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Chapter 676: Persuasion

Regarding Xie Tu's negative view on marriage, Xie Songhua fell silent for a while.

"Maybe..." After a while, she couldn't help but speak again, "Maybe if you wait, there will be a different result. There will be such a person..."

"Rather than waiting for an unknown person, wouldn't it be better to see the result right now?"

Xie Tu's voice was very soft, but he interrupted Xie Songhua firmly.

There was a smile in the girl's eyes, the kind of smile she had often seen on Xie Tu's face.

Every time when everyone is making a fuss, often when they turn around, what they see is this smile in Xie Tu's eyes.

She is like a quiet lilac blooming there quietly.

Xie Songhua once felt that this girl was the most reassuring presence in the entire Xie family, because although she was silent, she was always so gentle and stood there so firmly.

Although she has a gentle and quiet temperament, she also hides her intelligence and sharpness.

But she loves this family, and she seems to care about everyone in this family, but all this love is hidden by her gentle and watery temperament.

And it was not until today that Xie Songhua saw her enthusiasm for the first time.

But it was a kind of all-or-nothing enthusiasm, and she was so unhesitating and persistent that even Xie Songhua felt a little strange.

"Third sister, you once said that I am the one who cares about my family the most," Xie Tu spoke again, and her light voice fell in the room, like raindrops falling on the patio from the eaves of Jiangnan, "Actually, I care

It’s just these sisters, or rather, their fate, because it seems that only in their fate can I get a glimpse of my own future.”

At this time, the smile on her face was tinged with sadness, but it was only for a moment, and soon the smile on her face became brighter.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the sky outside, her eyes a little blurry.

Xie Songhua knew that she often read scripts, often secretly while hiding from others, so her eyesight was a bit damaged, and things in the distance were always blurry, so she liked to squint like this when looking at distant places.

Eyes see.

But this time, Xie Songhua felt that she was not looking at the scenery in the distance, she was looking at the future she was about to enter.

Many words of comfort were piled up in her chest, but Xie Songhua found that she could not form words at all, so these were just her emotions.

She suddenly remembered the ancient article "Zi Feiyu" that she had learned before.

What qualifications does she have to dictate Xie Tu's choice?

That is her life, and Xie Tu should be the only decision-maker in her life.

"If this is your heartfelt decision, then I..." She paused and smiled helplessly, "It seems I can only support you."

Hearing this, the smile on Xie Tu's face suddenly bloomed, like peonies suddenly encountering the east wind, and even his eyes were filled with crushed sunlight.

"I knew it," she murmured, and the tiny rays of sunlight overflowed from the corners of her eyes, causing her to shed tears. "I knew that you, Third Sister, would understand me in the end."

"Understanding is one thing, but real life is another." Xie Songhua gently held her hand, "If you marry into the Su family in this capacity, what will you encounter in the future..."

"I've already thought about it," Xie Tu came to talk at this time, and he didn't look like the same person just now. "Although the Su family is a merchant, it has always had a good reputation in Jiangnan.

Moreover, Su Ziyu is not the only one who plans to pursue an official career. Su Ziyu also has a cousin who serves in the military. Although he is not pursuing a serious military career, he seems to have an official career.

As long as I have an official status, am I still afraid that their family will not take me seriously? What's more, although Su Ziyu's younger brother is only ten years old, he seems to be planning to follow Su Ziyu's path. In two days, I will get rid of my father and replace him.

I can find another way, either with my third brother, or find another academy. Then I will most likely be able to stay in the capital."

It turned out to be so decisive, it turned out that everything had been planned long ago. In this way, Xie Songhua felt more at ease.

The smile on his face relaxed a lot, "It turns out that the fifth girl in our family is such a successful person. Your dowry is not thin, it is rich enough, but in front of the Su family, it is not something that they can covet.

, if you stay in the capital, whether it is for the child who is studying or for the Su family's business in the capital, they will definitely not make things difficult for you."


It’s no better than going out.”

Seeing that the smile on her face came from deep in her heart, Xie Songhua finally stopped worrying. Just thinking of Mrs. Xie's appearance, she still advised: "I can understand this, but grandma may not.

Even though there may have been calculations in the past, grandma is really interested in you. I think you still have to talk to her about your thoughts. Don't be too hasty and speak slowly."

"Actually..." Xie Tu said softly, "It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Xie Songhua saw something strange in her eyes, and then he understood it as soon as he thought about it.

The Xie family is now plagued by rumors. Even though they have been suppressed by several forces, these rumors have dissipated a lot, but many people are still spreading them.

And the Su family's attitude was extremely low. Seeing that even after the death of a son, they still let the Xie family decide, which made people feel that the Xie family was going too far.

As long as she thinks of ways to build momentum, Xie Tu holding Su Ziyu's memorial tablet and marrying in will undoubtedly speak for the Xie family and establish a sentimental and righteous image for the Xie family.

What's more, the rumor that the fifth girl from the Xie family who was getting married this time was Mrs. Xie's most beloved granddaughter had already spread, and she was still so unhesitating that she gained more and more favor.


She sighed softly in her heart, this was already the case, why bother putting more pressure on herself?

After all, Xie Tu has spent the longest time with Mrs. Xie, so she knows how to make everyone unanimously accept her decision.

Sure enough, within two days, the news of Xie Tu marrying into the Su family dressed in plain clothes and holding a memorial tablet spread throughout the capital, and then there were rumors about Xie Tu's life experience.

What is the daughter of the most favored concubine of the Xie family? Why is it that the child has no biological mother and is a concubine and will affect his future, so he specially sent it to his grandmother to educate him? What is the proficiency in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, what is outstanding embroidery skills, and what

I learned the rules from the nuns in the palace...

In short, these good words about Xie Tu only continued to add points to her when she chose to remain a widow.

As Xie Tu expected, the old lady finally didn't insist on her idea anymore and sent her out like that.

After the people of the Su family followed Xie Tu and left, Mrs. Xie entered the inner room alone, and everyone else was blocked outside. Only Grandma Shen followed in to serve.

"Mrs. Su doesn't seem to be such a mean person, and the eldest master has already contacted the academy for the young master of the Su family. The girl... won't suffer too much after all."

Mrs. Xie was indeed in tears, "This child is thoughtful and hides everything in her heart. She is not a hard-hearted person. This behavior is not that I belittle her. It is the most rebellious thing she can do."

It’s something.”

Aunt Shen comforted her in a low voice: "The girl grew up in front of you, so her character is of course not bad, but...this life is indeed a bit bitter."

"You don't understand, she is angry in her heart!" Madam Xie waved her hand, feeling sad for a moment, "How can you be so sure that I must have some intentions for her? Why do you have to call me this way?


She is still young, how can she know how long a lifetime is, and how can she understand the loneliness of facing a long life alone?"

This chapter has been completed!
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