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Chapter 793: Let’s see if His Highness likes it

Before the doctor Zhao Mingxi dragged the eldest wife of the Zhao family to invite came in, news suddenly came from the other end that Jiang Shuhua had fainted.

Recently in the entire East Palace, the most proud person is Zhao Yuechan, so the most frustrated person must be Jiang Shuhua.

In the past, relying on the prince's favor, Jiang Shuhua seemed to be the first person besides the prince's concubine.

At that time, Zhao Yuechan was not favored by the prince at all, and even occasionally she would be scolded by the prince when she met her.

Needless to say, Ye Jinxi rarely opened the courtyard door once. Even if she met the prince, she would not even make eye contact.

In addition, Jiang Shuhua is the only one besides the Crown Princess who has children.

Therefore, during that time, Jiang Shuhua was actually the concubine of the East Palace.

Even the princess was very tolerant when facing Jiang Shuhua.

This also made her very unhappy with Zhao Yuechan, who had never been very broad-minded.

The two of them have targeted each other countless times, overtly and covertly, and everyone inside and outside the East Palace feels that they are each other's rivals.

Nowadays, the situation is changing, Zhao Yuechan is now considered to be the only one favored, and although Jiang Shuhua is not a lonely person, she is not as good as before.

However, she is also considered smart and has rarely shown up since this situation emerged.

Even if he occasionally went to Zhao Mingxi's yard to say hello, he would send his maid to inquire first to make sure Zhao Yuechan was not there, then quickly go to visit and come back soon.

Who knew that even if she was so careful, she would still encounter him sometimes.

After walking a few steps out of the Crown Princess Palace, she met Zhao Yuechan who was coming back from the front yard.

Zhao Yuechan was always a person who wanted to make waves no matter what.

During this period of time, wherever he went, he was cheered and chased by others. Now that he saw the enemy he had been secretly unhappy with, he was still willing to let him go so easily.

Just because you don't respect yourself and don't bow properly, you can make people kneel on the cobblestone road.

After all, she was a concubine, and her status was higher than Jiang Shuhua's, so it was only natural that she should be taught a lesson.

Coupled with the current favor of the prince, she is very knowledgeable. Even if the prince appears now and sees the scene in front of her, she will not embarrass herself for it.

Isn't it just some flattering tricks?

Let's see if the prince likes it after Jiang Shuhua kneels down and breaks those legs!

It can be regarded as a fierce expression of resentment.

It's very cold now, and it snowed a few days ago.

Naturally, there was no snow on the road inside the palace, but it didn't take long to get very cold outside in such weather.

Zhao Yuechan was not in the mood to watch Jiang Shuhua kneeling beside him.

Therefore, only the two little palace maids were left, staring at her and making her kneel for an hour, while he staggered to his yard holding the stove.

The palace maid has already sent over today's events, "Winter clothes have been distributed to various places. Here is the monthly payment list for next month. We are all waiting for the concubine to read and sign it!"

The maid in front of Zhao Yuechan is very respected outside recently because of her master's reputation.

Therefore, when facing the master now, he became even more careful. When master and servant are together in the palace, it is a matter of both prosperity and loss.

The palace maid has now figured this out. Although the two have been in love since childhood, she does not dare to use this as a slight disrespect.

Zhao Yuechan was very satisfied with the attitude of the people around her, but she did not take the booklet. Instead, she lazily picked up the agarwood in the stove with a small pair of tweezers.

"The monthly salary is not less than a day or two. I don't know what I can do about those little hooves down there. If I treat them too well, just think that I am a good-natured person who is easy to bully. If there is anything I can do to deal with it later,

No, they will inevitably laugh at me behind my back."

The palace maid responded repeatedly, "Master is right, they are just a bunch of cheap bones. No matter how many days they are left alone, they should know who their master is."

Zhao Yuechan let out a contemptuous laugh from her nostrils, "I'm really too lazy to care about them right now, but the one outside should be watched carefully.

Today's matter is not big, but we can't kill her. Let's wait for two days and think of a way to let her bump into people she can't bump into.

Anyway, this Jiang Shuhua, I don’t want to see that face all day long, it’s really disgusting.”

The palace maid was startled, "Master, what you mean is..."

Zhao Yuechan narrowed her eyes and glared at her fiercely, "You've been following me for so long, and you still don't know what you can and can't say?"

After receiving this sentence, the palace maid finally confirmed that her understanding was not wrong, and her voice changed with fear, "But master, if it is true... let alone Your Highness, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to explain to the Zhao family."

"So doesn't this mean to let that bitch go? Can I be that stupid to do this by myself?"

The palace maid did not dare to speak. She never thought that Zhao Yuechan really wanted to harm the Crown Princess's fetus.

Because no matter what, in the eyes of these people, the Crown Princess and Concubine Zhao are one family. No matter which one gives birth to a son, the future prince will have the blood of the Zhao family.

Zhao Yuechan smiled and said: "You have been with me for so many years, you are not scared by such a trivial thing, right?"

The palace maid said nothing, and the expression on her face was very hesitant.

"You have to think clearly, no matter how Zhao Mingxi's surname is, she is just the legitimate daughter of the Zhao family and has nothing to do with you. The only person who can decide the rest of your life is me. Only when I am good can you be good.

, you don’t even know this bit of truth, do you?”

The palace maid was finally persuaded, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Master, let me make arrangements. It will take about two days. The most important thing is that no one can suspect the master. This requires special care."

"I believe in your ability!" Zhao Yuechan was relieved and tapped the handle of the chair with her right index finger happily, "No matter who stands in front of me, I can't stand it. What's more, I can't stand it either."

It’s not like I couldn’t stand Zhao Mingxi the first day.”

The palace maid knows her master better than others and has been jealous of Zhao Mingxi since she was a child.

It's just that at that time, the Zhao family only had one daughter who was the princess, so Zhao Mingxi was the light in the eyes of all the Zhao family. As for the other girls standing behind the light, they could not get the attention of the Zhao family.

The palace maid was thinking about how to get rid of Zhao Mingxi's belly without anyone noticing and put the blame on Jiang Shuhua.

Probably the first step is to bribe a few people first, including those in front of Jiang Shuhua and those in front of Zhao Mingxi.

We have to make sure that they don't suddenly betray them, so we have to investigate everyone in front of these two people.

She lowered her head and kept thinking seriously.

Zhao Yuechan was very satisfied. She liked capable and obedient maids.

"Master, this slave may have to make some arrangements."

Zhao Yuechan called two palace maids in, wanting to take advantage of this moment to change the color of her nails, so she waved her hand nonchalantly, "Go! Remember to be quick, I don't have that much patience to wait for you."

Just as the palace maids were about to go out, two palace ladies suddenly ran in in a panic.

Zhao Yuechan frowned and said, "Didn't I just tell you to get ready to dye your nails? Your Highness has a lot of things to do today and won't be back so soon. What are you doing in such a hurry?"

The two palace maids looked at each other, their expressions a little nervous.

One of them gritted his teeth and walked over and knelt down directly, "Master, Jiang Liangdi on the other end... fainted."

The other one also knelt down and added before Zhao Yuechan spoke, "His Highness bumped into him and hugged him back. The imperial doctor has already passed by."

This chapter has been completed!
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