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Chapter 292: Inevitable

There have been rumors about this in the mansion in the past few days, but only a small number of ignorant servants are spreading it. In fact, no one among the masters in the mansion really takes it seriously.

In addition, Xie Yuncang's previous interference in the affairs of the inner house was all because of the gossip of the subordinates. Now, the house and outside have restrained themselves a lot and do not dare to spread the word too much.

Therefore, Xie Shuhua suddenly said it without thinking of the importance. Not to mention the old lady who had never heard of it, even Yu and Xie Li who accidentally heard it raised their eyes and looked at her in surprise.

Xie Shuhua still had that gentle smile on her face, and she really looked like a sister who cares about her younger sister.

This made some other people involuntarily turn their attention to Xie Songhua, wanting to see what she had to say about this matter.

Xie Songhua only felt tired. Faced with someone like Xie Shuhua who could never see the situation clearly and only focused on treating herself as an imaginary enemy, she was really helpless.

Since the other party has such disregard for dignity, why should she be polite?

"Third sister, are you in a hurry to get married?"

As expected, when Xie Shuhua heard this, she immediately became angry and said, "What are you talking about? It's obviously you..."

Xie Songhua didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and stood up suddenly, pointed at her with a cold face and reprimanded: "I thought the third sister wanted to get married, so all she could think about was men and women! Otherwise, how could I look at a young woman?

If a man talks to me together, he can think of marriage and choosing a son-in-law?"

Xie Shuhua didn't expect her sudden strong attitude. She was stunned for a while before she realized what she was doing. Then she turned pale and said angrily: "Obviously it was you at that time..."

"What is it about me?!" Xie Songhua interrupted her again, with an unceremonious tone, "At that time, I was standing openly in the yard. There were many women and maids around me, and no one else noticed anything. Why did it come to my third sister's mouth?

It became a private meeting?

If the third sister really felt that my behavior was inappropriate at that time, as a sister and a lady who is well aware of the rules of the capital, shouldn't you come and ask me the truth and then teach me privately?

Alternatively, you can also tell your grandmother, father, and wife privately, and let them teach me. Why didn’t you give me even a few words of reminder before, but now you just go to me in front of everyone?

Put a dirty basin on your head?"

Xie Shuhua wanted to interrupt her several times, but she didn't expect that Xie Songhua would hit her with a barrage of words and directly make her confused.

But when she said this, Xie Shuhua found that she had no words to refute.

She could only stand there, blushing and squeezing her neck, looking at Xie Songhua who was so angry that she was trembling all over.

There was no look of pity on Xie Songhua's face, and he even sneered, "Since Third Sister mentioned what happened that day, I would like to ask Third Sister why you are so sneaky when I am talking to others.

Hiding in a corner? And you fell into disgrace? Could it be that this is a rule that Auntie Ying taught you privately?

Or will acting like this in front of outsiders bring shame to our parents? I don’t understand this truth, why don’t you, third sister, teach me?”

Xie Shuhua bit her lip, with tears in her eyes. She looked at Xie Songhua hatefully, as if she wanted to poke two holes in her with her gaze.

Xie Shuhua's words could be regarded as heart-breaking words for her. In just a few words, her usual disguise was completely revealed.

Just such a small incident immediately pointed out her uneducated, selfish, and troublemaking nature without caring about the overall situation. It also insinuated that the dirty water she poured on Xie Songhua was poured back. Even this incident was not at all

It was not Xie Songhua who proposed it.

Even after the smashing of the banquet platform last time, the entire Xie family's view of her has changed greatly, but Xie Shuhua still maintains her style as the legitimate daughter of the Xie family in front of others. This is not just about food and clothing.

Degree is her temperament and her attitude towards everyone and everything.

What happened at the Spring Festival last time may be explained because she was too excited and acted recklessly on impulse, or in other words, she was simply forced.

But this time, Xie Songhua directly revealed her background in front of everyone.

This is what Xie Shuhua finds most unbearable and unbearable.

Others didn't know about this at first. When they heard Xie Shuhua's words, they were first curious about how Xie Songhua could secretly talk to a strange man.

Now after listening to Xie Songhua's words, my impression of Xie Shuhua has been greatly reversed in my heart. In addition, the previous incident of doing chores at the Spring Banquet, the incident of Grandma Ying's poisoning, and the things that seemed and were not true.

All kinds of mist.

Xie Shuhua's image has been completely turned upside down. Everyone has the same idea in their hearts. It seems that they have not really known this person for so many years.

Mrs. Xie's face originally had some light anger, but after listening to Xie Songhua's words, there was even a faint smile on her face.

Looking at the two of them, it was as if they were watching two children arguing. She smiled and waved, asking Xie Songhua to sit down, "You are not doing this right. Anyway, you are now fifteen, so

It's in my own home, with many people watching, and I should be a little bit shy. After talking about it for a long time, I still haven't understood, who is that young man? How did he come to our home? "

In fact, Xie Songhua was not angry at all. The momentum he showed just now was just used to suppress Xie Shuhua.

When I heard the old lady's words, I knew I had done the right thing.

In the eyes of Mrs. Xie, Xie Shuhua was already an outcast. She herself was not important. What was important was the attack she sent out and how Xie Songhua, the legitimate daughter of the Xie family, responded to it.

Therefore, the old lady's attitude at this time showed her rating of Xie Songhua's response, and the smile on Xie Songhua's face changed very naturally.

"Originally I wanted to tell my grandmother, but someone said something about the stars at night, and I accidentally caught wind and cold when I went out, so I forgot about it.

I knew Chen Liu when I was a child there. Their home was not far from mine and we were all acquaintances. I knew he could study before. People from all over the country said that he was the reincarnation of Wenquxing! I didn’t expect that.

He actually passed the provincial examination and came to the capital.

That day when I was returning from my grandmother's visit, I happened to see him. I thought I had seen the wrong person, so I had to exchange a few words with him before I realized that he was here to pay homage to my third uncle."

These words put aside her illness and the rumored choice of a husband, and also explained the identity of the young test subject and the reason why she had a happy conversation with him.

Xie Shuhua now had no tongue to chew on, so she could only sit with her head down.

If she had followed her past temperament, she would have turned around and walked away by now.

But she is not a fool. Although she still has a Qi family who has been protecting her, the Qi family has not yet regained the power of the central government. If she further offends the old lady at this time, I am really afraid that the Qi family will

I can't protect her anymore.

Xie Shuhua finally understood that she was no longer the third girl of the Xie family, and she no longer had any willful rights in the Xie family.

All this is because of Xie Songhua!


She refuses to accept it!

She still has a chance!

This chapter has been completed!
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