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Chapter 210: Qionglin Banquet

"What's this?"

Ye Rongshi watched with some vigilance as Xie Songhua opened the box. Inside was a sapphire-colored bowl. Inside the bowl was a bowl of white and tender double-skinned milk, with a pinch of red honey beans on top.

"You...what do you mean? Don't try to bribe me with this!"

Ye Rongshi said in his mouth, but he pulled the things in front of him politely with his hands.

"Okay! Stop pretending," Xie Songhua smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Didn't you steal the bowl in the uncle's lounge last time? It doesn't hurt to tell you now, I made this.

How is it? It tastes good!”

This is also taking advantage of future generations. After all, in this era, double-skinned milk has not been invented yet.

In order to enter the library, Xie Songhua racked his brains and thought of many delicacies from later generations, just to bribe Xie Changqing.

The delivery one day after another really made her think up a lot of ideas.

I just didn't expect that before Xie Changqing was conquered, he would get the matching cards in the library first, and now Xie Changqing's snacks would become random.

Only then did she realize that Ye Rongshi was so naughty that he would steal the food hidden by Xie Changqing.

But what can’t you do if you can buy people with delicious food?

Seeing him pick up the food box and leave, Xie Songhua quickly asked: "What...are you doing?"


Ye Rongshi snorted coldly, not knowing how to hit him at all, and walked away arrogantly.

Xie Songhua waved from behind with a smile, "Remember to come back tomorrow!"

Then I saw the young man disappearing even faster.

Ding Xiang couldn't help but laugh at it, but at the same time she was a little worried, "Girl, this young man is a foreigner after all. If you get along with him like this, will you..."

"Could it be something?" Xie Songhua waved his hand, "Look at this place. Will those people from the Shensi Museum come over?"

Ding Xiang shook her head, "The gentlemen in the Shensi Hall are very strict about rules. They are here to study. How could they come to our inner courtyard?"

"Isn't this the end? They won't see it, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, the rumors inside and outside this house are controllable. Do you think this gossip can be spread outside? Since it can't be spread

It's okay to go outside. The worst thing is that I'll have to wait for my father to come and punish me again!"

"But...but it doesn't sound good in the mansion!" Ding Xiang was a little anxious, "You will be squeezed out again in front of the old lady later."

"Don't worry! No one will run against me."

Ding Xiang didn't understand, "Why?"

"The government is still thinking of marrying me to a certain prince! Who do you think can take such a big responsibility to ruin my reputation?" Xie Songhua smiled sarcastically, "You can rest assured, after we marry the prince

Before the affairs of the house are settled, whether it is me or Xie Shuhua, there are all good girls in this house, and there will never be any rumors."

Just as Xie Songhua said, no one in the house said anything about Ye Rongshi coming to serve as her experimental subject. In any case, no one saw it.

But is it true that no one saw it?

Of course not. Just the way Xie Li asked for the Flying Eye Knife, I knew she had at least seen it.

But what can she do?

There is nothing she can do.

Even Xie Shuhua had done so many little tricks during the hairpin ceremony without any punishment, but she beat a maid to death. People in the mansion should know that now she and Xie Shuhua cannot be passive at all.

However, Xie Langhua came to find her, still looking upright, "I heard that the fourth sister is very interested in practicing medicine?"

Xie Songhua lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "What? Second brother is sick?"

The words almost made Xie Langhua choke. He seemed to choke on the air and coughed several times before he recovered. "No kidding, I heard that the fourth sister seems to have found the young father-in-law..."

"Second brother is quite well informed!"

Xie Langhua could only smile, "You won't..."

Seeing his sister's doubts and impatience, he had no choice but to cough again and said: "You don't like my young master, do you?"

Xie Songhua looked at him as if he were a fool, "I like him, so I gave him an acupuncture?"

"Uh..." Xie Langhua was speechless again when she spoke up. He could only calm down and coughed again, "Since it's not the case, that's the best. It's just that the young father-in-law has a noble status. If the fourth sister wants to

I need to practice acupuncture..."

"Second brother, are you willing to help?" Xie Songhua looked at her with some surprise and surprise, as if he didn't expect it at all.

Xie Langhua was blocked by his words and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Xie Songhua said with a smile: "If I had known that I would just go to the second brother directly, why would I go to the young master? I still owe him a favor, so it's settled, we don't have to blow the cold wind outside, you can go directly

Let’s go to my banquet stage! Come over every afternoon during the ugly time, what do you think?”

Xie Langhua was a little sluggish. How did he get arranged like this?

But he is Xie Songhua's brother. Now he is trying to persuade her not to give Ye Rongshi acupuncture. It's hard for him to say that she doesn't want to, right?

When he looked at Ye Rong, who was sleeping on the table, Xie Langhua had no choice but to take a deep breath. It was nothing. Even the young prince of the British government could accept it. There was nothing he couldn't accept.

What's more, after all, she is his sister.

As an older brother, it seems appropriate for me to help her.

When the time came, Xie Langhua appeared at the banquet stage on time, but Xie Songhua had already prepared his posture and even snacks and tea.

This was the first time Xie Langhua entered Xie Songhua's house. Although he had been here before, he did not sit down, he only stood and left.

But this time when he came here, he felt that it looked a little different.

The most noticeable thing is that there are many books on the bookshelf next to her, and on the desk, on the left is a thick stack of edicts, which are a bit messy, but they seem to have been written.

There are many miscellaneous books on the right side, some are just lying around, some are flipped, and there is a book in the middle with some unknown cursive drawings and some annotations with ink pen.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and picked up a piece of writing that had been left to dry but had not yet been collected.

Although the calligraphy is not very outstanding, it is still quite good among ladies. What is especially rare is that it is not like ordinary girls' homes that go in the direction of elegance and elegance, but has a bit of strength and determination.

He clearly remembered that when Xie Songhua came to Shensi Museum, he told Xie Changqing that he had only read 3,000 and his handwriting was crooked. How could he make such rapid progress in such a short period of time?

Xie Songhua walked in from the outside with a smile, but he had just washed his hands, "I'm so happy that my second brother can help me with this."

Xie Langhua could only smile awkwardly, "Why are you being so polite between your brothers and sisters?"

Xie Songhua nodded repeatedly, "What the second brother is saying is that to be honest with the young master, I'm still a little afraid to do it! Now that it's you, the second brother, I can let go and do it with peace of mind."

Then he pushed the snack towards him and said, "Second brother, do you have any books you want to read? Anyway, we have plenty of time, let's take our time, you can also read here, you're welcome."

Xie Langhua looked at the smile on her face and felt a chill for no reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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