wanted."

What exactly is."

"Okay!" Xie Songhua's face showed little expression in response to the explanations given by these four people. "I am a person! I have always been generous to the people below me. This is a common understanding among those who follow me.

Although strictly speaking, you are not my people, but since you have been handed over to me, I will naturally not apply another set of standards to you."

None of the four people knew the meaning of Xie Songhua's words, and all of them raised their heads to look at her.

Just listen to Xie Songhua continue: "Just now you all said your true thoughts, and I am willing to help you."

When those words came out, everyone present was shocked. Even the maids who accompanied Xie Songhua to marry her looked at her in surprise.

Xie Songhua, however, kept her expression as usual. She pointed at Fufeng and Taxue and said, "You two want to serve the prince, right?"

Both of them ignored the rules at this moment and looked at Xie Songhua with wide eyes, as if they were afraid that what she said at this time was false.

"Then you go to Butler Huo now. I won't give you a title, but I will give you a chance. Butler Huo will arrange for you to serve the prince. If you can stay, your title will be indispensable. If you can't do it, then

It shows that you are not very capable and you cannot blame me, do you agree?"

Fufeng and Taxue both looked excited, and almost immediately stood up to find Butler Huo. After all, Fufeng still had some sense, so Rico immediately kowtowed to Xie Songhua, "Thank you, Princess, for your help."

Seeing the two of them leaving, Yinghua's eyes were a little complicated.

The princess was obviously pretending to be a fool in front of the madam, but she didn't let go. Who would have thought that at this moment, she would not be embarrassed anymore.

They were carefully selected by Mrs. Huayang. They were all top-notch in appearance and stature, and they all learned how to serve men.

The prince is not an expert in flowers. Now that he is with the princess, can he really still be able to control their deliberate designs?

As long as they can stay with the prince for one night, they will have a place in the palace. Even if they have no chance to serve him again in the future and cannot give birth to a son or a daughter for the prince, it is enough to break away from their current status.

Yinghua actually felt a little regretful. It was only after she heard Mianyue's words that she decided to make the same choice as Mianyue.

After all, Mianyue was the only one among the four of them who could talk to the princess's maid. She thought that Mianyue at least knew a little bit about Xie Songhua's temper.

But I didn't expect that this Mianyue was completely confused.

At this moment, she looked at Mianyue with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Mianyue next to her was still kneeling in the same position and expression, as if what Xie Songhua just said had no impact on her.

Xie Songhua sat at the top and took in the subtle expressions of the two of them while drinking tea.

After half a cup of tea, he finally said: "You two just said that you came to the palace because of Mrs. Huayang's dispatch, and you had no intention of doing so. Alas..."

She sighed, "Actually, you are all poor people. If you didn't have no other options at home, how could you have reached this point? As you just said, if you have a choice, who will be willing to be a slave if you have a choice?

As a maid, Cuiliu..."

"My slave is here."

Upon hearing this, Cuiliu immediately stepped forward and stood next to Xie Songhua.

"Give them each a hundred taels of silver notes and let them go!"

"Princess!" Mianyue was also shocked this time and looked at Xie Songhua with a surprised face.

Yinghua seemed to not understand what Xie Songhua meant, with a look of confusion on her face.

"What about me? As you know, I come from a mountain valley. Growing up, I didn't have any maids or slaves to help me. I did everything by myself.

The ones around me now were all given to me by my elders after I returned to the capital. They have developed feelings for me over a long period of time, and they are all thick and clumsy, so I can take care of them."

As she spoke, she looked at the maids behind her and smiled, and then said to the two of them: "But you are different. You all grew up in a noble family. To be honest, you are better than those in those places."

Official ladies are even more distinguished. I really don't have the confidence to order you, so letting you go is the best way."

"You can take away the money you originally saved with Mrs. Huayang, including all the clothes and jewelry you have now. I will give you another hundred taels of silver. With so much money, no matter what you plan to do in the future, it will not be too much.

Money is tight and I can't do anything.

From now on, you are free people, and no one can dictate to you or ask you to do this or that."

Cuiliu took out two silver notes from her purse and handed them to them in a gentle voice, "These are the bank notes from the capital. If you are going to your hometown, don't forget to exchange them for your hometown's bank notes first, otherwise

I’m afraid it won’t be easy to carry.”

Mianyue hesitated for only two breaths, then took the banknote from Cuiliu's hand, kowtowed to Xie Songhua several times, thanked her repeatedly, and then followed the maid back to pack her things.

Only Yinghua looked at the banknote and couldn't take it.

Who is she? She is the palace maid who grew up under Mrs. Huayang. How could someone who has never seen the world buy her off with a mere hundred taels of silver and let her leave?

If you leave the palace, is there any possibility of turning over?

She is not a fool!

But unexpectedly, there was already a fool in front of her. This made Yinghua hesitate for a while, and she still said directly to Xie Songhua: "Princess, there is no one in my house anymore. I am a weak woman who goes out alone. I don't know what will happen to me."


Now that the slave has told the truth to the princess, I am afraid of it. The slave hopes to serve the princess safely. The princess can give the slave any dirty... or any work. The slave will never say anything, but

I beg the princess not to drive this slave away."

She originally wanted to say dirty work, but she immediately thought of what Xie Songhua said about "achievement". What would she do if some dirty work was really entrusted to her?

Her eyes were sincere and pitiful, "Princess, after getting along with her for such a long time, I know that the princess is a person with a bodhisattva heart. Please take pity on me! I don't want anything, I just want a place to live."

The smile on Xie Songhua's face faded little by little, and he leaned forward slightly, "If you just said you wanted to follow the prince, I wouldn't actually be angry. If you leave honestly like Mianyue, I won't either.

I will be angry. But..."

Her words protracted, and the look on her face became more serious and serious, "If you want to be clever in front of me, I won't be very happy."

Yinghua suddenly fell to the ground. At this moment, she actually felt a chill.

This time she thought very slowly, and got up from the ground in a short while, "I'd better go find Mianyue and leave the house with her!"

The conversation was changed so quickly that the maids behind them couldn't help but laugh. Yinghua left in a hurry amidst the laughter. Dingxiang was a little worried when she saw this and said: "Are you really letting those two go to the prince?"

This chapter has been completed!
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