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Chapter 61: Mother Ying

Ever since Ding Xiang identified Cui Lu when she fell into the water last time, Xie Songhua had left the matter of observing Cui Lu to her.

However, she and Xie Li had been in solitary confinement during this period, and Ding Xiang had never found a chance to carry out her mission.

It’s only the first day here, and there’s already a breakthrough?

"What?" Xie Songhua saw that she was adding to the atmosphere, so he had no choice but to cooperate and ask the question she was waiting for.

Sure enough, Ding Xiang immediately looked like a thief who found the money box, "I found..."

"My servant discovered that Cuixi seems to be interested in the second young master."

This news is really beyond Xie Songhua's expectation, "Are you sure?"

"That can be false!" Seeing that Xie Songhua was suspicious, Ding Xiang almost slapped her chest to assure her, "Although she hid it very well, when she was resting later, the second young master and a few people were chatting in the yard outside. I saw

With those eyes of hers, he was secretly looking at the second young master."

After saying that, he changed his words weakly, "I'm looking at you..."

Xie Songhua was immediately amused by her, "If there are only two of us in the future, there is no need to call ourselves slaves. I don't care about it. Of course, if there are outsiders, don't call me a slave."


Ding Xiang was obviously a little excited, with a smile that couldn't be hidden from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

How could such a lively little girl be so salty and mean in the past?

Ding Xiang was a little nervous when she saw her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Xie Songhua smiled, "Well done, third-class oral merit."

"What is third-class merit?"

Seeing her confusion, Xie Songhua smiled and said nothing.

She didn't mean to say that, Ding Xiang's message was indeed useful.

Xie Li, currently, seems to have no scheming intentions. He is basically just a follower of Xie Shuhua's life.

But even minions have their own positions.

There is a great man who said well that you have to make many friends and only a few enemies. It seems that there is something to be done with this Cuixi.

However, before Xie Songhua had figured out how to write this article, the old lady first called her grandchildren together. An old woman sat beside the old lady in the Shou'an Hall.

It's just that she looks quite different from the other women in the house.

First of all, her hair is almost not messy, even if a fly stands on it, it will slip. Secondly, her clothes are very, very neat, as if they have been ironed on her body, but there is no embroidery at all.

The pattern looks extremely simple.

There is also her sitting posture. Xie Songhua has never seen a person who can sit so...meticulously!

"This is Aunt Ying who came from the palace. She used to serve the Queen Mother. Now she has been given a favor to support her in old age. I will sell her old face and invite her out to teach you sisters the rules. Then she can go out in the future.

Even if people look at her, they won't say that our Xie family girls are frizzy."

Before Xie Songhua said anything, An immediately said excitedly: "Then we, the eldest girls, can also learn together?"

When Xie Qionghua heard his mother's words, he frowned in displeasure and seemed unhappy.

The old lady smiled and nodded, "That's natural. Since Grandma Ying is here, why don't we use all our strength to scoop it up?"

There was an element of amusement in these words, and everyone else couldn't help but laugh, but Nanny Ying just smiled in greeting, and then leaned forward just right, "Old lady, if you are willing to invite me over, you think highly of me.

Being able to teach the girls in the house some rules means that I will still be of some use when I get old."

The two old men exchanged polite greetings with each other again. Xie Songhua was amazed. The polite words of this wealthy family were also very formal. Blushing people is bluffing, but it is also quite tiring.

Mrs. Qi's face was always anxious. Seeing that they had finished talking, she added with a smile: "Mother will still feel sorry for her grandchildren. In the past, I also thought about inviting the nuns from the palace to come, but I don't have much face.

If you don't recognize these two noble people, it's really hard to ask for trouble."

These words flattered two people at the same time, and the old lady had a smile on her face. Mrs. Qi took advantage of this opportunity and said quickly: "Erlang will leave tomorrow, and let the four sisters send him to the examination room first. When he comes back,

It just so happens that the sisters are working hard in the house, and it seems that the flowers are blooming in two places."{

If we say that in the entire Xie family, there are six people who can be called Xie Langhua's sister. When she said four now, she was referring to the sisters from the third room.

Xie Qian, Xie Shuhua, Xie Songhua, Xie Li, aren't there exactly four?

Upon hearing this, Madam Yu on the other end glanced at Madam Qi, then glanced at the old lady above her, and then lowered her gaze.

Anshi snorted softly. She was not there that day, but there is no airtight wall in this world, let alone such big news.

She only regretted that Shouantang's order was too strict, and she knew it too late, otherwise there would have been a scene, and a good show would have involved three girls from the second room.

The smile on the old lady's face faded a bit. She raised her eyelids, glanced at a few people, and said in a calm tone: "Three girls and seven girls are praying for their grandfather. Once this thing is done, it will be difficult to fight.


It's because I didn't think it through clearly. I intercepted Nanny Ying when she came to the capital, and then I thought of this. When they come back, I will make up for it, so don't let them blame me as their grandmother."

The smile on Mrs. Qi's face suddenly froze. In other words, no matter whether Xie Langhua enters the examination room tomorrow, or whether this nanny Ying comes to teach these sisters, Xie Shuhua is not allowed to come out?

Her eyes swept over An and Yu, and she felt uncomfortable with anger in her chest.

But there were still guests here, but she couldn't say a word.

If the story of the sisters fighting that day was brought up, it would be even more detrimental to the daughter's reputation, and it would also damage the Xie family's impression in the minds of the nobles.

So after her face changed for a long time, she gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "This matter also depends on fate. It is possible that grandma is willing to stay in our house for a longer period of time. It depends on whether the sisters have this blessing."

Grandma Ying did not respond to her words, and still sat aside with a faint smile.

The old lady should be quite satisfied with her response, so she smiled and said a few words.

Aunt Ying's arrival made the girls in the house excited again, and even Xie Langhua's autumn wedding tomorrow became less of a concern.

However, Xie Songhua kept his principles in mind. As the only legitimate son of his second wife, Xie Langhua was theoretically his closest blood brother, so he could still fight for it.

Originally, Yu Ruzhuo asked her to go to Tianbao Medical Center to get free medicine with such a small jade sign, but Xie Songhua was still embarrassed and felt that it was not good after all that the person was soft-handed.

But now that we are really short of money, we can only shamelessly let Aunt Lan go.

However, Aunt Lan was very shocked. When asked why Xie Songhua could get medicine for free, Xie Songhua could only tell some old story about saving a noble man in the past, but Aunt Lan actually believed it.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of any other way for her daughter to have a relationship with such a large medical clinic.

Taking the medicinal materials bought by Aunt Lan, Xie Songhua tinkered with them all afternoon and finally produced a bottle of water.

Thinking that the examination room might have to be inspected, I was worried that it would be difficult to carry this bottle, so I changed it to a small porcelain jar so that I could see the bottom at a glance.

When Xie Langhua saw what Xie Songhua brought over, he was as curious as Yu Ruzhuo, "What is this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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