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Chapter 234: Serpent and Scorpion Heart

Xie Songhua collapsed, almost in the same mood as when Chen Sheng and Wu Guang raised the flag to start a rebellion, and determined to return.

Her heart was agitated and her brain was spinning rapidly, trying to figure out how to communicate with the pervert.

But no matter which theory is used, it is difficult to predict the reaction of such a person who does not follow common sense.

Sure enough, everything said in the book is correct. Ancient eunuchs were really prone to mental disorders.

Xie Songhua struggled to return to the original place, and then found that Han Jian was really still where he was.

It doesn't even seem that he has changed his posture, and his whole body is like a wood carving and clay sculpture.

"Ahem..." She cleared her throat to make her voice less timid, "Where's me! I keep my word, and you... you saved my life, so I should fulfill my promise.

I promise to come over and detoxify you, but I can’t really let your legs become crippled, right?”

After waiting for a long time, no sound was heard. Xie Songhua took two more steps forward and said, "If you don't answer, you agree! I have given up the chance to escape now and come here to detoxify you."

You can't turn your back on me and treat me badly again, I'm here!"

The strange thing is that until Xie Songhua walked up to him, the man didn't move again.

This made her feel a little suspicious. She quickly moved over and found that his eyes were closed. His face was so pale in this night that it was hard to describe it.

And Xie Songhua noticed that not only was his face white, but his lips were almost the same color as his face.

Could it be...

She hesitated for a moment, then moved closer to him, "Hey, Shibian... uh... Eunuch Han?"

Sure enough, the other party didn't notice anything.

Xie Songhua called again, "Eunuch Han?"

Apart from the whistling of the wind, there was still no response.

Xie Songhua felt a little nervous, and cautiously reached out and gently pushed his shoulder, but there was still no response.

Could it be...

She swallowed, then tremblingly put her finger under the other person's nose, as if...

Although it is a little weak, there is still some breathing, so...


Xie Songhua was startled by a stinging pain in her wrist. When she turned around, she found that Han Jian had opened his eyes and his eyes were locked on her face.

And her hand was tightly held by him.

Xie Songhua was almost scared out of his wits, but he had to quickly clear himself of the suspicion, "I...I just..."

Before she could finish her words, the pervert fell down in front of her.


Xie Songhua didn't call him anymore, because he leaned forward and exposed his back. There was clearly an arrow stuck in his right shoulder.

When was he injured?

Xie Songhua suddenly remembered that he was standing on the lone rock on the cliff just now, with his left hand circling her and his right hand still holding the sword.

He is made of iron, doesn't he know the pain?

Xie Songhua's emotions were a little complicated for a while. This pervert wanted to kill her again and again. Logically speaking, she should make up for it with a sword at this time.


She is the one who holds the knife, but what she holds is a scalpel. She really can't do such a thing as murder.

not to mention……

No matter what, he did save his life just now, even under his own threat.

Xie Songhua gritted her teeth. Anyway, she didn't dare to leave now. If she was eaten by a wolf, her body would really be gone.

Although the man in front of me seems to have lost his fighting ability, he is still able to breathe. If the wolf really comes, you can probably throw him out and let the wolf eat him for a while!

Xie Songhua finally convinced herself that now this was her compassion for the same kind of people, which was completely reasonable!

She didn't know whether it was because there was a person next to her or something else, but she was finally no longer as nervous as before. There was a dense forest in front of her, and she didn't dare to go through it.

At least there is still some light here, so I can see the general situation clearly.

She then walked around, and she actually found a small mountain col, which was a recess from the mountain wall. It was not deep enough to hide two people.


She was in severe pain all over her body. Although Han Jian was an eunuch, he was still a man seven or eight feet tall. She could only drag him back little by little.

It's just that he had an injury on his back, so he could only wipe the face of the eunuch, the chief of etiquette, and wipe the ground. At least he could get some shelter from the wind in the mountain col.

Finally dragging him inside, Xie Songhua found some dry branches from the soft snow layer, shook them and simply laid them out.

She sat on a branch, feeling so tired that she almost died.

If she wasn't worried that she would freeze to death if she slept here, she would really want to have a good sleep.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Eunuch Han who was still lying in the snow. Xie Songhua couldn't bear to be cruel, so he tried his best to pull him up.

When I accidentally touched the other person's forehead with my hand, I realized that his body was burning hot.

This is...a fever!

If you are going to die and have a fever in a place like this, how can you still survive?

Xie Songhua's eyes fell on the arrow on his back again. He gritted his teeth and took his sword over, pointing it at his clothes, but he was a little reluctant to do so.

If he had to undergo such a surgical operation in this kind of environment, would he really be infected with warped hair?

Xie Songhua put down his sword again, turned to search his body, and actually found two fire seals.

There were also some token files and the like, and I stuffed them back after thinking about them.

She had no experience surviving in the wilderness, but she had to give it a try anyway.

After searching for a long time, she found a fallen bird's nest. It was actually dry under the bushes.

Then she went to look under the bushes, and actually found many large and small dead branches.

After countless failures, the fire was finally lit. Xie Songhua was so excited that he almost cried.

"You really are not going to be killed by God!"

After gnawing and biting and with the help of weapons, Xie Songhua was able to open the clothes on his back. The blood on the wound had solidified, and the flesh and blood were turned outwards, making him swollen, which was really scary.

"You're such a pervert, you're here too!"

Xie Songhua cursed and calmed himself down, then wiped the sword body with snow and roasted it on the fire before starting to dig out his wounds and take out the arrowheads.

Fortunately, this is not a critical problem, otherwise in such an environment, no matter how professional Xie Songhua is as a surgeon, Han Jian's life may have to be returned to the Lord of Hell.

Seeing the bloody wound, Xie Songhua gritted his teeth and pulled out the arrow with a strong hand. The hook on the arrow pulled out some flesh from his wound, and blood suddenly flowed out.

Fortunately, she had prepared a clean cloth just now. After wiping him, she immediately pressed it with plant ash and tied it with the cloth strips that had been covered.

"I've tried my best. If you get infected again and die, you can't blame me."

Xie Songhua lay spread out to the side, his whole body was screaming in pain, and his stomach was burning and uncomfortable.

The most important thing was her lungs. Whenever she tried to breathe harder, it would hurt like tearing.

She looked at the firewood facing the side, gritted her teeth and got up and went to find dry firewood.

This little thing won't last long at all!

After she finally set up the pile of firewood and placed some wet firewood near and far to dry, she finally lay down.

Fortunately, there was a fire and she could finally close her eyes and rest for a while.

It was almost dawn, and Xie Songhua was finally able to breathe. He tilted his head and fell unconscious.

When she opened her eyes again, she was frightened awake. The perverted sword in her dream was on her neck.

What was even more terrifying was that when she opened her eyes, she realized that this was not a dream!

This chapter has been completed!
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