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Chapter 580: Only one chance

Hearing this, Xie Li felt inexplicably flustered.

Aunt Huang was extremely happy, "Go quickly, your father must be looking for you for your marriage. My uncle is just a local official now. As long as your father is willing to take care of you, he will be transferred back soon, and you will be a serious official in the future."

The wife of the Beijing official."

Seeing her biological mother's happy face, Xie Li couldn't say anything.

She is not as optimistic as Aunt Huang.

Growing up, she had always been afraid of her father, who was in a high position. Unlike Jiang Shuhua, she could act like a good girl every time she faced Xie Yuncang's cold face.

It's not like Xie Songhua, who has such inexplicable luck that a man like Xie Yuncang, who doesn't pay much attention to the back house, will show some father-daughter affection towards her.

Every time she faced her biological father, Xie Li was only afraid.

I'm always afraid that his next sentence will be to scold me.

With such a mood, Xie Lizhen followed him to Mengpoju.

Xie Yuncang was waiting for her in the study. There was no one in the room. After she came in, the elder also left.

Xie Yuncang didn't even raise his head and was still sorting out the things in his hands.

She stood so silently, waiting quietly.

This was the first time that she had waited for her father in this place. As time went on, her heart began to sink like a stone in water.

Xie Li didn't know how long she had been standing. Just when she felt that her legs were about to go numb, she finally heard her father's voice coming from above, "You're here."

How long has this been coming!

Xie Li didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction and responded softly, "Yes!"

"Sit down!"

There was obviously no emotion in these two words, but Xie Li was stunned to hear dissatisfaction in these two words.

He had to ask her to stand until her legs were numb before asking him to sit down. Why?

Something is obviously wrong.

She didn't know how she walked over, as her legs seemed to have no feeling. When she finally sat down, she heard Xie Yuncang's voice coming from above, "When did you get on such good terms with your third sister?"

The light words were like thunder that exploded above his head, so frightened that Xie Li almost rolled off his chair.

But she still firmly grasped the handle of the chair, tried her best to stabilize her mentality, twitched her lips, and tried to show a natural smile, "The third sister and I are siblings. Although we were not very close in the past, we are now

They all have their own places to go, so I feel a little bit reluctant to leave them."

"In that case, why don't you come to your second sister's door?"

Xie Li's face suddenly turned pale, and her lips were mumbling for a long time, but she couldn't utter a single word.

Xie Yuncang raised his eyelids and glanced at his concubine who was sitting there stiffly, "Are you dissatisfied with the Su family's marriage?"

He still had that calm tone, just like the tone in which Xie Songhua spoke to him that day.

Xie Li couldn't hold it back in the end and slid down from the chair and knelt aside, "Father, daughter... daughter is not."

"It would be best if you don't," Xie Yuncang responded almost immediately, "But I will only give you this chance. You'd better think it through before answering. Do you want this marriage in the Su family?"


The answer almost came to Xie Li's lips, but she couldn't say it.

In the end, she bit her lip and did not answer immediately.

Without answering, the answer has been handed over.

Xie Yuncang chuckled lightly.

But there was a hint of helplessness in that laughter.

The pen in his hand fell back to the pen holder, Xie Yuncang walked out from behind the desk, walked up to Xie Li with his hands behind his back, but did not help her up.

"Over the years, I have been obsessed with the affairs of the court, and I have indeed neglected the back house." His voice came from above his head, and Xie Li felt like a fragile flower being watered by someone, with pouring water on it.

It's raining heavily.

She bit her lips tighter and tighter, preventing herself from making any sound easily.

"Your aunt is lukewarm to you. I know this. When you were young, I also asked you and your aunt whether you wanted to go to Shou'an Hall to accompany the old lady like Xie Yun Xie Tu, or just stay with you

My aunt keeps them in her yard."

Xie Li swallowed hard. She was still young at that time, but she was not unaware of this matter.

In this world, concubines are valued, and there is a big difference between a concubine like her and a legitimate daughter.

The old lady then brought the concubine to herself and raised her. Even if she didn't care much, as long as these words were spread, it would be a plus point for her to get married in the future.

Her aunt also knew this truth, but once she came, she really couldn't let go of her daughter.

Secondly, the wife was having a ring with the eldest wife at that time, and the eldest wife sent her daughter over, but she didn't want to send her concubine there.

Aunt Huang was the maid of the Qi family. She didn't know what her master meant, so she refused the matter herself.

Over the years, I have watched Xie Yun and Xie Tu follow the old lady in Shou'an Hall, and get compliments every time they go out, but I can only follow behind Jiang Shuhua, like a little minion.

Xie Li never felt hatred in her heart.

But she didn't know who to hate.

When she heard Xie Yuncang say this, she felt panicked.

What's the use of saying something like this at this time?

If he had been willing to know more about the affairs of the inner house at that time, he would not have dumped his current situation on his aunt with such a light word.

"Auntie can't bear to leave me." She could only say this through gritted teeth in the end.

Xie Yuncang sighed softly, "Although you are not as good as Xie Yun and Xie Li, you are also my daughter, and I have not paid no attention to your marriage.

At a young age, Mr. Su was born in the second imperial examination. He is really a handsome man, and his family is also very wealthy. In addition to the other party's family background, if you marry him as a girl from the Xie family, no one will dare to give you a look. As a father

I really can’t figure out why you are dissatisfied with this marriage?”


It’s just a matter of unwillingness!

Xie Li bit her lip but didn't say anything.

Xie Yuncang waited for a while to make sure that she would not say anything else, and then asked again: "Perhaps you have other thoughts in your heart? After all, you will be leaving the cabinet soon, and it will be difficult for your father to take care of you when you are away from home.

Now that we have talked about it today, you might as well say it directly, if you are interested in a son of a certain family, as long as the other person is upright, my father can give it a try for you."

Hearing this, it was Xie Li's turn to be surprised. She looked up at Xie Yuncang, almost thinking she had heard wrong, and subconsciously asked, "What about the Su family..."

"This has nothing to do with you. Just tell me if you don't want to marry into the Su family or if you have other ideas in mind?"

Xie Li was in confusion because of his words, so he did not hear the sarcasm in Xie Yuncang's words.

She didn't know how to answer, it was almost an instinct that suppressed her and prevented her from saying that she could marry into the Su family.


"Let me remind you again, I will only give you this chance. You should think carefully before answering."

Her father's voice came from above her head, and Xie Li couldn't help but tremble slightly. It took her a long time before she heard her own voice. When the voice came back to her own ears, she even felt a little strange, "Seriously,

Can father agree to whatever I say?"

Xie Yuncang's answer was very casual, "Just tell me."

This chapter has been completed!
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