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Chapter 867: Breaking the Defense

Mrs. Qi was originally so angry that she went crazy with Mrs. Liang's disobedient behavior today. She even began to think about how to ask Xie Yuncang to send this person away.

This is simply a piece of shit, and he is like the star of death in front of him.

I'm afraid that I have already colluded with someone in the house, and I wish I could make myself angry to death soon.

But after hearing what Liang's mother said and hearing her talk about her father, a figure that had been buried deeply in Qi's heart seemed to suddenly reappear in her mind.

Mother Liang is actually not the most favored one in front of the Qi family.

For example, Mrs. Sun was actually the person Qi trusted the most in the past. Even if Mrs. Sun committed a crime later and no such person was found in the house, Qi's reliance on Mama Liang was still not the same as that of Mrs. Sun.

Mom compares.

But as Liang's mother said, for her, serving the Qi family is something she must do well in her life.

Therefore, she could clearly detect the changes in Qi's mood at this time, and could clearly know that Qi's mood was actually somewhat different at this time.

So she struck the iron mark while it was hot: "No one can let go of a fifteen-year relationship easily, not to mention that she has always been special to you."

Speaking of Jiang Shuhua, Liang's mother also felt a lot of emotion. She paused and then continued: "But madam, if you are wrong, you are wrong, even if you don't want to admit it in your heart.

But there are always times when people are calm and rational. When you calm down and regain your sense, can you really not see the problem?

In fact, you don’t want to admit failure, and you don’t want to admit that the child you have loved so much for so many years is not your flesh and blood, and does not hold you in your heart as wholeheartedly as you do.

What's more, you have always misjudged her nature and character. You just don't want to admit that you have misjudged her, let alone your prejudice against another person and your prejudice against another person.

It’s just unfair.”

She spoke sincerely, but Mrs. Qi's face looked at her with a bit of hatred.

Mother Liang was not afraid of such hatred. She even looked back at Mr. Qi with a kind of courage to face difficulties, "But Madam, for so many years, you have made many mistakes for such a breath, even

I have spent most of my life doing this.

Should you stop, take a good look back, take a good look at yourself, see what you really think in your heart, and think carefully about the real judgment you can make?"

If it had happened in the past, Mrs. Qi would have been unable to hold back her anger at Mother Liang when she heard this.

But she didn't know whether it was because she had really lost all her strength at this moment, or because her heart was really relaxed. She just stared at the only servant she trusted across the way.

Mother Liang's eyes finally turned red, and her tone was a little choked, "Madam, my family is poor and there is no way to sell me. When the old lady bought me, I was still in office.

The slave was young at that time, but the slave remembered what the old man said. He said that he had a daughter at home who was about the same age as the slave. She had never suffered much since she was a child. She needed someone to take care of her. He asked the slave if she was willing.

There's nothing a slave can't do about it. If he can sell himself and then send money to his family, that's the slave's greatest value.

So I nodded my head and agreed without hesitation. At that time, I had a religious obligation in my heart and must serve the daughter that the old man mentioned. If it weren't for this reason, my father would not have the money to take medicine."

She said with a hard smile, "I don't know why, after such a long time, I have forgotten which village I am from and what my parents look like, but I remember that day clearly.

The way the old master looked when he said these words to his slave."

After hearing what she said, Qi's livid face finally changed.

Her breathing became heavier at first, then she raised her chin slightly and blinked hard.

But this behavior did not help her push back the tears that had reached her eyes. Instead, it made a few large teardrops fall down.

Mother Liang breathed a sigh of relief, but her tone was still the same as before, as if she was infected with the heaviness of the years. "For the old man, the children in the family are not nervous. Only the youngest daughter has a stubborn temper."

, I’m afraid you will suffer a loss in the end.

On the way back to Beijing with the old master, I listened to the old master's words and asked me to follow you as much as possible and give you appropriate advice. You must pay attention to the methods.

It is a pity that the old lady entrusted her to a wrong person after all. The slave is not a person who is good at persuading, otherwise the wife would not have reached this stage.

But now, I still hope that if I can work hard again and say a few more words to you, maybe... you will really listen to it and really understand it?"

I don’t know if it was the words about the old lady of the Qi family that touched Mrs. Qi’s heart. After Mrs. Liang finished speaking, Mrs. Qi couldn’t hold back her tears.

At first, she just slid down quietly, then faster and faster, more and more, and finally she finally cried out. Although the sound was very small, like a cat meowing, it had a sound after all.

Mother Liang breathed a sigh of relief, finally!

My master's stubbornness means that he is immersed in his own set of inherent logic and does not give others a chance to leverage it.

Therefore, people like them are accustomed to locking the door of their hearts tightly, just like the most tenacious army guarding the city gate, protecting what they consider to be dead principles.

Only when her defenses begin to loosen can her false perceptions be shattered, forcing her to face the real reality.

And crying is the first step to accept reality.

Mother Liang was still kneeling on the ground, not even changing her posture, just looking at her quietly.

The few maids outside had been quietly listening to the goings on inside. They could always hear Mother Liang's voice, but they could not clearly hear the content.

Then they heard the sound of crying inside, and thought it was Mother Liang who had been scolded, and they couldn't help but feel more and more panicked.

When the crying sound became louder and louder at the back, it was suddenly discovered that the person crying was actually the Qi family, which made everyone look at each other in shock.

After a short exchange, everyone decided to quickly go about their work.

As soon as Mrs. Qi cried, she got out of control.

I cried until I couldn't open my eyes until the end, and my head became dizzy.

Mother Liang quickly got up, washed her face, and fed her some warm tea. Seeing that she was groggy and weak, she quickly laid her down and finally left the door.


When the little maids outside saw her miserable appearance, they were all frightened. One by one, they took the medicine and served her.

Mother Liang thanked them for their kindness and told them that she would not leave, so as to appease the hearts of these little maids. Then she treated her wounds and drank a bowl of medicine. Only then did she realize that she was also a little dizzy.

Although Qi was worried, she did not dare to resist and lay down on the bed.

When I woke up, it was already evening. I was worried about Qi's situation, so I quickly got up and went to the main room.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Qi had already gotten up. Although her complexion still looked very bad, her condition seemed to have changed greatly.

The most important thing is that she is sitting in front of the desk in the living room at this moment.

"I wrote a letter. You send it for me. It's for Brother Lang."

This chapter has been completed!
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