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Chapter 247: Don't you know?

Xie Songhua was a little stunned. She really didn't know that she could tell that she was sore from the tone of that sentence.

But it was obvious that Xie Shuhua was now living in her own ecstatic self-delusion. Xie Songhua had no intention of disturbing her and was too lazy to get involved, so she just smiled faintly and walked away.

Who knew that Xie Shuhua stopped her from behind, "I'm serious, fourth sister! After all, we are sisters in the same family, and there will be many ways to support each other in the future!"

During this period of time, I have been out and about a lot, and I have heard a lot of news from the palace. I heard that the Queen is really attracted to you! There are many people who can burn high incense to become the Crown Prince!

What's more, you come from such a place."

If others were so sarcastic, Xie Songhua could laugh it off or simply ignore it, but why would Xie Shuhua?

"Where did I come from?" Xie Songhua stopped and turned his head, his eyes filled with doubts, but more serious.

This look fell into Xie Shuhua's eyes, and she was clearly angry.

Xie Shuhua was only happy when she was angry. She pretended to be frank all day long, but actually she didn't mind in her heart?

Xie Shuhua said with a smile: "Fourth sister, don't be upset! Both the Holy Emperor and the empress know that you grew up in a dirty place in the countryside. They don't mind. Why are you so indifferent to others?"

There was no smile on Xie Songhua's face. He took two steps closer to her and stared at her with burning eyes, "From the countryside? Dirty? Is this the place where you were supposed to grow up? You are talking about your biological parents.

The place where you live? Is it the place where your ancestors lived for several generations or so?"

"You..." Xie Shuhua was startled and suddenly became angry, "I have nothing to do with that side at all! Don't talk nonsense."

"So, your upbringing since childhood was nothing more than this," Xie Songhua sneered coldly, "I have been reading the Four Books and Five Classics since I was a child, and my upbringing mama watched, didn't I still teach you such a forgetful person?"

"You..." Xie Shuhua's face changed drastically. She never expected that she would hear such harsh words from Xie Songhua's mouth. She couldn't react for a moment. Seeing her turning around and leaving, she said sternly, "How dare you do this?

Talk to me?!"

"I'm just stating a fact, what's there that I dare not say?" Xie Songhua didn't bother to stay anymore, and went directly to Yanchuntai with Ding Xiang.

Xie Shuhua was so angry that she stood there for a long time before she gradually calmed down the anger in her heart. She could only say bitterly: "Let her jump around for two more days. After a few days, His Highness the Crown Prince is unwilling to marry her and makes a fuss.

That would be great to see!"

After saying that, he finally turned around, then turned his face, and suddenly became a little panicked, "Second, second brother..."

Xie Langhua looked at her with complicated eyes, but did not respond.

Xie Shuhua didn't know how much Xie Langhua had heard just now. All kinds of thoughts were racing in her mind, and the panic on her face slowly turned into grievance and embarrassment.

"Second brother, do you think that I...I am bullying my fourth sister?"

With some tears in her eyes, she timidly raised her eyes to look at Xie Langhua, seemingly a little frightened and frightened.

Xie Langhua still looked at her with that expression and did not answer.

Xie Shuhua hurriedly stepped forward and walked up to him, "Second brother, you have always loved me the most. You don't know the hardships I have been going through during this time, right?"

Xie Langhua glanced at her indifferently and finally sighed, "No matter how difficult it is for you, can it be as difficult as the fourth sister?"

"I..." Xie Shuhua was stunned, and the worry in her heart turned into anger, but she smiled sadly, "Sure enough, the second brother has a biological sister, and I am nothing.

Xie Songhua is pitiful, but is her pity caused by me? Who in this world is not a person who worships superiors and despises inferiors? She is a girl from the countryside and is not welcomed in the government. Could it be that I contributed to this?

Can you blame me?

She herself was favored by the Queen, and after entering the palace, she met Da Rong's work. Is this also because of me?

And His Highness the Crown Prince doesn’t like her and has caused so many rumors. Can you blame me? Second brother, you only have eyes for your fourth sister now, and you have no idea what kind of life I have been living in the past six months.

Look at your father! Look at your grandmother, and then look at your aunt and aunts! Because Xie Songhua has the blood of the Xie family in her body, even if they didn't like her at first, they are now slowly getting close to her.

But what about me? Everyone used to treat me like a treasure, but now..."

She smiled sadly, with tears rolling down her eyes, "Now, in this family, besides my mother, who else would look at me twice. I used to think that it didn't matter to me if my father ignored the affairs of the inner house. I have a mother who cares about me."

, being protected by my biological brother is the greatest warmth in my life.

But now..."

The more she talked, the more sad she became and the more tears she shed.

Xie Langhua frowned tightly and stretched out his hand behind his back, as if he wanted to comfort her.

After hesitating for a while, he still took his hand back and sighed softly, "During this period, I didn't notice the grievances you suffered. It's my fault as a brother. In the future, I will

Try to protect you as much as possible. I still say the same thing. Don’t worry too much about your life experience. As long as you know who you are, you will still regard yourself as the third girl of the Xie family. You are Xie Shuhua and you have never changed.


Xie Shuhua's face improved a little, but she still wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Second brother..."

"However!" Xie Langhua interrupted her, "What you said just now is wrong. The grievances and difficult situation of the fourth sister really have nothing to do with you. I have never blamed you for this. What surprises me is that you are now

Regarding your attitude towards your fourth sister, Shuer, you were never such a mean person before.

Whether His Royal Highness the Crown Prince likes Fourth Sister or not, it is not something that you should talk about. This is related to Fourth Sister's marriage. It should not be discussed too much. It will ruin Fourth Sister's reputation. Likewise, you

The same goes for things like that.”


Xie Langhua did not give her a chance to defend herself, and continued: "In addition, the fact that the fourth sister is favored by everyone in the house has nothing to do with her so-called Xie family bloodline. It has only been more than half a year, not to mention internal recuperation, at least

On the surface, no one can tell that she grew up in the countryside. As a woman, you actually know better than me the hardships involved.

She is open-minded, broad-minded, helpful, and studious. She is really a good girl. I think if you are not biased, Shuer, you should be able to have a good relationship with the fourth sister."

Xie Shuhua clutched the handkerchief tightly, trying her best to hold back the hatred in her heart so that her expression would not distort.

Xie Langhua was not finished yet, "Finally, in fact, what the fourth sister said just now is right. Although the place where she grew up is in the countryside, this is an objective fact, but you cannot judge that it is a dirty place. If there is no countryside

, there are no farmers, there are no millions of country people who pay land rent and land tax, and we don’t have such a wealthy life. You have been studying and literacy with your brothers since you were a child, don’t you understand this truth?”

Xie Shuhua felt as if she had swallowed an egg raw, which made her feel uncomfortable and her breathing was a little congested. After a while, she said in a trembling voice: "Thank you for your teachings, second brother, I am too arrogant."

Xie Langhua finally stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder, "It's good to know that I was wrong. In fact, I can't blame you entirely. After all, this period of time is indeed a bit difficult for you. For a while,

It is possible to have a left-hearted person. As an elder brother in the future, I will remember to advise you from time to time."

As he spoke, he smiled again, but there was a hint of reluctance in his smile, "It's a pity that such persuasion won't last long. Shu'er has grown up and will go to someone else's home."

The two brothers and sisters seemed to be having a very happy conversation, but at times, one was self-righteous and the other was resentful.

Xie Shuhua was so angry that she no longer had the slightest intention of going to Shou'an Hall, so she just returned to Yilan Garden.

Not satisfied even after smashing several vases, he finally took out a piece of flower paper, wrote a letter in a hurry, and asked the attendant to deliver it to Gao Ying.

Therefore, the next day, Xie Songhua received an invitation from the Gao family.

This chapter has been completed!
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