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Chapter 49: Is it the fifth girl who wants to kill the girl?!

The high fever was so severe that Xie Songhua was caught off guard.

I didn't notice it at first, I just thought I was going to copy the book as punishment, so I was sitting upright in front of the table copying.

The more I copied, the more irritated I became. After copying a few pages, I really couldn't sit still, so I thought it might be better to go for a walk.

As a result, as soon as I started, I felt something was wrong. My hands and feet were weak and I had no strength.

Aunt Lan happened to come in to refill her water. She was startled when she saw her appearance. She stretched out her hand and touched it. It was indeed very hot.

Then he and several maids rushed her to the bed, and then went forward to report her illness. Please take the post to ask the imperial doctor.

Although Mrs. Qi didn't like her daughter, she was still a daughter no matter how much she disliked her. She was the most important girl in the Xie family, so she immediately sent for the imperial doctor.

Xie Songhua was lying on the bed, watching the people coming and going next to the bed, but she was speechless. She was so groggy that her body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The fever came on too fast!

At this point, she couldn't help but feel scared.

This was in ancient times, in this era of backward medical care, any cold could kill someone!

It took a lot of effort for her to express her wish not to cover herself with a quilt, but she couldn't say a single word.

Aunt Lan was still worried at the side, "The girl is so burned. She must have caught a cold in the water today. We have to force the cold out first. Just wait until the sweat breaks out. Girl, don't be willful!"


Xie Songhua is so helpless that he wants to scold his mother.

In this July weather, if she were covered with a quilt, would she really die of dehydration?

Fortunately, the imperial doctor was quite capable. After diagnosing her pulse, he bluntly said that Xie Songhua was not suffering from the cold and did not need to sweat, so he saved half of his life.

After the imperial doctor left, everyone began to prepare medicine for her.

It's a pity that she couldn't express herself clearly through physical cooling, so she could only burn in a daze, and then Aunt Lan drank two bowls of medicine in a daze.

Fortunately, her fever was severe and her taste buds had become dull, so she didn't find it unpleasant to drink.

When I woke up the next day, my body temperature had finally dropped a bit, but I still had a severe fever.

Xie Songhua's chaotic mind just thought of something important. She struggled to lift her sleeves, and sure enough...

The wound is inflamed.

The places scratched by the falcons were red, swollen, ulcerated and filled with pus.

Originally, she was caught that night, but she didn't pay attention. She fell into the water again the next day, and it was still summer, so she couldn't get infected.

No wonder the high fever last night came on so violently.

Aunt Lan was bringing a basin of water in to clean her body. When she saw that she had already gotten out of bed, she was startled and said, "Girl!"

Then I saw that she was holding a knife and making gestures in her hand, with a lamp burning next to her.

Xie Songhua waved her over, "I can't exert any strength, my aunt will help me squeeze out the pus."

When Aunt Lan saw the wound on her hand, she was even more frightened. Xie Songhua quickly raised a finger to her lips, "Auntie, don't yell, trust my medical skills."

After all the pus was drained, Xie Songhua broke out in a cold sweat from the pain. He gritted his teeth and took some salt water to wash the wound clean, and then applied a wet compress with salt water.

Sure enough, after doing this, the fever subsided by noon.

After eating only half a bowl of rice, Xie Qian and Xie Tu came hand in hand.

I brought some food and fun, just to visit the doctor.

In the afternoon, people from each room also sent people to visit. Xie Li and Xie Sihua both sent their maids to the banquet.

There was a smile on Aunt Lan's face, "Girl, it can be said that she has had her hard work. Although she is still not as good as the other girls, she is known to the family in the end."

Can you not remember?

This must be because of Qi’s extensive investigation that started yesterday afternoon!

When it comes to punishing those underlings who are guilty of gossip, the first thing to be brought up is naturally the rumors about Xie Songhua.

In this way, in less than half a day, everyone from top to bottom knew that because of Xie Songhua, there was such a big war in the house. The weight of this fourth girl from outside in the hearts of the head of the family could not help but be pondered.

It is said that as of noon today, thirty-four servants have been investigated in the mansion.

Aunt Lan told Xie Songhua that this was probably the biggest rectification operation in the government in recent years.

Originally I just wanted to cleanse myself of the rumors, but I didn't expect it would have such an effect.

In addition, yesterday afternoon, Shou'antang sent two jade ornaments and a sapphire Ruyi, saying that she was frightened and to calm her down.

When four girls fell into the water, they just gave her something. People couldn't help but think about the meaning of the old lady's move.

Xie Songhua just thought about it for a while and figured out the joints.

It was probably because of Xie Tu that he was fooled by those words in front of everyone, but afterwards, the old lady might not ask Xie Tu, and Xie Tu had no need to hide it.

It seems that the old lady thinks that she deserves to be commended for her "general knowledge".

As a result, even the housekeepers everywhere had a much better attitude towards Yanchundai. They finally asked Bi Tao who went to get the food: What does the girl want to eat at night?

Instead of asking whether something is available, what is given and what is eaten.

Xie Songhua's fever was very dangerous, but he was much better after the fever subsided, but he still had little energy.

She just took a few days off from school, and the old lady told her to stay in the house for two days without even having to ask for permission.

Xie Songhua called Dingxiang in, along with Aunt Lan.

"Did you think of it?"

The expression on Xie Songhua's face was relatively calm, but Ding Xiang was still nervous.

That day on the bridge, Xie Songhua took Ding Xiang with her. She could no longer remember where Ding Xiang was standing at that time, but maybe Ding Xiang could remember who was standing behind her.

So after returning from Shou'an Hall that day, Xie Songhua gave her a task to carefully recall what happened on the bridge that day.

"Just say it, it doesn't matter if you can't remember it. If you want to pursue it now, there is no chance. I just want to know who pushed me."

Aunt Lan was surprised when she heard this, "Did someone push the girl down?"

Xie Songhua just nodded slightly, his eyes still falling on Ding Xiang.

"I remember that I was following the girl, and then the fifth girl rushed up. The Cuixi in front of the fifth girl came up and pushed the slave aside, and the ring from the seventh girl's room also came up and blocked my way..."

A daze flashed across her face, obviously she was recalling what happened at that time, "The slave girl remembers that the girl was surrounded by several people, and then Miss Six exclaimed. The slave girl looked over anxiously, and there was indeed someone behind the girl. It was a

Maid, it’s…”

She hesitated for a moment, and then the look in her eyes slowly became firm, "It's Cuixi! Yes, that's her! The clothes she wore that day were the same color as Huanpei, but Huanpei wore a big red flower that day.

The girl was wearing silk flowers and was laughed at by the waiter because the man standing behind the girl didn’t bring any silk flowers!”

Aunt Lan suddenly said nervously: "Is it the fourth girl who wants to harm the girl?!"

Xie Songhua shook his head, "Probably not. If it were her, it would be too obvious."

This chapter has been completed!
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