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Chapter 111: Holy Will

"The Holy One has sent people to call the prince back many times, saying that even if two cities are given up, the prince cannot take risks here." Baiyue's tone was a little nervous.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Xiao Yu immediately frowned and said, "Nonsense!"

Baiyue said helplessly: "There has been a lot of commotion in the capital recently, and the Holy Emperor is not happy about it anymore. I think he hopes that the prince can go back and deal with things there!

Moreover, the prince has been ill during this period, and although he has kept the news secret from the outside world, even if the emperor in the palace is not very clear about it, he may be able to get some information from the imperial doctor."

Xiao Yuxin turned over his hands and looked at the official documents accumulated during this period, but he was thinking about what Baiyue just said about the commotion in the capital.

"Later, I will personally write a letter to the Holy Shang, and I will rush it over six hundred miles away."


The Holy One is not yet old enough to know his destiny, and the grown-up children below are so active, so it is normal to feel unhappy.

But who can blame him? If he hadn't believed in spiritual religion and taken so-called spiritual pills all year round, his body wouldn't be so weak. How could those adult princes not be thinking too much?

He recalled what he saw when he entered the inner palace during the Chrysanthemum Banquet that day, and his eyebrows were a little fierce, "Send over all the things collected about the spiritual religion. In addition, collect information about their spiritual religion."

The more detailed the explanations are, the better.

Baiyue quickly agreed, but before he could retreat, he heard his master's voice again, "Have you got all the jade I asked you to collect?"

"Subordinate, go get it now."

The room immediately became quiet, and Xiao Yu was the only one inside. He tried to use his internal energy smoothly and smoothly.

This time he must have really come back. The ring in Xie Songhua's hand still needs to be destroyed. It will be a disaster after all.

It was because Da Rong had not been beaten that he could not die. It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to beat them up before he could escape and return to Beijing.

He carefully formulated the next plan and handed it over to Baiyue one by one.

Seeing that it was almost dawn outside, Bai Yue couldn't bear it, "My lord, you have been busy all night as soon as you woke up, otherwise you should rest first! It's not worth it if you are exhausted."

Xiao Yu didn't even raise his head, still writing as fast as he could. Suddenly he paused and seemed to think for a while before saying, "Find a way for Su Qing and Xie Ge to meet each other."

It was such a meaningless statement. Baiyue thought about it for a moment before he understood what it meant.

"Recently, because of the Imperial Master's approval, His Highness the Crown Prince and the Third Prince seem to be interested in taking a girl from the Xie family as their concubine. Is this what the prince is talking about?"

Xiao Yu did not answer, but said lightly: "Tell him to take care of himself."

Two days later, Xie Yuncang came back from the imperial palace, looking a little pale.

Mr. Yun saw something was wrong and asked quickly.

"The Holy Emperor has not been in court for three years, but he has his own sources of information about matters inside and outside the court. I am afraid that this time, we have trespassed."

Mr. Yun quickly asked why.

"The Holy One has canceled this autumn's inspection of the Nine Borders. Originally, he said it was due to Da Rong's invasion and the unrest on the border."

Seeing that he was still worried, Mr. Yun asked doubtfully: "What's wrong with this? After all, the two princes have high status. On the battlefield with real swords and guns, no one can tell what will happen."

"But Aunt Su in front of the emperor told me that the Holy Father had planned to let the fourth prince go, just after the chrysanthemum banquet!"

Mr. Yun was also surprised when he heard this, "Fourth Prince?!"

His mind was spinning rapidly, "This inspection of the nine borders was originally meant to inspect on behalf of the emperor. If there had not been a precedent for other princes to inspect the border during the late emperor's time, it would have been the prince himself who visited the borders.

But even so, the fourth prince should not be sent! The prince is the crown prince of the country, and needless to say, the third prince and seventh prince are the sons of Concubine Gao Gui, and they have always been deeply loved by the Holy Emperor.

Not only these two, there is also a sixth prince born from Concubine Jing, so it’s not the fourth prince’s turn.”

Mr. Yun is just an aide of the Xie family and shouldn't have said such words, but everyone knows the background of the fourth prince.

The prince who took advantage of the emperor's drunken palace girl to crawl into bed has been unpopular since birth. He has not seen the emperor say a word to him for so many years. He just took the title of a prince. When the other princes reached the age of ten, they started to have sex with each other.

It was only the fourth prince who went to the study to study, and the Holy Father didn't even mention it.

Later, a minister sent a memorial to ask about the issue of the princes' studies, and the emperor remembered it, and then threw him directly to the Imperial Academy.

This shows his position in the heart of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, whether in the eyes of the royal family or the courtiers, the fourth prince was basically an invisible person.

But this time, the Holy One actually had the idea of ​​letting the fourth prince patrol the border?

Does this mean that the Holy Emperor has begun to look at the Fourth Prince differently?

No! It means that the Holy Emperor is dissatisfied with several other princes, and the time to make such a statement is after the Chrysanthemum Banquet.

Mr. Yun broke into a cold sweat when he wanted to understand the joints, "Master, what about our two girls..."

"I'm afraid I've violated a taboo!" At this point, Xie Yuncang scolded the Qi family in her heart again. She dared to go forward and interfere with this royal family matter, and she was forced to accept it.

her proposal.

"Master, for the sake of the present plan, we still have to express our attitude. Although the two princes cannot be offended, it would be the most terrible thing to offend the Holy One."

Xie Yuncang has been in the officialdom for nearly twenty years. The old man of the Xie family has been in a high position before. How could he not know the truth behind this?

"I'm going to explain this matter to my mother. We can't let it go on like this."

Mrs. Xie was not an ignorant woman. When she heard her son's words, she immediately knew the danger inside and immediately called Mrs. Qi over.

"I know you've been feeling uncomfortable these days because of the matter of your husband's intercourse," the old lady sighed and pointed to the seat next to her, "but you also have to understand your husband-in-law's difficulties."

"My daughter-in-law doesn't dare."

Seeing the respectful look on her face and the unwillingness in her eyes, the old lady felt a sense of boredom in her heart, and she couldn't speak anymore. However, considering that this was a major matter in the family, she couldn't be too careful.

She was too lazy to talk about Xie Shuhua's fault. Qi was not a fool, but she was blinded by lard. She didn't want to see the truth clearly, and there was nothing she could do about it.

So Mrs. Xie changed the topic, "Recently, the invitations from outside are flying like snowflakes. What do you think?"

When Mrs. Qi heard this, she became somewhat interested, "It's all for Shu'er and the two children. I think they are both old enough now, and moving around more will be good for them in the future. I was thinking

We need to choose two or three families to visit and let them see the world outside."

The latter sentence is clearly talking about Xie Songhua. After all, Xie Shuhua, as the legitimate daughter of the second wife, used to attend many banquets and gatherings of various families.

The old lady felt uncomfortable looking at Mr. Qi's face. She also couldn't understand why she was so resistant to the child who was obviously her own.

No one else could take care of this kind of thing, so she had no choice but to say: "Don't go there."

Under Qi's surprised gaze, the old lady waved her hand and said, "Darong is on the other side, and His Highness Chen Wang is still fighting fiercely with the enemy in Datong. At this time, everyone is worried. If one of them is not good, he is afraid that

It’s because everyone in the capital who is noisy and having fun is at fault now, so it’s better to calm down first and wait until the situation stabilizes!”

The old lady's words are reasonable and well-founded. After all, it is not a secret matter for urgent battle reports from the eight hundred miles border to be sent to the capital. Recently, Xie Yuncang has also been very busy.

Not to mention that the Tongzhou pier was full of official ships preparing for military supplies. Mrs. Xie could understand what Mrs. Xie said, so she had no other objections.

Xie Shuhua didn't believe these nonsense, "Mom, but... the third prince will all go to the Wen family's banquet!"

This chapter has been completed!
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