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Chapter 51: Rewarded

Listening to his voice, Xie Songhua's first feeling was: he was very weak.

Therefore, her original question was put aside subconsciously, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured because of the last time you fell into the water?"

Xie Songhua had discovered before that although Yu Ruzhuo could use his body, once he used it, he himself would become weak.

This time he fell into the water. If he hadn't come to rescue him, Xie Songhua might have been reincarnated or traveled through time again.

Thinking of this, her tone softened, "I just want to ask about the price of food."

Yu Ruzhuo didn't say much as always, "Well, you ask."

"Do you know that the grain in the Tongzhou warehouse is gone? Do you know that this matter is related to the prince? And you... what exactly do you want my father to be involved in?"

After she asked, Yu Ruzhuo didn't move for a while. Xie Songhua thought he was mentally weak, and felt that he was too impatient. Maybe he should wait until he felt better before asking.

Just as he was hesitating, he heard Yu Ruzhuo chuckle softly, "I just discovered the abnormality in food prices, so I just reminded your father."

Xie Songhua did not speak, obviously not believing his statement.

"Some people want to hoard food, but what they are hoarding is food. In the end, it is the people who are harmed."

Xie Songhua was surprised when he heard this, "You mean, you reminded my father because you didn't want to see the people suffer?"

Yu Ruzhuo did not deny it, but just said, "After all, your father still has some courage."

After saying this, Xie Songhua didn't know what to say. Instead, Yu Ruzhuo comforted him, "Your father will be fine."

Not only will nothing happen to him, he will even receive a reward.

I actually got a royal uniform.

Xie Songhua's eyelids jumped when he first saw the rhizome suit. The pattern on it looked like a dragon robe at first glance.

Isn't this uniform the uniform of a prince?

Fortunately, Xie Songhua didn't ask, and after hearing the old lady's sigh, he realized that this uniform was just a gift, representing a kind of praise from the emperor to his ministers.

Despite this, it still caused quite a stir. After all, the number of people in this dynasty who were granted the Imperial Lottery Uniform was only a handful.

That Xie Yuncang received such praise as his second assistant was beyond the expectation of many people.

However, I heard that the prince had trouble in this matter because the head of the household department in charge of Tongzhou warehouse was a relative of the princess, and the prince himself was in charge of the affairs of the household department.

Although the final evidence proves that the prince did not know about this matter, he failed to restrain his own people, and he was also guilty of negligence.

On his side, he was reprimanded by the emperor, but on the other side, the third prince was greatly praised for doing a good job.

As soon as they got together, the concubine and the three princes' faction suddenly gained a lot of fame. Within two days, the imperial concubine's mother family, the Gaofu, invited the female family members of the Xie family to visit the house, saying it was a gift to congratulate the eldest lady of the Gaofu and her hairpin.

It stands to reason that girls and hairpins in such houses do have the habit of entertaining guests.

However, we usually invite people with whom we have good relationships or close contacts.

Xie Yuncang remained neutral in the court. Neither the Crown Prince nor the Third Prince made it clear which party he was closer to.

Although he raised the issue of food this time, he did so from the perspective of considering the people and did not participate in the dispute between the two princes.

But it seems that the third prince doesn't think so.

He obviously took Xie Yuncang's behavior as a signal to express his goodwill to him, so he used the communication method in the back house to ask the Gaofu to invite the girls from the Xie family to live in the house.

The Qi family was also a little embarrassed for a while. Although it was always said that the back house was a woman's realm, for such a wealthy family, the front yard and the back yard were always closely related. Otherwise, why would there be so many marriages between high-ranking families?

Originally, Mrs. Qi secretly discussed this matter with the old lady, but somehow it was spread quietly.

When it was time to take a break, Xie Songhua saw Xie Shuhua, Xie Li and Xie Sihua whispering together. The three of them were squeezing their heads together, and there was a feeling that they were afraid that others would not know what secret they were talking about.

It’s just that this book is an everyday book. Xie Songhua can’t blend in, and she doesn’t want to blend in, so she drinks tea and reads as usual. At the moment, she has read through the Analects of Confucius, and has highlighted some of the things she doesn’t understand.

I would like to find an opportunity to ask Xie Changqing.

Xie Tu was still the quietest one. She hid a storybook under her textbook. During break time, she would sit quietly in her seat, seemingly reviewing her homework, but in fact she was quietly reading the storybook.

She never seemed to be interested in the disputes between sisters. Xie Songhua went to and from school with her and never heard any gossip from her mouth.

Probably sensing that Xie Songhua was sizing her up, Xie Tu raised a finger to her lips with some embarrassment and smiled shyly.

Just when Xie Songhua was about to nod, he heard a sudden scream from the girls in front of him.

She looked over in shock, and saw the three people who had been together just now scattering in a hurry, like frightened rabbits.

And on the table where they had just been lying, on an open handkerchief, there were several cicadas with shiny carapace crawling on them, and they were squeaking and singing happily.

"I just caught this, it's on the willow tree outside." Ye Rongshi walked in from the door with a smile, then raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I'll give it to you to play with."

How could a few spoiled girls in a boudoir have ever been in such close contact with something like this? Looking at its protruding eyes and its long thin legs crawling across the table, several girls almost fainted.


Several male students over there heard the commotion and ran over quickly, helping to pick up a few cicadas. Ye Rongshi shrugged somewhat boredly, "You don't bite, so what's there to be afraid of?"


Xie Langhua suppressed his unhappiness and stepped forward to explain: "Young Master, please forgive me, these sisters are weak women after all, for this kind of..."

When Xie Songhua heard the words "mentally retarded woman", she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

When she saw everyone looking at her, she quickly waved her hands, "No, I... I think it's quite cute."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark object followed a parabolic trajectory and landed directly on Xie Songhua's textbook.

Ye Rongshi smiled and said: "Here is another one, give it to you!"

The little girls who had just been frightened by the news suddenly began to rejoice in the misfortune.

But then when they saw Xie Songhua calmly pinching the cicada and playing with its wings with his fingers, the laughter got stuck in their throats.

"It can be seen that the fourth sister used to catch this thing often in the countryside, so she is so brave."

Xie Li immediately became angry. When Xie Songhua saw Ye Rongshi holding another cicada and walking next to him, he realized that for Xie Li, he had crossed her line again.

"Well, this thing really doesn't bite. Fifth sister, do you want to try it?"

She was so bold, which obviously surprised not only a few girls, but also the male students over there couldn't help but pick up the cicadas in their hands and look at them.

Well! There's really nothing to be afraid of.

Xie Li wanted to take it, but couldn't reach out her hand. In the end, she just snorted coldly.

"The eldest girl from the Gao family really likes to play with cicadas. I thought you girls were all the same!"

Ye Rongshi said, threw the cicada in his hand on Xie Songhua's table, and went back to his seat.

This sentence caused the expressions of the three girls in front to change at the same time.

Xie Shuhua glanced at the other two people, and then said with a smile: "I forgot that the young father-in-law and the Gao family are relatives. Is it possible that the eldest daughter of the Gao family actually likes to play with cicadas on weekdays? This is a strange thing


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