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Chapter 2: Old lady, very bad

As the carriage rushed all the way out of the city, Xie Songhua calmly opened the baggage and found a small wooden box inside, with a whole box of small gold ingots neatly stacked, which was indeed a considerable treasure.

At the gate of the city, the mother-in-law took a small gold ingot from Xie Songhua and bought many things for the road. Not only did she have dry food for the road, but she also brought back two pairs of bright clothes for Xie Songhua.

Finally, the carriage safely left the city, but soon it swayed to a stop. Only when the woman let go of the reins did she find that her arm was clamped.

"Where to go?"

Xie Songhua's cold voice sounded from behind, and the mother-in-law's expression froze, and then she gave a flattering smile, "Don't be afraid, fourth girl. I just drank too much water, so I went to the grass over there for a while."

"Really?" Xie Songhua asked with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Of course..." The mother-in-law just said two words, and then she found that there was a tingling pain somewhere on her body, and then her whole body became sore and weak, and she couldn't raise any strength.

Xie Songhua slowly took back the hairpin in his hand, and the smile on his face completely disappeared.

She dragged her mother-in-law back to the carriage with great effort, then tore off some clothes, tied up her hands and feet, and gagged her mouth before she sneered.

"Since you want my life, you don't have to think about whether you have the ability."

Under the horrified gaze of the other party, Xie Songhua placed the bag of gold next to the mother-in-law, then found something from the mother-in-law's belt and hid it in the corner of the carriage.

Then he picked up a few golden barley seeds, carefully rolled them up and hid them on his body. After getting off the carriage, he casually wiped a handful of ashes on his face, then picked up a branch and carried it to the city.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I saw several men with sinister faces riding towards me on horseback.

The other party had no interest in Xie Songhua, a pedestrian who was on the run, but Xie Songhua could clearly see that they had cloth-tipped daggers wrapped around their waists.

A single woman with a huge amount of wealth was exposed in a crowded place like the city gate. It was difficult for her not to die.

Xie Shuhua wanted to kill herself with the help of these people, but she also pretended to do it for her own good.

In the original owner's perception, the third girl who had changed her life was generous and kind-hearted. She often spoke kind words for her in front of her biological mother and always protected her when others bullied her.

From Xie Songhua's point of view, this counterfeit is clearly a big green tea, double-dealing, secretly slandering, talking sweetly, and deceiving only the original owner, a simple girl with little experience in the world.

The original owner was too scared when Aunt Zhang was giving birth and wanted to find someone to save Aunt Zhang. As a result, she accidentally tripped on the threshold and fell to death.

Xie Songhua thought about the situation again and couldn't help but sneered. Even if the original owner didn't die, the other party still had many tricks to deal with her.

Since he has taken possession of this little girl's body, it makes sense that Xie Songhua should avenge her!

Xie Songhua was calculating in his mind as he hurried on his way. He had just entered the city when he was suddenly pushed aside and saw several tall horses galloping past.

Only when the city guards tried to stop them, they heard people on horseback shouting: "Border is eight hundred miles away, hurry up, if anyone blocks you, shoot to death!"

While he was talking, the horses had already run away, and the crowd behind them gathered around and started talking about border affairs.

"It should be His Highness Chen Wang's fault! Alas, this battle was so difficult. His Highness Chen Wang used a surprising force to win. He defeated many with less. Unexpectedly, he was plotted in the end."

"Yes! It is said that it is very dangerous and difficult to move. It is probably because of the news of His Highness's injury. A royal doctor should be sent here."


Faced with the buzzing voices around him, Xie Songhua didn't pay too much attention.

The original owner of this news also knew that King Chen was the most powerful and most favored prince in the dynasty. He was granted a title by the late emperor when he was only three years old. Now he is even more favored and even granted the privilege of entering and exiting the palace at will. Seeing that

The emperor does not kneel down and wait for privileges.

As for him, he was extremely knowledgeable and good at fighting, so he could be regarded as the mainstay of the court.

This time, Da Rong suddenly sent troops, and all parties were unprepared. King Chen rushed to the border without hesitation, led his army to fight against the enemy, and soon defeated Da Rong's army.

I originally thought that I would return to the court soon, but unexpectedly, I was suddenly plotted and my life was hanging by a thread.

Xie Songhua has always admired such talented people, so he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this will probably be another regret in the history books of future generations.

It's just that such people are too far away from her life, and it's not her turn to care about them. The most important thing for her right now is to go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to deal with the following matters.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden tingling pain in her finger, and she suddenly discovered that the ring was still on her ring finger.

He was covered in dust, but wearing such a ring seemed a bit too ostentatious. Xie Songhua wanted to remove it, but unexpectedly the ring was stuck tightly and could not be removed for a while, so he had to go back first.

Wait and see again.

It was impossible to enter through the main gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Fortunately, the original owner was in good health. According to the memory in his mind, Xie Songhua found a dog hole and got in, and then went directly to Aunt Zhang's yard.

Ever since the original owner came to the Xie family, Aunt Zhang had been very favored, she was good-looking and had a gentle temperament.

She remembered that after the original owner arrived at Xie's house, Aunt Zhang was the only one who greeted her with a smile when she met her on the road.

Although everything was chaotic last night, Xie Songhua was not unimpressed. There was something wrong with everything that happened last night.

Different from the usual bustle, Aunt Zhang's yard was extremely deserted today. Except for two old ladies who were watching the door and eating melon seeds, there were not even any maids.

After climbing over the wall, she easily entered the inner room, walked around the room, and her eyes fell on the corner of the wall.


This game is not only harming Aunt Zhang, but also the original owner!

While I was flipping around, a head suddenly poked his head in at the door and looked inside warily.

Xie Songhua stopped what he was doing and thought for a moment, "Mother Zhang?"

"Four...four girls?!"

At the door was the mother-in-law in front of Aunt Zhang. As soon as she saw Xie Songhua, she ran over immediately, "Fourth girl, save the young master! You took him out of Auntie's belly. He finally earned his life. If this continues,

, he will go with his mother in two days!"

Xie Songhua followed her to the west wing and found out why she said that.

The child is now wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed on the bed. It is a small one with its eyes closed and motionless. There is only a bowl and a half bowl of water on the table next to it.

Zhang's mother wiped the tears from her eyes and cried, "They say that the young master is destined to be evil and that his birth will harm his mother. They also say that he is covered in blood and is not allowed to go out, for fear that it will affect the family's luck."

She cried and pointed to the things on the table, "The old slave was given cold rice and steamed buns. The supervisor didn't even give him any rice soup. The old slave could only feed him some water. It took him almost a day after he was born."

Now, there’s no one who even stutters!”

Xie Songhua was so angry that he felt dizzy. What the hell was this done by a human being?!

She thought for a moment and immediately put the child in Zhang's mother's arms, "I'll think of a way, you follow my arrangements!"

This chapter has been completed!
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